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you might be building true damage and percent max health damage but because your an auto attack based champ rammus will fuck you over, just pray your team is ap so he either has to decide on countering you or countering the rest of your team. great body to take in the right circumstances tho.
probably your hardest jungle counter in the game as his counter strike stops some of your q, auto attack, q passive, and your ult damage, would be a good ban
if he hasn't played shaco a lot your good but if its an otp pray. pray that your team respects his early and helps you in defending your jungle. also good body to take because of his q and w.
most early game jungler will fuck you over and warwick is no different, play safe and try to gank or do objectives on the other side of the map. good body to take too because of his q healing, w speed up, and his damage reductin on e.
don't fight him early or mid game unless your really ahead his healing is insane and his ult makes him really hard to kill
his q taking your ad and his r taking more stats hes hard to 1v1 unless your ahead but try and force him to teamfight and he will be easyer to burst. not the best body to take in a teamfight which is where you will most likely get the body.
his two auto resets hurt so try and stay away from him early but you should beat him late if you hit your abilities. ok body to take with the shield and cc he gives.
tbh I don't really see him a lot in my ranked games anymore but when he was strong it was hard to beat him, just get your items and your fine to fight him. shit body to take however.
most matchups in the even category are dependent on who gets ahead first and diana is no different, try to not fight her with multiple people if she has ult or she will kill one or two of your squishies, good body to take if you can get your q double e combo off and the shield is ok too.
pretty slippery with his e, rocketbelt, and ult. try to fight him early when hes is weakest because his late game burst is pretty hard to survive unless you itemize correctly.
her early game power is pretty strong and doesn't fall of if she builds attack speed, try to gank and do objectives opposite to where she is but if you have to fight her do it in a teamfight and try and dodge her cocoon.
can't do much early but has huge burst late. try and fight her at scuttle because if you kite correctly you should be above her in health, be careful late game if you don't itemize correctly she will oneshot you if your ahead but if you survive her initial burst feel free to fight her with your sustain.
pretty weak early but scales into a monster teamfighter, his w will heal him for absurd amounts so hold your w and use it on him when hes doing the sucky sucky, if his w is interupted it goes on a longer cooldown than if he finishes it, dont teamfight and buy a lot of control wards, vision control is key.
depending on his itemization he might or might not do a lot of damage just try and dodge his e and you can run him down.
you beat him early if you get on top of him just be careful mid game thats when hes objectively stronger than you at range.
pretty good burst and consistent damage with his q just be careful early when he is strongest and try to just be on the other side of the map.
Jarvan IV
his early is pretty good but unless he gets ahead of you mid game you can and will beat him with your combo. good body to take too.
tbh don't really see the guy too often but if he gets ahead its hard to take his body since most of his power is take by his ult. if you know your gonna die and see his body take it his undead passive will allow you to do some damage to the people around you
it's a "who gets ahead first matchup" but if you hit everything you should win the early fights, he really dangerous when he gets form so be careful
try not to fight him alone as he will beat you with his isolated q, if he finds you and gets his burst of he will kill you but if you find him you might be able to beat him in a one v one if you're fast enough
a lot like kha'zix but a lot more offensive with less utility, if he finds you you're fucked but if you find him hes fucked
careful of her level three cheese as shes pretty ok early but if you get onto her the fight is yours, dont let her stack her passive of she will shred your team
Lee Sin
pretty good early just try to be on the opposite side of the map that he is and get your items, you beat him late. great body to take however
unless she gets ahead you should win in a one v one
Master Yi
make sure you wait for his q to finish before you use your cc and your good.
her q will do a lot of damage from a range but as long as you dodge it with your w you should win fights
pretty hard to beat early just stay on the other side of the map and get your items.
Nunu & Willump
pretty slippery and great at ganking but you should be able to counter gank him effectively because of his low consistent damage.
she doesn't look it but she can do some insane damage if your near a wall, just wait till your spikes and your good.
falls of hard late game but is really dangerous early and can see your movement through your camo, try your best to be on the other side of the map than she is and wait till she falls off
Xin Zhao
don't fight him early and your good, mid game if your ahead you should win
he can't fight you, just be careful as he can counter jungle pretty good with his passive and he powers late game carries really well
as long as you crush his team or just starve him of resources your good, just don't let him scale up
your a tank buster so as long as she doesnt cc you and let her team kill you you should win in a 1v1
late game champ but if you dodge her fireball she can't really do much else in damage, can take objects really easily however so ward those
not very good right now and with the right build he shouldn't beat you in a 1v1 just be careful in teamfights
has a really bad clear early so do your best to cheese him and starve him of resources and he can't do anything
pretty bad early just do your best to take her by surprise and your good
her q is a lot of her damage but if you manage to dodge it you should be able to outkite her with you auto range beating hers and her lack of stick potential
your a tank buster so as long as he isn't with his team your good to go
the sad man is good in teamfights but should never be able to 1v1 you unless your really behind
galio mid gives you a lot of safety from invades with his r and his cc gives you time to get your combo off
talon is really fast because of his e and if he sees you getting invaded he should be there quick to help
late game if she stays on you with her cc she should be able to help you get tons of souls and get lots of resets
lots of utility and gives you good mobility with lantern
galio mid gives you a lot of safety from invades with his r and his cc gives you time to get your combo off
talon is really fast because of his e and if he sees you getting invaded he should be there quick to help
late game if she stays on you with her cc she should be able to help you get tons of souls and get lots of resets
lots of utility and gives you good mobility with lantern
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