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Akshan Build Guide by SanyGame

Middle [25.S1.2] In-Depth Akshan Guide [Mid/Top]

Middle [25.S1.2] In-Depth Akshan Guide [Mid/Top]

Updated on February 3, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SanyGame Build Guide By SanyGame 21 5 70,257 Views 0 Comments
21 5 70,257 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SanyGame Akshan Build Guide By SanyGame Updated on February 3, 2025
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Akshan
  • LoL Champion: Akshan


1 2 3 4
Press the Attack
Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity
Cut Down

Magical Footwear
Triple Tonic

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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Champion Build Guide

[25.S1.2] In-Depth Akshan Guide [Mid/Top]

By SanyGame
xGame Plan
Combos & tricks
xTips & Tricks


→ Low Ban Rate & Pick Rate
→ High skill expression, allowing for outplay potential
→ Flexible pick (Mid, Top)
→ Excellent roaming
→ Strong early game and can snowball effectively
→ High mobility
→ High build diversity (Crit, on-hit, and lethality builds)
→ [W] passive allows you to revive teammates


→ Vulnerable to crowd control (CC)
→ Relies mostly on snowballing to be relevant
→ Falls off in late-game if behind
→ Can be difficult to pick up for new players
Dirty Fighting (Passive): After each auto-attack, Akshan fires a weaker shot. This can be canceled, granting a brief decaying boost to Movement Speed.

Akshan's auto-attacks and abilities apply stacks to targets for 5 seconds. Upon reaching 3 stacks, all stacks are consumed, dealing magic damage. If the target is a champion, Akshan gains a shield for 2 seconds (with a cooldown).
  • Akshan stands still while firing his second shot.
  • The second shot applies on-hit and on-attack effects at 100% effectiveness and can critically strike.
  • Akshan has one of the lowest Attack Speed ratios (0.4) in the game, so Attack Speed is less impactful compared to other champions. However, it is still viable to build it as he ahoots twice and Heroic Swing scales with it.
  • The shield granted by this passive is powerful — use it to take short trades when possible, and play more cautiously when it’s on cooldown.
  • The Movement Speed boost from this passive is essential for chasing low-health enemies, so use it wisely to secure kills or escape dangerous situations.

Avengerang (Q): Akshan throws a boomerang that increases its range with each enemy it strikes before homing back. Upon hitting an enemy champion, Akshan gains a decaying Movement Speed boost.
  • Avengerang is a strong poke and trade ability, as it applies Dirty Fighting 2 times. Use [Q] on enemies, gain bonus movement speed, and land another [AA] to proc Dirty Fighting and back off with a shield.
  • Avengerang is Akshan's main wave-clear ability, as it can hit all minions twice and apply 2 stacks of Dirty Fighting to each of them. It deals reduced damage to minions early, so max it out first for better wave-clear.
  • Gives brief vision around the projectile, making it useful for checking bushes.

Going Rogue (W Passive): Akshan marks enemy champions who have recently killed his teammates as Scoundrels for 1 minute (refreshes with each kill). Securing a takedown on a Scoundrel within 3 seconds of damaging them grants 100 gold and revives all of Akshan's teammates slain by the marked Scoundrel, returning them to the fountain and removing the Scoundrel mark from all other champions.
(W Active): Akshan gains camouflage for 2 seconds that refreshes indefinitely near terrain or inside brushes. While camouflaged, Akshan detects trails leading towards Scoundrels within 5000 units, gaining bonus Movement Speed and Mana Regeneration while moving towards them. The camouflage effect ends immediately upon recasting the ability or using auto-attacks/abilities.
  • Akshan can't trigger Going Rogue's passive while dead.
  • Camouflage can't be cancelled by CC or damage, making it a great escape tool.
  • Prioritize enemies correctly, as the Scoundrel mark is removed from all other champions once you secure a takedown.

Heroic Swing (E): Akshan fires a hook that embeds into the first terrain it collides with. Once attached, Akshan can recast the ability to swing around the terrain, making him shoot at the nearest visible enemy. The ability ends when recast, when colliding with an enemy champion, or when hitting terrain. Scoring a takedown on an enemy champion reduces the cooldown to 0.5 seconds.
  • The indicator range is shorter than the actual range of the ability, meaning it has a longer range.
  • Akshan prioritizes enemy champions with Dirty Fighting stacks, then those recently damaged by abilities/spells (like Ignite or Comeuppance) in the last 4 seconds, and then the nearest enemy. Start with Avengerang, auto-attacks, or Ignite before engaging with this ability.
  • The shots can critically strike for bonus damage and apply Life Steal at 100% effectiveness. They also apply on-hit effects at 25% effectiveness per shot.
  • The fire rate is not affected by Attack Speed, but it does increase ability damage.
  • You can swing around terrain indefinitely, as long as you don’t collide with an enemy champion or terrain (with a small leeway for movement).

Comeuppance (R): Akshan targets an enemy champion and channels for up to 2.5 seconds, loading bullets into his weapon. After 2.5 seconds or upon recasting, he fires all stored bullets, damaging the first enemy hit, including minions or structures. Damage is increased based on the target's missing health.

This ability is mainly used to execute low-HP enemies after a fight.
  • Heroic Swing can be used during the channel, allowing you to shoot while swinging and avoid obstacles like minions or towers.
  • You can move freely during the channel, but can't move when shooting bullets (unless swinging with Heroic Swing).
  • Executes minions, making it useful for fast-pushing if enemies are nearby.
  • Comeuppance enters a 5-second cooldown if the channel is canceled (except after Akshan’s death during channel).
  • Applies Life Steal at 100% effectiveness.
  • Reveals the target during the channel and for 2 seconds after, making it effective against champions like Akali or Talon.
  • Does not apply on-hit effects, but its damage is increased by Crit Chance and Crit Damage, making it strong in crit builds.
This tree is good for DPS and combat power.

Press the Attack is the BiS keystone rune for Akshan. Thanks to Dirty Fighting, Akshan's double-shot passive applies two stacks with each auto attack, and Heroic Swing applies one stack per shot. This rune offers strong damage potential and excels in short trades, such as [AA] > [Q] > [AA], which deal high burst damage while gaining a shield to disengage.

Fleet Footwork is a solid choice for poke matchups, particularly against mages. It provides sustain and crucial movement speed for kiting. Its synergy with Dirty Fighting and Heroic Swing allows Akshan to stack energized effects more quickly. However, due to numerous nerfs, this rune has become niche compared to Press the Attack.

Triumph is a good option if you don’t need the mana regeneration from Presence of Mind. It offers reliable sustain during early all-ins and skirmishes, making it ideal for aggressive plays.

Presence of Mind is the primary choice for Akshan, as his kit consumes a lot of mana. It allows for better wave clearing with Avengerang and lets him cast multiple Heroic Swing casts after takedowns.

Legend: Alacrity provides valuable Attack Speed, which synergizes with Dirty Fighting's bonus movement speed and Heroic Swing’s damage scaling. Since Akshan’s builds rarely prioritize Attack Speed items outside of on-hit builds, this rune becomes a strong and consistent choice.

Legend: Bloodline gives you lifesteal, but it’s been heavily nerfed, so it’s not as strong as Legend: Alacrity. Still, if you’re feeling like you want some lifesteal, it can be worth trying out.

Coup de Grace helps you burst down low-health enemies quicker.

Cut Down works well for poking down enemies to get them in combo range. It's on the same power level as Coup de Grace and depends on personal preference.

Last Stand can be useful, but it’s a bit less suited to Akshan’s playstyle since he’s all about quick engages and disengages. You usually want to assassinate your target before taking too much damage, so this is more of a situational pick.

What about other runes?

This tree is great for extra survivability.

Demolish can be useful early on for quickly taking down tower plates, especially if you’re in the top lane.

Shield Bash works really well with Dirty Fighting. It provides extra damage and survivability after you get a shield, making you harder to kill in fights.

Conditioning doesn’t kick in early, but it gives you a solid buff later in the game. It pairs nicely with tankier items like Terminus, Wit's End, Guardian Angel, and Jak'Sho, The Protean, or defensive runes like Overgrowth.

Bone Plating is a good option for surviving early all-ins. It’s a bit weaker against ranged champions who can easily trigger its cooldown, but it can still provide a lot of protection in close-range trades.

Second Wind works well against poke-heavy matchups, especially if you're up against ranged champions. It pairs nicely with Fleet Footwork for sustain during the laning phase.

Overgrowth is like Conditioning — it doesn't do much early on but provides extra survivability later in the game.

What about other runes?

This tree is great for snowballing.

Taste of Blood is a solid rune for preventing overextending. It works especially well against poke champions or when you're playing aggressively.

Sudden Impact can deal a surprising amount of damage in the early and mid-game, synergizing well with both Going Rogue and Heroic Swing.

Deep Ward is great for placing deep wards. It significantly extends ward duration, which is super useful in the toplane for avoiding ganks. It can also be situationally helpful in midlane.

Treasure Hunter is a solid snowballing rune. It requires you to take down 5 different champions to max out, so it’s more effective in the midlane and less so in toplane.

Relentless Hunter is a great option for midlane Akshan who wants to roam and make plays across the map.

What about other runes?

This tree is good for free gold and stats

First Strike is a situational rune that can work in certain matchups, especially against unkillable tanks in the toplane. It grants free gold when you have range advantage, though it’s rarely a top-tier pick.

Magical Footwear provides free boots, saving you 300 gold. It also gives a slight movement speed boost, which can help with kiting. This is especially useful for Akshan players who often delay buying boots.

Cash Back is an alternative to Magical Footwear, offering less gold early but more value as you buy legendary items later on. It’s a matter of personal preference.

Triple Tonic is a solid rune for early game. The first tonic helps with last-hitting, and the second and third provide nice power spikes.

Biscuit Delivery offers extra sustain during the early game, which is helpful against poke-heavy matchups.

Cosmic Insight is an underrated rune, providing Summoner Spell and Item Haste. It works well with items like Guardian Angel or Immortal Shieldbow and summoner spells like Teleport.

Jack of all Trades is easy to stack on Akshan. You can reach 5 stacks by purchasing basic items like Doran's Blade and Kraken Slayer. For 10 stacks, it involves buying Mercury's Treads and items like Serrated Dirk. The downside is that the Ability Haste from this rune is generally wasted on Akshan, making it a bit mediocre overall.

What about other runes?

This tree is good for scaling

Manaflow Band isn’t as good as Presence of Mind, but it can still be a viable option if you’ve chosen Triumph instead.

Absolute Focus pairs well with runes like Gathering Storm or Scorch, offering a nice damage boost.

Scorch is a great early-game rune for harassment and poke.

Gathering Storm is an excellent late-game scaling rune, granting a significant amount of AD that helps Akshan in the later stages of the game. It compensates for his weaker late-game power.

What about other runes?

When choosing rune shards for Akshan, it’s pretty straightforward. Always take Attack Speed, since you’re an auto-attack champion. Adaptive Force is also a must for that extra damage. As for the third shard, you can go with Health Scaling or Flat Health depending on your preference—personally, I prefer Health Scaling.

That's probably his best and only viable rune page. Press the Attack is his strongest option, as it procs easily with your double attacks and Heroic Swing (in tough poke matchups, it can be swapped with Fleet Footwork, but this rune has been heavily nerfed). Presence of Mind is generally the best choice since you're mana-hungry when using Avengerang and Heroic Swing (though you can swap it with Triumph, but in my opinion, it's less effective). Legend: Alacrity provides valuable Attack Speed and is likely the only choice in that row (though Legend: Bloodline is an alternative, I personally dislike it). For the third row, you can take either Cut Down or Coup de Grace for increased damage.

The secondary tree is quite flexible, and I'll cover it next.

This tree is great for extra survivability. Bone Plating excels in short trades and synergizes well with the Dirty Fighting shield (it can be swapped with Second Wind against poke, but I would prefer taking Biscuit Delivery instead). For the second rune, you can choose either Overgrowth for more health or Shield Bash for even stronger early trades.

This tree provides great value with the free boots from Magical Footwear (which can be swapped for Cash Back) and the small power spikes from Triple Tonic (which can be swapped for Biscuit Delivery in poke-heavy matchups).

A solid tree for extra damage from Sudden Impact (which can be swapped for Taste of Blood, though I find it worse) and additional Movement Speed from Relentless Hunter. Deep Ward is also a good pick for tracking the enemy jungler.
Flash is essential on Akshan. It gives you mobility for both aggressive plays and escaping tough situations.

Ignite is usually your go-to spell, as it offers extra pressure early in the game and helps you snowball faster. Plus, enemies with Ignite are prioritized by Heroic Swing, making it easier to go for all-ins.

Teleport is a better pick in more difficult matchups where you might not be able to snowball as easily. It’s especially useful in the late game and to avoid overextending early, which helps you maintain your EXP and CS. However, due to recent changes in 2025, its early game power has been nerfed a lot.

Starter Items

Doran's Blade is the optimal starting item for Akshan, as it provides 100 Health and 3.5% Lifesteal, which is highly beneficial for staying in lane a bit longer and better trading.

Health Potion grants sustain, helping you stay in lane for longer periods. By using Health Potions efficiently, you can force enemies to overextend, creating opportunities for trades or all-ins.

Refillable Potion is better suited against poke-heavy champions. It’s a good option to buy after an early recall but not as a starter, as Doran's Blade offers better value than Long Sword early on.


Plated Steelcaps are a situational but solid choice, especially against champions that rely heavily on AD or auto-attacks.

Mercury's Treads are situational and a solid choice against heavy AP or CC.

Boots of Swiftness are great for Movement Speed and Slow Resistance. They give you more safety during teamfights and make it easier to move around the map. Swiftmarch is pretty OP because it boosts any Movement Speed you have, including Comeuppance and Going Rogue.

Berserker's Greaves are a good option if you don’t need defensive boots, especially in crit builds that lack Attack Speed. They’re also good for snowballing, but defensive boots are usually safer in those cases. Gunmetal Greaves feel a bit underwhelming compared to other options, so keep that in mind.

Non-crit items

Statikk Shiv works really well with Akshan's kit. It provides waveclear (allowing you to max Heroic Swing first), some poke, and resets on takedowns, letting you proc it with every Heroic Swing in teamfights. The main downside is that it doesn’t provide crit chance, delaying your crit powerspike ( The Collector + Infinity Edge).

Kraken Slayer used to be one of the best items for Akshan because of its strong snowball potential, missing health damage, and solid stats. However, it’s been nerfed several times, so it’s not as strong as it once was. You can still consider it in some situations (mainly in on-hit builds), but there are usually better options now.

Crit items

Infinity Edge is a core item for all crit builds (just like for most crit marksmen). It provides a high amount of AD and Crit Damage%, amplifying Comeuppance, Heroic Swing, and auto-attack damage effectively, while scaling further with Crit Chance%.

The Collector isn’t the strongest item overall but is still the best choice in most games. Its Lethality is useful for ability-oriented champions, and the execute makes it easier to finish off low-health enemies.

Rapid Firecannon synergizes very well with Akshan. It allows you to auto-attack enemies from extended range while using Going Rogue, marking them with Dirty Fighting and enabling an all-in play. It also provides a decent amount of Attack Speed, which is particularly valuable in AD Crit builds that usually lack Attack Speed.

Lord Dominik's Regards is an amazing item and should be bought in most games. As the game progresses, champions' base armor gets significantly higher, making Armor Penetration% valuable even against squishies. It's also essential against enemies stacking Armor, including tanks, bruisers, or squishy champions building defensive items like Guardian Angel or Zhonya's Hourglass.

Mortal Reminder is an alternative to Lord Dominik's Regards. While it offers slightly less damage output, it’s crucial against champions like Dr. Mundo, Soraka, Vladimir, and others with strong healing. It’s especially useful if your team neglects to buy anti-heal or if you find yourself 1v1ing a lot.

Yun Tal Wildarrows seems promising as a rush item due to its high gold efficiency when stacked and its decent Attack Speed. However, The Collector or Statikk Shiv are usually better options for rushing in most situations.

On-hit items

On-hit items are pretty weak in the current meta, so I wouldn’t recommend building these unless the enemy team has 3 or more tanks.
Blade of the Ruined King is the core item for on-hit Akshan builds. It’s great for fighting HP stackers (tanks, bruisers, and battle mages), provides a slight slow for sticking to enemies, and synergizes well with Kraken Slayer's passive (BotRK deals current HP% damage, making it less effective for finishing low-HP targets). Its stats are solid overall. It can occasionally be used in crit builds for better tank busting, but it delays your crit powerspike.

Terminus is an excellent choice for on-hit builds for Akshan, as he can easily stack it using Heroic Swing or a few double auto-attacks. While it has less Armor Penetration% compared to Lord Dominik's Regards, it offers better survivability with its resistances, making it a more defensive option.

Wit's End is a defensive on-hit item that’s effective against heavy AP or CC champions. I would say it's pretty niche and should be a rare item to purchase.

Guinsoo's Rageblade enhances on-hit effects from items like Kraken Slayer, Blade of the Ruined King, Wit's End, and Terminus. However, its stats are somewhat underwhelming, so it’s not recommended to buy this item too early in the game.

Defensive items

Bloodthirster is my personal favorite for the last slot in most Akshan builds. It provides a ton of healing, with the high AD and shield passive as excellent bonuses. This item shines in extended fights where sustain is crucial or for healing off minions/monsters when you’re low HP.

Immortal Shieldbow is a situational purchase against heavy burst damage. Its lifeline passive can save you in critical moments, buying time to escape or turn fights in your favor.

Mercurial Scimitar is a very situational defensive item and an alternative to Wit's End. It’s particularly useful against heavy AP teams with deadly CC abilities like Nether Grasp or Frozen Tomb.

Guardian Angel offers minimal damage but is invaluable against AD champions and in late-game teamfights. Its revive effect makes you significantly harder to kill, which is especially useful with Going Rogue for reviving teammates and potentially ending the game.

Jak'Sho, The Protean is a pure defensive item that works well with Terminus' passive, providing substantial resistances. However, it’s not recommended until the late game, as it sacrifices a lot of damage for survivability.

Early Game

Level 1

Akshan thrives in the early game and should play aggressively. Always unlock Avengerang first, as it allows you to focus on short trades with the [Q]>[AA] (or [AA]>[Q]) combo. Your goal is to lower the enemy’s HP without wasting your ability for nothing. Focus on gaining a level advantage by consistently hitting minions.

Level 2

Once you unlock Heroic Swing, you'll be able to deal massive damage. Look for opportunities when your enemy’s primary ability is on cooldown, and if they are low enough, you can engage with [Q]>[E]>[AA] to delete their HP. Extended trades with auto-attacks can finish off your opponent, or you can dive if the opportunity arises.

Level 3+

It’s typically not recommended to unlock Going Rogue at Level 3, as you gain more combat power from upgrading other abilities. However, once unlocked, you can use it to shove minion waves and look for roam opportunities. Assist your jungler with Scuttle or fight in the enemy jungle, or roam to the bot lane if a chance arises. If the enemy is playing passively and you can’t secure a kill, fake a roam to get a trade with Going Rogue active. If you're in the top lane, delaying this ability is an option since your roams will generally be limited to the Baron pit.

Level 6

Though Akshan’s ultimate isn’t particularly powerful, it can still be a game-changer to finish off escaping enemies. Just make sure you're positioning yourself well to make the most of it.

Mid-Late Game

Remember, you're not a standard marksman. In teamfights, avoid mindlessly engaging enemies. Save your Heroic Swing for the perfect moment. Prioritize poking and whittling down enemy health before jumping in to clean up low-health targets or finish off the scoundrels.

You're also very effective at split-pushing. With maxed-out Avengerang for wave clear and Heroic Swing and Going Rogue for escapes, you can control the side lanes efficiently. Additionally, you can assassinate squishy targets who wander alone.

In the late game, your damage output becomes pretty high, but you’ll also become more vulnerable once the enemy team completes their builds. Be cautious. Stick with your allies using Going Rogue, and be mindful of your passive revive ability, which becomes increasingly valuable as the game progresses (since respawn timers are much more higher).

Short trade combos


These are your bread-and-butter combos for short trades. They let you proc your passive once, gain a shield, and get a movement speed boost. This makes it easier to either back off or continue trading with auto attacks (useful for procing Press the Attack). Pay attention to the cooldown of your Dirty Fighting shield, as it can help you win most early trades.

All-in combo

> >

Since Heroic Swing prioritizes the nearest enemy (including minions), you need to mark the enemy with Dirty Fighting stacks to avoid this. The easiest way to do this is to mark the enemy with Avengerang before going in with Heroic Swing. Once you land the swing, you can continue auto attacking or back off, depending on the situation. If you're unsure whether you can finish off your opponent or if you're worried about enemy junglers, you can use a defensive [E] to retreat.

All-in combo 2

>> >

This is another variation of the previous combo, but it works best when there are no minions around. If there are minions in the way, you can simply either use this combo in the river or use Ignite to force Heroic Swing to prioritize the enemy champion.

Ambush combo

> >> >

This combo works well for ambushing enemies while you're in Going Rogue stealth. If you're not sure whether you can secure the kill, you can stop after landing [Q] > [AA] and check the enemy's HP. If you have Rapid Firecannon, you can go for [AA] > [Q] > ... or even just [AA] > ... to poke or engage.

Avoiding obstacles with Comeuppance

While using Comeuppance, you can cast Heroic Swing during the channeling to avoid obstacles such as minions, towers, or other champions. This allows you to reposition or dodge.

Avoiding turrets with Comeuppance

Since you're unable to damage T2/T3 towers before destroying T1, you can bait unaware enemies into thinking they’re safe. You can deal damage through the tower with Comeuppance, catching them off guard.

Using Heroic Swing correctly



To maximize your swing distance, avoid using your hook perpendicular to the wall. Instead, aim for the farthest point of terrain within your reach to cover more distance with Heroic Swing.

Heroic Swing indicator

The Heroic Swing range indicator is slightly shorter than the actual range. After reaching the maximum range, the ability checks for terrain within a small area around the hook (roughly 50 units). Keep this in mind to swing further than the indicator suggests.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SanyGame
SanyGame Akshan Guide
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[25.S1.2] In-Depth Akshan Guide [Mid/Top]

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