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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+2% Movement Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
Threats & Synergies
The speedup is great on top of the revive. A lot of champions adore playing with Zilean.
The speedup is great on top of the revive. A lot of champions adore playing with Zilean.
Champion Build Guide
On League I go by Federals1, and since 2018 I have hit challenger with at least 900 lp every single season.

I have also hit Challenger on EUW

I was also the number 1

Over the years have gotten top 10/5 on

I will be livestreaming at https://www.twitch.tv/federals123 , so if you want to check it out and see how it's going be sure to tune in! I will be answering any questions and trying to give my thought process while playing, giving general tips and such. I hope if you end up checking it you will enjoy your time.
I will be making more guides in the future, some already being in the works. My goal is to make a guide for every single champion I am extremely confident with, and ones I've been playing for a very long time where I have unique insights to share.
I am currently working on multiple guides but I cannot give an exact date when they will be out. I will post them gradually as I finish them, so if you want to see when they are out for a new champion you can follow and be up to date. To make sure they are done quicker not all of them will them will have a matchup spreadsheet at the start, that alone takes me a week by itself, it's massive.
While you wait in the loading screen, or even before minions spawn, go on an external website and check what runes your opponent has. I use op. gg or u. gg, but any website that show runes in full works. You will be able to see exactly what your opponent's runes are, and it can play a big part in your very first trade and knowing exactly how you might want to play out the first few waves. Here's an example: you see the enemy has
Resolve secondary. It's extremely important to see what he has in
Resolve. You can check and let's say they have
Bone Plating and
Overgrowth. Now you know you should play out your first trade a bit differently, trying to proc down
Bone Plating first, or knowing that if you go for a trade he has that extra block power. This is something you should look to do every single game to gain an advantage.

Here you will find every single champion matchup in the entire game and the way I tend to play them most often.
Here you will find every single champion matchup in the entire game and the way I tend to play them most often.
xMid Game xLate Game
xCombos |
xAll Possible Runes
xCons |

Your pull

Ideally look to just farm up until your first item, after which you can look to fight. Generally once you get your first completed item your dueling power is much better and you can start to fight for longer.
This is
Mordekaiser's strongest point in the game by far. Generally, you will have 2-3 items by this point, and depending on your item combination you can be extremely threatening on side lane, especially to any champion with high health. If you have
Liandry's Torment, your %
health damage combined with the extra damage this item deals will allow you to go through most bruisers and tanks like butter in just a few seconds of sustained damage.
Side laning is also quite good, as you can always turn any fight from an unfair number's advantage, to a straight up 1v1 with your ultimate
and at least trade 1 for 1, if not more. If your ultimate
is not up, you generally never want to take teamfights. You absolutely need it to single out a target and kill them, or take them out of the fight by hard chunking them. You can still side lane, even though it's riskier, but in teamfights having your ultimate
is an absolute must. If you do have it up, then you can just lock down a high priority target and ensure you kill them quickly, or you can use it as a peel tool, using it to stop whoever is diving onto your backline.
At this point into the game
Ability Haste can be quite plentiful for a numerous amount of champions and it becomes much, much harder to hit your Q
or E
due to the large amount of dashes and how fast they come back up.
Riven for example. Realistically speaking, there's basically no way you can hit her as she has 3 dashes from her Q
and then also her E
dash. On top of that, she also builds a lot of haste
so they will be back up quite fast too. The only tip I can give vs these types of champions is to unironically walk up to them and start auto attacking them down. Most of the time they will use their dashes looking to dodge out your incoming spell, but if you just hold them and not use any, they will basically lose melee dps, and if they do use them all then you can use your spells.

Side laning is also quite good, as you can always turn any fight from an unfair number's advantage, to a straight up 1v1 with your ultimate

At this point into the game


In my opinion, you never really want to get to this point. Carry champions will get their strong damaging items, and 1v1s become much harder to win in a lot of matchups. Some like
Camille can put up a huge fight and actually win out the duel in your Death Realm
. Then there's the champions who you can't catch or straight up anihilate you. Champions like
Kayle or
Vayne are completely unbothered by you ulting them at this point, because they can straight up murder you before you get to hit them a single time.
That being said, his scaling isn't super horrible. If you compare him to other juggernauts like
Illaoi or
Nasus, he doesn't get as kited as them because he can always take someone and look to 1v1 them, which is a big strongpoint of his, or if he can ever pull
a high priority target it can win out a fight easily. It's just that most of the time you really don't want to get past 24-28 minutes because you start to lose out on your overall power and the enemy team can catch back up. You can still use your ultimate
to stop diving champions who want to kill the more useful champions you have on your team.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If there is ANY shield breaking or shield reduction on the enemy team during the late game, you are basically getting 1 tapped if any carry is hitting you, as your W
shield will never be enough to save you. The only exception to this is if you have
Zhonya's Hourglass and use the stasis to buy some time.

That being said, his scaling isn't super horrible. If you compare him to other juggernauts like

IMPORTANT NOTE: If there is ANY shield breaking or shield reduction on the enemy team during the late game, you are basically getting 1 tapped if any carry is hitting you, as your W


Not a whole lot to point out here, just that your ultimaterelam of death does not give you a passive stack. Also be mindful of the AOE effect when under the enemy turret to make sure you don't accidentally take damage.

Look to get as many isolated procs as possible. Try to angle out your Q


This is going to be your main trading and sustain tool. You never want to trade with your opponent if this ability is not up. You basically need it in every single trade to go even in the early game. If it is fully stacked then you are able to gain a massive shield and possibly fight for longer, but generally speaking you want to use it to either do a short trade where the shield eats almost all the damage even if it's not fully stacked, then back off until it's up again, and repeat. You can also use it to just slowly get your


This ability is pretty telegraphed, and you are usually only hitting this if the enemy champion has no mobility spells, or if they are going for a last hit on a minion. It can allow you to extent trades, or you can use it to push people off you by flipping the direction it's going towards and taking them off you. This is especially important in the early game where champions such as


This is your main 1v1 ability and what makes you such a powerful dueler. The 10% stat steal is actually really good in close fights, and it has some unique interactions with certain abilities. For example, if you use your ultimate correctly you can dodge something like a

Another important thing to note is that the 10% stat steal will steal 10% of the CURRENT STATS an opponent has. So if you use it on a

Your ult


The first one gives you longer range to do the combo as you can start off with your pull


Not much to say about this one, just used to catch the enemy off guard and to reposition your Q

You only ever use this in melee range, and it's usage is to make sure you give less wiggle room for the enemy to escape, in the clip you can see how small his zone is, so he is forced to run the other way.

This one is especially good if the target is trying to run away. Your ultimate


Tier 2 boot upgrades:

Tier 3 boot upgrades:

Conqueror: The best keystone rune
Mordekaiser has. Not much to say here, you basically always take this over any other one.
Lethal Tempo: This one is taken into some specific matchups where you really need the
Attack Speed as it can be far too unreliable to look to damage enemies through using your spells because of their dashes, one example where I take it is
Triumph: Very consistent rune.
Absorb Life: Can be taken if you want the extra sustain on lane, though it's been nerfed quite a bit.
Legend: Alacrity: Can be taken instead of
Legend: Haste if you need more
Attack Speed.
Legend: Haste: Better than
Legend: Alacrity in most cases.
Coup De Grace: Right now I only take this into
Warwick, no other situation or matchup.
Cut Down: Can be taken into specific matchups where the enemy will typically be healthy during laning phase through stuff like
lifesteal or items such as
Kaenic Rookern, or generally just sitting on the healthier side. One matchup I take it into is
Tryndamere, as he can hyper sustain in and out of lane so you get good value from it.
Last Stand: The best one out of the 3 from its respective space in almost every single situation.
Taste of Blood: The only real take on that particular tree slot
Deep Ward: Best one from its respective space generally.
Ultimate Hunter: Works well as
Mordekaiser's ultimate
is very important for him in fights.
Nimbus Cloak: Generally good rune that you can take in your secondary.
Transcendence: Can be done to get some extra ability haste
as you go into the mid and late game.
Celerity: This rune has solid synergy with his passive
speedup to give even more speed and make him even quicker.
Gathering Storm: Default take here that can allow you to scale into the late game much harder and give you a lot more damage.
Demolish: Solid rune if you want to take early tower plates or split push a lot.
Shield Bash: It can work with your W
shield, but most of the time you don't really take it.
Conditioning: More scaling as you get into the mid game and you don't need
Second Wind for lane sustain.
Second Wind: Best rune in its respective space for sustaining in the lane.
Bone Plating: Works best against combo based champions such as
Riven or
Overgrowth: Works best when you cannot take
Revitalize because of a lane matchup or some other specific champions on the enemy team who can break your W
shield such as
Renekton or
Rell, or if you want just a bit of extra
health in general.
Revitalize: It amps up your W
heal and shield and it can provide a great deal of tankiness and sustain. Works even better if you have enchanters on your team
Magical Footwear: This is usually my personal take on the secondary runes alongside
Approach Velocity. If you also take the 2% movement speed
small rune you won't even feel the fact that you have 335 base speed.
Cash Back: Can be taken if you want to just get to your spike items in the mid game a bit sooner, but I don't like it as much.
Triple Tonic: Decent rune, the extra pot at level 9 is pretty good, and the second potion can be used to spike up your level 6 even harder.
Biscuit Delivery: Can be used if you want extra sustain, but most of the time it's bad and you can just take
Second Wind instead
Cosmic Insight: Generally good rune, the reduction on summoner spells feels pretty good.
Approach Velocity: I only ever take this if I am going
Rylai's Crystal Scepter, but I absolutely ADORE IT. The extra speed feels so good and as long as your passive
is on you will be able to gain 15% extra movement speed
every single time you get close to any enemy champion, making it so much harder to escape from you.


+Solid sustain due to his W healing
+Can make it hard to escape a fight with him whenever his ultimate is up
+Can turn 2v1 and 3v1 fights around really well by ulting someone
+His ult cannot be broken out of once you enter it
+Actually pretty decent vs ranged champions if played correctly
+Very hard to beat out in the 1v1 if he is ahead due to his ult, so even if your team comes to help vs Mord, you will still probably die
+With his ult he can basically cc a super high priority target for 7 seconds in a fight, letting the team 4v4 without a main carry
+Shreds down basically every single tank in the game
+Taking out a squishy immobile target in a fight can be super easy due to his ultimate
+Can make it hard to escape a fight with him whenever his ultimate is up
+Can turn 2v1 and 3v1 fights around really well by ulting someone
+His ult cannot be broken out of once you enter it
+Actually pretty decent vs ranged champions if played correctly
+Very hard to beat out in the 1v1 if he is ahead due to his ult, so even if your team comes to help vs Mord, you will still probably die
+With his ult he can basically cc a super high priority target for 7 seconds in a fight, letting the team 4v4 without a main carry
+Shreds down basically every single tank in the game
+Taking out a squishy immobile target in a fight can be super easy due to his ultimate
-Immobile and slow, his base movement speed is not that great either and he usually gets kited easily
-His Q and E are quite telegraphed and can be dodged decently well, and basically impossible to hit a champion with multiple dashes
-Ultimate reliant in teamfights most of the time, if his ult is not up he struggles
-Even if he can take someone with his ultimate it's not a guarantee he can 1v1 them and just straight up get anihilated, like vs Fiora or Vayne, or get stalled from killing the person
-Abusable early game, a lot of champions can statcheck him in melee range if you aren't careful
-Shield reduction and shield breaks destroy him, he really needs his W to have some good tankiness
-His Q and E are quite telegraphed and can be dodged decently well, and basically impossible to hit a champion with multiple dashes
-Ultimate reliant in teamfights most of the time, if his ult is not up he struggles
-Even if he can take someone with his ultimate it's not a guarantee he can 1v1 them and just straight up get anihilated, like vs Fiora or Vayne, or get stalled from killing the person
-Abusable early game, a lot of champions can statcheck him in melee range if you aren't careful
-Shield reduction and shield breaks destroy him, he really needs his W to have some good tankiness
If you liked this guide, perhaps you would like to check out some of my other ones as well. As I make more guides for more champions this list will be updated to contain all of them. Simply click on the words below the champion portrait and it will take you to the respective guide.

Volibear Top Guide

Darius Top Guide

Olaf Top Guide

Dr. Mundo Top Guide

Garen top guide

Udyr Top Guide
Here there will be a list of all the significant changes I am going to make going forward on the guide, so you can look here to see what the newest updates are, or old ones:
11th January 2025:
- added
Bloodletter's Curse as a possible item to take as well as a new 2 core build called "Tank Shredder 2 core"
- removed
Berserker's Greaves as possible boots to take
- added tier 3 boots to the items section
- added tier 2 and tier 3 boots to the all final items explained guide chapter after all the legendary items
Eyeball Collection has been removed, so the new rune
Deep Ward has been placed in its place as a possible rune you can take
7th December 2024:
- added
Udyr to the other guides chapter
6th December 2024:
- added
Ionian Boots of Lucidity as another boot choice
- added a new rune page and build, both called "High Ability Haste"
- added a new 3 core setup called "High Ability Haste 3 Core"
Patch 14.22
9th November 2024:
- added the link to the matchup spreadsheet as it has been completed
Patch 14.21
3rd November 2024:
- added
Cut Down and
Coup de Grace as possible rune choices
Patch 14.20
25th October 2024:
- added
Overgrowth as a possible rune to take
Patch 14.19
8th October 2024:
- the publish date of the guide
Update Log
Season 15
Patch 25.S1.111th January 2025:
- added

- removed

- added tier 3 boots to the items section
- added tier 2 and tier 3 boots to the all final items explained guide chapter after all the legendary items

Season 14
Patch 14.237th December 2024:
- added

6th December 2024:
- added

- added a new rune page and build, both called "High Ability Haste"
- added a new 3 core setup called "High Ability Haste 3 Core"
Patch 14.22
9th November 2024:
- added the link to the matchup spreadsheet as it has been completed
Patch 14.21
3rd November 2024:
- added

Patch 14.20
25th October 2024:
- added

Patch 14.19
8th October 2024:
- the publish date of the guide
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