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Ezreal Build Guide by DemoralizedLemon

ADC [13.6] ezreal guide for myself :3 (WORK IN PROGRESS)

ADC [13.6] ezreal guide for myself :3 (WORK IN PROGRESS)

Updated on March 28, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DemoralizedLemon Build Guide By DemoralizedLemon 10,406 Views 0 Comments
10,406 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DemoralizedLemon Ezreal Build Guide By DemoralizedLemon Updated on March 28, 2023
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Runes: General

1 2 3
Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Cosmic Insight
Biscuit Delivery

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3 4
Preferred Setup
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal



1st Back
Plan to build Manamune 2nd Item
Plan to build NQB 2nd Item
1st Item always Essence Reaver
2nd Item Manamune (Scaling)
2nd Item NQB (Faster Spike/Maintain Lead)
3rd Item
Build 3rd for a typical game, skip for 4th otherwise
Stacks with Serylda's + Go 3rd if Gigafed
Stacks with Serylda's + VS High HP
VS Squishy
VS Tanks (Q counts as an auto!!)
VS Dive
VS Burst with no long range abilities to remove Crown passive
Final Items
VS High AD
VS Healing (only if no one else is building anti-heal smh)
VS Assassins that keep jumping on you
Situational Items
Replace ER (bigger spike, worse scaling)
If your passive atk spd% doesn't feel like enough
If you want to be annoying
Idk this item feels dead to me
After getting armor pen%
Have fun critting?
Have fun critting.

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[13.6] ezreal guide for myself :3 (WORK IN PROGRESS)

By DemoralizedLemon
This is a casual guide for myself to refer to! It's not the most coherent and I'm still confused on when certain items are viable, but I'd be happy if my builds help somehow :D

Ezreal's kit is very fun to me, and his limitless skill ceiling and expression is what made me stay. I hope to become as strong as Jarro Lightfeather!!
Semi-relevant Armor Guide


-Building too much armor pen% is actually unoptimal
-It's not a bad idea to build both armor pen% and Lethality since they are individually calculated and thus stack. This is why building Serylda's with a Lethality mythic works quite well. Although really, you could go whatever Mythic you feel like on our boy, because he's that personalized and *flexible* ;)
-Lethality scales with level!

First of all, there is base armor (from the champion itself) and bonus armor (from items, runes, and abilities).

The order of armor calculation is flat armor reduction, % armor reduction, % armor pen, then flat armor pen (lethality).

Flat values stacks additively

% values stack multiplicatively; you lose out on value (diminishing returns) the more armor pen% items you build

Flat armor reduction - The target's armor is reduced by an amount. It's distributed proportionally between base armor and bonus armor (30 armor reduction against a 20 base armor and 40 bonus armor target will reduce base armor by 10 and bonus armor by 20, so the target will be reduced to 30 armor ((20 − 10) + (40 − 20) = 30). It can reduce a target's armor below zero!

% armor reduction - The target's armor is multiplied by a percentage (100% − the listed reduction). It applies to both base and bonus armor (ex. 30% armor reduction multiplies the target's armor to 70%, so a target with 20 base armor and 40 bonus armor will be reduced to 42 armor ((20 × 0.7) + (40 × 0.7) = 42). % armor reduction reduces more armor on targets with higher armor. It cannot reduce the target's armor below zero.

% armor penetration - It is very similar to % armor reduction! The essential difference is that it doesn't actually lower the target's armor. Instead, it just affects damage calculations. Because the target's actual armor value does not change, anything else depending on that value also doesn't change. An example: 30% armor penetration causes the target to take damage as if its armor was multiplied by 70%, so a target with 20 base armor and 40 bonus armor will be treated as though it had 42 for purposes of damage (the target's actual armor value will not change, however) ((20 × 0.7) + (40 × 0.7) = 42). There is also % bonus armor penetration that only calculates with bonus armor. It is ignored in calculation if the target's armor is already zero.

Flat armor penetration (aka Lethality) - Like % armor penetration, Lethality does not actually lower the target's armor, only affecting calculations instead. It uses a specfic formula, where Flat armor penetration = Lethality × (0.6 + 0.4 × level ÷ 18). An example: 20 lethality on a user at level 18 will cause a target to take damage as if its armor was 20 less, so a target with 30 armor will be treated as though it had 10 for purposes of damage calculation (the target's actual armor value will not change, however). It is ignored in calculation if the target's armor is already zero.

Think of it this way:
Armor reduction = the target's armor is decreased. This means that other sources of damage, including damage that isn't coming from you, will benefit from the decrease.

Armor penetration = your own physical damage ignores some of the target's armor. This means that there is no decrease other sources of damage can benefit from. Almost all items except Black Cleaver build penetration, not reduction. See this wiki page for all the items and abilities that affect or scale with armor-related stats.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DemoralizedLemon
DemoralizedLemon Ezreal Guide
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[13.6] ezreal guide for myself :3 (WORK IN PROGRESS)

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