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[MOBAFIRE Community Spotlight] Toshabi

Creator: jhoijhoi August 1, 2015 5:45pm
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 1, 2015 5:45pm | Report

Ladies and gentleman of MOBAFire, welcome to this month's Community Spotlight! Today you'll delight in the exploits of Toshabi, the Esteemed Villian. You may recognise Tosh from his AMA thread, his general activity around the site, his creations in the Artist's Corner, or his blog. Our very own villain has been casting baited lines around MOBAFire since early 2011, and despite his prickly posts, he is a much loved member of this site. Many people may attest to Toshabi's frequent jabs, but his natural aptitude for witty quips is a classic trademark. Ladies and gentlemen, without any further adieu, please enjoy Tosh's interview!

Tosh, welcome to the Community Spotlight Hall of Fame! Well deserved, really, it's been a long time coming! Okay, you know the drill - the vets have filled my questions thread and I've collated them and altered some of them slightly. So, I thought we'd start off with a nice and easy League-Related question. What are your earliest memories of League of Legends and how do they compare to LoL today?

Let's face it, I only got the interview cause the people that needed the *********** are long past done and over with. I'm pretty much the bones left after the fat man comes and slobbers down a $500 plate of ribs. So I can't really call that a victory as more of a "Hey! Way to go! Here's your participation ribbon!"

But I digress. Yeah, my EARLIEST LEAGUE OF LEGENDS MEMORY! Probably playing Summoners Rift as Twitch.

Today? Playing on Summoners Rift as Twitch.

I'm inclined to disagree - your interview is more like the after-dinner mint, the tiny little wafer that blows the fat guy up; something to be savored for its fresh taste and ability to fill a room with screaming patrons. Interesting though, that Twitch has held such a steady spot in your heart. Is it because you share some affinity with the rat? Are you a 'n' sort of guy?

Actually, it's just 'cause it was a rat with a Tommy Gun. There's no mystery behind it, but I've fantasied about rats with Tommy Guns ever since I played Crash Bandicoot as a kid. Actually that might've been because of the Great Mouse Detective. Then again, I haven't even watched that movie.

... It was definitely because of the Great Mouse Detective.

Ah! The Great Mouse Detective was a true homage to Sherlock Holmes, with a worthy villain, Ratigan. Speaking of Disney and animation, at MOBAFire you've played an active role in artistic endeavors. From your art critique shop, to your gallery showcase, to your fascinating remixes of LoL champions, you've demonstrated a wide range of skills and passion for design. Were you always interested in drawing?

Pretty much, for the most part. I didn't really get heavily into it as of recent, since I decided to switch majors over to animation. I'd draw off and on from times, drawing images akin to the ugly *** art you see parents hanging up in the cubicles from their 7 year olds. And I think you know exactly what I mean.

(Keep up to date with Tosh's creations via his Tumblr.)

I'm sure you were the Age Champion of Finger Painting many a time and a good score of your works were honored via both Fridge and Corkboard. But is that what you do for a living? Breathe life and movement into still images?

Yah, pretty much. I mean right now I do web design and school full time. But right now I'm still hittin' them books 'til they give me what I want. I currently have restraining orders from books such as "Drawn to Life" (both volumes), "The Illusion of Life", and a few others but I'm sure no one reading this will really care that much.

Oh, and I got a restraining order from Don Bluth when I asked him if he ever had fantasies about making out with the main villain from Space Ace. I'm pretty sure he did and just doesn't want me spoiling any of his deepest darkest secrets to the world.

Or maybe it was because I had the compulsive need to rub my hand over his hands when we started talking to one another. Who knows.

BTW according to Riot Games, Swain's raven's name is Beatrice. Who the **** names a bird something so stupid?

I guess Beatrice is a sort of unassuming name, so that foes don't fear her? I think Swain was one of the older champions, when the Lore was riddled with holes. Since the retcon, things have been getting better though. With the Bilgewater: Burning Tides events (ARAM map, SR game-mode and TF/Graves/Gangplank/MF fiction), the backstory of LoL grows richer. What's your opinion on LoL Lore in general?

It reminds me of what happens when a bunch of American weebos who grew up watching Sailor Moon, Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z meet together at an anime convention in the table top gaming section and discuss their dream waifus and husbandos.

Seriously, the lore of LoL is all over the place and is an utter joke, for the most part. They got the character designs (sort of) down, but the lore in general is about as inspired as the typical Japanofile can afford to brew up.

Ouch. I enjoyed TF's inner monologues... There's something that you seem to keep bringing up, and indeed, even your profile boasts your obsession with it... Why Pokemon? When did you get into it? Were you swept into the craze with the manga, trading card game, anime or first movie? (And can I assume you have a mint condition hologram Ancient Mew?)

They're fun to draw. I mean the games are pretty garbage, but the concepts are fine and dandy. Oh and I gotto say, the manga isn't half bad at all. Granted I've only read the first arc which features gen I and II. But if you really want to know the truth of the matter, they're my biggest sponsors. And by sponsors, I mean that they own me.

And if Pokemon suddenly went all Pixels on you (came to life), how would you feel? Would you fear death by Pikachu or nod in appreciation of Rule 34 realization as hordes of pornstars debut in Machoke Multivitamins, Ride On Rhydon and other such films?

My agent says I can't answer that question, otherwise a whole bunch of Pokemon are gonna get buttraped by the furries.

(I know Diesel is out there watching still).

Yeah, I didn't see that question going anywhere but downhill. Onwards and upwards! At what point did you decide MOBAFire needed a master troll and it might as well be you? What's it actually like being MOBAFire's Villain? What is the best part about being the established Villain of MOBAfire?

I want to say it all started when I was a kid growing up on the playground. I wasn't like all the other kids that grew up saying they wanted to be a fireman or an astronaut or a fireman. I was always interested in the other things, like what was bark made out of, and I wanna say that pushed me to be who I am today. And for MOBAfail, that meant doing what needed to be done and be the next Jet.

Jet was a pretty big inspiration actually. We used to do a lot of male modeling back in the day and would always talk about "our next big thing". He'd always tell me things like "Toshabi, you're a sexy *** ***********er, you're gonna go far". And he was right. But what sprang me forward was him taking the ultimate fall and getting himself banned forever from MOBAfail. (he did it on purpose)

Sting is also a pretty major inspiration to me. I mean the songs and the music that he makes, I mean, I don't listen to it at all, but the fact that he's out there doing it, I can totally respect that.

And I got to say, the best thing about it all is that while everyone is struggling to be the best, good guy on here, I have absolutely no competition for being the bad guy of MOBAfail, which makes my job a lot easier since I have a life outside of League of Legends. I mean, if I wanted to be the best best guy I'd have to quit my job, quit school and sit on League all day to be super cool and smart at this game. Being the villain, well, that's easy and laid back. Think of it as having that one kick *** IT job where you sit and browse reddit all day instead of actually doing real work.

Jet, and his alter ego, Summoner. I'll never forget his rice-farming Asians racist remarks, nor how hard he tried to blend back in with his alt account... He was quite a character! But you've never intentionally or unintentionally done something so trollish that you have been banned. That's not to say that you don't have your own #1 enemy... Give us all 3100 reasons why Wayne is your favorite admin.

I will summarize my 3100 reasons in two words: Thread locks.

Wayne was the knight in shining armor for the citizens of Off Topic and would rise to the ocassion to murder any fun thread that developed in there. I'm of course talking about the hilarious discussions in which I would throw the chair of disharmony to spark friendly MOBAfail discussion in.

Because of that, I grew to love him dearly, along with the fact that he's the only admin I know anywhere who would so boldly wear numbers in his name on a forum where numbers in your name aren't even needed. In fact, if Wayne (no numbers) ever signed up on MOBAFail now, I'm sure he'd be 3100 less cool than the Wayne we got now.

I still don't know why Wayne thinks I hate him, but I think that's because there are 3100 things keeping us from reaching the truth behind it.

I'm sure Wayne is now breathing a sigh of relief and counting down the ways in which the two of you can reconcile. Imagine if the two of you could work in harmony in the fabled Off Topic Realm... As we're in the domain of discussing MOBAFire members, the Veteran Hall is keen to know: What's your opinion of all active vets, admins and especially dirty, evil moderators?

I don't know about that. I just threw up in his dresser about 2 hours ago, so we'll see how he feels when he finds out about that.

****, I was really hoping the jolly dweebuses at Veterans R Us wouldn't ask me this. I'm going to be blunt with these, because why the hell not?

1. jhoijhoi

2. Psiguard

3. Dufftime

4. Nighthawk

5. Matt

6. The_Nameless_Bard

7. MissMaw

8. Lugignaf

9. WrathOfVulK

10. Meiyjhe

11. Mowen

12. Toshabi

13. DEWO

14 GrandmasterD

15. Janitsu

16. Jebus McAzn

17. IceCreamy

18. Searz

19. Wayne3100

20. Luther3000

21. Jeffy40hands

22. OTG

23. Vapora Dork

24. Xiaowiriamu

25. Vynertje

26. Embracing

27. CasterMaster

28. LaCorpse

29. Bryun

30. A Chubby Baby

31. emoriam

32. Joxuu

33. FalseoGod

34. Xaioli

35. astrolia

36. Scrax

37. tehAsian

38. Mooninites

39. utopus

40. JunSupport

41. Caucheka

42. B-Wong

43. Adonikam

44. PotatisFarfar

45. HeAT

46. Diesel

47. Jet

Whew. That took a long time to code >:[ Anyway. That cheeky Searz description reminds me of the time you documented interesting MobaFire News. And earlier you mentioned a certain racy shipping fiction about you and The_Nameless_Bard. It's clear that you are multi-talented and the written word merely serves as a vessel for your wit. Could you write us a short autobiography? Don't forget to include some embarrassing teenage blunders and awkward first crushes!

A short autobiography? Well you COULD just click on my profile and look at the Bio there. Gosh, it's like you people don't even realize all the amazing and incredible functions MOBAfail has for you, do you?

It's a novel idea to think that people actually post bios in their More About Me tabs - I tend to see things more along the lines of League-related stuff... favourite champions, advertising/boasting about guides, etc. Since your bio is actually a bio, let's fill in the blanks and talk a little more about League. If you could date a LoL champion, who would it be and why? And what makes you think the relationship could actually work?


Okay! Well, wow. I should ask you that question, but I'm pretty sure I'm not a champion in League of Legends, so that's that.

But uh, getting back to this question. I wanna say that maybe that one girl that shoots out all those laser beams from her hand. I forgot the name of the champion. I wanna say that the relationship would work, because I distinctly remember her saying that she doesn't like maps. And for a guy like me who hates women who force you to use navigational equipment to get to every single simple location in the world no matter HOW close it is the house or no matter how many times we've been there, having a woman around who doesn't say "Hey! Let's just use a map!" would be a dream come true. I'd do anything to please her and make the relationship work. I'd give it 510%. I'd get 3 jobs. I'd serenade her with sweat melodies across a lake on a canoe for two. I'd describe their eyes to be the brightest stars in the sky and how when I look into her face, I'll be able to tell her just how pretty she is and how incredible she makes me feel.

I'd then hold her hand, smile gently and whisper to her, "I'm shacking up with Renekton. Get your **** out of my apartment by tomorrow or I'm throwing it away".

If you treat her like that, you wouldn't have one mystic shot getting back with her! She'll be on edge for life and would probably bitterly say, "Croconaws... I hate those guys!" I hope you don't treat your pets like that... Do you have any pets? How dumb are their names? Also, if you could have a LoL champion as a pet, who would it be? Would your real pet and your LoL pet get along?

Well, first off, "RUDE!".

Second, I used to keep a rat on my computer shelf named "Xaioli" with a post-it note that said "#2 Twitch on MOBAfail". I think that should qualify as something, yah?

Then again, it probably stayed 2nd place seeing how I went on a LoL hiatus since I went mega full time with work and school. The current #1 Twitch user on MOBAfail is most likely DirtyGoolash.

If I could have any League champion as a pet? I wanna say WrathOfVulk. He'd probably yell at my dead rat Xaioli and I'm positive that'd be really entertaining to watch. It'd be something akin to watching Shia LaBeouf yell at a ****** kid covered in ants.

Gottah love Shia LaBeouf! Just do it! Amirite? :D Let's continue on this musical train: What's your music taste like? Favourite musician? Best concert you've ever been at? What song could you live with on repeat for the rest of your life?

I feel like whoever asked this question should start off this wave with "Dear Jackie,".

90% of the people reading this won't get it.

The best concert I've ever been to? And favorite musician? Well lucky you, I got the whole entire answer in on Youtube video I recorded and told someone else to upload!

Tosh, pls... that was... something else. Let's move far, far away from music. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why would you go there? Yes, time travel permitted.

In your arms. Why? Because I wanna bite Warlemming.

lolwut?! I genuinely laughed out loud. Just read that to War and he said, "Hah! Best reason." I guess now I can cross off the question "If you could trade lives with one person (on Mobafire) for an entire day who would it be and why?", so let's get to the next one. As you're an artsy guy with an eye for design, what skin for a LoL champion would you like to see created? Also, while we're here, could you tell us which skin is your favourite and which is the worst?

You know, I've actually been thinking about this for a while now. If I could make a skin, it'd definitely have to be Potato Pirate Gangplank. Why, you ask? Because just look at the way he used to walk before his first visual update. He walked around like he either took a major **** or he just shoved a sack full of stolen potatoes down his pants. I'll give him one of those potato guns too to replace his weapon and maybe give him a kitchen knife for a blade to replace his sword. Oh, he'll also be wearing a potato suit.

The best skin hands down is that classy *** Gentleman Gnar skin. THAT is ****ing class. THAT is a well made skin. Probably the best thing Riot has ****ted out as of recent. That is a Gnar with class.

Now as for the worst skin ever? Gentleman Cho'gath. Absolute garbage. That is NOT how a gentleman is like at all. I mean, that voice acting. THAT voice acting. It's like they got the whitest guy on the job, gave him a microphone and said "HEY CAN YOU PRETEND TO BE BROTISH?!". Terrible! Absolute rubbish. Every time someone enters my game with that skin, I will either purposely throw the game to make them lose or (if they are on the enemy team) will camp the **** out of them and watch them squirm as I gank their lane and only their lane. **** objectives. **** the nexus. I'm going to sit there and camp your ****ty *** till you get a REAL gentleman skin. Even the Debonair skins have more class than that ****, and they don't even HAVE new VAing.

Would you like some cheese with that whine? ;) You mentioned camping - are you a jungle main? If not, what is your main role? Do you have any tips for smashing the opposition in that role?

I like jungle. It's a lot like being a janitor for a preschool. There area three main buildings you gotto clean. Your job is just to make your rounds and get paid for that work, while secretly texting your love interest between pushing a mop through a puddle of 5 year old vomit.

Then comes the *****y kids that ruin your life. There will never be a moment where all three buildings will be as clean as a government clean room. When you clean up the vomit from building one, building two will have a kid running in circles while simultaneously ****ting, which is then worse when the teacher frantically chases the child to prevent him from making more of a mess. Their efforts cause them to grind the **** into the carpet with their shoes as they try to make things better (bot lane).

You're not really required to meet every single special need of the buildings right away, because your job is minimum wage and is very "to the books". If you do break your back to clean the mess immediately, no one really cares and they go back to conducting the carnage they so love. If you ignore the problem for or come 10 seconds too late, "WHAT THE **** IS WRONG WITH YOU IT SMELLS LIKE **** IN HERE AND YOU DON'T CLEAN OR PAY ATTENTION TO THIS CLASS ENOUGH **** YOU, YOU NEED TO BE FIRED".

But there is that plus side. While you're on "Break" you can visit the rival building across the street and fling garbage all over on their side. Why, you ask? Because the other janitor is a **** and said "YOUR MOTHER WEARS COMBAT BOOTS, TOSHABI!". What an ********! To get even with him, I'll dump this bag of **** into one of the classrooms through the window. BUT YOU GOTTO MAKE SURE YOU DON'T GET CAUGHT otherwise you're gonna get fined or have to be forced to clean up the mess yourself.

At the end of the busy work day, if you keep the whole entire building clean, no one will care. If you work head over heels to get the best cleaning equipment for your building and meet their needs, you will get no credit at all. Nope. Just the teachers. BUT if you **** up and not meet every beck and call of said teachers, it's game over. You'll get sent to the boss's office where he will sip coffee and talk to you while casually reaching his hands down his pants to give himself a lap pinkie.

I don't have any tips for Jungle, because I don't spend enough time on LoL to discuss the new meta. Actually I do, but there are hundreds of other dweebs on this site that dedicate their LIFE and HOURS upon HOURS of their day making guides to tell you how to play the game right. Go bother one of them for you LoL tips.

What I will say though is when the other team *****es about their team in all chat, SIDE WITH THEM! Trust me, invoking a bit of carnage and chaos into the other team's mindsets by adding fuel to the fire will make them go total tilt mode, which will end with them increasing their chance of losing by 78% (aka ******** LoL statistics).

An apt extended metaphor there, Tosh. How eloquent! From the sounds of it, LoL isn't your favourite game. So what is the best video game you have ever played? Would you recommend us trying it out?

It's actually 5 games that I think are clearly superior than LoL. I play these games TODOS LOS DIOS (that means every once in a while in Italian). Below, I will give you the names of said games, what platforms they're on and my review of them with in depth stats.

1. Dave N' Buster Arcade Games- Mobile Android/Apple devices.

Difficulty: 8/10
Fun Factor: 10/10
Review: Super fun and really challenging. Plus if you get super good, you can use this game to farm tickets IRL for Dave n' Busters. Very very good game and is much more challenging/requires more skill than LoL, since you actually have to do something different than mash Q,W,E, & R (aka, every Akali, Irelia, Fizz, Lee Sin, Ryze, Vayne, every champ ever man).

2. The Apprentice: The Videogame - PC

Difficulty: 10/10
Fun Factor: 5/10
Review: This game is HARD which can sometimes not make it very fun. The reason why is because this is based on real life. You have to do a real job to satisfy a real boss, otherwise you run the risk of being fired. And that's bad. I find this game to be deeply imaginative than LoL, mainly because it simulates this thing called real life, which is something that LoL can't seem to do. I mean, all the women in this game don't have boobs that look like they would break their back just by walking or whack them in the throat if they quickly look up. The art style is also very consistent. That's something LoL hasn't had since season 1.

3. The Best 404 Page Ever - The Internet

Difficulty: 7/10
Fun Factor: 8/10
Review: It's like opening up Pandora's Box; you never know what sort of monstrosity you will release on this world just by pushing the F5 button. From cute, kawaii kitty emoticons to images of a fat person jumping up and down your screen, you will never know what you will get! Maybe Forest Gump would have a thing or two to say about this game if he ever played it. This game takes RNG and makes it fun, unlike LoL.

4. Karateka- NES/Atari/C64

Difficulty: 9/10
Fun Factor: 10/10
Review: If you thought you were a bad *** for playing Lee Sin and "mastering" him, think again. Karateka is a game of true wit and martial arts combat. Learn all the movesets that go along with your main fighter as you go forth on your quest to rescue a princess from an evil Japanese warlord guy. It's such an amazing game with incredibly unique combat. Even though you are a bit OP, that doesn't mean you still can't get beat, unlike in LoL.

5. (Unlock After Earning 400 Toshabi Love Points)

Hmm, not sure if you're trolling... I guess we'll just have to play the games and find out! Alright, we're down to our last few questions. You knew this one was coming... What's the best thing about MOBAfire and what's the worst?

I.... I...... well the best thing about MOBAfail is.... uh.... eerrr...... I.... really like its...... mane.....?

But to be fair, the best/worst thing about MOBAfail are the guides.

Solid answer, when you think about it. Sort of weirdly diplomatic too, Tosh. How about a question you can't get in trouble for answering honestly? :P Who's your favourite fictional character? They can be from any source of fiction.

Aside from me, for obvious reasons, I'm going to go ahead and say Matt. We all know he's really a robot made by Wayne3100 to trick everyone into thinking there's a "dedicated head of the outfit" on here. I mean technically that makes him non-fiction, but seeing how the 'proof isn't in the pudding', my conspiracy theory about the politics and science of MOBAfail count as fiction, therefore, qualifying Matt as a character of fiction that can be labeled as my favourite.

Well, we haven't seen Matt in a while, maybe he is fictional D: So, let's end this interview with an open-ended question. What’s something most people don’t know about you?

Toshabi doesn't do drugs.

Short and sweet, just like Tosh! Well, ladies and gents, that concludes the July 2015 Community Spotlight! Thank you, Toshabi, for your contributions to MOBAFire (both evil and benign)! And thank you, dear readers, for coming along for the ride. If you're still hankering to read about other people's endeavors at MOBAFire, click any of the links below to previous spotlights. Cheers!

Past Spotlights

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HiFromBuddha's Forum Avatar
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Dec 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 1, 2015 6:53pm | Report
This spotlight is what my wet dreams are of.
Imma 'bout to end this man's whole career
My rather unimpressive and slowly growing anime list!
Currently watching:
    Kiniro Mosaic
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    Utsuro no Hako to Zero Maria
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Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
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<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 1, 2015 7:15pm | Report
Toshabi wrote:
23. Vapora Dork: Vapora Dork. He ruins ARAMS. He makes them not fun. He's just too good at this game.
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

♡ sig by thenamelessbard ♡
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 1, 2015 7:27pm | Report
This spotlight is the reason the Editors discussed cutting Toshabi's left hand, making his ability to write 42 paragraphs over the question "do you like cereal?" so excruciatingly painful he'd need to be on the drug cocktail Whitney Houston called "tea time" back in 1992.

He's not the delicious cooky at the end of the meal. He's your grandmother sadistically walking towards your seat after you had enough food to save Etiopia from starvation and drought, knowing full well she's going to say you haven't eaten anything and need some meat in your body, since your 122Kg (Americans google that in pounds sorry) clearly don't suffice. Also she's gonna ask you if you need another chair since your buttcheeks are digesting the first one you sat on.

How did we ever enable this event is beyond me.

td;dr: I demand an Absolite.
Thank you Byron for 2014's loudest laugh up till today
BigBoxGamer's Forum Avatar
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Oct 4th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 1, 2015 7:31pm | Report
Should have voted for me instead. :P
Short Term Goals: Silver/Gold/Platinum || Long Term Goals: Diamond/Master/Challenger
HiFromBuddha's Forum Avatar
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Dec 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 1, 2015 7:34pm | Report
Should have voted for me instead. :P


Thank you to MissMaw for the signatures!
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 1, 2015 7:41pm | Report
Should have voted for me instead. :P

I don't promote chauvinism or age regression, otherwise you'd have been my second option. Then again, that'd mean you can stand up for something that isn't "My team sux qq"

I mean, at least Toshabi's interview extends a fairly solid fictional personality. His projection of an alter-ego is above meh tier. He is not the vilain Mobafire needs, nor the vilain Mobafire deserves, but he's the vilain Mobafire got. And that's something.
Thank you Byron for 2014's loudest laugh up till today
TheSilverDust's Forum Avatar
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Jan 28th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 1, 2015 7:58pm | Report
Such an entertaining interview. Too much spoiler tags though...
Sig made by me!

BigBoxGamer's Forum Avatar
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Oct 4th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 1, 2015 8:18pm | Report
FalseoGod wrote:

I don't promote chauvinism or age regression, otherwise you'd have been my second option. Then again, that'd mean you can stand up for something that isn't "My team sux qq"

No it wouldn't. x.x

I'm turning a new leaf, I'm trying to get better.
Short Term Goals: Silver/Gold/Platinum || Long Term Goals: Diamond/Master/Challenger
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