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Choose Champion Build:
Lethality Shaco
AP Shaco
Recommended Items
Runes: HoB with Movement Speed
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order E > Q > W
Backstab (PASSIVE)
Shaco Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Very close to being as aids as Karthus. Insane clear, we don't do enough damage to trouble him, he can heal off our W. And his W still works when we Q.
CC allows us to set up box and get to the fight.
CC allows us to set up box and get to the fight.
Champion Build Guide

I play and stream full time so come and say hello! Just be careful because

I used to be Rank 1

I will teach you how I play both AD and AP

I put so much effort into this guide so I'd just like to take a second to quickly post my links here, so feel free to check them out in your own time 😊
Eagz Stream
Eagz Discord
1000+ Coaching Sessions
Challenger Coaching with Eagz
Now that's out of the way...this is how my opponent's feel when they play against

Below is me reviewing the carry I had vs Sheiden (Rank 1 1700LP NA) on 180 ping.


■ You should always have your passive in mind when playing

Tip: Your passive procs on both your auto attack out of your

Q: Deceive



Tip: Because your



■ If an enemy walks into the box's radius, that enemy and all surrounding enemies are feared and slowed, and will initially face away from the box after getting feared (allowing you to Backstab them!)
■ Shaco's

Tip 1: Your

Tip 2: You can place your



■ If the target is below 30% HP, the damage is increased by 50%
■ The target is also slowed
■ The dagger deals more damage when hitting an enemy in the back
Tip: Your



■ You can control the clone by using your R key, or by using Left Alt + Right Click (you have to use this to attack inhibitors)
■ Your clone dies when it either runs out of HP, or when 18 seconds passes
■ Upon dying or expiring the clone will explode dealing magic damage to nearby enemies and simultaenously summon 3 boxes that fear nearby enemies instantly for 1 second
■ If the clone is too far away from

Tip: When your clone is at least half a screen away you can push it away from yourself and reattach it when you go over terrain or when you try to nuke an enemy

Your early game ganking is strong because of your quick damage output with

When you have a lead you can snowball out of control because you can start nuking enemy champions with an item or two.
Please remember that your

Also, please remember that you want to be saving your

And finally, please remember that you want to be using your

I have linked an AD


■ Damage
■ Ability Haste
■ Attack Speed
When you play AD

Ability Haste is important otherwise you are just a glass cannon...you will be trading your life for one enemy champion over and over. Even with Crit

You don't need any Attack Speed on

But Eagz, how do I know which AD build to go?
This is a great question.
Most, if not every game, the enemy mid laner and ADC will be one-shottable...so let's go with that.
Now, if the enemy jungler is also very squishy (eg.

But, if the enemy jungler is tanky (eg.

Your early game is fairly weak because

As the game progresses and your ability haste and AP increases, you start to become AP

AP Shaco's setup revolves around two details (in order of importance)...
■ Ability Haste
■ Damage
When you play AP

You want to

By far the best keystone because of the insta burst damage. If you can land 3 backstab auto attacks in quick succession at any point in the game, you will come close to always getting a kill.
Tip: Lots of


Very easy to stack.

The movement speed just feels so important on AD

Now for the pages...
1. Cosmic Shaco

For minor runes...
Attack Speed / Adaptive / Flat HP (because early game)
2. Precision Shaco

For minor runes...
Adaptive / Adaptive / Flat HP

For AP

Lots of our damage, especially from

Easier to stack than

More gold from kills = quicker scaling. You can run

Haste. Haste. Haste.

Lets me become Final Boss AP

For minor runes...
Attack Speed / Adaptive / Scaling HP
1. Lethality Shaco

Starting Items

I never take a

Note that I start with these items in every game, regardless of AD/AP.
First Back


Core Items

4th and 5th

Note that your first 5 items are always the same...just depends on whether you get

6th Item

2. AD Shaco

First Back

Early Build

Core Items

3. Crit Shaco

First Back

Core Items

4th, 5th and 6th Items

First Back

Core Items

4th, 5th and 6th Items

For each of these clears, put a

If the enemy team is invading and triggers your box, immediately run to Wolves and set up your next two boxes on Wolves starting at 00:50, and the next box outside Gromp (shown below for both sides).

If they do not invade your Red Buff/Raptors, place your next two boxes on your Red Buff starting at 00:50, and the next box over the wall at Krugs (shown below for both sides).

These are your two clears!
Red Buff > Krugs > Raptors
Wolves > Gromp > Blue
It may seem like I'm trying to get you to start at Red Buff every game but you don't have to. In some games I like to start at Wolves:
■ Knowing I will get invaded on my Red Buff/Raptors by a strong Level 1 team and/or,
■ Knowing I want to path towards the other side of the map because I have a strong top/bot lane
The reason I like doing Red Buff first instead of Raptors is because it puts my Krugs on a 4:10 respawn timer, whereas if I start at Raptors then they respawn at 4:00 which comes around very quickly and they are sometimes hard to defend. I want to have time to recall after I get kills/clear my initial camps.
But you might be like, why do you not start at Blue Buff then when you do the Wolves start clear? That's because Wolves are a lot harder to take for the enemy jungler. They are deeper into my jungle/closer to my nexus than Raptors, so it takes a little less time to run there out of base and you can catch the enemy jungler trying to steal them.
Now, how do you actually clear these camps as quickly as possible?

■ Fadeaway

I always hit Level 3 before making any plays. I don't do any Level 2 invades or anything like that because they are generally very risky...if the enemy team is smart they will ward and cover your invade, and then you just vertical jungle. Clearing until you're Level 3 also gives the enemy jungler time to hit Level 3 but this is when their wards will expire and you can catch them by surprise on their second quadrant.

1. Backstabbing
BACKSTAB EVERYTHING. It's that simple. Clearing camps, killing enemy champions, if you do not get behind them you should play a different champion.
Tip: you don't actually have to be directly behind an enemy to Backstab them, you can still Backstab them as long as you're behind the center of their character model
The first video below shows you an Emerald student of mine who was auto attacking as soon as possible when ganking. What they should be doing is running behind the enemy champions (

The second video below shows me taking that extra bit of time to sniff the back of my enemy...

The third video below shows the same thing...shank them from behind at all costs.
The fourth video shows you another little mistake you can make...you don't want to come out of stealth BEFORE backstabbing, you want to be backstabbing WHILE you come out of stealth!
2. Not Q'ing
You probably think I've lost the plot, but holding your

3. Q to Dodge
When you are not Level 6 and when you are not using your

4. Q Redirection
One of the deadliest weapons in a

5. W Blocking
Blocking skillshots with

For example, when I am dueling this

6. Gank Boxing
Where you place your

If you are ganking bot/top lane from behind, you have brushes you can place your

HOWEVER, if the enemy champions are fighting to the death against your teammates, boxing their safety is pointless because they have no intention of running to their safety...their safety is killing your teammates, so box just behind them or even ahead of them if they are chasing your allies (no matter how much you want your teammates to die xd).
7. W for Vision
Because your

8. W to Ambush
When an enemy champion is pathing towards you or might path towards you, all you have to do is place a

9. Q and E'ing
Sounds simple but it has to be second nature. Buffering your

10. E to Execute

The only times you can use your

■ if you know the fight will last long enough for you to

■ if there is space between you and your enemy (the slow helps you gap close)
11. R to Bait Damage
Using your

12. R to Reattach
When there is a lot of distance between the real

You can do this to try to assassinate enemy champions but you have to time it perfectly and it's very unreliable because the enemy champions will be moving (most of the time). Therefore it's much better to

13. Q and R to Nuke
Coming out of your

14. R to Dodge
That's all it is. Using your

15. R to Juke
When you want to make the enemy think your clone is the real

16. R to Pit Jump
You can R jump over Dragon and Baron pit as shown below, and you can also R over small walls around the map.
17. Q'ing out of R
Sometimes you will be in a pickle...and to get out of that pickle you have to

18. Holding Ignite
Just like Holding E, you want to hold your

Below is an example of an early

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