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Lord Kesharq trip down 3v3 and 5v5 lane...

Creator: Lord Kesharq May 17, 2013 7:28am

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Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 1, 2013 6:22am | Report

Well, cheers for the +rep, and I hope it helps you at least during support games.

On the subject of your recent problems, though, I'd recommend that, first of all, you take a break from ranked for a bit. You're playing on tilt (in a bad mood and on a losing streak), which affects your performance a lot more than you think. Play some normals and **** around. Don't stress over your rank. It'll get better over time, even if it does feel like a grind.

Secondly, you need to re-think your builds when playing AD carry. I don't have much experience with Sivir or Lucian, but I do know enough about them to see that a lot of your problems are arising from subpar itemization.

To start, Avarice Blade on Lucian is pretty much a waste of gold. It doesn't build into anything that's particularly spectacular on him (though Statikk Shiv isn't horrible, strictly speaking), and it's definitely not something you want to build first.

The Sapphire Crystal would presumably have been built into a Tear of the Goddess, which doesn't seem like a horrible item on Lucian given his ability-spammer nature; Manamune wouldn't be a bad choice, as far as I can see, though others might prove me wrong. However, Tear of the Goddess should almost always be one of the first items you buy, if you're going to buy it at all, since it takes so long to stack up. You shouldn't just be buying the first component for it at 20 minutes in.

Moving on from the subject of AD carry builds, I've also noticed that you tend to take Teleport over Flash a lot. This is not good in any situation. If you want Teleport, take Flash and Teleport, and sacrifice Exhaust or whatever your other summoner spell was. You should always have Flash (or Ghost, but mostly Flash). If you don't, and the enemy jungler is at all competent, you will die. A lot. In my own ranked thread, you can see a game where I was jungle Jarvan IV against a team with three people who weren't running Flash. Murders happened.

One last piece of advice on builds that I hope helps you. I notice that, in pretty much every game you play as Skarner, you build both Spirit of the Ancient Golem and Wriggle's Lantern. Never do this. Wriggle's is pretty much useless to begin with, and you never need two "jungle-specific" items. You're essentially throwing gold into the trash can by buying both.

Hope this helps.

"To start, Avarice Blade on Lucian is pretty much a waste of gold. It doesn't build into anything that's particularly spectacular on him (though Statikk Shiv isn't horrible, strictly speaking), and it's definitely not something you want to build first."

I build this item early mostly for the extra gold and CS chance, i know there are better items out there but am mostly still testing builds on Lucian atm.

The Sapphire Crystal would presumably have been built into a Tear of the Goddess, which doesn't seem like a horrible item on Lucian given his ability-spammer nature; Manamune wouldn't be a bad choice, as far as I can see, though others might prove me wrong. However, Tear of the Goddess should almost always be one of the first items you buy, if you're going to buy it at all, since it takes so long to stack up. You shouldn't just be buying the first component for it at 20 minutes in.

Nope i build it into a Sheen which is then built into a Trinity Force. Iv not yet gone for a Manamune on him (that item i normally build on Sivir. Btw the full build am currently testing on him is this:

1st - Doran's Blade
2nd - Avarice Blade - becomes a Executioner's Calling*
3rd - Trinity Force
4th - Blade of the Ruined King
5th - Phantom Dancer
6th - Infinity Edge

Currently testing the Executioner's Calling on him, first few times i made a Youmuu's Ghostblade but i thought id try a different item i dont use much. Also note i dont always do my build in that order, sometimes i rush the Blade of the Ruined King then go for the Trinity Force.

Have also started thinking about switching out the Blade of the Ruined King for a Bloodthirster.

"One last piece of advice on builds that I hope helps you. I notice that, in pretty much every game you play as Skarner, you build both Spirit of the Ancient Golem and Wriggle's Lantern. Never do this. Wriggle's is pretty much useless to begin with, and you never need two "jungle-specific" items. You're essentially throwing gold into the trash can by buying both."

I build those two items on him for 2 reasons, 1 i love Wriggle's Lantern as it grants me some early armor, life steal and a free ward (which is helpful when our own support dont ward) and 2 Spirit of the Ancient Golem makes me more tanky with the 500 HP, also there passives are all different meaning i benefit from them all (makes my jungle clear time very nice). Late game i would sell the Wriggle's Lantern for something like a Sunfire Aegis. (burning Skarner!!).

thanks for the advice again mate.
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
IShouldGetALife's Forum Avatar
Jan 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 1, 2013 7:27am | Report
I'm not sure about manamune on sivir tbh, actually I'm not sure about sivir being viable tbh, I find she gets outcalssed by many other adc's (marksman w/e), as for lucian avarice blade isn't that great, what I see a lot of that works is BotRK and then IE but your build could work in theory. As for getting demoted I'm sorry to hear it man, I am like 2 games away from B4 again so I know the feels, sometimes you just can't help your bad luck.
If I have helped in anyway at all a +rep will be appreciated lots
Thanks to LaCorpse, Hogopogo and JhoiJhoi for the amazing sigs
Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 1, 2013 8:46am | Report
Sivir is trash, Manamune is bad on any ADC who isn't Ezreal and your Lucian build is instantly bad because it doesn't have Last Whisper.

You're losing so much LP because your MMR is completely screwed due to you having lost almost twice as many games as you've won.
1jamie50's Forum Avatar
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Mar 28th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 1, 2013 8:53am | Report
I'm actually still a fan of Sivir :P

I do find most ADC's are better now but I still like her just don't play her.

Though if you're facing a Caitlyn, it definitely is fun to just spam her with spells all day and have unlimited mana from shielding on traps :P.

My standard ADC build is usually: Beserker Greaves, Bloodthirster, Phantom Dancer, Last Whisper, Guardian Angel/ Infinity Edge.. something to that effect.

I don't use BOTRK for the pure fact that I don't play the ADC's that benefit from it ( Vayne, Tristana).

Thanks to YayaFTW for the sig.
Foolamancer's Forum Avatar
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 1, 2013 11:33am | Report
DISCLAIMER: The following post is very blunt and may or may not come across as harsh. I want to be clear that I'm not trying to insult Lord Kesharq here. Just giving some more advice in the only way I know how: bluntly. All the following criticism is meant to help you learn more about the game, Kesharq, and hopefully get out of Bronze V. It isn't meant to be insulting.

"To start, Avarice Blade on Lucian is pretty much a waste of gold. It doesn't build into anything that's particularly spectacular on him (though Statikk Shiv isn't horrible, strictly speaking), and it's definitely not something you want to build first."

I build this item early mostly for the extra gold and CS chance, i know there are better items out there but am mostly still testing builds on Lucian atm... Btw the full build am currently testing on him is this:

1st - Doran's Blade
2nd - Avarice Blade - becomes a Executioner's Calling*
3rd - Trinity Force
4th - Blade of the Ruined King
5th - Phantom Dancer
6th - Infinity Edge

Currently testing the Executioner's Calling on him, first few times i made a Youmuu's Ghostblade but i thought id try a different item i dont use much. Also note i dont always do my build in that order, sometimes i rush the Blade of the Ruined King then go for the Trinity Force.

Do not use this build on Lucian. It is not good. In fact, it's pretty much outright horrible.

Let me explain: Avarice Blade is a **** item on pretty much every AD carry. Executioner's Calling is a **** item on everyone. The only potential use it has is against an enemy team with heals across the board, and even then, you're still probably better off getting something else. Do not buy it. It is a waste of gold. And if you're so desperate for the gold boost, work on your farming. Don't look for crutches.

I also notice that this build list does not contain any boots, and that there are multiple games where you don't ever buy boots. You must buy boots in every game. This is not an option. This is mandatory. If you do not have boots, you will die. A lot. Any competent jungler will see that you don't have them and will eat you. Any competent enemy will spot that you're incredibly immobile in teamfights and eat you. You must have Boots during the early game and Berserker's Greaves almost immediately after completing your first major item.

Beside the rest of the problems with your build, it also has a massive ramp-up time during which your items basically do nothing to actually improve your combat ability. Until you complete Trinity Force - which will be a long time compared to how long it'll take your laning opponents to pick up their first items - you basically don't do anything. Meanwhile, that enemy Tristana picked up a B. F. Sword and is getting ready to rip you in half. And even after you finish Trinity Force, your damage won't actually be any higher than your opponent's. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if it was substantially lower.

Infinity Edge OR Bloodthirster -> Berserker's Greaves -> Phantom Dancer OR Blade of the Ruined King -> Last Whisper -> Guardian Angel is the sort of "basic" build order for AD carries. There are variations on this depending on specific champions - Vayne starts with Blade of the Ruined King, for example - but this gives you pretty much everything you need without too much ramp-up time. You hit hard, you hit fast, you ignore armor, and you don't get instantly liquefied.

Deviations from this "standard" item set should only be made with very good reason (for example, Miss Fortune picks up a Black Cleaver because Bullet Time applies it with every shot, and Doublelift builds Zephyr on Vayne because he wants attack speed and tenacity to better apply Silver Bolts). These are the staple AD carry items, and are the ones that will actually allow you to function as such.

Your build shows that you don't really understand much about how to build champions right now. That's fine, since it's not actually that hard to learn, but it does mean that you should take some time to read some guides and find out why people build the way they do. Check out LOLPro in particular; while there are some good guides on MOBAFire, the ones on LOLPro basically come with the high ELO seal of approval, and you can be pretty much guaranteed of quality information.

"One last piece of advice on builds that I hope helps you. I notice that, in pretty much every game you play as Skarner, you build both Spirit of the Ancient Golem and Wriggle's Lantern. Never do this. Wriggle's is pretty much useless to begin with, and you never need two "jungle-specific" items. You're essentially throwing gold into the trash can by buying both."

I build those two items on him for 2 reasons, 1 i love Wriggle's Lantern as it grants me some early armor, life steal and a free ward (which is helpful when our own support dont ward) and 2 Spirit of the Ancient Golem makes me more tanky with the 500 HP, also there passives are all different meaning i benefit from them all (makes my jungle clear time very nice). Late game i would sell the Wriggle's Lantern for something like a Sunfire Aegis. (burning Skarner!!).

Skarner does not need the lifesteal or improved clear speed from Wriggle's Lantern, as he's already one of the fastest and most sustained junglers out there, and there are better ways to get armor. The only thing that it gives you is the free ward, which isn't worth the buy on its own.

On top of that, even if Spirit of the Ancient Golem does have a different passive, Skarner still doesn't need the increased clear speed. Again, he is already one of the fastest, most sustained junglers in the game. Aside from that, though, no jungler needs more than one item geared towards clearing faster. Read that again: no jungler ever needs more than one Spirit item OR the Lantern. You are throwing away gold by getting more than one.

Going back to Wriggle's Lantern specifically, that item is an extremely subpar choice when compared to the Spirit items. Almost no high-level junglers buy it. If they want a faster clear but, for some reason, don't think any of the Spirits work well on their champion, they will at most buy Madred's Razor and leave the Lantern uncompleted. Put simply, Wriggle's Lantern is pretty much a **** item, and you're better off buying almost anything else.

If you absolutely must have early armor (and, as a jungle main who favors tank junglers like Jarvan IV, Nautilus, and, yes, Skarner, I completely sympathize if you do), again, Locket of the Iron Solari is the answer to your problems. It's a viable buy on tanky junglers as well as supports, and Emblem of Valor is an excellent source of early armor and sustainability.

One final piece of advice before I sign off again: play a jungler other than Skarner, and AD carries other than Sivir and Lucian.

Sivir is an extremely sub-par AD carry at the moment. She kind of needs a rework, or at least some buffs. As it is, she almost never sees play in high-level games, because every other AD carry does what she does better.

Lucian is too new for you to really have the experience to carry as him, and he's an extremely odd and mechanically-demanding AD carry to play in the first place. Play him in normals all you want, but don't use him in ranked until you have at least another month's experience with him.

Skarner, while incredibly fun to play and not weak by any means, isn't the best jungler to use if you're trying to climb out of Bronze. Skarner is very powerful, with a very high clear speed, high sustainability, and incredibly high damage output even when built full tank. However, he has no real gap-closer, and thus his ganks depend on him being able to catch an enemy overextended. He's a great counterjungler, but that requires a lot of knowledge of the game, including timing buff respawns (yours and the enemies, and even being able to guess at them blind), knowledge of common movement paths, ward locations and counterwarding, jungler matchups, and how to actually mount an invade safely.

Reading your posts, it seems that you like to focus on ganking, and pretty much ignore counterjungling, which would indicate that Skarner isn't the best choice for you. I would recommend Jarvan IV, Nautilus, or Maokai instead.

Jarvan IV is kind of the king of junglers at the moment. He really doesn't have any pronounced weaknesses. He's highly mobile, tanky, deals good damage, has decent clear speed and sustainability, is great in teamfights, hard to shut down through counterjungling, and has strong ganks. While he isn't as fast as Udyr, as sustained as Fiddlesticks, as much a carry as Elise, as strong a teamfighter as Sejuani, or as terrifying a ganker as Nautilus, he can do all of the above very well, which makes him an incredibly flexible and safe pick as a jungler. He can do anything the team needs, and will always be useful in one way or another.

Nautilus, as mentioned, has even stronger ganks than Jarvan IV. In fact, he's one of the strongest gankers in the game. Even his passive, Staggering Blow, is crowd control, which means that he can basically walk into a lane and guarantee a kill if the enemy doesn't have Flash. However, he's entirely focused on ganking, and is actually very susceptible to counterjungling - he has one of the shakiest starts of any jungler. But if he can survive it and start ganking, there will be blood. He's also an absolute monster in teamfights, with substantial AOE damage and absurd crowd control all tacked onto the big beefy block of health that is his body.

Maokai is possibly the strongest ganker in the game, and isn't quite as fragile during the early game as Nautilus. While he doesn't have as much crowd control as Nautilus, he does have Twisted Advance, which basically reads "press W, secure kill". It's a point-and-click gap-closer/snare, which can be followed up with Arcane Smash to knock the enemy back, away from safety, and slow them substantially. His ultimate, Twisted Maelstrom, is also incredibly powerful if used correctly. His weakness is his incredibly mana-hungry nature.

Another tip that will probably help your ganks: always open up with a red buff autoattack if you can. Save your ability gap closers for later. If you apply a slow to your target via red buff, oftentimes this will force their Flash or other escapes, leaving them helpless when you follow up with your actual gap-closer to secure the kill. A lot of newer junglers always open their ganks with their abilities. Save them until you know you can get something out of their use.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 1, 2013 3:04pm | Report

Ok after reading though everyone comments iv come the to conclusion that am going to stop playing my current it seems i dont know how to play them. Am also going to give up on ranked since my MMR is so bad i doubt it will recover so am just going to give up on it unless people invite me to duo with them or its ranked team play.

Oh also above is a pic of all the champs i currently own....YOU guys tell me who i should play out of them and i will play them.

so yeah pick me the following from the list above please:


I give up trying to be different lol.
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 1, 2013 3:06pm | Report
and before anyone says my new goal is to reach 1000 normal game wins, and am currently only one 510 i have 490 games + to learn 5 new 100 games each!
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Lord Kesharq
Lord Kesharq's Forum Avatar
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 2, 2013 8:04am | Report
Ok my ADC will be ashe after i just won a 9-0-12 ^^ even got called pro LOL
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 2, 2013 8:08am | Report

Ok my ADC will be ashe after i just won a 9-0-12 ^^ even got called pro LOL

Pheyniex's Forum Avatar
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Apr 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 2, 2013 8:26am | Report


seems about right.

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