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Shaco Build Guide by GinWinsky

Assassin [Updated] A solo-carry Shaco build, from a main.

Assassin [Updated] A solo-carry Shaco build, from a main.

Updated on August 9, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author GinWinsky Build Guide By GinWinsky 3,018 Views 0 Comments
3,018 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author GinWinsky Shaco Build Guide By GinWinsky Updated on August 9, 2016
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  • LoL Champion: Shaco
    The Only and One Assassin.
  • LoL Champion: Shaco
    Tank-Melting Monster


Thanks for viewing! This build was made by GinWinsky, from BR Servers. I believe that anyone can solo jungle and any champion can be built in the jungle, as long as you have a lot of criativity and spare time and patience to try it.
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1. NEVER forget, specially in early ganks, to use to the max your passive, Backstab. It means 20% extra damage for free, with no extra conditions, so if you dealt, let's say, 70 physical damage to the laner, you'll be doing 84, and that's without counting your crit hit from Deceive;

2. You can either pick Two-Shiv Poison or Deceive after your red buff, which you'll farm first, but if you pick your Q second, you're probably going to gank mid/invade level 2, but don't forget about getting health pots in this case, and not refillable potion. If you level your E second, you'll be farming more easily, so keep on with your full clear.

3. In your first buff, which will be the Red Brambleback, you shall level up Jack In The Box as your first skill and after buying your first items, you'll run straight to the bush in the back of the red's camp to guard and stay there till you place your first box over the wall at 0:41. Ward between this bush that you were in OR the bush alongside the red's camp. After your first box, place the last 3 in a shape of a square, which for me, demonstrated to be the most efficient way to clear. When the red spawns, he'll turn his back to you so you can start hitting. If done right, you'll not get even a single hit from red buff. IF someone tries to invade you early, place a Box in a bush and lead them to it, trying to kill them with the help of your Ignite

4. Keep on with the pressure. Never forget that if you start dancing, start treating your enemy as kids, they'll have the perfect chance to come back and then you'll be danced at. Keep on killing the carries, helping your team on the chase with your slows and bloxes and don't forget about the baits with your Hallucinate, which will end up with the enemy using their CC on it so you can Deceive and burst them down.

5. Do not be selfish. Your team will need you. Dragons, towers, splitpushing but most important, skirmishing/teamfighting. Do not be "THAT" guy, stealing the kills from your fed carry, because he can start to fall because of you, or splitpush while they're all dying, if you have the chance to change the course of said teamfights.

6. If you're not feeling lucky, the command "/mute all" it's the right one for you if your team's childish, and you might consider to put on a calm song and start really trying to play seriously. Don't let that lulu top flame you or that 30/0 enemy draven call you names. Do something. If they're not following rule number 4, you'll have a bigger chance.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author GinWinsky
GinWinsky Shaco Guide
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[Updated] A solo-carry Shaco build, from a main.

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