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Shaco Build Guide by GinWinsky



Updated on May 7, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author GinWinsky Build Guide By GinWinsky 19 4 91,425 Views 6 Comments
19 4 91,425 Views 6 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author GinWinsky Shaco Build Guide By GinWinsky Updated on May 7, 2020
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Shaco
    Classic AD Assassin
  • LoL Champion: Shaco
    DPS Bruiser
  • LoL Champion: Shaco
    Crit Shaco
  • LoL Champion: Shaco
    AP Shaco

Runes: Most optimal

1 2
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

Nimbus Cloak
Gathering Storm

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
Playing agressive solo
LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


I'm rewritting all of this guide's chapters at some point in the future, making it more up-to-date.
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Dark Harvest - Shaco isn't an early game champion anymore ( Two-Shiv Poison nersfs), and while that's sad, his mid-game is strong. However, my setup makes sure you're strong all the game. Dark harvest gives you infinitely scaling damage and you can even build some tankyness onto it to be unbeatable. Best rune by far in snowballing assassins;

Sudden Impact - Recently nerfed, still the best in assassins with gap closer abilities;

Zombie Ward - Way too useful not to take. Enemy wards become your wards (even control wards), giving you more control over the map.

Ultimate Hunter - Wonderful synergy with your ulti. You'll always have it up to burst those squishies and since it's a major part of Shaco's damage and escape potential, almost essential. Very VERY useful.


Triumph - Works wonders in dives and 1v1 scenarios where you'd have died after getting to 50HP.

Legend: Alacrity - Lethality + atk spd = Initial burst + Meltation. Very good for farming as well. Essential.


Domination + Precision: 8,4 AD + 5,5% ATK SPD.
- All around useful for shaco. Gives you a bit of early AD and some atk spd to back it up. Makes farming easier alongside Alacrity, Berserker's Greaves and Skirmisher's Sabre - Bloodrazor.
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Why would i use Shaco? He's so hard!

Some reasons why you should REALLY consider to try to master Shaco:

1. Shaco, unlike some other junglers, is an assassin who has the perfect kit to go In and Out of most teamfights, and a lot of forms of juking/escaping;
2. If one has enough skill, dedication and attention he can turn into a invisible carry who the enemy will fear through the whole game;
3. Shaco can fulfill lots of roles, like AP TOP, AD TOP, AP MID, AD JG, AP JG, TANK TOP, TANK JG, TANK SUP, AP SUP. If you master shaco and is really good at other roles, you will find yourself winning any lane you want.
4. A shaco main in a match is a reason for them to not farm well, being under towers early, and to be honest, some will play defensively the whole time against him;
5. Extra annoyance while BMing granted! (Extra points of humiliation if you got lvl 7 Mastery and penguin emotes).
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Build: Why and how strong?

>Why is it good?
-Much better for starters on shaco since it provides the extra tankyness needed to get out from sticky situations you might put yourself in;
-Better against champions with "outplay potential" (ekko, yasuo, leblanc, fizz, etc.)
-WAY better teamfight potential with and without your clone;
-Can pretty much solo any tank with ignite and ult.
-Still has decent damage to assassinate AND take objectives.
-Even if you fed early game, can still be useful mid to late.
>When is it bad?
-When teamfighting is just going to lead in your team's death;
-When they are just too strong, shredding through all of your protection and bursting you down with ease, even when you're tanky;
-When your ADC/APC aren't strong enough to assassinate their carries, even when you're tanking.

>Why is it good?
-When the enemy team has no real tank/teamfighting/sieging potential, you can splitpush your way MUCH faster to victory and burst all the squishies pretty fast in good flanks;
-When they don't have the forms of CC to shut you down, you'll just get stronger and stronger, to the point where they surrender or you take every objective in the game without giving them a form of comeback;
-Extra tower-taking potential. You just break towers SO FAST with your clone at full/almost full build. If they make mistakes with open inhibitors, you can take 'em all before they even notice with greaves and youmuu's, perhaps;
-Pickoff potential off the charts. E's passive alongside assassin items can make you catch almost anyone with your gap closer. Also, duskblade's passive is extra good for cleaning vision and making yourself unnoticeable.
-Very anti-motivation. When you're just 3 shotting anyone, they'll begin to be salty, to spam FF and give up. Specially when you BM before killing and spam mastery/laugh afterwards.
-If your team has 1-2 tanks to initiate and the enemy team use their hard cc to disengage, you'll be free to disrupt any teamfight.
>When is it bad?
-When they have more than 1-2 really strong/fed champions/hypercarries (yasuo, riven, vayne, etc.). If you're feeling confident though, go for it;
-When they have more than 2 really strong tanks and CC. In these cases, it is better to just split, counterjungle, take objectives and pickoff with your team;
-When you fed early game and couldn't help your lanes/ enemy jungler is much stronger than you;
-When you have just started and don't know how to properly escape from tight situations where you get caught.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author GinWinsky
GinWinsky Shaco Guide
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