Poppy as every jungler have to know how to play against specific matchups. Let's take a look into them!
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In early game try to invade him as much as possible, he doesn't deal dmg without maxed smite and items and clearing his camps will slow his powerspikes. If you meet each other, you outdamage him unless he's somehow ahead. What is most important in this matchup is that you can block his
Bandage Toss which is the only ability of
Amumu to engage. Using
Steadfast Presence on it denies him to gap close but he still stuns you. In teamfights it's really good, stops your team from being stunned so easily. Don't forget he can also use
Flash with his
Curse of the Sad Mummy but you will probably expect it. He becomes more tankier with every minute in the game so armor shredding items are good.
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Bel'Veth is a champion that is based on autoattacks. She will probably full clear. You can block her mobility with
Steadfast Presence easily, she literally has 4 dashes. You're most likely to outdamage her in duels anytime. Beware of her
Royal Maelstrom, this ability grants damage reduction and deals tons of damage. Don't let her get herald, she will get void monsters then that allow to hard push any lane. In teamfights focus her first since she can make use of her True Form. It's not a hard matchup theorically but one mistake and it's get so much harder. Try to kill her as fast as possible.
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Briar is a very easy matchup. You outdamage her everytime on the map. She has a predictable dash (her autoattacks) so she cannot really do anything without it. If any problems, go for antiheal or armor items.
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Diana is very strong right now but not as strong versus
Poppy. She will probably full clear so watch out for Level 4 duels. You block her
Lunar Rush.
Steadfast Presence. You also outdamage her early on. Don't understimate her. Try to deny her dashes and buy some Magic Resist against her.
Dr. Mundo
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Dr. Mundo's early game and duel potential is worse than you so you can easily outdeal him early on. He needs to farm and he ganks not so good. Advantage is on your side. Later on he will become more tankier so anti-tank items are recommended. He can focus your carry so make sure to keep an eye on him. Anyway it's not that hard of a matchup.
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Right now
Ekko is one of the most reliable champions, he will scale up no matter what. His early game is bad so he won't try to invade you and you don't have to worry about your camps being taken. Early on you outdamage him but he's a ticking bomb that blows up sometime in the game. You can block his flip on
Phase Dive, you don't block his blink tho keep that in mind. In teamfights don't waste your
Keeper's Verdict on him, he will just R back. If stunned with
Heroic Charge it's an easy kill since he's squishy but be careful if he's not focused by anybody. Magic Resist items are recommended.
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Annoying jungler to play against. She will try to invade you as much as possible because of her early game damage. Ward your other side of the jungle. Don't fight her if you somehow met each other, she's better early and will gank more than you. Buy more
Control Wards in order to minimalize her early game power. You bring more utility and damage in late game which is better in teamfights. She will try to focus first target or your adc. She can also flank from behind so watchout for that. Magic Resist items are recommended.
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Evelynn is an assasin that aims to hit lvl 6 as soon as possible. In this case you can invade her with the invade pathing since she will start blue most likely. You outdamage her early. After she hit lvl 6 she has invisiblity which is annoying for everyone on your team. Try to buy as many
Control Wards as possible in order to counter her ganks, flanks and all. She can easily steal objectives so be careful of that. In teamfights she will focus squishy targets and if you stun her you probably kill her since she's squishy. Magic Resist items are recommended.
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Fiddlesticks can be compared to
Evelynn with his weak early game and powerspike after lvl 6. With recent buffs he's even harder to deal with. You can try to invade him but he will probably place his scarecrows in order to avoid invades. Early you outdamage him with your damage and also because you cancel his
Bountiful Harvest cast. After he hit lvl 6 game will be harder.
Fiddlesticks will abuse his
Crowstorm with
Ultimate Hunter. You should consider warding more and expect engages or followuping from his side. In teamfights he's a monster and it's better if you somehow manage to catch him or after his engage stun him or even knock him out with
Keeper's Verdict. Magic Resist items are recommended.
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Pretty weak jungler in current meta. Compared to mid and top
Gragas he lacks damage at the beginning which allows us to outdamage him early on. His ganks pre-6 are weak and are easily counterable. You can block his E. On objectives he needs a team to help him. He can engage into fights with
Flash +
Body Slam and if not, he will followup someone from his team. His ult can be gamechanging like yours since it can seperate your entire team. Pros is on your side since he can miss more abilities. Magic Resist items are recommended.
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It's a melee ranged champion that wants to invade and will take advantage of his kit. Try to finish camps as fast as possible. If you are feeling something about his invade buy
Control Ward and put it in your jungle. If dueling with him it can go either way, you outdamage him or he outkites you. You block his E which can probably stop his armor stacking as well.
Graves takes
Fleet Footwork and has so much lifesteal with it so better buy antiheal, lock him down or run away. In teamfights you ruin his potential as you remove his mobility. With your
Steadfast Presence and armor items he can't do anything.
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Hecarim isn't as popular as he once was but with item path he has now it can be hard to deal with him. He is good at both clearing and ganking. If you meet him at river and land a stun you outdamage him early on which puts advantage on your side. If you snowball fast enough you can win really easily. I didn't really see a problem with him. You block his
Devastating Charge. Armor items are recommended.
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I hate playing against him. Even if he builds support he deals damage. At the start be careful about your other buff because it can be invaded and taken from you. You can take crab freely and you outdamage him early on. However as the game progresses he will give more and more shields to his allies while rooting enemies.
Serpent's Fang is very good in this matchup. He will stay in the back protecting teammates so try to flank. Damage items recommended as you aim to one shot this tree? Magic Resist items are good too.
Jarvan IV
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Jarvan IV is really easy matchup. You can easily block his predictable
Demacian Standard +
Dragon Strike combo which is his main engage tool. It works both in duels and teamfights. Another pro is on your side since you can stun him into his own wall ( his
Cataclysm ). Any item will do.
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I'm not sure when did
Karthus became so overpowered. Like really. His early game is good and he can even outduel you (it's 50/50). However he doesn't provide any hard CC and overall he's squishy.
He powerspikes after lvl 6 and
Liandry's Torment that makes him a beast. After getting his core item you can feel the overall change of game. His impact will be huge. Try to win game as soon as possible, he's a ticking bomb that will oneshot your entire team. Magic Resist items are recommended.
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Kayn is easy matchup. He will try to invade your red side starting from wraiths so warding this place is recommended. Since he relies on damage from his
Reaping Slash you can block it with
Steadfast Presence. It denies his mobility which is important in teamfights. While he is in wall you can stun him easily. If anything goes wrong you can buy healing reduction items unless it's Shadow Assasin but the blue form itself is worse. Armor and AD items are recommended.
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Extreme threat. His jungle pathing is standard one. One thing to note: He outduels you at every point in the game. Even if you are ahead and you have a lot of resists you can still lose to him. This champion is just broken. You can block his
Leap but that doesn't stop from dealing huge damage from his
Taste Their Fear for no reason. In teamfights he will probably have
Edge of Night so blocking
Leap isn't viable unless one of your teammates destroy shields. He will look for flanks and try to assasinate squishies. If you will come close to him he will use invisibility but try to CC him as long as possible if it's possible.
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Kindred is basically an ADC in jungle. She has usual pathing as always but will try to invade marked camps if it's possible.
Control Ward somewhere in your jungle is good. Early on she can kinda outkite you but later on it's easy as you block her dash and she has no mobility. Buying AD items or stacking armor is recommended.
Lee Sin
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You could say this is a rengar-type matchup. His early game is good but he falls off really quick.
Lee Sin has a potential to invade you so better ward your second buff or just other side of the jungle. If you get into a fight with him, you can easily block his
Resonating Strike and
Safeguard dash. Stopping his dashes while taking objectives is really satisfying since he can't steal drake or baron with
Smite. Doesn't matter if you go tank or damage build it should be really easy, as I said
Lee Sin doesn't really do damage in mid-game to late-game. Just incase be careful of insecs that can put your teammates in danger.
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Lillia is a not a hard matchup. She's a bruiser that you can't catch but she lacks damage. Early on if you hit your stun you should outdamage her but if you somehow miss you will get outkited. Her bonus movement speed on
Blooming Blows is really annoying and you really can't catch her. She has better ultimate that asleeps all enemies affected with passive so beware of that. She also has true damage but most of her kit deals magic damage so Magic Resist items are recommended.
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Maokai is a weird matchup but a unique one. He will gank as usual with his kit but most of the time now he will go AP which means his saplings are bombs. Literally. You have to snowball, gank as many times as possible and get your teammates ahead. If
Maokai somehow will get fed than it's not a good news... Magic Resist items are recommended.
Master Yi
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Kinda easy if your team has CC in your team. Early on he doesn't have damage and you probably outduel him. He will powerfarm. From mid to late game I hate this champion, he literally just rightclicks anybody to death. Luckily we have stun on
Heroic Charge that can stop him or we can get him out of ongoing fight with
Keeper's Verdict. If your team has crowd control it shouldn't be a problem but if no you should focus him always. AD and Ability Haste to spam
Heroic Charge recommended?
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Mordekaiser will go full clear every time and look for opportunities. You can outduel him but at the same time he can outduel you! Dodge his abilities if possible and gank lanes. In teamfights later on he will focus your carry. Watch out for him. Magic Resist items are recommended.
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Very easy matchup at every point of the game. You win every duel against her. Using
Steadfast Presence on her
Pounce dash is just a sign of a won fight. She will start with her
Javelin Toss as always and need to engage but she can't. Blocking dash denies her to do full damage combo. Can be a little annoying with her far away spears and heals in fights but other than that it's really easy. Magic Resist items are recommended.
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Not really viable in the meta now. Since the preseason I haven't seen problems with
Nocturne. He's an early game champion and well... he falls really quickly. He will try to fight you and while you are stacking armor he will not do any damage. Beware of fighting him early so mid and late game are easier for you. In teamfights he will
Paranoia your carry but he's easily stunned and kited. Armor items recommended.
Nunu & Willump
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Interesting and at the same time unique matchup. First of all he will do his blue and red site and start ganking all around the map. He isn't really a hard matchup but just beware of his ganks that could impact the whole game. Also important about Nunu, they will force objectives! From the moment of dragon spawns you should ward it immediately. On fights he's easy to kill and in teamfights he serves as a engager. Just be careful if he snowballs early game. Magic Resist and Armor Shredding items recommended.
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Olaf is decent now. He can still jungle but his reworked kit made him more a toplaner. Was the worst enemy to exist for
Poppy. He's better at every early skirmishes than you. He can invade you in jungle and if he will, he outduels you every time early on. Your slows on
Hammer Shock and stun on
Heroic Charge won't work because he's immune to CC on his
Ragnarok. Not only that he has also true damage which ignores your armor against him and he heals a lot. I would say gank your teammates a lot so they can pressure and win lanes.
Olaf is not a scaling champion and loses to kitness in mid-late game. You will outdamage him later in the game. You provide CC and he does not. Just try not to fight him straight ahead in early game.
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Typical play style to
Nunu & Willump. He will do his both sides and gank around the map.
Rammus doesn't clear that fast so you can invade him. He wants to snowball early and be an engager and peeling tool. He can't really fight without team so take advantage of that. In mid-late game he will have tons of armor so better to have some shredding items like
Black Cleaver. If bought there should be no problem in fights but he will go in teamfights for your carry and tank all the damage if armor penetration is not a such thing in your team. However he can't do anything while stunned.
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I don't know what this champion does but I win mostly against it. Try to avoid her early or call for help from your teammates. After 6 you probably outdamage her. You can block her
Tunnel that is creating a tunnel in some direction. After stunned she can't really do anything but her true damage if she has maxed fury can hurt. Anyway she's easily focused and outkited by your team unless they don't think. You can easily peel your adc from her or just engage onto her. Easy matchup. Armor items are recommended.
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An assasin easily countered by one click ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ. Matchup against him is very easy, I could even say it is a free win but you don't want to understimate him. He's an assasin with no escape and pretty good early game. Beware of his early fights with bushes close to him, of course you can block his leap from it using
Steadfast Presence early on but he really win fights abusing these bushes from his passive
Unseen Predator. When he gets 6 you can also block his ult
Thrill of the Hunt. He will look for opportunities to assasinate someone on solo area so you want to stick to your teammates, in this case he can't do anything unless he builts
Edge of Night but well you stun him after his engage anyway. Remember, he has no dashes so he can't escape after he leaps on someone.
Control Wards are pretty useful here for showing his position, even during his camouflage on ult. Any item will do you if you know how to counter Rengar with W.
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She's like
Rammus I think. Her clearing is standard and she will be helping her team because she isn't really a duelist herself. You outdamage her in fights and you block her
Arctic Assault dash. Beware of her engages with
Glacial Prison or
Arctic Assault +
Flash. She will be really tanky in late game so
Black Cleaver is recommended as well as Magic Resist items since she does %max hp damage.
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Shaco is just
Shaco. I don't know what his clear is but he will try to snowball abusing his invisibility.
Shaco players mostly go AD but going AP is a thing too. However it'll be a hell either way. He will snowball so hard that his lanes will be far ahead compared to yours. Not only that, fears, boxes, invisibility he has will just annoy you throughout the whole game. He will go AP? He will place a box and will do a quarter of your HP with it. AD? He will oneshot anyone. Try to snowball lanes too with
Predator and buy
Control Wards to track
Shaco's current position. It's the only way to win. You can also track his position in his invisibility with
Oracle Lens. Stack Armor or Magic Resist based on his build.
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She's decent now but don't understimate her. She deals tons of damage and is tanky at the same time. Snowball early on, try to end the game fast. Magic Resist items are recommended.
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Another tank in jungle.
Skarner doesn't really aim to be carry himself but rather plays with his own team. His damage after rework can be huge especially when having Health Items. He has standard pathing and will try to look for picks and hit lvl 6 as fast as possible. You outdamage him at every point of the game but your ults are pretty much the same and can change the game. He will focus your carry so it's easy to predict that he will run straight forward for him which allows us to stun him or knock him out. If he's tanky you can buy armor shredding items. AD and Armor items are recommended.
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Very easy matchup at every point of the game. You basically win every duel against him if you don't troll. You block his two dashes. You can gank better than him. If you get Divine fast you win the game. If you have any problems Magic Resist items are recommended.
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Talon is a very easy matchup. You outdamage him everytime and everywhere. He isn't that broken as he once was. You even clear faster than him and you can gank your teammates better than him. You block his dashes. If anything wrong happens Armor items are recommended.
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He has standard pathing and very good early game. He removes your AD at duels with his Q and it's so annoying because it removes your damage output. Avoid him at the beginning and play for mid to late game. He will aim to snowball early and if he'll do it successfully it's really doomed because he'll outduel anyone. He can steal your resistances and become a tank himself for a few seconds and it really hurts. You can't really win 1v1 against him so play with team. Later on one stun on him with
Heroic Charge in teamfight is probably enough to let your team oneshot him. AD and some armor items recommended.
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Udyr relies around movement speed. He has standard pathing and it goes pretty fast. He will abuse early game power and outduel you. This matchup can go either way. Don't fight him and play safe. He will go tank or bruiser so buy items depending on his playstyle. Whether he bought
Udyr will rely on having a lot of movement speed. Simply stunning him can be enough and if that doesn't work you can knock him out. Especially if he stacks
Conqueror he can be a threat in both duels and teamfights. Armor or Magic Resist items (depending on his playstyle) or even armor shredding items recommended.
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