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Camille Build Guide by UserMurph

Tank [6.24] Camille Top Lane | Dominate the Late Game

Tank [6.24] Camille Top Lane | Dominate the Late Game

Updated on December 20, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author UserMurph Build Guide By UserMurph 6 3 368,463 Views 14 Comments
6 3 368,463 Views 14 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author UserMurph Camille Build Guide By UserMurph Updated on December 20, 2016
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LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


Hello and welcome to my Camille champion build guide! I hope that this guide will cover everything you need to know to climb that ladder with Camille.
Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated, however if you find an issue with the guide or disagree with anything I say, please leave a comment explaining the issue and I will edit my guide with your suggestion in mind. I will respond to every comment where appropriate as soon as I can, so feel free to ask any questions down below! ^-^
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About Me
I play on the EUW servers, going by the name UserMurph. I am a top and jungle main, specializing in bruisers. I currently main Irelia in the top lane, so a champion such as Camille is exactly what I want as they share very similar play styles, with the dashes, stuns and late game hypercarry style of play.
Other champions I enjoy playing are Rengar Kha'Zix Jayce Vi Shyvana Jax Kindred Graves and Hecarim.
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About Camille
Camille is a new addition to league of legends. She is a top lane bruiser, who can also be played as a jungler. Her kit revolves around locking the enemy carry down and away from their team to gain the advantage in team fights.


+ Amazing Late Game
+ Very strong duelist
+ Flexible Build
+ High Mobility
+ Great outplay potential
+ Amazing Lockdown potential
+ Good lane sustain
Camille is a late game hypercarry who has great splitpushing potential. She has very high amounts of mobility and can chase/escape very easily. She can get over some thinner walls such as dragon or baron pit with Hookshot / Wall Dive. Her Hextech Ultimatum is a very powerful tool to lockdown and kill the enemy carry. Camille can build according to the situation after Trinity Force making her a very flexible champion, perfect for solo queue!


- Weaker early game
- Can be bullied out of lane
- Countered by ranged champions
- Powerspike is expensive
- Somewhat difficult to play to a good degree
- Really weak if behind
Whlist being a strong pick in the right hands, Camille has her fair shre of weaknesses]]. She is countered by lane bullies such as Darius or Illaoi, or ranged picks such as Kennen or Jayce (but you can deal with these, more information below.) If she cannot hit her Trinity Force early enough in the game, she will become nearly useless for a while until she can pick back up. Also her Trinity Force is an expensive first buy, and will take a while to achieve.
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Skill Explanation and Skill Order
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Camille's next basic attack against enemy champions is periodically enhanced to shield her for 20% maximum health from either exclusively physical damage or magic damage, based on which type would mitigate the most damage from her target's damage.
This skill is very useful. It gives you either a magic or physical damage shield vs enemy champions based upon their main damage source. It is one of the reasons I enjoy taking Courage of the Colossus on Camille, as the 2 shields will stack. Combined with Sterak's Gage also, you will suddenly gain a lot of tank stats that the enemy did not prepare for. It is also very useful for trading in lane, as it will absorb some damage and allow you to trade more frequently!
Camille's next basic attack deals bonus physical damage and grants her bonus movement speed for 1 second. Precision Protocol can then be recast within the next 3 seconds at no extra cost.
If recast at least 1.5 seconds after the first attack, Precision Protocol's damage is doubled and 40 - 100 (based on level)% of the damage is dealt as true damage.
This skill is your core damage ability and should be maxed first. Both procs of your Q will reset your auto attack timer, applying your Sheen. You should wait for the 2nd cast to come up rather than rushing and reactivating too early in more extended fights, but if you feel you can kill with the non-empowered recast and are on a very small time limit, it is worth the extra damage to recast early.
After a brief delay, Camille sweeps her leg to deal physical damage to all enemies in a cone in front of her. Enemies hit by the outer half of the cone take bonus physical damage and are slowed by 90% that decays over 2 seconds. Camille is [color=lighthealed for the bonus damage dealt, capped at 10% of her maximum health versus non-champions.
This is a pretty unique ability. It creates 2 cones in front of you, with the outer cone dealing more damage, slowing and stealing hp. It gives you some lane sustain and some poke/zone, as well as some nice chase potential after you land the stun with your Hookshot / Wall Dive.
HOOKSHOT - FIRST CAST: Camille fires a grapple in the target direction. If the grapple collides with terrain, Camille will dash toward and bind to the terrain. While bound to the terrain, she gains the ability to cast Wall Dive.
WALL DIVE - SECOND CAST: Camille dashes in the target direction, which has double range if leaping toward a visible enemy champion. Upon hitting an enemy or reaching maximum range, Camille deals physical damage to all nearby enemies.
If Camille hits an enemy with Wall Dive, they are stunned for 1 seconds and she gains bonus attack speed for 5 seconds.
Basically Attack on Titan in a nut shell. You grapple onto a nearby wall, then throw yourself off with double range if towards an enemy champion. This is where Courage of the Colossus comes in to play, granting you that large shield for 3 seconds after the stun ends. Max this second for reduced cooldown and increased attack speed bonus.
Camille dashes toward the target enemy champion, becoming untargetable during the leap. When she lands, she creates a locked, hexagonal zone around the target for 4 seconds, Airborne icon knocking away all other nearby enemies on impact.
The target can move freely inside the zone, but cannot escape it through any means.
While within the zone, Camille's basic attacks deal bonus magic damage.

Hextech Ultimatum's effects end automatically if Camille leaves the area.
This ability is very strong in the right hands. With Camille's insane mobility from her Hookshot / Wall Dive and her lockdown from Hextech Ultimatum, it will be very difficult to escape a fed Camille, even with Flash. The bonus magic damage will make you harder to itemize against. It is worth to drop the ultimate on a very highly armoured target with low mr just to shred through them faster.
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush


  • Greater Seal of Armor: This is what you should go for if you are unsure. Most top laners are physical damage, with some exceptions. If you are jungling, the camps do physical damage, and so in jungle take these 99% of the time.
    For top lane when against an AP laner, consider taking Greater Seal of Scaling Health or Greater Seal of Scaling Armor, as the immediate armour is less useful, and scaling armour will give you more armour later into the game when compared with flat armour.

  • Greater Glyph of Magic Resist: Again, if unsure go for these. However, a very good pickup are Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist as you will be rarely against an AP laner top, however they are more expensive, and the enemy jungler could also be AP, and so these could help you against an early gank. I would still take magic resist either way. It's personal preference. (As of 6.24, flat mr has a higher % win rate)

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Summoner Spells

Top Lane
Should be taken 100% of the time. Yes you have your Hookshot / Wall Dive, but those have cast times and sometimes you need an immediate escape. Can also be used to disengage after you use your Hookshot / Wall Dive to engage.
Should be taken nearly all the time, but is replaceable. Allows for tp ganks bot lane, map pressure and allows you to roam and safely tp back to your tower to save it.
Replaces Teleport. Consider taking vs Yasuo or any assassin you may run into such as Talon or Zed. Place it on them as they go for an all-in, your chances of survival will rise dramatically.
Replaces Teleport. Take vs very easy lanes or lanes where you have immense early kill pressure, but be aware that if you mess up and do not score an early kill and if the enemy laner has Teleport, they're going to be ahead of you in CS and exp. Its a risky double edged sword, and Ignite can become a lot less useful when compared with Teleport later in the game.
Not something I would recommend taking, but it is good in some match-ups. Say you're vs a Lux, Karthus or someone similar who have a lot of damage, but you cannot easily Exhaust them to reduce it. This is when you would want to take barrier to reduce the damage (and probably survive where you wouldn't have) of their incoming ultimates you simply cannot dodge, such as Requiem, or where the caster is out of range to exhaust, such as Final Spark. In these matchups, consider taking Barrier.
Must have, no exceptions.
Must have, no exceptions.
Mastery Pages


Unyielding - Since you should be building a decent amount of MR and Armour, the extra 5% will add up, making it much more useful especially later into the game.

Tough Skin - Will help against auto attack heavy champions, something that are quite common in top lane (examples include Riven, Gnar and Renekton) and will reduce minion damage.

Runic Armor - Absolutely amazing for Camille. Will increase Tactical Sweep's life steal and Adaptive Defenses, Courage of the Colossus , Sterak's Gage and Maw of Malmortius shield.

Insight - Having your Flash up on a lower cooldown can be very advantageous as it makes your already mobile kit even more mobile! Also since you generally want to take Teleport and Flash, two summoners with a 5 minute cooldown, you are making most use out of the mastery.

Swiftness - Since top lane is a solo lane, and is generally called an island for a reason, Legendary Guardian is not much use to you. You will only get 3 Armour and MR for nearly all of laning phase, and an extra 3 if the jungler comes to gank probably won't save you. The extra tenacity makes you an even more mobile champion, it is very well suited to your kit!

Courage of the Colossus - Many people like to go with Fervor of Battle for many reasons, it has more damage, is a very good keystone right now and is very easy to stack for melee champions. However, for this build Courage of the Colossus is arguably better suited, because we only want Trinity Force to be our damage output, with Sterak's Gage and Frozen Mallet for some extra AD if needed (albeit recommended.) Because of this, we will be very tanky, because 2 of our damage items also give hp, and will will have a large amount of hp, meaning the shield is even bigger. Camille also enjoys diving into the thick of teamfights to isolate that fed carry, meaning she will get an even larger shield due to the amount of enemies nearby!

Fury - Gives you some more attack speed, which is a nice bonus to help you out in the early game with trading and last hitting

Feast - Gives you some nice lane sustain, something Camille's kit is not the most filled with. With this and her Tactical Sweep you should be good for sustaining your hp pool.

Vampirism - Synergises nicely with Tactical Sweep, giving you even more hp back on that 2nd cone. Can help win trades a little easier and sustain back from last hitting minions. Synergises nicely with Feast.

Battle Trance - This is a very under-appreciated mastery I feel. You could take Double Edged Sword , but since you are pretty squishy in the early game, the extra 2.5% damage taken will hurt. Also since you are a hp heavy bruiser, you don't want the enemy to have more % damage towards you, as you will shred faster. Camille enjoys long, extended fights often lasting above and beyond five seconds, so this mastery is perfect! I don't take Bounty Hunter because by the time you have had chance to fully stack it, you are basically a tank. Not so useful in my eyes.
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[14/12/16] Guide Created (Item Build, Matchups, Contents, Welcome, About Me, About Camille)
[15/12/16] Skill Order + Explanations added
[16/12/16] Skill Order + Explanations finished
[17/12/16] Small tweaks including wording and phrasing, and formatting of the headings
[18/12/16] Added Runes section
[18/12/16] Added Summoner Spells section
[20/12/16] Added Masteries section
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UserMurph Camille Guide
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