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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Threats & Synergies

Welcome to my Comprehensive
Lucian Guide! My name is Daniel (known on the rift as LLTRIGGER and this guide will cover everything there is to know about my favorite marksman
I started playing
Lucian in season 5 when I played amateur in domestic tournaments. In one of those tournaments,
Lucian was being contested very heavily and I managed to play him to that contestion to carry my team to victory. Since then, I've racked up over 14M points with him across several accounts and playing thousands of games with him each season.

I started playing

To me
Lucian fits my aggressive playstyle and enables my preference to take matters into my own hands and accrue my own leads early on. This caster style marksman is not only a strong pick in the right hands, but also allows for efficient smurfing and flashy playmaking. If anyone has the time, I stream and upload on the following platforms:Twitch, Kick, Youtube, Tiktok, Discord and TwitterTo entertain and educate my community on playstyles/builds. I've also become well known as the best
Lucian player in NA next to ostrich and Doublelift. My visual and comprehensive youtube guide would compliment reading these chapters avidly for both new and experienced
Lucian players.





I have achieved challenger eight times across season 8 until now, and typically am hovering high Grandmaster during the ranked season. This guide is inspired by years of experience through the highs and lows of
Lucian in several metas so I hope you enjoy!

![]() | • Is a champion that is extremely fun to play, and has a unique caster-marksman style of gameplay. He is meant to be played aggressively, and is equipped with tools to make very flashy plays. |
• Although he isnt the strongest, and is only viable with a few enchanter types of supports, I still choose to play him because of his skill ceiling and his ability to smurf in lower ranks. | |
• Furthermore, ![]() | |
• Ideally, you would want to draft ![]() ![]() ![]() |

➣ 45 minutes to ~ 1hr in a custom 1v1 practicing mechanical exercises and concepts on each other
➣ 30 minutes immediately after for a live VOD review
➣ Whole session is recorded in 1080p and sent to the email indicated
➣ Entitled to ask me anything with regards to coaching and/or improvement in league afterwards
➣ 30 minutes immediately after for a live VOD review
➣ Whole session is recorded in 1080p and sent to the email indicated
➣ Entitled to ask me anything with regards to coaching and/or improvement in league afterwards
➣ My schedule is always changing but I am typically free during the entire afternoon
➣ I am willing to be flexible and find a time that works for us both
➣ My schedule is always changing but I am typically free during the entire afternoon
➣ I am willing to be flexible and find a time that works for us both
➣ Please join:My Discord
➣ Any other questions should be directly messaged to me on discord @ triggerslinger
➣ The form to sign up for coaching: Form
➣ Please join:My Discord
➣ Any other questions should be directly messaged to me on discord @ triggerslinger
➣ The form to sign up for coaching: Form

• Aditionally, all of my educational content (previously archived coaching VOD's and concepts breakdown) is available on my patreon.

• Here is one of the coaching VOD's that I have archived from a Caitlyn ADC perspective! Become a patron to get your in game/stream perks and rewards!.

Lucians passive contains two parts:
Lightslinger and Vigilance
Lightslinger allows for lucian to fire two shots with one basic attack after using any ability. In essence, he will always be most effective when following each ability with a double shot while cancelling the double shot animation with the next ability.
Lucian doubleshots can be enhanced with additional magic damage if it is activated. It is activated with any empowerment (movement speed boost, shield, heal, armor/magic resist buff) or when an ally damages a target tagged by your
Ardent Blaze.

Lucian's Q:
Piercing Lightis essential for his single target damaging combos, lane and wave pressuring/pushing. Keep in mind that it may be treated as a trickshot where you can use the projectile on a creep or alternative target for its extension to hit targets behind it in a line. In lane, using
Piercing Light to last hit several creeps at once, a creep further to reach, or to trickshot onto enemies is the most effective way of using this ability.


Early on, this ability is very important as it has a relatively longer cooldown and should only be used when the enemy jungler is not bottom side. Using e to go in when the jungler ganks detriments many
Lucian players. Instead, one should bait the jungler with regular movement and use E to evade them.

You do not need to use the entire length of the dash, and an experienced burst combo with
Lucian involves a short e where you dash on the same spot allowing for a faster incoming "double double" shot. This is demonstrated as:


This ultimate spell should often be used to pick off squishies before objectives to give your team an edge on those objectives.



Relentless Pursuit ➔ AUTO ➔
Piercing Light OR WALK UP AUTO ➔ SHORT
Relentless Pursuit ➔ AUTO ➔
Piercing Light

Ardent Blaze ➔ AUTO ➔ SHORT
Relentless Pursuit➔ AUTO ➔
Piercing Light ➔ AUTO ➔
The Culling ➔ AUTO


Press the Attack and
Inspiration rune combination is advised for less experienced
Lucian players and is an all purpose rune choice; augments excellent bursting and combos.
Press the Attack is recommended versus champions that can easily get first hits on you; (often ranged supports, instant point and click Area of Damage abilities, high range marksman).

because of the
Lightslinger passive,
Lucian esentially doubleshots per auto and applies two stacks of
Press the Attack each time. This means he may easily activate
Press the Attack. Although
First Strike may deal more burst, this rune is the second option when they have unavoidable damage or have plenty of range making it hard to activate. Instead,
Press the Attack is always ready to be used and is the next best damage and burst option.

Becauase PTA involves building
Essence Reaver,
Presence of Mind has a lower value and
Triumph is recommended. With
Triumph ,
Lucian can go for more aggressive plays really pushing the limit of how much he can accomplish. Having a successful start to a skirmish snowballs the rest of the fight with this rune.

Legend: Bloodline provides scaling sustain for
Lucian in the mid and late parts of the game. When you take poke or damage for enemies but need to remain healthy, this rune helps you get some health back if there are any nearby creeps or camps.

Cut down is an optimal rune for when the enemy team consists of at least two tanks. This rune will give you much more damage for even bruiser enemies (not necessarily tanks). It also has a synergy with
Long Sword start lanes. It is advised to take
Coup de Grace if the enemy team is all squishy however.

Getting free boots gives you a large lane gold advantage and provides you to build early
attack damage, Additionally, the magical boots allow you to delay your boots since they provide an additional but slight movement advantage when compared to traditional boots. This may even result in completing two items such as
Stormrazor and
The Collector while having your magical footwear.

Biscuits are used just like health potions and allow you to use more abilities in lane because each biscuit provides mana and max mana, Also very valuable for
Lucian in poke matchups for additional sustain. Selling these provides the maximum mana pool upon consuming it.

Attack speed is a very standard shard for most marksmen. Valuable early attack speed for early all-in trades, easier creep scoring.
Adaptive force is recommended for
Lucian because he is a caster style marksman, so this allows for his burst in the early and mid game.

Scaling Health is advised in poke matchups, Flat health is recommended in all-in matchups, Provides you with poke sustain upon levelling up and ability to contest tougher matchups.

First Strike And
Sorcery Sorcery rune combination is advised for experienced
Lucian players and is ideal for squishy enemy team compositions;augments excellent bursting and executing combos throughout all portions of the game.

Getting free boots gives you a large lane gold advantage and provides you to build early
attack damage, Additionally, the magical boots allow you to delay your boots since they provide an additional but slight movement advantage when compared to traditional boots. This may even result in completing two items such as
Stormrazor and
The Collector while having your magical footwear.

Biscuits are used just like health potions and allow you to use more abilities in lane because each biscuit provides mana and max mana, Also very valuable for
Lucian in poke matchups for additional sustain. Selling these provides the maximum mana pool upon consuming it.

Manaflow band is recommended for this build path because it provides the little mana required for Lucian to be durable and able to combo enemies. It synergies with
First Strike because you want to be poking enemies with
Piercing Light trickshots and
Ardent Blaze in lane.

Scorch is recommended because it allows your poke abilities to deal even more burn damage. This rune/build path is often paired with
Milio or
Nami so scorch adds that much more damage on top of
Milio burn and
First Strike bonus damage.

Attack speed is a very standard shard for most marksmen. Valuable early attack speed for early all-in trades, easier creep scoring.
Adaptive force is recommended for
Lucian because he is a caster style marksman, so this allows for his burst in the early and mid game.

Scaling Health is advised in poke matchups, Flat health is recommended in all-in matchups, Provides you with poke sustain upon levelling up and ability to contest tougher matchups.
• Taking
Flash on marksmans is regular,and should be used generally to escape situations that would result in death or blink on enemies for kills. With
Lucian you can use
Piercing Light at the same time that you use
Flash in order to lengthen your
Piercing Light range. Additionally, You can also use
Flash to reposition yourself during
The Culling
• Taking
Exhaust is what you'll be running most of the time. Its good for all purpose use, especially against champions such as
Nilah, and other all in types of marksman. It is especially strong as an engage tool when receiving ganks when paired with relentless pursuit; slowing down and bursting the enemy target as the jungle looks to close the gap. It is necessary into one shot assassins and some burst mages that are obviously dealing their burst.

• Taking

• Taking
Flash explained previously why we should always take it.
Cleanse and
Flash can be used together to avoid knockups and ambiguous types of
crowd control (
Lee Sin
Flash +
Dragon's Rage and
Depth Charge).
• Taking
Cleanse is the only other option of summoner spells. This spell should be taken against unavoidable or excess amounts of crowd control.
Cleanse should be used against champions such as
Twisted Fate, and


• Taking



This core build is very effective against squishy enemy team compositions. Your power spikes come from each item completion, once at the
Essence Reaver so you may spam abilities in lane (using piercing light & ardent blaze for poke off CD even), and have considerable early ability haste and attack damage.
Infinity Edge gives you the largest damage powerspike at a relatively early time in the game, considerably boosting your double shot and
The Culling damage. The next item
Navori Flickerblade gives you the durability(haste and attack speed) required to have your
Relentless Pursuit off CD permanently with double shot passive autos, and to allow for combos to be executed smoothly with the attack speed. Since this attack speed is overkill for
Lucian, defensive boots are alwas advised
Boots of Swiftness for
Plated Steelcaps for
Draven or
Ionian Boots of Lucidity for general purposes.
This core build requires you to be proficient with your combos, catching enemies off guard with high mobility and crazy single target damage output. Enables you to be able to dash in on enemies from the outskirts of the fight and weave in and out of the fight as targets become vulnerable. Keep in mind when playing into ranged that
The Culling may be used to provide high-ranged damage for a small window of the fight.


This core build requires you to be proficient with your combos, catching enemies off guard with high mobility and crazy single target damage output. Enables you to be able to dash in on enemies from the outskirts of the fight and weave in and out of the fight as targets become vulnerable. Keep in mind when playing into ranged that

This core build is very effective against tanky enemy team compositions. Your power spike is most apparent at three items, where your
Navori Flickerblade and high cooldown reduction build allow to weave in and out of fights bursting and evading tanks and carries.
Essence Reaver sets you up for the infinite no cooldown
Relentless Pursuit in the mid game after
Navori Flickerblade completion.
The lord dominik's regards will be a noticable damage increase against tanks
Lord Dominik's Regards is an excellent item for
Lucian because it provides attack damage, tank shredding effect, and critical strike chance that provides your ultimate with more damage, and increases the value of your This is advised for second item since tanks usually build
Plated Steelcaps early on which increases the value of
Lord Dominik's Regards in the early and mid game.
Navori Flickerblade increased ability damage per critical strike chance item.
Essence Reaver compliments this build very well as it gives you the required mana to spam your abilities as much as you can during the skirmishes and teamfights. Additionally,
Essence Reaver gives you more cooldown reduction to have your
Relentless Pursuit and
Piercing Light off cooldown as often as possible.
Navori Flickerblade amplifies
The Culling and
Piercing Light damage by 12%, lowers your ultimate cooldown so it may be used more often, and gives you the extremely low E cooldown. Because this enables ability spam, mana is also not an issue because of the mana regen from
Essence Reaver as early as in lane. This is why
Presence of Mind is not needed and
Triumph is optimal.
Navori Flickerblade provides the small amount of attack speed to allow for combos to feel more natural and not drawn out. This is why defensive boots are always advised
Ionian Boots of Lucidityfor general purposes.
This build should be used when they have more than 2 tanks (
Sejuani) or 1 tank and 1 off tank (
Viego). This core build requires you to be proficient with combos and
Relentless Pursuit mechanics, being able to engage and disengage fights using your
Relentless Pursuit to consistently reposition yourself and combo enemies.
You can really see the power of this combo as kiting tanks and dealing reliable damage in the mid game; winning teamfights and taking away objectives becomes apparent.

The lord dominik's regards will be a noticable damage increase against tanks

This build should be used when they have more than 2 tanks (

You can really see the power of this combo as kiting tanks and dealing reliable damage in the mid game; winning teamfights and taking away objectives becomes apparent.









This core build is very effective against squishy enemy team compositions. Your power spikes come from each item completion, once at the
Essence Reaver so you may spam abilities without worrying about mana; allows you to burst enemies with the spike in early attack damage, ability haste, and critical strike chance. Second,
Infinity Edge gives you loads of damage on your double shots, abilities and ultimate (scaling with critical strike chance. Combined with
Essence Reaver,
Infinity Edge provides the highest attack damage build optimal for
Lucian to play caster style marksman.
Defensive boots are recommended because
Navori Flickerblade will provide you with the attack speed required for better and smoother combos.
Boots of Swiftness are recommended for champions like
Plated Steelcaps for assassins, double attack damage bottom lanes
Rengar and
Mercury's Treads for ability power matchups like
Ionian Boots of Lucidity are recomended for general purpose.
Additionally for squishy targets,
Rapid Firecannon may be built because it allows for better target access and gives you the attack speed for combos to feel smoother.
Rapid Firecannon is especially recommended when picking up early kills and having a
Milio or
Nami to give even more burst and durability since you dont have the haste from
Navori Flickerblade. The synergy between
Rapid Firecannon and
Lucian is that you can
Relentless Pursuit in range of enemies to DOUBLESHOT them from afar, effectively applying all on-hit effects. Use
Rapid Firecannon in combination with
The Culling to pick off (and oneshot) enemies in the mid and later parts of the game.
The Collector is also a very valuable option for
Lucian fourth item because it provides all the stats he needs: Attack damage, Lethality, Critical strike chance, and improves executing power into a generally squishy enemy team.
Bloodthirster is a good final item when trying to maximize damage output, it gives plenty of attack damage and doesn't provide any unneeded attack speed or critical strike chance. The lifesteal provides another layer of durability into higher range- poking enemies. You may also augment the effect of
Bloodthirster with
Elixir of Wrath. You can really see the power of this build in the mid game through picking off squishies in the mid game and stealing away objectives. This build allows for high single-target damage, moderate haste, high target access with easy burst.

Defensive boots are recommended because

Additionally for squishy targets,

This core build is very effective against tanky enemy team compositions. Your power spikes come from each item completion, once at the
Essence Reaver so you may spam abilities without worrying about mana; allows you to burst enemies with the spike in early attack damage, ability haste, and critical strike chance. Second,
Lord Dominik's Regards is ideal for early and mid games where the enemy picks up early and heavy armor (
Viego, or
Sejuani with
Plated Steelcaps and/or
Thornmail. your
Navori Flickerblade and high cooldown reduction build allow to weave in and out of fights bursting and evading tanks and carries. Lucidity boots set you up for the infinite no cooldown
Relentless Pursuit in the mid game after
Navori Flickerblade completion.
Navori Flickerblade amplifies your ultimates damage lowers your ultimate cooldown so it may be used more often, and gives you the extremely low
Relentless Pursuit cooldown. This build should be used when they have more than 2 tanks (
Sejuani) or 1 tank and 1 off tank (
Defensive boots are recommended because
Navori Flickerblade will provide you with the attack speed required for better and smoother combos.
Boots of Swiftness are recommended for champions like
Plated Steelcaps for assassins, double attack damage bottom lanes
Rengar and
Mercury's Treads for ability power matchups like
Ionian Boots of Lucidity are recomended for general purpose.
This core build requires you to be proficient with combos and
Relentless Pursuit mechanics, being able to engage and disengage fights using your
Relentless Pursuit to consistently reposition yourself and combo enemies.
Essence Reaver compliments this build very well as it gives you the required mana to spam your abilities as much as you can during the skirmishes and teamfights.
Essence Reaver gives you more cooldown reduction to have your
Relentless Pursuit and
Piercing Light off cooldown as often as possible. With the
Lord Dominik's Regards,
The Culling should be able to really deal a significant amount of damage to even tanks. You can really see the power of this combo as kiting tanks and dealing reliable damage in the mid game; winning teamfights and taking away objectives becomes apparent.
The final two items
Infinity Edge and
Bloodthirster give you plenty of life steal and a very strong late game powerspike to be able to shred tanks and making you very difficult to kill.
Elixir of Wrath further improves your life steal and provides a temporary boost in attack damage. [[Farsight alteration is also recommended right at level 9 so that youre not vulnerable when walking blindly into objectives or in the fog of war.

Defensive boots are recommended because

This core build requires you to be proficient with combos and


The final two items

This core build is very effective against squishy enemy team compositions. Your power spikes come from each item completion, once at the
Essence Reaver so you may spam abilities without worrying about mana; allows you to burst enemies with the spellblade passive from
Sheen and provides a spike in early attack damage, ability haste, and critical strike chance. Second,
Navori Flickerblade gives you loads of damage on your abilities and ultimate (scaling with critical strike chance) and plenty of ability haste per autos on enemies. Combined with
Essence Reaver,
Navori Flickerblade provides the threshold ability haste for
Lucian to have an infinite amount of
Relentless Pursuit.
Mercury's Treads provide the additional magic resist and tenacity to help against being one shot or crowd controlled into death. You may have some difficulties with the smoothness of the combos since you do lack the small attack speed that
Lucianrequires for this.
Maw of Malmortius gives you the defensive power to withstand ability power burst. The Maw of Malmortius gives you even more
from burst mages and Ability Power bruisers.
The Collector also allows you to quickly burst down squishy mages with combos and
The Culling.
Edge of Night provides you with an extra layer of added security into these crowd controlling spels that often lead to deaths making you overwhelmingly difficult to crowd control and burst down.
You can really see the power of this combo as picking off squishies in the mid game and stealing away objectives becomes apparent, while being durable against burst and ability power bruisers. The
Elixir of Iron is the better choice in these scenarios because it gives you even more durability into ability power burst through providing additional HP and tenacity. With this build, you have the ability to tank some ability power burst, one shot the your enemies, resist and lower crowd control time.


You can really see the power of this combo as picking off squishies in the mid game and stealing away objectives becomes apparent, while being durable against burst and ability power bruisers. The

This core build is very effective against tanky enemy team compositions that deal magic damage.
Kraken Slayer is a good alternative to
Essence Reaver when tank shredding is required. Each 3rd auto provides additional on hit physical damage that increases with number of times this 3rd auto is completed.
Kraken Slayer is ideal for early and mid games where the enemy picks up early and heavy armor (
Viego, or
Sejuani ) with
Plated Steelcaps and
Thornmail. your
Navori Flickerblade and high cooldown reduction build allow to weave in and out of fights bursting and evading tanks and carries. Lucidity boots set you up for the infinite no cooldown Relentless Pursuit in the mid game after Navori Quickblades completion. Navori Quickblades amplifies your ultimates damage by 12%, lowers your ultimate cooldown so it may be used more often, and gives you the extremely low E cooldown.
Lord Dominik's Regards is a good item to compliment
Kraken Slayer to shred tanks and
Maw of Malmortius is recommended later into the game when magic damage and the exhausting tanks become more apparents.
Bloodthirster is recommended to appear more tankier and have a durable chance to kite out the tanks and survive their crowd control and slow magic damage.
Elixir of Iron can also provide additional durability and HP is very valuable into these types of enemies. This build should be used when they have more than 2 tanks (
Sejuani ) or 1 tank and 1 off tank (
Galio ).

This core build is very effective against tanky enemy team compositions that deal physical damage mainly. Your power spike is most apparent at three items, where your
Navori Flickerblade and high cooldown reduction build allow to weave in and out of fights bursting and evading tanks and carries.
Plated Steelcaps set you up for the added durability against AD assassins and physical damage generally. Note that these boots increase Lucian's limits during tower dives and neutral buffs.
Navori Flickerblade amplifies your ultimates damage by 12%, lowers your ultimate cooldown so it may be used more often, and gives you the extremely low E cooldown.
This build should be used when they have more than 2 tanks (Sion, Sejuani) or 1 tank and 1 off tank (
Viego). This core build requires you to be proficient with combos and
Relentless Pursuit mechanics, being able to engage and disengage fights using your
Relentless Pursuit to consistently reposition yourself and combo enemies. The
Lord Dominik's Regards is required third because it gives you very strong tank shredding power and synergizes with
Navori Flickerblade that gives you very strong kiting power and amplifies your abilities damage by 12% (up to 20% full build).
Essence Reaver compliments this build very well as it gives you the required mana to spam your abilities as much as you can during the skirmishes and teamfights. Additionally,
Essence Reaver gives you more cooldown reduction to have your
Relentless Pursuit and
Piercing Light off cooldown as often as possible. The hidden benefit of using
Essence Reaver and not
Kraken Slayer is that you can build
Plated Steelcaps and still meet the ability haste threshold for the infinite
Relentless Pursuit uptime.
Death's Dance combined with
Plated Steelcaps and
Bloodthirster gives you physical damage durability and a high damage dealing build. Because the enemies are tanky, you often arent being one shot but slowly being crowd controlled and killed. This is why
Bloodthirster allows you to lifesteal during that extensive time and makes you feel much more tank.
Elixir of Iron is recommended over
Elixir of Wrath because this build provides plenty of lifesteal, so HP will become more valuable in these scenarios. You can really see the power of this combo as surviving attack damage bruisers while still dealing reliable damage in the mid game; winning teamfights and taking away objectives becomes apparent.

This build should be used when they have more than 2 tanks (Sion, Sejuani) or 1 tank and 1 off tank (


This build is recommended when playing into many attack damage assassins and marksmans that are squishy.
Essence Reaver is the best early game item to get a head start on attack damage, critical strike chance, ability haste, and the ability to spam your abilities as a caster style marksman.
The Collector is preferred over
Navori Flickerblade because the weaving in and out style is not applicable in this case. These assassins will one shot you very fast and its up to you to take that one chance to dodge key abilities (
Zed shurikens,
Qiyana ultimate) to avoid being assassinated while trying to dish out your own damage (overloaded with the build) to try to one shot them in your one rotation.
Plated Steelcaps can also provide you with some of the durability required to survive these assassins in the early/mid game.
Considering that you dont have the attack speed required to make the combos feel smooth, it is recommended that you build
Rapid Firecannon next to compete with marksmans and to poke melee assassins from far away. Your biggest powerspike will come from your
Infinity Edge completion where your auto attacks will feel overwhelming and bursty.
Bloodthirster is the final item in this build so that you can always one shot an assassin as they are trying to assassinate you, and survive some of their burst through your healing and
Plated Steelcaps armor.
Elixir of Iron is recommended because you will already have the life steal from
Bloodthirster and the additional health will allow you to feel tankier than usual.

Considering that you dont have the attack speed required to make the combos feel smooth, it is recommended that you build

This core build is very effective against squishy long-range enemy team compositions . Your power spikes come from each item completion, once at the
Essence Reaver so you may spam abilities without worrying about mana; allows you to burst enemies with the spellblade passive from
Sheen and provides a spike in early attack damage, ability haste, and critical strike chance. Second,
Navori Flickerblade gives you loads of damage on your abilities and ultimate (scaling with critical strike chance) and plenty of ability haste per autos on enemies. Combined with
Essence Reaver,
Navori Flickerblade provides the threshold ability haste for
Lucian to have an infinite amount of
Relentless Pursuit.
Berserker's Greaves provide the small attack speed to allow for combos to feel natural and less drawn out. You can swap these boots out for mercury treads or berserker greaves if they have a fed damage type member on their team.
Rapid Firecannon synergizes with
Lucian and his
Lightslinger passive because you can
Relentless Pursuit on enemies and get a double auto attack on one enemy from a very far distance. Into long range,
Rapid Firecannon provides
Lucian with the range he needs to compete with these artillery champs especially when combined with the
Bloodthirster to heal up the poke damage you do end up taking.
Finally, the last item
Edge of Night gives you a shield from key abilities so that the enemy has a harder time poking you down, or catching you with ranged crowd control. This item also provides you with HP to be able to withstand some of the poke you do take.
Elixir of Iron is also preferred because you already have lifesteal from
Bloodthirster. Lethality also spikes lucians
Piercing Light damage but does not provide you with
The Culling damage. If you are playing into squishy champions,
The Culling does more than enough You can really see the power of this combo as picking off squishies in the mid game and stealing away objectives becomes apparent.


Finally, the last item

This core build is very effective against tanky enemy team compositions that deal physical damage mainly. Your power spike is most apparent at three items, where your
Navori Flickerblade and high cooldown reduction build allow to weave in and out of fights bursting and evading tanks and carries. Berserker greaves provides you with the essential attack speed for the combos to feel smoother.
Navori Flickerblade amplifies your ultimates damage by 12%, lowers your ultimate cooldown so it may be used more often, and gives you the extremely low E cooldown.
This build should be used when they have more than 2 tanks (
Sejuani) or 1 tank and 1 off tank (
Viego). This core build requires you to be proficient with combos and
Relentless Pursuit mechanics, being able to engage and disengage fights using your
Relentless Pursuit to consistently reposition yourself and combo enemies. The
Lord Dominik's Regards is required third because it gives you very strong tank shredding power and synergizes with
Navori Flickerblade that gives you very strong kiting power and amplifies your abilities damage by 12% (up to 20% full build).
Essence Reaver compliments this build very well as it gives you the required mana to spam your abilities as much as you can during the skirmishes and teamfights. Additionally,
Essence Reaver gives you more cooldown reduction to have your
Relentless Pursuit and
Piercing Light off cooldown as often as possible. The hidden benefit of using
Essence Reaver and not
Kraken Slayer is that you can build berserker graves and still meet the ability haste threshold for the infinite
Relentless Pursuit uptime.
Bloodthirster and
Kraken Slayer as final items will give you more durability and late game ramping up damage to effectively take down these tanks with ease. The lifesteal is important because tanks need some time to output their damage and the
Bloodthirster provides you with the defensive tools to not only survive but also to deal more damage: both
Bloodthirster and
Kraken Slayer provide attack damage and critical strike that provides additional value to your
Navori Flickerblade through the critical strike and ability damage interaction.
Elixir of Iron is preferred over
Elixir of Wrath because your damage will already be very high against a generally tanky team, and you already have lifesteal. Being able to withstand more damage is valued higher here.

This build should be used when they have more than 2 tanks (

This core build is very effective against squishy enemy team compositions. Your power spikes come from each item completion, once at the
Essence Reaver so you may use spellblade from
Sheen, can spam abilities without mana issues, and have considerable early ability haste and attack damage.
Navori Flickerblade gives you the threshold ability haste to unlock infinite relentless pursuit dashes in skirmishes and gives your
Piercing Light and
The Culling more damage (4% per critical strike item). Since this core build includes
Essence Reaver,
Berserker's Greaves may be built to compensate for the little attack speed Lucian may require.
The Collector is also a ver valuable option for
Lucian third item because it provides all the stats he needs: Attack damage, Lethality, Critical strike chance, and improves executing power into a generally squishy enemy team.
The Collector combined with
Navori Flickerblade boosts your
Piercing Light and
The Culling ability damage by a significant amount.
This core build requires you to be proficient with your combos, catching enemies off guard with high mobility and crazy single target damage output. Enables you to be able to dash in on enemies from the outskirts of the fight and weave in and out of the fight as targets become vulnerable. Keep in mind when playing into ranged that
The Culling may be used to provide high-ranged damage for a small window of the fight.
Incase of any tanky members that are fed,
Lord Dominik's Regards is recommended along with
Bloodthirster to give you a spike in damage from your
Piercing Light and
The Culling through the
Navori Flickerblade interaction with critical strike chance.
Elixir of Iron is advised into squishier champions that have potential to burst you down and to avoid overstacking too much life steal.


This core build requires you to be proficient with your combos, catching enemies off guard with high mobility and crazy single target damage output. Enables you to be able to dash in on enemies from the outskirts of the fight and weave in and out of the fight as targets become vulnerable. Keep in mind when playing into ranged that

Incase of any tanky members that are fed,

This build is considered an 'advanced' build because there are several conditions that need to be met in order for it to be viable in solo queue. Unlike professional play. that is calculated and knowledgeable, solo queue is more variable and inconsistent; introducing a new play-style for
Lucian could be detrimental to ones league points.
With that being said, this energized build is very over powered when dealing into squishy champions while having an enchanter that can boost your movement speed, provide you with passive stacks, and give your auto attacks extra power (quite often
Milio or
The conditions that are ideal for this build to excel at what it does are: enemy team is generally squishy (What is the definition of squishy? Teams that have 4 squishy champs and one tank, 3 squishy and 2 bruisers, all squishy) The second requirement is that you have a support such as
Nami or
Milio to further boost your one shotting potential. The final requirement is that you are not laning into champs that have too much range or instant damage to put your
First Strike on cooldown (such as
Morgana W,
Soraka E,
Miss Fortune E,
Twitch poison DOT).
The reasons that these conditions exist is because the build doesn't prioritize Lucian's typical playstyle: weaving in and out of fights, durability, ability haste. Instead, it prioritizes lethal and on-hit energized damage from very far away utilizing
Rapid Firecannon. Because the style includes trying to one shot enemies,
First Strike is highly recommended and consequently can be hit or miss in lane.
This new hyper-aggressive
Lucian playstyle is very satisfying and fun to play. Using your
Relentless Pursuit auto
Piercing Light combo deals a considerable amount of damage because of your energized on-hit effects.
First Strike upfront damage, additional burn from
Milio or bubble autos from
Nami, burn from
Sorcery. The reason this combo is overwhelmingly strong is because you can proc it from very far away using
Rapid Firecannon. The reason this build fell off during the good part of season 13 is because of the
Nami nerfed interactions with
Lucian and the nerfed passive on-hit damage for
Lucian with enchanters while simultaneously buffing his crowd control on-hit passive damage with tanky supports. Since that time,
Nami has been slowly buffed, and the new
Imperial Mandate is much stronger than before. Additionally
Voltaic Cyclosword allows for
Lucian to charge his energized attack MUCH sooner so that you can essentially get consecutive double shots on enemies from very far away that benefit from
Rapid Firecannon.
The downside of this build and playstyle is that once you've used
Relentless Pursuit to engage, you do not have a fast way of recovering your
Relentless Pursuit because your ability haste isn't as high as before, and you dont benefit from
Navori Flickerblade ability haste interactions with your doubleshots. In essence, you have much more upfront damage that falls of and 'resets' but lack the consistent ramping up damage and ability to kite out enemies using
Relentless Pursuit plenty of times.
To start the build
Voltaic Cyclosword is recommended first item that provides plenty of burst because lethality is currently very strong and
The Brutalizer is a good starting item. Early critical strike chance isn't too valuable and the lethal upfront damage works very well with
Lucian. Next
Stormrazor is recommended to provide additional on-hit energy damage and provides mobility after you use your auto. Together
Voltaic Cyclosword and
Stormrazor essentially slow the enemy and speed you up to provide the kiting power for
Lucian in this build. Lucidity boots are recommended because of the lack of ability haste that is required. Attack speed is not required as you are looking to quickyl combo someone, then either commit to killing them or back off and wait for your next
Relentless Pursuit to use another
Rapid Firecannon energized auto.
Some pros build
Navori Flickerblade to have the best of both worlds (long range damage and kiting power) and others commit to the oneshot style and substitute
Infinity Edge. If they do have a tank or two,
Lord Dominik's Regards can be built also to tackle them down.
Elixir of Wrath is recommended to fully commit to this aggressive playstyle.
I've had PLENTY of fun with this build (especially back in the day with
Galeforce). If you'd like to see a demonstration, the video above displays how the build generally should be played. With great power comes with great responsibility!.

With that being said, this energized build is very over powered when dealing into squishy champions while having an enchanter that can boost your movement speed, provide you with passive stacks, and give your auto attacks extra power (quite often

The conditions that are ideal for this build to excel at what it does are: enemy team is generally squishy (What is the definition of squishy? Teams that have 4 squishy champs and one tank, 3 squishy and 2 bruisers, all squishy) The second requirement is that you have a support such as

The reasons that these conditions exist is because the build doesn't prioritize Lucian's typical playstyle: weaving in and out of fights, durability, ability haste. Instead, it prioritizes lethal and on-hit energized damage from very far away utilizing

This new hyper-aggressive

The downside of this build and playstyle is that once you've used

To start the build

Some pros build

I've had PLENTY of fun with this build (especially back in the day with

This build that is popularized from the LEC, involves a middle ground between the kiting navori build and the hyper aggressive korean build. With this said, the build minimizes any of the other builds weaknesses, but doesn't specialize in either aspect on an offensive lens. This build can be used as an alternative to the build above against a squishy and tank mixed team, but more on the tanky side. Additionally, it has some power to one shot squishy enemies with the energized
Stormrazor and
Rapid Firecannon and also can be useful for kiting with
Navori Flickerblade.
This build is better suited for games where you have a
Nami or
Milio but have a bad matchup that disables you from running
First Strike. So that you can the pseudo power of the korean one shot build but also can run
Press the Attack and kite enemies in the mid and late parts of the game.
Lord Dominik's Regards is recommended into tankier champions with
Bloodthirster to be durable into crowd control.
Elixir of Wrath is advised to provide additional damage on the energized auto attack to catch enemies off guard with the high burst.

This build is better suited for games where you have a

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