Skill Matchup. Start Q. Care for his Q W engages and poke, rush bramble.
Harder matchup, START Q. care for early q poke, once she has W she is very hard to deal with. She has alot of dashes that counter you because of your immobility. Freeze against her.
Camille can scale very hard late game, but early you can destroy her. Care for her W poke. If she E's on you pull her out of it. U win the all-in. If she wastes E on u, ghost. Care for her lvl 6 because she can dodge ur abilities.
Very easy matchup, punish him hard, he shouldn't be allowed to walk up for minions. Care for jg ganks.
Dr. Mundo
Very easy matchup as well, go either executioners or bramble. U can't pull him but u can e him for damage and stomp on his passive. He should just sit back early for farming with his q. Care for jg ganks.
Extreme skill matchup. If she brings ignite it is a much harder lane. If she tries to q on, you can pull her to interrupt it. Try to dodge her parry or bait it because it slows ur attack speed and she can negate ur healing from Q, Ult Damage, and stun u from ur e. Bramble is a very good 1st item.
Poke matchup, you can phase if ud like but I prefer conq(depends on enemy team comp) He has alot of poke and can take u out unexpectedly with his ignite passive. If he gets too cocky you can pull him and ghost to all in.
Gnar can poke u down and kite from u easily and all in u with jg ganks with Mega Gnar. Play safe.
Very easy matchup. Punish him for csing and u beat him 1-5. 6 can be different if he has ignite. Care for his all ins. U can pull him when he qs to disrupt his combo.
This truly depends on the enemy player. Jayce is harder to lane against because of his poke and he can unexpectedly burst you down. He also can hit u away in his hammer form. Only all-in him if you for sure can stick on him. Care jg ganks
With bork he does crazy dmg but you can punish him early. If he tries to e stun you, you can pull him so you are both stun locked in a way. Care for his leap into ur q. Lvl 6 dont underestimate his dmg.
punish her for farming early. try to not let her q. Slow pushing can be dangerous as she can easily stack against ranged minions. She can dash into ur q so try to E Q instantly for heals.
Do not let her hit u with her E. She has decent poke early but you should be able to beat her pre 6 if you dont get poked alot. If she hits you with E when she is 6, DO NOT FIGHT HER.
ranged matchup, hope for ganks. go phase play safe
ranged matchup, hope for ganks. go phase play safe
Early on u can punish her farming very well. Her ult counters ur all in because u can't stack on her and it can counter ur ult dmg. She becomes ranged and late game she destroys you, try to punish her very hard in early game, care ganks.
U can go phase rush or conq depending on enemy team comp. His poke can do alot and his all in can hurt. It should be an even lane or u destroy him. He excels in teamfighting, don't just let ur team die to him.
Dodge his q because it gives grievous wounds and can hurt ur Q heal. He has 2 dashes if he hits you with it but you can pull him mid dash to cancel it. Care for ganks at 6 with his ult.
Morde is AP Darius. U both are extremely strong early and at 6, try to dodge his abilites and you should be fine. QSS is very good against him.
U never even see Mao top anymore but he cant do anything. Stay away from bushes and care for ganks, thats all he can do to kill you, Punish him hard.
His poke gets very annoying and his gank setup 6 is strong. Punish him and try to force him to Q minions for farm.
ranged matchup, hope for ganks. go phase play safe
Punish him early and do not let him stack! lvl 6 nasus with sheen can 1 v 1 and hurt very much if he has some stacks. His mid game is his strong point so try to beat him early and dont let him stack freely.
U never see Olaf top but he is pretty easy to beat top. Ur all in beats him, you should just punish him hard for csing melee so he is force to cs with q care jg ganks
Very easy to punish early, he will mainly try to farm with q early. Do not underestimate his lvl 6 damage and his tankiness, try to pull him if he ults you so he cant recast it or when he dashes at u to cancel it.
His E can negate ur stacking ability but you can easily beat him level 2-3. U can pull him when he Ws to cancel his stun. If he E's try to get behind him and care for Q poke. Care jg ganks
Stay away from walls and punish her for trying to farm melee and u easily win
lvl 1-5 u easily beat him as long as u dont take unnecesarry dmg, punish him for farming melee. Care his lvl 6 all-in, dont stand in his ulti
ranged matchup, hope for ganks. go phase play safe
Renekton all in with ignite can hurt very much but you should be able to punish him lvl 1-2 for farming. Dont let him build up fury and he cant do much. Care for his lvl 6 health and fury gain.
Stay away from the bushes and u can cancel his jump with ur e. Dont underestimate his heals and try to get him to jump on u in ur wave. Minions hurt alot!!
Skill matchup, she can easily run away from u and negate ur Q heal. You can pull her out of her 3rd q to cancel her knockup. Her Lvl 6 all-in hurts alot, try to flash her ulti wave.
Most ryze tops are terrible. U can just ghost and run at him and kill him. Care for poke, phase rush is good in the matchup.
you never see swain top anymore but just incase, dont underestimate his poke dmg. His lvl 6 all in can hurt very much but you should be able to easily kill him if he wastes E.
Very easy matchup, he should be farming from afar. U can punish him easily from farming melee and pull him when he charges Q. Dont let him get free farm.
it really just depends on the singed player but ur all in and ghost matches his speed and destroys him. care for proxy and ganks
Shen is a team player but he can defeat u in lane. If he tries to taunt u pull him. Care of taunt flash for ganks. If he ws just walk infront of him so he cant get to tower. Pull him out of his ult if u can.
Depends on the shaco, bring oracle lens early. He can just blink away and outsmart u but u can just all in him easily and his clone cant outsmart in fights because u can see ur bleed stacks on the original shaco.
Care for his all in early, he's one of the only tops who can match u in all-ins early. Dont let him stun u with E and try to avoid his true damage W. Dont trade with him because he will always out heal u but you can punish him for trying to farm and all-in him. He can pull u when u q or he can ult so you dont get heal. Try to bait his w before u kill with ur ult.
U can all-in him with ghost whenever early. Care for Q poke and his ult does nothing with ur ult. Care for ganks.
Tahm Kench
DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE HIS DMG. U can punish him for farming but dont give him free grasp stacks. He can eat u when u q and stun lock u for ganks. His e can completely negate ur ult dmg but if he misses a Q u can all in him early with ghost. Save E if he tries to W away.
ranged matchup, hope for ganks. go phase play safe
He steals ur ad and ur tank stats. Dont underestimate his LvL 6. He can hard all in u. Try to kite him while fighting and ghost once you get near to five stacks. Care for his E for gank setups. E Q instant helps alot.
U beat him early. Punish him for farming melee. Dont let him build up rage. Care lvl 6, lower his health is, more AD. He has very dumb built in crit chance but first iteming tabi if ur behind is good. U can outsmart trynds to ult instantly once u get 5 stacks for his reaction time with ult.
Urgot E has a strong lvl 1 so care for that. U can pull him out of his E towards u and try not to circle around him. Care for his lvl 6 all-in with his ult. If he doesn't hit E he loses.
ranged matchup, hope for ganks. go phase play safe, can easily destroy u in 1 v 1s
Minions hurt alot. His W is extremely annoying. His split push is extremely strong but ur early laning is stronger than his. Punish him early for csing melee.
a good yone/yasuo could make this even, but you easily can all in him early pre 6 and kill him, care gank setups
a good yone/yasuo could make this even, but you easily can all in him early pre 6 and kill him, care gank setups
he has built in attack speed, armor, armor pen, 2 knockups, and all that. U cant win unless he sucks. Pray for jg ganks.
Try not to stay in his E and pull him out of his Q. U can all in him early and u beat him early. Care lvl 6 dives.
U can beat him early very easily. Ur 5 stack damage as long as u kite him while fighting u can beat him. Care for barrier and his healing. Go bramble.
poke matchup, you cant really engage on him but if he messes up w u can engage him.
she out heals u, and does more true dmg. She can negate ur q and e with her w. and her lvl 6 all in is crazy, Gwens usually bring ignite too, very hard lane to win, try to punish early.
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