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VexRoth's avatar


Rank: Veteran
Rep: Memorable (78)
Status: Offline
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VexRoth's Mobafire Blog

16 Apr
Being a jungler, I run into this situation fairly frequently. You head over to your red buff after clearing the blue side of your jungle and you encounter a Shaco, Lee Sin, or Shyvana clearing your red buff or waiting in the bush beside the red buff to smite steal it and then try to kill you before making their escape.

Now there are ways you can help yourself such as asking your laners to ward the bush beside red at the 1:30-1:45 minute mark and having your ward up* to drop in that bush if it is unwarded or the bush just above red.

But sometimes despite all of that the...
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15 Apr
I am but an egg when it comes to minion wave control. These are some my observations thus far.

Under normal circumstances when your minion wave collides with the enemy minion wave this is the formation that results.





There will be a gap between where the melee minions line up to fight each other and the ranged minions line up, unless the minions are reacting to your presence as they will preferentially target champions if they are in range.

So, one sure fire method to get your lane...
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15 Apr

Runes: Atk Spd, sHealth, sMR, Arm Quints
Masteries: 9-21-0


Our team comp and their team comp was Volibear favorable. Both Sion and Lissandra could initiate. Morgana has good catch potential with Dark Binding. And Kog'Maw was a happy void critter behind Sion and me as Volibear.

Ezreal was practically impossible to catch and Sona could stuff up my Thundering Smash engages, but those weren’t insurmountable obstacles. Ashe was also a little annoying,...
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14 Apr

Views: 602 Da Bear

I've been monkeying around with Volibear since Sejuani is pretty close to permaban in Ranked Silver. He is pretty beast. Last night I made a Swain **** two crows when I flash Qed in on him from the river bush. If he hadn't of flashed instantly he would have been a dead bird.

I also solo killed a fairly fed Caitlyn while only having cloth armor and my runes for protection. Thank you The Relentless Storm.

For crowd control Volibear brings a displacement via Thundering Smash and a slow via Sky Splitter.

Rolling Thunder
Rolling Thunder is both...
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13 Apr
Odds and Ends

Now You Don't See It. Now You Do.
So yeah if you are playing Graves and you hit someone with Smoke Screen and then start attacking them they can see you. This seems odd to me but that is how it works, so there you go.

I've had some trouble wrapping my head around Jinx. I always seem to have Switcheroo! on the worst mode for the situation and rarely manage to achieve anything useful with Flame Chompers!. One thing I have figured out is that it is usually best to drop your Flame Chompers at your own feet if someone is closing in...
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