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Renekton Build Guide by KillCrashDestroy

AD Offtank Dominating Top Lane - In-Depth Guide [Patch 5.16 Update]

AD Offtank Dominating Top Lane - In-Depth Guide [Patch 5.16 Update]

Updated on September 7, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KillCrashDestroy Build Guide By KillCrashDestroy 22 3 481,567 Views 14 Comments
22 3 481,567 Views 14 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author KillCrashDestroy Renekton Build Guide By KillCrashDestroy Updated on September 7, 2015
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Hello summoners, KillCrashDestroy from EUNE here. After playing over 700 games on the giant crocodile, I give him my thanks with a guide.

For every champion, there is a lot of small things that you learn by experience (for perfect example see anthological Singed guide by Inverted Composer). I will make emphasis on these small stuff, learned in a hard way through many games. Hope it will be useful to you...
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Pros / Cons

  • Infinite sustain
  • Lane bully
  • Good escape
  • Reliable stun
  • Can adjust to any team playstyle
Renekton has a great quality to fit in team composition. You have decent burst damage, very good tankyness, can stay in lane forever... He is also very hard to counter and very hard to gank due to Slice and Dice.
In team fights, can both dive deep into enemy back line or peel efficiently for own carries.
  • Relies on cooldowns
  • Falls off in late game
  • Very hard to play if you fall behind
  • Does not do best in big 5v5 fights
On the other hand, Renekton is typical early game champion. In 4v4 or 5v5 fights you can not contribute as much as majority other top laners if you do not already have the advantage.
Also weak in extended trades, and general whenever has abilities on cooldown.
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I personally use 6 different rune pages depending on situation and lane opponent. You can choose any combination and adjust it for you own playing style, but these should cover more-or-less everything.
Also it is necessary to note that combination of runes and masteries are also influenced by entire enemy team composition, especially enemy jungler.

Page 1: "I am really not afraid"


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

Take these if you think you will have an easy laning phase, but there is possibility to be outscaled later on.
Choise of Greater Seal of Scaling Health if as viable as Greater Seal of Armor since armor runes got nerfed to give only 9 armor in total and you will buy a lot more than 9 armor during the game.

Page 2: "I wanna fight"


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

If you stand against someone who relies on landing physical damage and out-trading you (yeah, I also have thinked about Fiora) than you will want to maximize your damage in early trades. Remember, armor penetration runes work BETTER on enemies with less armor (see Few Numbers below).
Tiamat here is better purchase than The Brutalizer since you lack some pure damage.

Page 3: "Crocodile hates mages"


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

Mages and long rangers, in general, do well against Renekton unless they are very squishy. This combination will give you more chance until you obtain Spectre's Cowl and Hexdrinker so you can start fighting back.

Page 4: "Your magic is powerless against me!!! - Kassadin"


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

Take this page against AP opponents where you have kill potential. A typical situation is one where you take a lot of poke but have chance to all-in and take a kill.

Page 5: "Catch me if you can"


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

This page helps you to catch mobile AD champions who can kite you to death and to bring them to melee range (like Jayce or Gnar).
Also, you will be safer from mobile ganks and hard engages ( Gnar again, but the big one).

Page 6: "As I live, I don't wanna die!!!"


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

Take these only if you are very scared. This mostly happens when you
  • Go against High-ELO player
  • Expect your lane to get camped
  • Decide to run Teleport so you wanna join early fight and try to tank with no items, only using your ult and Cull the Meek

Finally, a quick comment on Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed. This is essential for Renekton and makes up a lot of his late game problems. Also, you will be surprised how easily you stick to escaping opponents. BUY THESE RUNES they are worth every single IP you pay!
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Picking mastreies for Renekton is pretty straight forward, because you need to rely on some key ones, which you really do not want to miss. I actually mean to
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Here I give a quick overview of basic abilities and some general instructions on how to use them.

Reign of anger

This looks like a pretty weak and straight-forward passive but there are multiple ways to use it in interaction with your other abilities. Everybody who ever played Renekton knows that only one empowered ability can make a difference between won and lost fight.
Since Dominus use is very simple - if you want to make more Fury and surprise your opponents use your ult when you are low - I will not talk about it any more.
On the other hand, you can make a very good use of Reign of Anger by combining Cull the Meek and Slice and Dice in small engages and when you get ganked. Sometimes during a gank you can intentionally save some abilities until you get below 50% of health:
  • If you want to turn around 1v2 then use Slice and Dice once to dodge some skill shots, then, after you get wounded, use it again through both enemy champions. This will lead you to the empowered Cull the Meek and you will heal up like a monster, along with dealing decent damage to both. After that simply choose your target and kill it with Ruthless Predator, Ignite combo along with several auto attacks
  • If you are dived then better choice is to set up empowered Ruthless Predator onto a target that is under turret aggro. Simply use Cull the Meek to gain some range and Slice and Dice to get in range and try to escape afterwards

Cull the meek

Your signature ability is the main source of your damage and sustain, especially in the laning phase. For the laning phase itself, usage of this ability is obvious - damage, not ever missing a last hit, and infinite sustain. Remember that Cull the Meek resets the timer on your next auto attack, so try to sneak one extra auto attack whenever you trade. However, use of this in team fights can be made in two ways:
  • Your task as an off tank is primarily to peel and do as much area of effect damage as you can. Interaction of this ability with Black Cleaver will do wonders against enemy front line and shred their armor so your AD carry can make some serious damage. Also, you will do decent damage yourself. For example, with 40% cooldown reduction (runes, masteries and Black Cleaver), cooldown of Cull the Meek is 4.8s. This means that for the duration of Dominus you can cast it 3 times and deal approximately 2000 damage to every champion close to you (this will turn into around 800 damage when armor and magic resist are taken into account). And there will be at least 3 enemy champions close to you
  • If you have at least one and a half damage items (for example - Tiamat and Black Cleaver) then you can go straight for the enemy carry. If you want to do this, remember that you need 100 fury or you will not have enough damage and probably end up kited to death

Ruthless predator

A very simple ability - press W and you will stun enemy on your next hit. Anyway, there are few things that can help you to use it as effective as possible.
  • This ability resets the auto attack timer. This means that you can effectively make 4-5 auto attacks for less than 1 second
  • Applies on-hit effects ( Blade of the Ruined King, Frozen Mallet, Black Cleaver, red buff...) and this can give a lot of extra damage if used properly
  • When you stun an enemy, you will also stun yourself for 0.5 seconds. So be careful when you are getting chased. Anyway, activation of Tiamat of Ravenous Hydra will release you from that...
  • Extra range that you obtain is very useful for chasing, so think carefully when use it (to engage or to chase)

Slice and dice

This is, in my opinion, among the best basic abilities in the game, if used correctly. Double escape, 35% armor shred when empowered, 190% bonus attack damage scaling... It only has a long cooldown. Anyway, be careful when you use it since it is you only source of mobility in both laning and team fight. I think that maybe 80% of my deaths in lane was because I have used Slice and Dice for just a little harass or to pick up a last hit without knowledge of the enemy jungler's position.
In team fights you can play in two ways, mentalities of which are described in Reign of Anger paragraph. Long story short - if you peel for you carries then use empowered Slice and Dice to lower armor of enemy tanks and if you dive onto the enemy carry then use it just for mobility and save your rage to do some real damage with your other abilities.
Finally, here is a well-known picture of all the walls you can hop over with this ability.
Note: Not all the walls are actually shown here - there should be 38 of them in total. Also, you can go over sharp corners of larger obstacles (for example, those close to mid lane inner turrets)


This ult is pretty straight forward to use. In lane you can use it for all-ins as an opening ability or save it to turn the trade around with low health when you can interact very nicely with Second Wind and Reign of Anger in second round of your cooldowns.
In team fight, if you have 100 rage, first use some of it and then turn on the ult. If you are very low on rage, feel free to ult several seconds before the fight. This will provide you with tools for much stronger engagement
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There are a lot of viable builds for Renekton and for almost each of these builds purchase order can be very situational. This is actually the reason why I did not give any build path as the prefered one - I simply think that something like that does not exist on Renekton.
This is why I will briefly describe each item below and explain when and why it should be bought.

Core items

Sunfire Cape

This is my personal favorite on Renekton. A lot of health and armor (which are always necessary against any composition) plus one of the best item passives in the game. At Levels 6, 11 and 16, combination of Sunfire Aegis and Dominus will deal 61, 96 and 163 damage per second, respectively. This means that at Level 16, if you stand between 3 enemy champion during the full duration of your ult, you will deal 7335 magic damage during 15 seconds (in real life, this comes down to around 2900, when magic resist is accounted, which is still quite a lot).
This item is good for the lane, good for team fight - more or less for everything. BUY THIS on Renekton!!!

Spirit Visage

This item is good in general and perfect against heavy magic damage teams. It gives 20% increase to ALL healing. This means that, besides all of your self-healing sources (see Masteries chapter above) all the heals and regenerations from other champions and their auras will be also increased. Since you will probably run runes for magic resist instead of cooldown reduction against heavy AP teams, these 10% will also be very meaningful to you...
As Spectre's Cowl passive is great for regeneration in lane, health and magic resistance are great against bursters once you finish the item. Rush it against magic damage heavy enemies that rely to damage over time ( Swain, Teemo, Cassiopeia...)

The Black Cleaver

Here is, more or less, everything you need: health, damage, movement speed and 20% cooldown reduction. Like this item was made specially for Renekton. You can build Phage in lane to stick to your lane opponent at all times and then upgrade when you feel like it.
To use this item to its maximum effectiveness you will probably prefer to start your trades (and engages in general) with auto attack and empowered Ruthless Predator into another auto attack and Cull the Meek. This will apply all 6 stacks, shredding 30% of armor. In team fights, do not be afraid to use this combo onto an enemy tank that had overextended. This armor reduction is percentual, so if you apply it to Dr. Mundo with 300 armor it will be reduced by 90. This will enable your carries to chunk him hard before the fight even starts and will enable you to peel for them and wait your cooldowns before the re-engage

Mercury's Treads

These boots are very important for you to have simply because of the tenacity. It is quite easy to kite Renekton and if your enemies can keep you under crowd control for some time you might become pretty useless in a fight. For example, one Dark Binding from Morgana can snare you for 3 seconds and put you out of the fight completely. So, whatever boots you buy for the laning phase, I highly recommend to switch them for Mercury's Treads if there is any sort of crowd control in the enemy team

Frequently used items

Randuin's Omen

Very useful item for many situations. It gives you chance to stick to the enemy AD carry with ease and is equally effective if you want to stop enemy rushers ( Hecarim, Singed, Dr. Mundo or more or less anyone with Dead Man's Plate) to get onto your carries.
Beware of all the possible timings for activation of this item. Possible scenarios are:
  • If you are in the auto attack range use it after you finish your combo and one bonus auto attack. This will maximize your damage and will make sure that you can orb-walk around the enemy during full 4 seconds of the slow duration and keep it in range of your Sunfire Aegis passive
  • If you are chasing a distant opponent it is perfectly fine to use Slice and Dice just to get into the range of your Randuin's Omen active. After this, somebody from your team will continue to chase
  • If you are running away from fight or gank, activate this item after you use Slice and Dice. This way you will still be in range to apply the slow and will also avoid some auto attacks and short range abilities
I will personally grab this item quite often but there are some situations when it will not be so useful. You will not benefit too much if you face AD casters ( Riven, Zed, Kha'Zix...), AD carries who have strong escapes ( Ezreal, Corki...) or do not rely on critical strike damage ( Urgot, Varus, Ashe...)

Titanic Hydra

Building this item enables you to rush Tiamat in the lane and actually upgrade it very effectively later on (I highly prefer this one over Ravenous Hydra). The dream of every tank it to scale damage with maximum health (a beauty of being Shen). For example, if you regularly have 3000 health and activate Titanic Hydra before you use empowered Ruthless Predator you will deal 570 physical damage in a cone in front of you, which is really a decent burst. So if enemy support is blocking your path to his carries you can simply stun and maybe even kill the support and rely on the cleave damage to do a lot of work. On top of this, keep in mind that proper using of Slice and Dice can get you in a very good position to activate the item.
You should prefer Titanic Hydra over Black Cleaver (sometimes there will not be enough room or gold for both) when you go against squishy teams who do not build too much armor

Maw of Malmortius

Great purchase against strong burst damage. Observe this as more offensive variation of Spirit Visage - you will get low on health easily since this item gives no health, but you could surprise everybody (including yourself) with your damage in a situation when it looks like you will just die.
Buy this item against strong bursters who got fed and threat to delete you from the map even if you are offtank. Once LeBlanc, Syndra, or Veigar use everything they have, you will survive (mostly thanks to the shield from Maw of Malmortius passive) and fight back strongly


Usage of this item is straightforward - buy it against auto attack based team compositions. It DOES NOT reflect physical damage from abilities.
What you might did not know is that Thornmail returns "raw" autoattack damage you receive back to the attacker. "Raw" damage is the damage you would receive if you had 0 armor and no other damage reduction factors. This effectively means that you might (theoretically) return more damage than you received. If you are interested in mathematical details, you might like to visit a very good article about this subject wroten by Inverted Composer

Situational items

Ninja Tabi

These are boots that should be prioritized not against heavy physical damage teams, but more against teams with no hard crowd control. This item still gets outclassed by Mercury's Treads simply because, even if you do have 10% reduction from basic attacks it will not mean anything if you get stunned or snared for longer time and enemies sneak one more auto attack - you will receive more damage.
On the other hand, it can be very good against lane opponents that rely on auto attacking and have no crowd control ( Fiora, Master Yi, Vayne...). You can always sell them later on

Ravenous Hydra

Offensive variation of Titanic Hydra and, in my opinion, slightly less useful on Renekton. You need to build a lot of damage in order to make lifesteal effective. For this you will sacrifice health and be quite squishy in team fights.
Buy this item when you are very far in the lead or when you are not the primary tank in your team (so you can behave like you have crisis of identity - Renekton who thinks he is Jax)

Blade of the Ruined King

A very situational item that can be rushed in lane when you face health stackers like Dr. Mundo or Singed. It can also help you a lot to stick to enemy carries by using the item's active.
If you decide to go this route then keep in mind that you need to adjust your playstyle and be very aware of ganks. The sustain you get from lifesteal and activation of the item will not help you once five people start focusing you because you entered in melee range with no health or resistances.
So, either wait for another tanky item before you go into big fights or stay in the back line, waiting for your chance to go in

Locket of the Iron Solari

Your support of jungler should build this against magic damage oriented teams. But if they do not do that for some reason (the wonders of solo queue with Rabadon's Deathcap Nidalee support and Infinity Edge Master Yi in the jungle) then do not hesitate to build this for your team. It gives nice aura, cooldown reduction, along with very nice shield (345 at level 18).
Of course, it will only be effective if you stay close to your carries and peel for them. So, if you really get into temptation to Slice and Dice 1000 units away to catch enemy carry at least do not forget to activate the item before you do this

Guardian Angel

If you are really very far ahead and have build two or more offensive items then you might consider buying Guardian Angel. If there is any danger to get bursted down before you do enough damage or simply if you are afraid that enemy Vayne will survive your combo and have time to auto attack you to death before your team can catch up, this might be solution to your problems.
Also, if you already have full build and have used the famous passive once, you could think about selling the item. Indeed, in the late game, waiting for 5 minutes for another revive is really too much

Dead Man's Plate

A worse, less useful and slightly more expensive version of Sunfire Aegis. Your job is to be a front line and, 90% of the time, you will use Slice and Dice to close the gap instead of simply walking to your opponent.
Plus, your will almost for sure be hit by some sort of crowd control in the process and lose a lot of your Momentum. Even if you manage to get those 100 stacks it will give you extra 100 damage on your next auto attack - the same thing can be done in 2.5 seconds with Sunfire Aegis passive. On the other hand, movement speed is very nice, but it can be made up easily by Black Cleaver and Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed

Stalker's blade - Warrior

If you decide to run Smite on Renekton for any reason this is the item you should buy. It will give you chance to buy The Brutalizer and upgrade it into something useful. Of course, do not forget to steal as much jungle camps as possible from your poor jungler and to smite every time in team fight


Elixir of Wrath

First choice for Renekton since it gives you 10% healing from ALL the damage you do to enemy champions (and there is no penalty if you hit multiple targets with one ability) plus you get nice boost to attack damage. Very useful no matter if you have full tank, offtank or "almost AD" build, and the right time to buy it it when you plan to go into team fights. You should buy other elixirs only in particular situations (explained below)

Elixir of Iron

Usage of this one is pretty clear - you are the big guy in front that wants to eat all the damage for his team. Increased size (besides looking really cool) gives you higher chance to get hit by skill shots and, especially, hooks. With this elixir you simply want to get in the face of enemy and leave a path behind for your team to follow - simple as that

Elixir of Ruin

Great for split pushing. If you run Ignite against Teleport and if your lane opponent wants to leave the lane often and help somewhere else on the map, you always have an option to buy this elixir and punish that by taking at least one tower. Buy Elixir of Ruin and keep it in your inventory until the time is right.
But be warned: this tactics can be very risky if you do not have advantage and if you do not ward properly, so make sure that you fulfill these conditions first.

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Few numbers and hints on Items

Here we talk about selection and usage of Items. It is important to note that, there are some effects on certain items that are not covered in this small analysis (activating effects and cooldown reduction), so take it with some reserve. I will make notes on Items that are regularly built on Renekton: Another small note: On Renekton, you have 111 base damage at Level 18 and all percentage calculations are based on that number in order to avoid complicated 3D graphs.

How the enemies' armor protects them?

First, I give a small review on how much your enemies can reduce your damage. Depending on Armor Penetration, flat or percentual, amount of damage that your enemies can reduce increases with amount of their armor. Dependence is shown on following graph.

Including runes

On the other hand, you will probably run 9x greater mark of armor penetration and 3x greater quintessence of armor penetration on Renekton, which gives you 19.2 Armor Penetration and makes a lot of difference, especially against squishy targets (armor can even go below zero with enough Armor Penetration). Below is updated graph which takes runes into account.

How much this actually makes you stronger?

If we recalculate this, we can see how much your damage is actually increased (compared to your basic true), depending on the enemy armor. This graph looks not only into Armor Penetration, but also into overall damage of Items, but DOES NOT include additional effects - actives and cooldown reduction.

So, what is my real damage?

The very same graph from above is now recalculated for flat damage. This is how much damage you will actually deal to your opponents if you have each particular Item in your build.

Is it worth?

Last graph shows the relation between how much you pay for each Item and what you actually benefit from it, but there are some notes to be mentioned.
  • First of all, active effects of Tiamat and Ravenous Hydra are very good on Renekton (and reason why most people buy these on regular basis). Not just because of very good increase in your burst damage from activating these Items that we all know and love, but there is another thing. Namely, Ruthless Predator stun is actually not a stun, but some unique kind of suppress. This means that you will, while stunning your opponents, also stun yourself for 0.5 seconds. Activating Tiamat, Titanic Hydra or Ravenous Hydra will break your stun, but not the enemy's one, which is very useful for multiple reasons - orbwalking, escape or just scraping one more sneaky auto attack.
  • Also, Black Cleaver damage shown here assumes that all 6 stacks of Armor debuff are applied. Effective damage of your combo will be slightly lower in practice, but keep in mind that Ruthless Predator applies 2-3 Black Cleaver stacks instantly, which makes this Item a very good purchase...
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Lane Match Ups

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Ranked Play

Here I will try to point out to some general characteristics of different ranked tiers and aspects of the game that you might use to your advantage, depending on your current rank. Of course this is only my impression and a general one - every player you meet (including yourself) is a unique personality and his/her own story in both life and the game - so, I mean no disrespect to anybody...

Bronze Tier - up to 1150 MMR

If you are in this tier then you are probably a new player or a player who has under 47% win rate in ranked games. Anyway, first thing to do is to recognize that there are many areas of the game where you can improve. The good thing that only one of the following can increase your MMR a lot.
Aside from mechanics, that comes from experience there are also issues you can look into right now, and I will try to give them here briefly:
  • Creep score at lower MMR is quite low (around 40 minions 10 minutes in the game, on average) and this is due to 2 reasons: weak lane mechanics and unnecessary fighting. Both of these can be easily avoided. Personally, I have improved my farming a lot by just few hours of practice in custom games. Jump into a custom game and practice until you start getting 88+ farm at 10 minutes routinely. With this in your pocket, jump into the game and focus yourself on farming - you should be able to get 70+ in the game easily as Renekton. Only this can put you an entire tier up
  • Enemy aggressive plays are something you should focus on. Usually bronze players have more kills per game than diamond players, but also have more deaths, which means that most of the gold is earned from kills. Give yourself a statement that you will not die in first 10 minutes no matter what. This way you deny enemy's main resource and enable yourself to keep on farming effectively. To summarize - there is really no need to make LCS plays just notice and punish mistakes that enemies make
  • Prefer tanky builds also for two reasons - enemy will have no farm and, consequently, not enough damage to stop you from melting them down with your Dominus and Sunfire Aegis and also because probably nobody else in your team will build tanky (you will often see full AD Xin Zhao, Jarvan IV or Lee Sin in the jungle, or Blitzcrank support with Rabadon's Deathcap)...
By taking care of these basics you will be able to provide something that is desperately needed to any bronze team - a stable and consistent top laner that can always play his role in the fight. And this will make you win more games...

Silver Tier - from 1150 MMR to 1500 MMR

At this level the mechanics is much better than at the tier below since you deal with people who play the game more and take it more seriously. Farming, positioning and all other mechanical stuff will be quite decent here.
A place where you can make a real difference as a silver player is in warding and vision control. Develop a habit to never leave the base without at least one Stealth Ward in your inventory, and always have a Vision Ward ready if dragon or baron are up. Upgrade your Oracle's Lens before Level 11 and try to deny as much vision around neutral objectives as possible. Warn your teammates about incoming respawns of dragon and baron and, at this level of play, you will often be able to take them uncontested. From my experience, at this level vision is power.
Also, you will find everybody in the game to make at least one completely unnecessary death per game. So, whenever you die, try to realise why that happened (again, often the reason will be the lack of vision) and give your best not to repeat the same mistake. You will need this knowledge a lot when you improve to the next tier.

Gold Tier - from 1500 MMR to 1850 MMR

If you are placed here this means that you are in top 10% of all the ranked players and here things start getting pretty serious. In general, both you and your teammates are good all-round players who know a lot about the game and who, and I can not stress this strongly enough, ARE ABLE TO RECOGNIZE THEIR OWN MISTAKES. So, the key word for a gold player is self-improvement. Play the game and think about the game. First one will improve your mechanics and second one will improve your game knowledge, At this level, you are fully competent to make yourself better and you should be well aware of that. You know how to customize your builds, runes and masteries, how to make good decisions in the game and, more or less, you do everything that diamond players do, just slightly worse. Good luck, and see you soon in even higher ranking...

Platinum Tier - from 1850 MMR to 2200 MMR

Here good mechanics is not optional - it is obligatory. This is, in my opinion, the main difference between gold and platinum players. Here you will meet people with more than 3000 games played so do not get surprised it they pull out some sick plays sometimes. I will refrain from speaking too much about this tier since I am currently placed here, so probably there are many things that can be done better which I do not see, but in general, I will not make a mistake if I say just play it a lot...

Diamond Tier or higher - over 2200 MMR

Well, if you are good enough to be here than I need your advice - you don't need mine...
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Mentality while climbing the ladder

In this chapter, I will not speak about Renekton but will give you some general hints on your attitude in game.

League of Legends is a game that requires constant real-time concentration and being psychologically fit is almost as important as your skill. This is because, when a game ends there are only two certain things: one Nexus blew up and everybody made mistakes. Minimizing number of your mistakes is a way to win (simple as that) so:
  • When you are tired - don't play ranked
  • When you are angry - don't play ranked
  • When you are distracted - don't play ranked
  • When you are sad - don't play ranked
  • When you are ... OK, you got it...
In situations like these, simply make a brake or, if you really want to play, stick to normal games.

Moving on, very important thing, from my own experience, and I can not state this strongly enough - DO NOT GO INTO LOSING STREAKS!!! When you lose a game, and feel bad about it for any reason, DO NOT JUMP INTO ANOTHER ONE! There are people who were putting themselves into streaks of 25 games without a single win (my personal record is 13 consecutive defeats). I do not need to tell you what will this do to your ranking... For more info on this topic, check for a very nice gbay99 video.

In League of Legends there are two unities where you can improve - Mechanics and Game Knowledge, and they are equally important for you as a player.
Guides, streams, and professional matches will for sure give you a lot of game knowledge, but nothing can replace actual practice. So, whatever you saw and think it should be good for you, get into the game and try it, and master it if you consider it worth the effort. In one word - go in and PLAY THE GAME a lot if you really want to get better...

One more, last, but not least hint: Whatever you do, and however you feel during a game NEVER, BUT NEVER FLAME OR INSULT YOUR TEAMMATES!!! I can give you a lot of arguments for this, but I will not do it since you already know all of them (who ever played this game got flamed at least once). However, most people who also know this sometimes get overwhelmed by emotions in the game and start acting like a... well, not such a kind person. So, without further talk, simply DON'T DO THAT!!!
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Big Renekton plays (video)

Here are some of my personal favorite videos with Renekton plays. The accent of these is on all the small things that make a big difference. Enjoy...

SoloRenektonOnly Pro Play Breakdown

This is a series of videos of professional players created and explained by SoloRenektonOnly, which is one of the best Renekton players in the world himself. I also highly recommend his YouTube channel. Very good explanations are given in the videos, so I will not add anything.

Part 1: Dyrus escapes a gank

Part 2: Cris stays calm and survives

Part 3: Wickd missplays a dive

Part 4: Billy Boss peels for his team

Part 5: GoDlike abuses Level 2

Part 6: SoloRenektonOnly roams mid

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Dear fellow summoners,

thank you very much for reading my solo queue Renekton guide and I hope you have found it useful. Of course, you are welcome to check it out again in the future for more content, since it will be updated for every following patch.

Until next reading, best of luck in solo queue!
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Here I want to state gratitude to Little Coyote for useful advices and text corrections.
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More to Come

Stay tuned for more content in this guide:
  • More big Renekton plays videos from pro players and solo queue
  • Tips and tricks for laning and teamfights
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Version History

2015 / 01 / 20
2015 / 02 / 09
2015 / 05 / 03
2015 / 06 / 01
2015 / 06 / 16
2015 / 07 / 09
2015 / 07 / 14
2015 / 07 / 18
2015 / 07 / 31
2015 / 08 / 26
[Patch 5.1] Guide released
[Patch 5.2] 5 new lane match ups
[Patch 5.8] 7 new lane match ups. Updates due to Black Cleaver change
[Patch 5.9] Added Abilities section
[Patch 5.11] Updated various chapters
[Patch 5.13] Ranked play chapter and Ekko matchup added
[Patch 5.13] A visual update performed
[Patch 5.13] Big Renekton plays chapter added
[Patch 5.14] 2 new lane match ups. Gangplank match up updated
[Patch 5.16] Items section added. Juggernaut and Titanic Hydra updates
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