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Ability Order
Colossal Smash (PASSIVE)
Galio Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Who are you
Galio is one of the best tanks right now since his update. A kit filled with hard CC(crowd control), not just any CC; HARD. Hard CC is the key since hard CC usually means your opponent is knocked up, taunted, or can't move. With three abilities having hard CC he's a great crowd control champ. His ult now offers a HUGE (or should I say colossal) impact to team fights, and with an AOE(area of effect) ability thats not his ultimate, he becomes a monster standing in the middle of the enemy.
Fancy details:
Galio's next basic attack is periodically modified to deal 12 - 80 (based on level) (+ 100% AD) (+ 40% AP) (+ 40% bonus magic resistance) total magic damage to its target and all enemies around it.Colossal Smash's cooldown is reduced by 4 seconds every time Galio hits a new enemy champion with an ability.
How I read it
Fancy details:
Galio fires two windblasts that arc to either side before converging to the target area, dealing magic damage to all enemies they pass through.When the blasts meet, the gusts form a tornado that advances for 1.5 seconds, dealing magic damage every 0.5 seconds to every enemy within, capped at 100 per hit against monsters.
How I read it
Fancy Details:
PASSIVE: Galio gains a shield that absorbs up to 8 - 23 (based on level)% maximum health magic damage, refreshing after not taking damage for 12 seconds.FIRST CAST: Galio begins to charge over 2 seconds, slowing himself by 30%, reducing incoming damage and increasing Shield of Durand's Taunt icon taunt radius over the duration.
SECOND CAST: Galio taunts all nearby enemies for 0.5 - 1.5 (based on charge time) seconds, and refreshes its damage reduction for 2 seconds.
Shield of Durand cannot be interrupted by crowd control.
Shield of Durand's cooldown starts at the same time FIRST CAST starts.
How I read it
Fancy Details:
Galio briefly dashes backwards before charging forward, stopping upon hitting terrain or an enemy champion, dealing magic damage to all enemies hit and knocking them up for 0.75 seconds.How I read it
Fancy Details:
Galio designates the target allied champion's location at the time of cast as his landing spot, channels for 1 second, and then dashes to them, reducing the damage they take until he lands.Upon impact, Galio deals magic damage to all nearby enemies and knocks them up for 0.75 seconds, increased to 1.25 seconds at the center of the impact zone.
How I read it
Will add in champion match ups at somepoint but for now let me give you a general idea of what to do. Essentially till level 6 you want to zone and push the wave in using your Colossal Smash and your Winds of War. Once you hit level 3 and you have the creep wave advantage initiate with you falcon punch aka Justice Punch, partially charge your Shield of Durand and proc it. By this time you should have your passive, Colossal Smash available, so a quick smash, followed up with a Winds of War and an auto or two to make sure they take the most amount of damage as possible from Winds of War ends your trade. Once you hit 6 look for roam opportunities with your ulti.
Difficulty: Easy
An easy matchup is one which you should usually win
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Difficulty: Medium
a medium matchup is one which tends to be more skill based but can be won
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Difficulty: High
a difficult matchup for you, expect to lose lane
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During a team fight you have 1 of two options:
Your best bet is to use a combo of both of these methods. Adapt based on the situation. If someone is splitting then don't let them split for free, either make an engage on the team or catch out the splitter. Galio requires alot of decision making and depending on the circumstances, you either make the most out of it or you just flat out fail.
Situation 1: galio get out of the middle of my team
Situation 2: peel bot gali.0
Your best bet is to use a combo of both of these methods. Adapt based on the situation. If someone is splitting then don't let them split for free, either make an engage on the team or catch out the splitter. Galio requires alot of decision making and depending on the circumstances, you either make the most out of it or you just flat out fail.
A year ago I released one of my very first build guides for Trundle, and 1 year later it has over 200k views which for me is quite the accomplishment. So as a Thank you I decided to release this build guide on Galio. He's a fantastic tank that I've loved since before the rework, but since the rework he's alot more viable (and my friends now let me play him in ranked when we duo or flex, otherwise they would sometimes ban it to prevent me from playing it).
I'll also be releasing a Nautilus build guide this coming summer as well as updating this one and making it prettier and such.
I hope you guys enjoy! Please leave comments and or questions (once school year hits it'll be harder to answer questions but i'll do my best) and if you liked the guide share it with your friends!
Thanks for cheering
I'll also be releasing a Nautilus build guide this coming summer as well as updating this one and making it prettier and such.
I hope you guys enjoy! Please leave comments and or questions (once school year hits it'll be harder to answer questions but i'll do my best) and if you liked the guide share it with your friends!
Thanks for cheering
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