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jhoijhoi's review & discussion service

Creator: jhoijhoi June 29, 2011 5:44pm
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 10, 2011 1:30am | Report
Bellator wrote:

Don't be mean. </3

I'm not mean.
I'm honest ;(
""Toshabi took thy **** and strucketh Hotshot in his face 'thou art no god'" Toshabi 3:16" - Toshabi

"And then, TheJohn said something so Brazilian that it made all the Brazilians in Brazil turn to look at him" - Toshabi

"abloobloo ur triggering me" - Toshabi
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 10, 2011 1:34am | Report
jhoijhoi wrote:

Still don't agree with Movement Speed Quints - compared to Quints of Fortitude they aren't that great.

For Morde it's imo (in some cases you might get both for MR) Spell Vamp OR Force of Nature. Only get FoN if you're playing a very tanky role, spell vamp if you're playing a more AP oriented one. If you're getting FoN you should grab HP5 quints. If you're not, you should grab 2 or 3 AP quints and 0 or 1 MrP quint.
"We've had a few gloomy years with bad console ports, and what do we get in the light at the end of the console-tunnel? A tablet OS ported to PC." - Atlas Tasume, on Windows 8
ShadowNet's Forum Avatar
Apr 7th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 10, 2011 2:14am | Report
I don't have any HP problems with my build. Once you try Speed Quints on Morde, you'll never look back. :)

Guide polishing time!
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 10, 2011 2:45am | Report
I've been in possession of them for over a year now. I've tried them many times, but they're just not the best choice for Morde..
"You can't have your privacy violated if you don't know your privacy is violated." - Mike Rogers, U.S. Representative for Michigan's 8th congressional district, 2013
I.e: Mike Rogers doesn't think it's rape unless the victim knows (s)he has been raped. Sounds legit.
ChefoSLR's Forum Avatar
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Feb 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 10, 2011 4:05am | Report
Hey, whatever happened to my request? You've reviewed so many after mine and I posted it way before your limitations on Summoner Level, number of posts, etc. I just wanted you to see my improvements, because you've reviewed my guide 2 times and I fixed everything since then.
No spelling or grammar mistakes, I triple checked, I am level 30 in LoL but I have only 40 posts because I don't spend a lot of time in these forums. I think this is really limiting, but that's just my opinion.
If you still want to, check it out. Leona - Bloodstained Light by ChefoSLR. It did get a lot attention after my fixes.
<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 10, 2011 4:44am | Report
I set up a limit for that reason, lol. I didn't want to review guides anymore from people who didn't review other people's guides, or contribute to the forums. Which is why I set up the requirements/limitations. It was nothing personal, it was for my own sanity.

I no longer wanted to review guides of people who didn't have a look around the site first, before creating guides that I had to baby-step them through. I'm not saying I did this with your guide (I've reviewed so many, I can't even really remember yours off the top of my head), but I did do it with a lot of the guides I reviewed.

So, if you would like a review, you have to submit in the required format, and reach all the requirements. 100 posts is not a hassle if you have been voting and commenting on other guides on this site, participating in a community.

Why would people comment and vote on your guide if you don't take the time to comment and vote and contribute to the guides of others?

That was what I was trying to promote the whole time with this thread and my requests for "requesters to review and comment on each other's work", which I asked multiple times.
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<Retired Admin>
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 10, 2011 4:11pm | Report
jhoijhoi wrote:

PsiGuard's Jungle Nocturne Guide
Verdict: A very detailed and well-written Jungle Nocturne guide. It is aesthetically pleasing and only occasionally deviates towards walls of text.
Possible Improvements: There isn't much to improve with this guide, besides the addition of colour and the possible reformatting of the Viable Items section. Jungle Route maps would be beneficial for the casual reader. A summary/tl;dr section at the beginning of the guide could be beneficial. Additionally, the chapters feel a tad out of order, if nothing else, move Abilities, Skill Sequence and Tips and Tricks together somewhere in the guide so one doesn't have to scroll up or down the guide to remember what was previously written about the skills.

Constructive Criticism:

1) I really liked the idea of Quints of Strength. Used them on Vayne for quite a while. Until someone mentioned to me, "That 7 extra damage is pretty useless by level 4, when you'd be benefiting more from 25+ flat armour penetration." I can see why it'd be useful in the jungle, but jungle creeps have armour too. And of course Shroud of Darkness gives you attack speed, so AtkSp Quints may not appeal.

There is some debate as to whether Quints of Strength are worth the lack of ArPen. Unfortunately, I'm still quite poor in terms of IP, so I won't be able to test the difference myself. I'll do some research and consider switching. Just remember that my build has more ArPen than most Nocturne builds because I have Black Cleaver instead of Youmuu's Ghostblade. Still, some more ArPen could be nice.

2) What about chucking in the catalyst of the protector before Atma's Impaler? It'd give you more damage, in a round-about way. Also... Atmogs.

That's a nice idea, but it slows down the build more than you may think. I've done some experimenting with my build order, and the one I posted seems to work the best in most games. Remember, I've already built a Negatron Cloak by that point, so Catalyst the Protector almost rounds off Banshee's Veil. There'd be no point in saving 650 and not finishing the veil, so that would basically switch the order of my items. I NEED Atma's Impaler at that point in the game because Negatron Cloak and Frozen Mallet give me a lot of defense, now I need some armor and offense, which is what Atma's Impaler provides.

As for Warmog's Armor, it's an okay item, but really doesn't have a place in my build. I get armor from Atma's Impaler, magic resist from Banshee's Veil, and health from Frozen Mallet. There isn't an item I would replace for Warmog's Armor, so it doesn't have a place in my build. The only candidate would be Frozen Mallet, but that would leave me without a 40% permaslow. Plus, the regeneration isn't necessary since I have pretty good lifesteal. I wouldn't recommend this as an optional item, since the only substitutions should be for stronger offense or resistances, not straight health.

3) You can use the new embedding system. [masteries]

I was JUST considering doing that, but wasn't sure. Thanks for the suggestion, I've implemented it now.

4) I think the order of your guide is a bit all over the place. You have Skill Explanation up the top, then Skill Sequence way down about 1/4th through your guide.

I concur, and I've switched it to reflect your Ashe guide. I think it looks better this way :). Officially, I blame Searz' template :P

5) With regards to your Other Viable Items Section, I'd suggest placing the icons in one column, and the text in the other. So it'd like up neatly without a whole lot of black space.

I see what you're trying to do, but I COULD NOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME get it to work. Columns are my nemeses apparently. I think it looks okay as it is, but if you would really prefer it with columns, give me an example of one or two items with explanations that I can work with. I can't get it to work without cramming my icons and titles on the left with the entire rest of the horizontal space taken up by the explanation.

6) I realise there are two videos, but add in a jungle route image for quick reference.

That's actually something I've been working on. I have the template image; I'm just trying to find a way to make it look like I didn't draw the route with crayons. I'll insert it into my guide when it's ready, it should make a nice addition.

7) Your Tips and Tricks section *could* be broken up into the individual skill explanations. Or, you could move it up under there, at least. I also wouldn't have the skill abilities that far up the chapter order, either.

Done and done. I actually though about merging it (I even put it in order of skill: Passive-Q-W-E-R), but I wasn't sure how to make it look natural. I didn't know you did that in your Ashe guide; your little subtitle did the trick. Thanks for the suggestions!

Oh, and I understand that you didn't mean to miss my review request. Actually I'm surprised that doesn't happen more often, considering how many you get. Thank you for reviewing my guide so promptly once you realized :). I left a comment (a rather long one, oops ;) ) at your Ashe guide, and of course another +Rep. Thanks again, and check out the changes when you have time.
Thanks to Nyoike for the sig!
<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 10, 2011 6:11pm | Report
^^ Well, you are jungling, so the early 25+ armour pen isn't really as obvious in lane, where most champions don't have over 25 armour, so each shot is like true damage.

Warmog's was just a suggestion. Tanky DPS is back, and it's harder than ever to kill four tanks at once.

Will comment back on your guide with the columns thing.

lawl, crayons. Try editing it in Microsoft Powerpoint. It has arrows in it that scale really well, and it's easier to use than paint as you can reselect all objects you put on a slide.

PS: Searz is to blame for a lot of things <3
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

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<Retired Admin>
PsiGuard's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 10, 2011 6:39pm | Report
Monster camp armor values:

Baron: 120
Wraith: 35
Lesser wraith: 30
Ancient golem: 24
Lizard elder: 24
Dragon: 21
Golem: 12
Giant wolf: 9
Young lizard: 8
Wolf: 6

Without 3 Greater Quintessence of Desolation, I have 21 armor pen from Greater Mark of Desolation and Sunder . That means I deal true damage to Dragon, Golems (2), Giant Wolf, Young lizards (4), and Wolves (2).

If I added 3 Greater Quintessence of Desolation, I get 31 armor pen, meaning I deal true damage to every monster except for the big Wraith (which I usually Smite) and Baron. It's obvious that the extra armor pen isn't necessary for jungle, I'm just not sure 3 Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage are worth the jungle speed. Keep in mind that Duskbringer and Umbra Blades both scale with AD. Do you have any further information I could use to make my decision?

Extra Note: With my current build including 3 hits on Black Cleaver, I get 66 armor pen, going to 76 with the Desolation quints.

tl;dr, I'm still undecided whether to use Strength or Desolation Quints.
Thanks to Minho for the sig!
<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 10, 2011 8:44pm | Report
Most squishy champions have at least 75 armour by level 18, so assuming you get those three hits with BC, you're almost doing true damage to your target, so extra armour penetration isn't necessary against them. But it's highly unlikely that you'll be playing games where the tanks don't have over 120 armour, and casters haven't bought Zhonya's, which puts them over 100 armour.

That's why a lot of professional guides recommend Last Whisper. However, I think BC suits Nocturne better.

Coming back to the original question... I don't jungle often enough to have a strong opinion, but my jungle page consists of Quints of Desolation, Attack Speed Marks, Armour Seals and Cooldown reduction glyphs, and I find this works throughout the whole game.

7 extra damage seems pretty week compared to 10 armour reduction.
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

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