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Recommended Items
Runes: Phase Rush
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Unleashed Smite
Threats & Synergies
Jungler that just dominates early game. Her damage is big and she can one shot you at any time. Ward your jungle because she likes to invade as well and look for picks.
Slows and stuns from her are very good element for followuping on your ganks.
Slows and stuns from her are very good element for followuping on your ganks.
What you will find here are the best viable items, runes, summoner spells and combos which will cause your Poppy to become a carry of the team from jungle. About the guide, the entire text code was written by me and I took some codes from other guides. I will link them in credits.
About me, I'm from Poland and I'm peaking Challenger player who mains Poppy with over 400k mastery points on her since the beginning of Season 10. My in-game name is "Kocykek" and I play on EUW.
I'm not a normal Poppy player who plays only tank and protects his teammates, I like being a fighter who takes on multiple enemies which is why I also found out a damage build which is viable at this moment. If you have any questions about my guide, feel free to leave a comment. Anyway let's get into the the guide!
Why so? Her decent clear, damage output from abilities and opportunity to duel anyone is insane. She became much stronger than I've expected with these new items. First of all, Poppy has the kit that can provide so much utility and even is good at ganking and counter ganking. Heroic Charge is good enough to stun an enemy which the mentioned immobilize effect can last up to 2 seconds. Steadfast Presence is for gap closing and blocking dashes (we will get to that later). And speaking about dashes... How many junglers are there with them? That's why it makes counter ganking so effective on Poppy. For example lets take Zac ganking and you are ready with your W. Last, but not least the most game changing ability in Poppy's kit is probably the ult Keeper's Verdict itself which allows to kick out enemy or enemies out of fight so even if they have a carry you can just ult him out and he will be back a few seconds later. In these few seconds everything can happen so be sure to use it correctly. Finally our Yordle also has a few builds, runes or even playstyles to take on so she can't be useless if countered or behind in-game.
- stoppable Heroic Charge. She can dash to enemy but the enemy can stop it while you are casting the dash. Janna's Howling Gale or Monsoon and Draven's Stand Aside for example. There are also moments where enemies blink her Heroic Charge ( Zed's Living Shadow, Ezreal's Arcane Shift, Flash). All of these leave Poppy in worse shape during ongoing fight since she didn't hit stun and get closer to enemy.
- vulnerable to unstoppable type abilities and surpressions: Olaf, Malzahar, Warwick. Poppy have to slow and stun enemies in order to win and she also need to move out of these immobilized effects in order to do something.
- worse on ranged matchups. Poppy likes gap closing so she prefer to fight against bruisers and tanks, not mages and other ranged champs. Of course she can hit some abilities and autoattacks but she would hit more if they would be closer.
Poppy's Iron Ambassador allows to clear camps more safe beacause of shield it gives. Also it deals some magic damage which is nice. In fights shield is really useful. Maximum health shield is what every tank want. Unlucky that you have to move to shield's position to grab it and not only that enemy can actually desroy the shield with stepping on it. |
Poppy's main damage ability. You want to spam it as much as possible so ability haste is a way to go. If you manage to proc this ability 2 times you are dealing massive damage. 16% maximum health damage is huge compared to other abilities that occur in the game. Hammer Shock also slows so it is very good in chasing enemy and escaping from him. Works really good on clearing camps. |
The ability that most champions don't like. With the cast you gain movement speed and creating aura around you that stops incoming dashes for 2 seconds. Dashes get blocked and enemies that casted them get grounded. Ground effect denies enemies to use other dash abilities as well as Flash. Passively you gain bonus resistances and even more of them below 50% hp which is amazing. Here you can see the list of all dashes that Steadfast Presence can block: List |
Poppy's ability to stun. Heroic Charge is point and click ability but requires some positioning. You can't just use it on enemy like that. You have to stun the enemy into a wall in order to deal damage and ability to fully work. You can ignore walls while using Heroic Charge. |
The game changer ultimate. It's a skill shot so you have to precisely aim at target. If tapped the enemy gets knocked up for nearly a second and you deal half a damage with it. If charged more than 0.5 seconds then the enemy gets knocked in direction of their base. The distance is based on how long was Keeper's Verdict charged. You deal full damage. Can also be used as a finisher. |
Skill Order #1 | ||||||
> |
> |
> |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
Q | E | W | Q | Q | R | Q | E | Q | E | R | E | E | W | W | R | W | W |
Default skill order. Since Poppy highly relies on damage from her Hammer Shock it will be maxed first. The cooldowns on Q will shorten so much. From 8 seconds to 4 seconds!
2 Adaptive Forces allow Poppy to clear fast. Health Scaling to make Poppy tankier as the game goes on. |
Gustwalker Hatchling This pet will give you bonus movement speed after fully grown. You will be faster in bushes and after killing a camp. This can be helpful with mobility. |
Scorchclaw Pup This pet will grant you additional damage after fully grown. You will get stacks and at 100 stacks your next autoattack burns enemy and slows all nearby enemies. |
Health Potion You have to somehow survive in the Jungle no? |
Stealth Ward Free trinket that grants vision if placed. Use it on your other jungle side incase if you have a feeling someone will invade you or place it somewhere deeper to let teammates know where enemy jungler is now and who he will be trying to gank first. |
Boots Getting more movement speed means more mobility and more mobility = more ganks and gap closing. |
Ionian Boots of Lucidity Useful boots because of the ability haste they give. More ability haste = faster clearing and better fighting. Also more movement speed! |
Sheen Your next autoattack after casting an ability deals additional damage. Your autoattack from Iron Ambasador counts too! |
Caulfield's Warhammer Grants you AD and Ability Haste. |
Control Ward A lifesaver for 75 gold. Grants vision in selected place that shows placed enemy wards in this area until someone destroys it or another one is placed by you. It is really important to have these since you can see the enemy jungler's position and what is his pathing is. Also useful on objectives. |
Oracle Lens Pretty much a nearby enemy vision detector for free that follows you for a few seconds. Useful to destroy wards of enemy laners and on objectives. |
Mobility Dead Man's Plate - It grants you movement speed and additional damage along with armor and health. Very great to walk around the map and help everyone. |
VS AD (autoattacks,healing) Thornmail - Classic item. Great against autoattack based champions like Jax and Warwick. It's also good against healing champions. Applying 60% of Grievous Wounds on immobilizing enemy. Very good against champions like Kayn and Aatrox. |
VS AD (autoattacks,crit) Randuin's Omen - Gives good amount of armor and even an active that reduces attack damage and critical strike damage. Also you have passive on this item and it works like Amumu's Tantrum, reducing damage from autoattacks by 5 per 1000 health. Has an active that reduces damage of nearby enemies. |
VS AP (better heals,shields) Spirit Visage - Increased healing and increased shielding which works on Iron Ambassador and other items. Also gives good amount of health, magic resist and ability haste. |
VS AD (autoattackers) Frozen Heart - Good item to take because of mana, ability haste and especially armor it gives. Grants passive working like Amumu's Tantrum, just like Randuin's Omen. |
VS HEAVY AP Force of Nature - Probably the best magic resist item at the moment. Also gives movement speed. Unlucky that it doesn't give ability haste. With Dead Man's Plate this item really works good. |
Support/Mobiilty(scaling resistances in fights) Trailblazer - Kinda a support item that replaces Dead Man's Plate but at the cost of your teammates having bonus movement speed as well. |
Support Locket of the Iron Solari - Some resists and a shield that can be used on all of your allies. |
Defensive Stats Jak'Sho, The Protean - Very defensive items, grants armor, magic resists, health and even more resists after being in a fight. |
Armor/Healing Unending Despair - Item that grants you armor, health, ability haste and an old Jak'Sho passive that heals you while being in a combat. |
Armor/Healing Kaenic Rookern - Amazing Magic Resist item that grants you health, many of mentioned resists and a big shield based on your max% HP (that regenerates). |
Burst Eclipse - Really amazing item in current meta, great burst damage and low cooldown which allows Poppy to abuse it. |
Teamfighting - getting burst down Sterak's Gage - Grants a maximum health regeneration and a shield if bursted down in teamfights. The shield is increased if fighting against multiple champions. |
Healing/Damage Sundered Sky - Great item that focuses on healing while 100% criting on next autoattack. Good in extended fights, grants good stats. |
Ability Haste/Spamming Abilities Spear of Shojin - Item that grants you tons of ability haste, health, AD and on top of that your abilities will deal more with next each one, stacking to 4. |
I know this instruction image can be a little hard to read from so I'm gonna explain here:
Use it to engage into fight earlier so enemy can't expect and react to it. Also used to gap closing.
Steadfast Presence:
1. You use it at the start to gap close enough or to make enemy don't dash.
2. You use it at the end to gap close if enemy ran away or to block a dash so enemy can't escape.
You use it after you hit someone with Heroic Charge. Can be used to proc runes.
Keeper's Verdict + AA:
You use it to extend fight and deal damage.
Ironspike Whip:
Use it to maximize your damage potential in combo.
And basically you use combo based on situation you got in and how much damage you can put out.
I hope you understand "Combos" section. If you don't, feel free to ask me questions.
This is default pathing and the only one that works on Poppy. It allows Poppy to gank earlier than most junglers and most likely to kill someone which results in advantage on Yordle's side. Full clear pathing would lead to disadvantage really fast and invade pathing well... it's too risky. Better to farm less and gank more than farm more and gank less.
Clearing as Poppy is easy. All you need to do is hit your Hammer Shock and try to hit it in the most enemies possible at once. Play with passive and grab shields as it helps with not losing too much hp. Additionally you can use Heroic Charge and use it on toughest target. Start clearing with E + Q + Passive ( Heroic Charge + Hammer Shock + Iron Ambassador ) or with Passive + E + Q ( Iron Ambassador + Heroic Charge + Hammer Shock). Second is better as you know the position shield position already is as you stun something. |
Typical engage on jungle camps. |
Alternative early engage on jungle camps. |
Warding is an important part of the game. Without it it's just a hide and seek on Summoner's Rift. Placing Stealth Wards and Control Wards allow to know position of the enemies at this right moment when they are seen so the team can play with their movement.
Clearing vision is part of the warding too.
Ganking is an important part of junglers and Poppy does it well. While ganking you have to either take the chosen enemy with your Heroic Charge into a wall, slow enemy with Hammer Shock or even block his dash with Steadfast Presence. Either way they are affected by CC and your teammate or teammates, depends if you gank a solo lane or bot lane, can follow up. Positions on enemies also change during laning phase and if ganking you have to choose the right way you can gank or at least the one that will do anything. Before we start - bot ganking is the same as top but I used only top images because it makes no sense to make bot as well while they are almost the same but upside down. |
1. From river Typical place to start a gank from junglers. Do it if enemy lane has prio over your ally or allies. Easy to set gank if so, if you show up enemy will start running away to walls which you can use to set Heroic Charge stun. If they have dashes you can use Steadfast Presence to deny them to escape which slows. Either use it after Heroic Charge or just after you show up if you have that feeling on enemy. Now what if enemy doesn't have prio? Well... now you have to follow up your teammate's stun or any immobilize effect or just be quick enough to gap close enemy in 2 or 3 seconds after showing up. Followuping is easy but gap closing can be hard don't worry if you have Relentless Hunter and Celerity, you will gain enough movement speed to come closer to enemy. |
2.From lane bush You can try going around into the bush on lane to surprise enemy. Works the best if enemy laner or laners are aggresive like Renekton or Leona. |
3. Dive If lane is winning you can try to dive enemy since it's very easy in these kind of situations where enemy just stands under towe because he can't do anything else. You have guaranteed stun on enemy. |
4. Hexflash If you somehow took hexflash you can try this route. Go into enemy jungle and start channeling here to here. Enemies won't expect that. |
5. Countergank Enemy jungler ganking? Stay in bush or river and ping your teammate to come here. Stun someone and if someone has dashes then you know, use Steadfast Presence. |
1. From any bush Typical gank pathing but too hard to make it work since you need gap closing. |
2. Hexflash Enemies won't expect where you came from. From enemy raptors to mid. Since Poppy doesn't get enough gap closing with gank from the bush, Hexflash helps with that. Channel from here to here and there you go, easy gank. Best if enemy is mage since he will be playing poke type playstyle. |
3. Hexflash + Dive Dives are very good if playing as Poppy, as if champion was created to dive. You can surprise enemy with that and grab an easy kill. Especially if your mid laner is winning. |
How to gank specific champion with Poppy:
Aatrox - You can block his E even when he's casting his Q with it. Recommended to build Thornmail or Chempunk Chainsword against him.
Ahri - She can cancel your E with her charm but you can block her R dashes instead.
Akali - It's possible to block her E and R dashes. You just must have reflex to do it.
Alistar - You block his W which is a good thing since Alistar players only knockback junglers that are ganking or getting close to his ADC.
Anivia - She is pretty immobile but beware of her stun and damage coming with it. Try to dodge Q.
Annie - Wait till she uses her passive (4th spell) before going in. She can stun you on gank if you don't.
Aphelios - Immobile adc, easy to gank.
Ashe - Her slows and R is annoying to play against. While ganking she just slows you so you have to take the right ganking path. Other than that she can reveal your position in jungle by E.
Aurelion Sol - I didn't play against him yet but I guess he's squishy and immobile. Also he has ability that works like Anivia's Q so he's Anivia but worse.
Azir - Well, I'm gonna say here that depends who controls this champion. Bad one is gonna be easy but the good one will literally carry their team. You can block his dash on E.
Bard - He will be roaming so you can try to stop him in river. Also you block his E
Blitzcrank - To be honest you have better gap closing if you get hit by him but at the same time you are stunned and silenced by him.
Brand - Underrated champion that deals tons of damage. He's immobile but can stun you.
Braum - He will be protecting his ADC all the time. You can block his W.
Caitlyn - Try not to step on her traps. You block her E dash.
Camille - You block her both casts on E so your ganks can be very good against her. Also she has true damage so watch out for her.
Cassiopeia - Try not to get stunned and get miasma effect casted on you.
Cho'Gath - Easy to gank, immobile champion. Try to not get hit by his Q.
Corki - Rarely seen nowadays but you block his W.
Darius - Not easy to gank since he can 1v2 you because of passive he has. Watch out.
Diana - She doesn't have escape dash.
Dr. Mundo - Kinda immobile and squishy early on. IF you have problem try buying
Bramble Vest or Chempunk Chainsword.
Draven - He can cancel your dash which is annoying. Try to get close enough to hit it. If it's not possible peel for your ADC.
Ezreal - In the same moment you use your dash on him, he use his blink. Try to bait it or gap close enough.
Fiora - You can W her Q. Also she heals a lot so Thornmail or any healing reduction item is recommended.
Fizz - You can W his Q. He can stop your E with his E.
Galio - Easy to gank since his E is very predictable to block with Steadfast Presence.
Gangplank - He has no dashes but gaining movement speed with destroying barrels.
Garen - Easy since he is immobile.
Gnar - You can W his E. In MegaGnar form he becomes kinda immobile.
Gragas - You can W his E.
Heimerdinger - While ganking him be careful of turrets that he places because they deal massive damage. Also watch out if he rushes Zhonya or so.
Illaoi - You can block her W but she wins 1v2 anyway. Be careful.
Irelia - You can block her W which puts her mobility to the ground.
Janna - She can stop your E with both her Q and R. Try to gap close enough or flash.
Jax - You can W his Q.
Jayce - You can W his Q.
Jhin - He's kinda mobile with his passive and Galeforce. Actually you can W his Galeforce.
Jinx - She's too mobile and deals too much damage. Early on you can easily set stuns on her.
Kai'Sa - Not too mobile at early levels, you can W her R somehow.
Kalista - You can W her every autoattack. A pain for her.
Karma - Too mobile, try to follow up.
Karthus - Squishy, easy to kill. Be careful of his passive.
Kassadin - Early on immobile and deals no damage, easy to set ganks.
Katarina - Annoying since she can E your E. Try to wait out it.
Kayle - Annoying, too much movement speed.
Kayn - You can W his Q, in this situation it lefts him with no damage.
Kennen - Too mobile but it is possible to stun him.
Kled - You can W his E.
Kog'Maw - Immobile, easy to set ganks.
LeBlanc - You can W her W.
Leona - You can W her E.
Lissandra - Annoying, she has too much crowd control.
Lucian - You can W his E which lefts him with no mobility.
Lulu - Polymorphy is the most annoying spell to exist. You need to followup.
Lux - Immobile, try to dodge Q and set up an easy stun.
Malphite - Too tanky but you can stun him.
Malzahar - Annoying with new items, immobile but strong at the same time.
Maokai - Immobile, easy to set ganks.
Miss Fortune - Kinda mobile due to her passive on W. You can set up an easy stun.
Mordekaiser - Immobile, easy to set stun.
Morgana - Watch out for her Q and E.
Nami - Her Q is annoying but if you dodge it you are good to go to stun.
Nasus - Immobile without Ghost, easy to set stun.
Nautilus - You can W his Q.
Neeko - annoying with her W,E and R.
Olaf - immune to your spells, wait it out or try to stun him at the beginning.
Orianna - too tanky and too mobile.
Ornn - You can W his E and R.
Pantheon - You can W his W.
Pyke - You can W his E.
Qiyana - You can W her W and E.
Quinn - You can W her E. Also immobile early on.
Rakan - You can W his W and E.
Rell - You can W her W. Kinda tanky and steals your resistances.
Renekton - You can W his E.
Rengar - You can W his leap from bush and R.
Riven - You can W her Q and E.
Rumble - No dashes, no cc, kinda immobile - easy to stun
Ryze - No dashes, no cc, kinda immobile - easy to stun
Samira - You can W her E which makes her immobile so she is easy to stun. She has no CC other than extending one.
Senna - Immobile, try to dodge her W and easy to stun
Seraphine - Too mobile with her W, somebody needs to followup first.
Sett - Immobile without Stridebreaker, easy to gank. You can W his R - at the end of his cast.
Shen - You can W his E.
Singed - Easy to gank, he has no damage early.
Sion - Easy to gank, immobile.
Sivir - Immobile and close range adc, easy to gank.
Sona - Kinda mobile with her E, can stop you during Heroic Charge with her R.
Soraka - Can silence you which is annoying but easy to gank.
Swain - immobile, easy to gank.
Sylas - You can W his E both casts.
Syndra - She will knock you out of lane if ganking.
Tahm Kench = Too immobile, easiest kill.
Taliyah - Try to dodge her W and it is pretty much easy kill to grab.
Talon - You can W his E and Q.
Taric - Dodge his E and it's easy kill.
Teemo - He can blind but he deals no damage if you aren't squishy.
Thresh - You can W his Q pull and his W. Other than that annoying to gank.
Tristana - You can W her E which makes really easy to kill her.
Tryndamere - You can W his E. Pretty easy to kill without his R.
Twisted Fate - His yellow cards are annoying. Wait for it to go out and then gank or just followup.
Twitch - Immobile without Galeforce and enchanters. Without them easy to kill, with them other way around.
Urgot - You can W his E and he's immobile without it.
Varus - Easy to kill, squishy and no damage.
Vayne - She can E you back which makes your gap closing suffer, she can stop your Heroic Charge with it as well, you can W her Q. Wait for followup recommended.
Veigar - His cage is annoying but other than that easy to kill.
Vel'Koz - Squishy, easy to kill.
Viktor - Too mobile with Phase Rush. His W is prevents from engaging on him as well.
Vladimir - Can stop your E with his W. Annoying to gank but possible to kill.
Volibear - You can W his Q. He can do damage so be careful.
Warwick - He's immobile. Easy to gank.
Wukong - You can W his W and E. He can 1v2 but if you stun him he won't.
Xayah - Immobile, easy to gank.
Xerath - Immobile, easy to gank, try to gank his W and E.
Yasuo - You can W his E.
Yone - You can W his Q.
Yorick - Sorry but I didn't see Yorick on top for a long time. I can't say anything about him other than synergy with him that is possible.
Yuumi - You can W her W if she go out of her ally.
Zed - Too mobile, wait for him to use W or followup.
Ziggs - You can W his W.
Zilean - His slows and stuns are annoying but you should be able to gap close him.
Zoe - Don't get asleep and grab an easy kill on squishy target. She can be too mobile sometimes.
Zyra - Dodge her E and set up an easy stun.
Objectives are very important buffs for your teammates since they can singlehandly change games. For drakes I would say the worst one is Cloud since your faster Keeper's Verdict won't do much. The best is either Mountain or Infernal but I like first one more because of shield and resistances it gives. Infernal is pretty good for damage output and Cloud for sustained fights. I don't really like Chemtech and Hextech dragons. When you hit level 6 you should start thinking about them. Prioritze them over ganks. Taking objectives can be really easy and hard. |
Hard because enemy team have Cho'Gath or Nunu & Willump that can easilly steal the objective. Enemy team can also put you on main focus and kill you.
You can either do objective (drake, herald) by yourself or with teammates.
While at objective use Oracle Lens or Control Ward to detect nearby enemy wards and destroy them to keep enemy team without vision on important part of the map.
Taking objective if enemy jungler is alive can be risky since he can steal it with Smite...
...or can he?
You can stand in the back of the pit and use perfectly timed Steadfast Presence to not allow any dashing junglers to come through. It even works on blast cones which is another good thing. Blast cones are as well on baron side.
About stopping blast cones and dashes on objectives with Steadfast Presence:
On drake it works the best against enemy on blue side.
On baron it works the best against enemy on red side.
- take enemy inhibitor which will cause minions to push.
- catch their jungler causing enemy team to 4v5 during his respawn time.
- sacrifice your splitpusher if you have one - bait enemies, take more towers or inhibitors, either way if you have Jax or Fiora as your splitpusher enemies won't know what to do, most likely they will back just to kill the splitpusher while you can easily take baron.
The most important: Remember to check how much damage does your Smite in order to take the objective perfectly, sometimes you can get the objective stolen by rare occasion or you can get outsmited. Better to be secure.[/td][/tr][/table]
In teamfights you should think what is the best playstyle for you and your team as Poppy .
If you have a chance at catching someone, do it and your team can followup while you will be the engager.
If your team has engagers, you engage after them. For example you have Malphite who's ultimate is probably the strongest ability to engage that can knockup up to 5 enemies. Engager will probably target their carry as well so you are here to stun her even longer in order to win the teamfight.
If you have a carry that needs to be protected, do it. Blocking assasin dashes are satisfying for ADC and hypercarries since they feel safe and they do a lot of damage if not focused.
You can flank in teamfights which can lead to either amazing plays or your death because you don't know what awaits on the other side if you have no vision or maybe enemy team is just baiting you. Teamfights doesn't always have to be 5v5. There can be a 4v4 teamfight where your splitpusher will push enemy base. Or maybe there is a splitpusher on enemy team? Then focus him first and then force a 5v4 teamfight. Best if teamfights occur in jungle because on lane there is like 50% to hit Heroic Charge.
Amumu Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Bel'Veth Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Diana Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
with Steadfast Presence. You also outdamage her early on. Don't understimate her. Try to deny her dashes and buy some Magic Resist against her.
Dr. Mundo Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Ekko Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Elise Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Evelynn Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Fiddlesticks Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Gragas Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Graves Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Hecarim Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Ivern Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Jarvan IV Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Karthus Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
He powerspikes after lvl 6 and Liandry's Torment that makes him a beast. After getting his core item you can feel the overall change of game. His impact will be huge. Try to win game as soon as possible, he's a ticking bomb that will oneshot your entire team. Magic Resist items are recommended.
Kayn Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Kha'Zix Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Kindred Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Lee Sin Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Lillia Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Maokai Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Master Yi Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Mordekaiser Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Nidalee Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Nocturne Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Nunu & Willump Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Olaf Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
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Rammus Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Rek'sai Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Rengar Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
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Sejuani Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Shaco Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Shyvana Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Skarner Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Sylas Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Talon Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Trundle Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Udyr Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
VI Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Volibear Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Warwick Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Wukong Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Xin Zhao Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Zed Matchup difficulty | |||||||||||||
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Summoners | Recommended items to build against | ||||||||||||
Ashe Great follow up on gank with her slows and stun on Enchanted Crystal Arrow. |
Camille She plays with a wall as well so you can help each other with hitting abilities. |
Karma Getting movement speed with built-in shield helps in engaging on targets. Also she can root and slow so ganking her lane is easy. |
Zilean He can place a bomb on you when you engage, he can boost your movement speed and even guarantee your safety with Chronoshift. |
Orianna She can have a ball on you, boost you, get you a shield and even use Command: Shockwave on it when you engage into multiple enemies. |
Ornn With Ornn enemy can't really move since they are perma immobilized. Combination of your and Ornn abilities are truly a pain for enemy team. |
Kayle You can peel her and she will give you free win. Also can speed you and even save your life with her Divine Judgment. |
Yorick Easy gank since you can Heroic Charge into his Dark Procession where enemy is locked up. |
Anivia You can Heroic Charge the enemy into her wall. |
Morgana She can give tons of CCs and even shield you from incoming ones. |
Yasuo He rarely R your R and even without asking steals your jungle camps. |
Yuumi Worse Karma. |
Veigar You can somehow Heroic Charge into his cage but it's so buggy. |
Singed Doesn't do that much damage in this meta and sometimes can even ruin your combos. |
Credits to:
- jhoijhoi
- Katasandra
If not them, well I would have been stuck without images and all.
- Poltergeisz
for creating a wonderful art that I edited and used on every header.
- Bruntta
for creating a beautiful Astronaut Poppy art that I used.
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