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Lux Build Guide by that one kid 64

Support [WIP] An unconventional support - Lux support

Support [WIP] An unconventional support - Lux support

Updated on August 29, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author that one kid 64 Build Guide By that one kid 64 11,681 Views 4 Comments
11,681 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author that one kid 64 Lux Build Guide By that one kid 64 Updated on August 29, 2017
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Lux
    Full AP Support
  • LoL Champion: Lux
    Insanely Unconventional Super
  • LoL Champion: Lux
    Balanced Support


Hello, and welcome to my guide! This is currently a work in progress, so don't expect there to be too much here yet! Sorry! It will eventually be very comprehensive! Also, I seem to be having issues with the runes on the cheat sheet, so my apologies! Check the runes section below for recommended runes.

This way of playing support is my least favourite. It's also given support lux somewhat of a bad reputation, as most people will play essentially as a mid lane lux and take all of the farm. This build is still a very good support build if played right. Playing lux like this gives so much damage from poke compared to the other two builds, and your team will likely have more damage dealers on your side because of your build. Playing this lux is like building and playing mid lane lux.

This is probably the weirdest thing I've ever come up with. It can work and is actually quite fun. The main mechanic around it is very dependent on Athene's Unholy Grail passive. The focus is to build items that will help you become more durable and power up your shield, all while building extra mana regen to fix your mana issues and to compensate for your lack of ap via Athene's Unholy Grail. Just don't play this in solo queue or in ranked.

My personal favourite. It is basically appeals to lux's best aspects, while still having great utility and some good durability.
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General - How To Play

Generally, your main job in this role with this build is to poke the enemy champs so that your adc can farm safely. You have to help them engage in trades, shield them occasionally, and help them escape if neccessary. You shouldn't kill steal, but if you have a good opportunity to snipe a low health champion recalling under tower from far away, ult them. In team fights, you basically play as you would a mid lane lux, except you should put some more focus on getting cc onto your foes so your teammates can engage. You may occasionally take a kill during these fights, which might make your teammates go crazy but if it was unintentional then it's alright.

With this strange build, your main focus is to shield your teammates and provide cc. You must help your adc snowball. Let them take all the farm and kills, you want the assists. This build focuses on giving lux incredible utility, bulk, and compensating for your lack of ap with the passive from Athene's Unholy Grail, which gives lux 5 ap for every 25% mana regen she has.

For this build, you play like the full ap build, but have more utility and bulk to use, and providing cc, poking and picking up assists are what you do best.
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Which is the most viable build?

In my personal opinion, this is how I would rank each of these in terms of viability.

1. FULL AP SUPPORT -Most viable(out of these three builds)
2. BALANCED SUPPORT -somewhat viable

As much as i hate to say it, the full ap build probably the most viable. You can put out so much poke damage to allow your adc to farm, you have good crowd control and your shield is still good because it scales with ap. You can widdle down opponents enough to help your teammates pick up kills, and if you need to run you can disengage decently well.

With the balanced build, you may be a bit more durable which is good, but since you're not a juggernaut or a tank your defensive items aren't all too useful. They still give you ap and great utility for the most part, but in general you would be better off buying ap items.

Finally, with the super support build, you can be countered hard. You don't have much damage output, especially before you gain compensation ap with Athene's Unholy Grail's passive. You have some bulk, but you still won't be able to tank many hits for any teammates, and even though you will have tons of mana regen by the mid-late game, you will still struggle with mana problems in the early game.
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If only one build is totally viable, why add the other two builds to this g

Even though the full ap build can be really viable, I wanted to make a guide on a support that could be played multiple ways, even if those other ways are unconventional. The full ap support build may be the overall better build, but the super support and balanced build still have strengths to be utilized. Also, I personally find the balanced build and the super support build the most fun to play so yea :)
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Pros / Cons

+ Great damage
+ Great poke
+ Could help carry your team, if your adc isn't doing so well
+ Good cc
+ Decent shield
+ can roam and gank well if needed

- Very Squishy
- Has some counters
- No mobility
- Main focus is damage, and a focus on this can sometimes overshadow the fact that you need to provide cc and utility for your carries
- Huge mana problems, especially early game
- You'll probably get attacked by your team if you build Doran's Ring instead of Spellthief's Edge. Don't build Doran's.

+ Great shield
+ Good cc
+ Has some durability
+ Decent poke
+ Low cooldowns early, since many core items have cdr
+ Very little mana issues after first couple of core items

- Lacking good damage
- Somewhat squishy
- Mana issues early game
- No mobility
- Has some hard counters
- Outclassed. By. Any. Conventional. Support.
- Cannot carry or push alone
- ABSOUTELY NEEDS at least one fed teammate to support

+ Good damage
+ Good poke
+ Good cc
+ Has some durability
+ Good shield
+ Can roam and gank well if needed

- No mobility
- Isn't completely safe solo pushing a lane
- Mana issues
- Has some counters
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Summoner Spells

This should be taken on all sets. Lux has no mobility and is very squishy. Even if you build some items to bulk yourself up, you still can't take too many hits. This is your only escape.

This is what you will usually take, along with flash. This spell helps to shut down ad carries, and can help you and/or your teammates escape bad situations, if your Light Binding or Lucent Singularity are on cooldown or if you have no mana.

Not a great spell for this build. It can work, but there are other spells that are probably more effective.

This spell is great. The movement speed buff is great for escapes and can help you and your adc's lane sustain. Just make sure to use it on both you and your adc, not just you. Don't be selfish :P

This spell can work, however you will more likely need exhaust in order to shut down opposing adc's late game.

This spell may not be the best supportive spell upon first thought, but if you are able to take a few more hits to aid your escapes or take hits from tower when your adc is diving, this spell proves to be quite useful. Especially with that relatively low cooldown.
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Ferocity Tree

Standard for all of the these builds.

Both masteries can work well. However, this build focuses on damage, so Fresh Blood is the better option.

Only Expose Weakness is useful. This will allow your teammates to do additional damage after you poke or engage a foe.

The extra damage that you can get from this can really make a difference, even though it is only a slight boost in ap and ad.

This will make you a bit squishier, but you will have a greater damage output, which is what you need.

Resolve Tree

The last couple of ferocity tree masteries aren't that great on this weird build. HAving some extra health regen will help you stay in lane longer and get more gold and experience.

Personally, I would take explorer to allow quicker escapes or quicker engages from bushes. Siegemaster allows you to defend tower and protect yourself from tower divers much more easily. Either can work.

Cunning Tree

Take this for all builds. The movement speed is nice for dodging skill shots, running to lane or running away.

Always take this. It will greatly improve your lane sustain.

This is necessary for all builds, especially early game. This will help you be able to use your abilities more often.

Again, standard for all builds. This will help you get gold continuously, since you aren't taking any farm.

usually, you will take intelligence because cdr is very important on lux. However, the magic penetration and lethality can be good to increase your damage output on squishy and tanky opponents.

The cdr is very important, and you don't really need to be thinking about taking on tanks. If you need magic penetration, then you buy magic pen items. Always take intelligence.

The damage you get from Thunderlord's Decree is very useful for poking in lane and for trying to widdle down opponents so your carry can go in for the kill. Windspeaker's Blessing isn't that great on these builds, since you want that extra damage.

Windspeaker's Blessing is great for this. Since this build focuses on lux's utility, this mastery helps her so much. It allows you to shield much more effectively, and give bonus armour and magic resist to help your teammates stay alive.
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In general, I take 9 Greater Seal of Health Regeneration, 9 Greater Glyph of Mana Regeneration, 9 Greater Mark of Magic Penetration, and 3 Greater Quintessence of Ability Power. The health regen helps with your lane sustain, and for the late game when you probably don't have any health potions. The mana regen is also helpful for your lane suatain, and for the early-mid game when you can run out of mana very easily. I take magic pen runes to help my poke damage against bulky supports like braum or blitzcrank, and to help lower the health bar of tanks in teamfights. Lastly, I take ability power runes to help with that early game damage and poke.

This is what I personally take, but there are several other good runes to use. You can use flat mana or scaling mana runes (for your early game mana issues), gold runes ( to buy items more quickly), or even movement speed runes (to get to lane or a teammate in need more quickly). Take what you think is the best for you and your team.

I usually take 9 Greater Seal of Armor, 9 Greater Mark of Magic Resist, 9 Greater Glyph of Mana and 3 Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed. The armor and magic resist will allow you to poke and trade a bit easier in your lane. The mana runes will you you cope with your early game mana issues, and the movement speed runes will allow you to get to your lane or a teammate in need faster.

Other good runes include health regeneration runes (for better lane sustain), ability power runes and magic penetration runes (to help deal with your lack of ap and damage).

Since this build can almost be thought of as a mix between the other two sets, there are a lot of possible runes to use, but I typically take 9 Greater Seal of Health Regeneration, 9 Greater Mark of Magic Penetration, 9 Greater Glyph of Mana and 3 Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed. I take these for all of the reasons stated previously.

Just about any of the runes from the other builds can work on this build too, for all the same reasons. Just make sure you have a balance in your runes between damage, defense and utility.
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Abilities/Skill Sequence

This passive really helps you get some meaty in poke damage if you can combo your damaging abilities well with your auto attacks. In the early game, you should proc this passive with caution: you used one of your abilities to get enemies afflicted with Illumination, so now one of your abilities. likely your Light Binding or Lucent Singularity is on cooldown. Those are your best escape tools. Now you are going into auto attack range for some good poke damage. You can get caught out very easily. So, you should always ask the question, "Is it safe to do this?"

Simple but useful ability. Simply hitting an enemy with it and basic attacking them will activate Thunderlord's Decree . Some things to keep in mind:

This skill is super useful. It's a great engage and disengage for your team. Use it to catch enemies out of position in team fights, help you poke in lane, or give you and/or your team more time to run away.

This skill is great, but it isn't worth maxing out first. Max this one out second for more damage and a lower cooldown.

Again, this skill is great. It's a great form of cc to help your team engage in fights, poke in lane and escape. This skill itself won't do much damage on it's own without the Thunderlord's Decree or Illumination proc, so in lane save to this for opportunity to get a combo off. Otherwise the damage will be laughable.

Since this build focuses on buffing up your shield, this will become second fiddle in terms of upgrade sequence. Max this out second.

Has the same uses as the other two builds. Not much else to say.

This skill should be maxed out second. However, if you want a lower cooldown or more damage earlier, then you can put one point into this before maxing out another skill.

A useful support ability. Use it in team fights to shield multiple allies, while firing off some damaging abilities to secure some kills and win the fight. With the recent buff to it, you can stack the shield on yourself and other allies if they are hit on the way out and when coming back.This spell is great, but it has varying degrees for each build.

You won't be using this ability too much as it is your utility spell. However, it is still very useful, as it scales with ap. You can really save yourself or teammates with this, so make sure you always have enough mana to use it and other abilities in teamfights.

Max this ability last, as your other spells are more important.

Unlike the last build, this is probably your most important ability. The whole build basically focuses on empowering this so you can have an op shield for teamfights. Keep in mind though that it will likely be somewhat weak early game, since you are not building ap.

The lack of ap scaling for this ability on this build in the early game is made up for by maxing this spell first. However, you could put a point into your e before you max this out for greater damage and a longer slow.

This spell well be used often, but it isn't your only great ability. It won't be op, but it will be quite good, with your mix of ap and shield-enhancing items.

Usually you will max this skill last, but if you feel that you shield isn't up to par than you could put a point into it before maxing out another ability.

Very useful aoe and cc skill. You can use it to poke, engage, disengage, or even give vision. The only major drawback is the long early game cooldown and mana cost. It's very good, and each build uses this skill differently.

This is your prime poking tool. It won't do much damage at early ranks, so try to combo in your basic attacks if it is safe. You are very squishy, so any good player will punish you for being out of position. At later ranks, this will chunk health bars on squishy targets and enemies without mr, so make sure to use it on as many of those targets as possible.

Just like a mid lane lux, this is the skill that you will max out first.

This skill will mostly be used for its aoe slow, to allow escapes for your team and for your team to catch up to stragglers. Your damage output is low, so make sure if you use it to poke, you follow up on it for the Illumination and Thunderlord's Decree proc (if you have thunderlord's), otherwise you will have practically wasted your mana. If you build some bulk items, going in for these extra damage procs will be safer, but you still must exercise caution.

This skill should be maxed out last, but you can put a point into this before finishing your Prismatic Barrier if you want a greater slow more quickly.

You will still need to combo in your basics with this ability in order to get good damage like the super support, but later in the game you can still chunk health bars like the full ap build. You can use this ability for all it provides quite well: for for cc, damage and vision.

This or your Light Binding can be maxed out first. Typically, I max this out first, but either works fine.

This ability is my favourite, and is probably what lux is best known for. It doesn't seem to be much of a supportive ability, but if you use it right it can be. Of course, you will always take a point in this when possible.

Even with combing other abilities or your basics, this ability can do some great damage once you can get some good ap items. You can use this ability in combination with your e to engage a teamfight. Ideally, you would have all or most to the enemy team in your e, activate your e, then use your ult. This will do good damage onto squishy targets, making it easier for your team to dive onto these champs and pick up some kills. Also, if there is a low health enemy that is totally out of reach for your teammates, don't be afraid to ult and take the kill.

This needs to be used in combination with your other abilities and autos to do significant damage, especially early game. Try to do that if it is safe to do so.

Just like the full ap build, you can still output great damage onto squishy targets with just this alone, but on tankier targets it won't do much for you without throwing in some other spells or autos.
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Each build needs a gold income item, and Spellthief's Edge is the best for each of these sets. It gives some ap, mana regen and a passive that basically gives you gold for poking, which is what lux does very well. Of course, you always take a Stealth Ward at the start of the game for warding.

Since Spellthief's Edge is only 350 gold, you have the option of starting with 3 Health Potions or a single Refillable Potion. Health Potions give more health and a little bit of mana if you have Secret Stash , but Refillable Potions will eliminate the need to buy more health pots once you run out of them.

I usually take refillables for this build because you need to conserve as much gold as possible for other items. This build relies heavily on them, and if you buy a refillable right from the start you won't have to continually buy Health Potions and waste gold. Health pots are still fine to use though, if you prefer those.

Either potion is fine. Take whatever you prefer.

Early Game

For all of these lux sets, you should try to aim for these items in the early game. Frostfang will give more mana regen, more ap, more gold and will build into Eye of the Watchers or Frost Queen's Claim. Boots will let you return to lane more quickly and will build into whatever useful boots you need later on.

A very important early game item. This will let you ward more often (if you still have a Stealth Ward), but it can also allow you to take another trinket, like a Sweeping Lens. You should prioritize buying this item on your first back.

Since you want to focus on getting more damage, you don't need a Sightstone this early, though you should take it if you are getting ganked a lot and need some vision.

This will help you cope with your mana issues, and give you some ability power as well. It builds into Morellonomicon and has a nice passive that will give you mana upon leveling up. A great early game item.

If you feel like you need to output more damage or really need more mana, you could buy one or both of these items instead of, for example, a Frostfang. Whether or not you take this on your first back is up to you.

Gold Item Upgrade

You need to have space for other support items, so a Ruby Sightstone + Frost Queen's Claim combo won't do. Eye of the Watchers gives some ap, mana regen, cdr, health, gold generation and wards. That's all you will need.

Eye of the Watchers or a combination of Ruby Sightstone and Frost Queen's Claim will work. Frost queen's gives you an amazing active and more ap, while ruby will give you some good health and allow you to use item actives more often. However, taking ruby and frost queen's will take two item slots and will limit your damage output. Generally, I take Eye of the Watchers because of this, but either can work if you have fed teammates.

Core Items

A very necessary item. Mana, ap, cdr, and also a couple useful passives. A simply amazing item for any champion with good ap scalings. This should be your first full item, otherwise your damage output will be lackluster and you will not have enough mana to stay in lane long enough. Just make sure you have at least have a Sightstone before you finish building Morellonomicon, since vision is still very important.
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