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Thresh Build Guide by Riceyboll

Top Thresh top is OP!

Top Thresh top is OP!

Updated on April 12, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Riceyboll Build Guide By Riceyboll 261 27 435,743 Views 17 Comments
261 27 435,743 Views 17 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Riceyboll Thresh Build Guide By Riceyboll Updated on April 12, 2024
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Thresh
    Tanky Thresh
  • LoL Champion: Thresh
    AP Thresh Top/Mid

Runes: PTA

1 2 3 4
Press the Attack
Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace


+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2
Ghost + Teleport
LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Thresh top is OP!

By Riceyboll
I am just a small lad who really likes offmeta champs. I started playing Thresh top and saw how amazing the pick was.
I currently have 400k+ mastery points and have started to do some livestreaming

(Also note that I haven't touched on everything in this guide after the new season came, So far I have only updated everything that didn't look right at a first glance! Also the builds are most likely going to change within a week, maybe 2)
Why I pick ghost over flash
The biggest reasons I like picking Ghost over Flash is because you can escape bad situations for example ganks easier or just run away from the enemies and because the cooldown on Ghost is not as long, you can use it more often

The biggest downside I can think of is not being able to flash over walls and you can't dodge over for example Veigar's E or something similiar.
Ofcourse you can pick Flash if you want to, but I don't take it anymore, since Ghost just brings more value for Thresh.
Explaining the keystones.

Lethal Tempo is a really good rune for Thresh top, since you get good scaling and damage. It helps with poking and longer trades.

Fleet footwork is also great if you want just a little more damage and sustain (mostly for sustain). You can also use it if you want to go crit Thresh wich does deal alot of damage but you're really weak and in lategame can get oneshotted. While on that note, First Strike is a good crit/ad Thresh rune, maybe even Hail of Blades but I won't get into that territory here

Press the attack is useful if you want to play more aggressive it's great againts most matchups. It's also my favourite keystone for Thresh Top, it's fun and really useful (atleast in my opinion)

Explaining the lesser runes.


Presence of mind is great since Thresh has some slight mana problems and this pretty much removes that problem. Also when you get [[Tiamat] you can use the tiamat's shockwave to hit an enemy and activate PoM, which is so useful.

Overheal Is only used if you're going Fleet Footwork since the healing with that is real nice, or you just need sustain in lane, otherwise it's not that great

Legend: Alacrity is great for Thresh since the attack speed is real useful for him and it's the only one useful from the second row from him.

Last stand is the best choice for Thresh from the last row with Coup de Grace being the second option, but this is still better.

Coup de grace isn't really that good since you can get more value out of Last Stand


Revitalize pretty much just boost's your lantern nothing special, it might be viable, but there are way better choices

Conditioning gives a real juicy amounts of armor and magic resist. Always useful to have this

Bone plating is great in matchups againts champions with a lot of poke Malphite, Teemo etc.

Overgrowth boosts your health scaling. so it's also super useful allowing you to become tankier

Second wind is also good againts poke lanes, so you can get some health back.

Unflinching is good if they have alot of stun, slow etc. you just don't want to deal with

Remember that you can mix and match all the lesser runes as you see fit.
Talking about the items

Titanic Hydra

Great tank item for Thresh. It helps with clearing the wave, allows you to poke and gives good stats. Also you can reset your autoattack when you activate titanic hydra


Heartsteel is a great item that gives alot of hp. Sadly you don't get as much hp per heartsteel stack anymore, but that doesn't mean it isn't useful

Jak'sho the protean

Jak'sho is great, since it covers both defence types really well, you're so hard to kill with this. Also this goes kind of heard if you build this with heartsteel

Sunfire Aegis

Sunfire is okay now... Nothing special, I wouldn't really build this unless the enemy team is full AD champs, I'd build Hollow Radiance instead since Thresh really lacks in magic resist

Hollow Radiance

For Thresh, this is just a better Sunfire Aegis, since the stats are prettu much the same, but Thresh doesn't really need the armor that Sunfire gives, because of souls. He needs more magic resist

Wit's End

It's great. Wit's end is great even againts mostly AD teams. Although this item isn't as great as it was in Season 13, the stats are still quite nice


Thresh can apply grievous wound with this easily with E and Q, plus it gives some good armor. Probably not that useful in ost games, so don't bother building, in all honesty.

Abyssal mask

Abyssal Mask is a good way for Thresh to get magic penetration and it helps the team. You also get magic resist so that doesn't hurt.

Anathema's chains

Basically this item gives damage reduction (from a single enemy) and reducec tenacity from whoever you put it on so thats a nice bonus. Activate this item on the enemies carry or ADC.

Blade of the ruined king

It's a great item to add into your build when going againts a tanky opponents and is great extra damage into your build if you aren't interested in Wit's End

Force of nature

This is a great item for Scout uuh I mean Thresh since the magic resistance on this item is great againts heavy ap enemies and to movement speed is also good.


Kind of a weird item, not to say it doesn't have it's uses. Maybe not for your usual Thresh top shenanigans, but if you're building AD or crit Thresh it could be really strong. It can have good synergy in normal Thresh top. Rapid Firecannon is quite good with this too


At first I was meh on Hullbreaker, but then I tried it and it was really fun. You will be a splitpush menace with this, Titanic Hydra and Hollow Radiance.

Why Thresh Top?
Thresh top is a great pick because you're tanky, deal surprising amounts of damage with E Passive and it's really fun to play as the spoopy skeleton. Also you have the advantage of making your enemies raqe when they are losing to Thresh top.


Ranged toplane
Good armor with passive
Easy laning phase if played properly
Good CC
Easy for team to gank with W
E can knock enemies back making it harder to engage
Enemies won't know what to expect
the hook + E combo at tower can cheese you some early kills


Cooldowns are high
Learning curve
Squishy champ early
Low mobility
Slow MS
Team can flame you and jg might not ever gank top wich can make you lose lane
Why it works
Thresh top works becaues Thresh can scales well with the passive of Flay, which has a 200% AD Ratio as magic damage on an autoattack when its charged (The passive icon will be red). Also you get crazy amounts of armor and have great CC.

It takes 10 seconds to fully charge it but you can't auto attack because it resets it. (Hitting a Turret doesn't reset it)

Also Thresh's passive helps with going tank because one soul provides you with 1 Ability Power, 1 Armor and some magic damage.
Thresh Abilities

Thresh's passive is Damnation. Soul's will drop from minions, monsters and champions when they die. There is a chance that a soul drops from small minions and a guaranteed drop from large minions, monsters, and champions and we discussed what a soul provides ofr Thresh

Thresh's Q is the hook aka Death Sentence and quite literally too. when you hit your Q Thresh will pull the enemy towards him, but if you recast iy you will swing to the enemys location instead. It also has really great AP scaling

Thresh's W is Dark Passage. You can use it to help allies escape dangerous situations, surprise attack or give them shields. And also remember to shield yourself and collect Souls from a safe distance by throwing your lantern at them.

Thresh E is Flay and we discussed it's passive earlier. Flay gives Thresh some CC and its good on top because you can push people at or away from you. The Flay starts at the backside you can try in practice grounds to see what I mean if you don't get it. It also has quite decent scaling. Also if you aren't going AP Thresh, you shouldn't be using your E as waveclear too much, instead save it for escaping tough situations.

Thresh's ultimate is The Box You can use it to secure kills, stall for your team, or just as CC since most enemies are scared to touch the walls, especially if you're AP Thresh.
Game plan


In earlygame you want to focus on farming minions and poking the enemy laner. If you're againts a ranged toplane i would focus on farming and not taking too many hits because Thresh's autoattack doesn't have that much range compared to some other ranged top laners.

If the enemy is really aggressive you should try to keep minions near your tower so you can hook + e the enemy into the turret range and possibly snatch an early lead.[/b]


Midgame is easy once you get some items. If you're losing i would recommend focusing on farming and trying to hook the enemies to tower range, your team might also start flaming you if you're losing, but try not to let that affect you and remember the magic of typing /mute all in the chat.
(Don't really have much else to say it's quite simple)

Late game

Lategame is where Thresh gets to shine. You're really tanky because of souls and items and deal alot of damage with your items. But don't just rush to the enemy team that's how you die. Go with your team. use your great CC, get kills take objectives and win games.
Final thoughts for Thresh Top
Thresh top is one of my mains and I would recommend that you try it and don't flame someone if they are playing it because it really is a vialable pick. If you have any questions, suggestions or something similiar feel free to comment it and I'll try my best to help to the best of my abilities!
Talking about AP Thresh
In my opinion playing AP Thresh has been fun, but it obviously comes with it's challenges and those being that you really aren't that tanky compared to most other toplaners, but Thresh's lantern, souls and his HP scaling helps with that. (The build is really good in mid lane if you're interested in that plus the part about being tanky doesn't affect mid so all the power to you!)
Talking about the runes for mid (Electrocute)

Electrocute is most likely the only rune that works with AP Thresh mid though don't fact check me on that.

But you can change Cheap Shot with Taste of Blood if that is what you think is better or what the enemy team is.

Taking Inspiration as a secondary is a good idea and I have been using that more since Precision doesn't really give us anything useful orther than Presence of Mind, but inspiration allows you to save money on boots and approach velocity is useful. Also you can take bitcuits which help with Thresh's mana problems and allow him to stay in lane for longer.

All and all you get much more value out of Minion Dematerializer, Biscuit Delivery and Approach Velocity.
Talking about the runes for AP Top (Press the attack)

Press the Attack is pretty much the best rune for AP Thresh top because it's useful in all stages of the game from early to late.

And that is because you can poke your lane opponent and deal good damage with it. Plus you can try to proc it first and then deal huge damage with your abilities. Also you can pretty much force the enemy to go back once you get 2 autoattacks in, since they fear the third one that activates PTA.
All and all it allows you to actually play AP Thresh on top unlike Electrocute.
All the minor runes are the same!
My opinion on AP Thresh
Well now I have finished playing enough AP Thresh mid to finally say that this is amazing, since you don't need to be tanky so you can focus on going full monkey mode and start building AP. And since Thresh's souls give 1 AP per soul you can easily get over a 1000 AP in a game (atleast I have been able to) plus Thresh's abilities have some juicy AP scaling meaning that you can oneshot people and it feels quite nice to hit a hook that oneshot kills the enemy ADC.
The gameplan for mid
Going to keep this part brief since the gameplan is pretty much the same for both top and mid with the exception of you now not being a tank, but isntead you now have powerful hooks, flays and your ultimate will also do tons of damage.
Final thoughts for AP Thresh
AP Thresh is a fun pick that deal A LOT of damage. It's also quite easy to succeed as him if you play safe, farm and get kills. Also remember to be part of dragons like a good midlaner! And if you see a good opportunity try to roam IF you don't risk losing minions etc. at mid. (Don't know if it's hard for others, but my toplane solo islander mentality hasn't gotten the hand of it)

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