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Thresh Build Guide by runningbox

Support Thresh - The Warden's Right Behind you.

Support Thresh - The Warden's Right Behind you.

Updated on March 30, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author runningbox Build Guide By runningbox 4 3 4,985 Views 5 Comments
4 3 4,985 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author runningbox Thresh Build Guide By runningbox Updated on March 30, 2013
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Hi guys, Runningbox here! :)
In this part I'm going to tell you how to play Thresh as a pain in the A** for your oponent.

Use Death Sentence to drag your oponents ADC so he can't attack, whendoing this your ADC can get of about 1-3basic attack = easy harrsing :)

Use your lantern to "teleport" people to you when needed.
You can also use it to drag the jungler from the brush at bot lane at the water, ritght in to your lane for a super fast gank.

Flay work's great in a combo with Death Sentence and THE BOX. (Drag/push them into the wall)

REMEBER to play him agressive and keep hitting there suport or ADC when your Death Sentence's passive is RED this give's you a nice harras at bot lane and if you play agressive and keep them from farming it also get's easyer for you to collect souls :)

The HP REGEN /5 sec. and MANA REGEN /5 sec. makes you hard to push from lane. so you can stay at lane even when your ADC need's to recall, this make's so the nenemy team won't be abel to push your lane.

Sorry if I don't have the best English spelling...
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Don't farm anything, when your ADC is at bot lane with you, when he has to go B, you can farm when hes gone to get extra gold for wards.
(You wont be easy to push out of lane, sens you have hp regen. and mana regen.)
Even if you don't last hit you will still get souls from your passiv.
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Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Use your lantern to "teleport" people to you when needed.
You can also use it to drag the jungler from the brush at bot lane at the water, ritght in to your lane for a super fast gank.

Use Death Sentence to drag your oponents ADC so he can't attack, whendoing this your ADC can get of about 1-3basic attack = easy harrsing :)
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This runes gives you GREAT sustain in lane, you won't be pushed out of lane, so farm when your ADC is recalling and wayt untill hes back, then let him farm agen ;)
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My Mastery page that i use:

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The champion spotlight does an excellent job of showing laning behavior, how to use your skills to setup kills, helping your jungler gank, team work, and various skill combos.

There's only two things I would add:
1. Death Sentence and Flay double as interrupts. This was kind of obvious though.
2. When you hook a champion with Death Sentence, then hit the button again to jump toward them, you end up standing behind them. You can actually see this in the spotlight around 3:05 with the Soraka. With this swap, using Flay after Death Sentence can further separate someone from their team. This can also be used to force someone / knock someone into the walls of The Box.
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Small hind on the "weird" items on this build:
LichBane: is used for his passive Ap stacking on his passive ability, it gives him a real burst damage with his first attack when his Q is on the RED color = max damage at it.

Rod of Ages: is to make him a bit tanky, give good hp and mana, make's him not go Oom (Out of Mana) so he can stay in fight's for a long time. also a bit AP on him actully is kinda handy, a suport with some damage is better then a suport with 0 damage if you ask me. I want my suport to be abel to help me kill my opponent with some damage not just staying close to me and CC / healing, but sens Thresh don't have any heals, I find it better with some damage on him, to balance things out.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author runningbox
runningbox Thresh Guide
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Thresh - The Warden's Right Behind you.

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