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Choose Champion Build:
Recommended Items
Runes: Full Damage
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Unseen Predator (PASSIVE)
Rengar Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
only contest scuttle when your team helps u and never duel him unless you are super fed
Table of content
Introduction for Rengar
Pros / Cons
Abilities explanation
Skill order
Summoner Spells
Neat rengar tricks
For more info about Rengar or any other assassin you like you can join our discord server and good luck stacking ADC tears
+ great mobility and scouting ![]() + highest burst in the game + Extremely good for soloQ + Great dueling due to his diver/assassin kit + Good splitpusher + Global Ultimate |
- Hard to master - Control wards counters ![]() - vulnerable when he is away from bushes - inconsistent ganks pre6 - ![]() - doesnt have a way of escaping once he is in |
![]() |
Unseen Predator (Passive) EFFECT RADIUS:50 RANGE:600 SPEED:1450 |
INNATE: While in brush or camouflaged, Rengar's basic attacks gain 600 bonus range and cause him to Dash leap to enemies beyond his normal melee range. This bonus lasts for 0.5 seconds upon exiting brush or stealth. Leaping when on 0 Ferocity generates 1 Ferocity. FEROCITY: Rengar generates 1 Ferocity whenever he casts a basic ability. Reaching 4 Ferocity makes his next ability empowered, granting an additional cast along with 30% / 40% / 50% Movement bonus movement speed for 1.5 seconds at the cost of all Ferocity. Reaching 4 Ferocity with Savagery or Bola Strike Bola Strike locks its empowered version for 0.1 seconds before and after casting it. All Ferocity is lost after being out-of-combat for 8 seconds. BONETOOTH NECKLACE: Damage rating Takedowns within 1.5 seconds of being damaged by Rengar grant him a Trophy per unique enemy champion (max 5). An ![]() Trophies grant 1% - 36% (based on Bonetooth Necklace Greentrophies) bonus AD as bonus attack damage. |

you obviously want to lvlup ur ult ![]() you want to max out ![]() you want to max out ![]() you want to max out ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Using W with 3fero stacks in the middle of the animation makes it so u have no locktime and it works the same way of u leap with 0fero and using W when u land.
you can get 2 fero stacks before clearing red buff at the start of the game by using Q and leaping on the blast cone.
you can get 2 fero stacks before clearing blue buff by exiting the bush and auto attacking the blastcone in melee range and pressing S before the animation end to cancel the auto attack then using Q on the blast cone to get to the blue buff side.
you can do more dmg on the turret leap on it by using Q and leaping on a turret or using your ult leaping and this also works with Emp Q but u have to leap
Assassin Mains
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