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Aatrox Build Guide by DixonTheGuideMaker

Top 💡Complete Aatrox Guide by Dixon ☑️

Top 💡Complete Aatrox Guide by Dixon ☑️

Updated on November 9, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DixonTheGuideMaker Build Guide By DixonTheGuideMaker 8 0 26,285 Views 4 Comments
8 0 26,285 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DixonTheGuideMaker Aatrox Build Guide By DixonTheGuideMaker Updated on November 9, 2023
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Runes: RUNES

Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand

Bone Plating

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
Flash + Teleport
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

💡Complete Aatrox Guide by Dixon ☑️

By DixonTheGuideMaker
Hello everyone and welcome to one of my guides! This guide contains useful information and general knowledge based on my own game experience + open source info from Internet about the champ 💡📚📈🔍

My name is Max Dixon and i'm League of Legends content creator. I started to play LoL in 2016. My highest ELO at the moment is 💎Diamond 1 (soloQ) and 💎Diamond 4 (flexQ) on EU-West server. I've got three times to Diamond in different season and now I'm more focused on creating guides and videos with reviews of the strongest players in the world, growing my channel by sharing my experience and training new champions for the marathone to Master+ in the future.

I also want to invite you to subscribe to my YouTube channel where I'm going to make League of Legends content:
I would be very happy to build my first audience with 1000+ subscribers and start streaming😊

I hope this guide will help you to improve your champion's understanding so it would be more fun to play!

Let me know in the comments section if you find any mistakes or outdated information so I could fix it! Thanks in advance!

Have a nice reading! 📖🤓
- Aatrox doesn't use mana so you should never worry about it or to spend money for buying mana items.
- Good mobility and CC for a bruiser.
- Great sustain.
- Aatrox is a strong champion in team fights and 1v1 duels.
- Huge snowball potential.

- Hard to master.
- Can be outscaled by many champions.
- Mediocre late game.
- Hard to play from behind.
- Item dependent champion.
First of all, it is worth noting that his abilities don’t need mana or any other resources like energy or something. It means that his abilities are only limited by their cooldown time.

Aatrox passive Deathbringer Stance is a fairly useful ability. His attacks become stronger and he gets some health back that allows him to trade more successfully and to stay longer at his lane. Of course the recharging is quite big, but you need to remember that it can be reduced through the use of basic skills and in those moments when you hit an enemy with the ability The Darkin Blade. Buying items which reduce cooldown time and levelling up his abilities lead to more frequent usage of Aatrox passive.

THE DARKIN BLADE is the main combat skill of Aatrox, around which the entire game of the champion is actually built. The ability allows you to deliver 3 powerful strikes with AOE damage and the ability to throw enemies into the air. It is worth saying that it is not necessary to use all three hits at once. After the first hit 4 more seconds are given to you to make other 2 hits. This time is enough to use the ability more competently. You need to understand that each subsequent strike does more damage, so it is extremely important to hit the second and third strikes. In addition, you need to learn how to get exactly the edge of the blade, since the damage in this case will be very significant and the enemy will be thrown into the air. Actually, this is the most difficult thing in this champion, but this is what you should learn first. If you do not hit the enemies with the edge of the blade, then there will be little sense from such an Aatrox player in the game. I recommend you to carefully study the affected area of each strike. On the first levels, the ability will not do as much damage as we would like to see and the cooldown will be huge. So do not hope that you will out trade all your enemies. The ability has also a very important role in team fights, since you have the opportunity to throw enemies into the air several times, and AOE control in battles is extremely useful.

INFERNAL CHAINS on the one hand, the ability allows you to inflict good damage and control the enemy, pulling him to the center, but unfortunately it’s quite difficult to do. The reason is that after using the ability, the enemy should be in the zone during 1.5 seconds, and this is actually a lot of time. It’s good to use this ability in combination with some other control skills of your teammates. Firstly your ally uses something like stun and right after that you apply Infernal Chains. After the moment when enemy gets to the center of this zone, you should hit him by your Q – The Darkin Blade. It is especially hard to use the ability against mobile champions. That’s why Aatrox is more favourable champion against opponents with low mobility.

Umbral Dash increases the mobility of the champion and allows him to hit his Q The Darkin Blade more accurately. The range of the dash is quite low though. Yes, we can jump over thin walls, but for example, this will not save us from the gang of the enemy jungler. You can use his first Q+E combo to strike range champions or to land the last and the strongest Q into heads of your melee opponent. In conclusion, it is worth pointing out that the passive part of the ability gives us vampirism significantly increases the champion's survivability in battle. The most important thing is to try to constantly do damage.

World Ender is the ultimate ability of Aatrox. It was changed so many times that many players have already forgotten how it worked at the beginning. Some time ago, the ultimate allowed the champion to be resurrected during the battle, but this feature was removed and now it only increases the combat characteristics of Aatrox. Now the ability works as simple and clear as possible. After the activation, you get a bonus to movement speed, a bonus to damage and self-healing. Moreover, if during the battle you kill or help to kill an enemy champion, then the duration will last longer.
provides your champion by decent amount of damage and sustain. Due-to its omnivamp and healing effect, your champion will be able to stay on the lane much longer.

increases your damage,health and movement speed, but most importantly it reduces champion's cooldown of non-ultimate basic abilities. This could be a huge powerspike for your champ.

The unique passive's usage is best realized when looking at a simplified situation where an enemy inflicts instant burst damage onto you. As a result, your opponent has to overkill you to actually finish you off within this time span, which slightly increases your time to react and deploy counter measures like shields or healing. At the same time it also slightly improves your time window for retaliation, and is as such most powerful in a fight between two champions.

helps attack damage-based champions against enemy teams with high amounts of magic damage. LIFELINE can absorb most of the initial burst of magic damage from an enemy champion and give the owner an opportunity to attack or retreat. It is very useful against ability power champions with burst damage like Annie or Evelynn.

this item gives your champion extra slow effect and damage, especially on targets with heavy armor. This is the attack damage counterpart of Rylai's Crystal Scepter for bruisers.

is generally good for fighters and bruisers to deal damage to enemies and protect your champion by additional HP and shield.

is usually used on bruisers like Illaoi, Darius, Garen because they can easily apply stacks and survive long enough to benefit from the penetration. Armor reduction and penetration effects stack, allowing an attacking character to benefit simultaneously from Black Cleaver's shred, penetration runes, other items such as Last Whisper, and champion abilities that circumvent armor. This is a strong item against teams with lots of tanks or heavy bruisers who stacks a lot of armor.

this item is very good to be bought as 5th and 6th item since it will protect your champion from hostile bursting physical damage and most important it allows to ressurect after being killed which is super important in the late game, when the respawning timer is the longest. Sometimes it also makes sense to sell the item after the REBIRTH being used since it has very long cooldown time.

is a particularly effective defensive option when facing down opponents whose damage is dealt primarily through basic attacks, or against opponents that utilize healing from attacks to survive fights (such as life steal). It's very useful against such champions like Aatrox, Warwick, Nasus, Darius etc.

is most commonly used by champions to protect against magical damage and to enhance healing effects. These effects include normal healing or some form of health regeneration. In other words, you will be healed more by your allies and you will heal yourself much more effectively. Also the effects of life steal will restore more health. Its passive works well with any champion that has self-healing, self-shield, omnivamp, or life steal built into their kit.

is a strong counter against basic auto-attackers that stack well on critical strike chance, like Yasuo, Tryndamere, Yone and most of marksmen. You should consider to buy this item if the enemy team 2 or more champions who rely on critical strike damage.

buy this item if you want to have nice movement speed to roam across the map or to split push. The item provides also some HP and magic resistance that makes it a good choice for tanks and bruisers who lack mobility. It's also a good option against teams with lots of champions with magical type of damage.

This rune gives your champion good amount of damage and some sustain, especially in extended fights. The rune fits better for melee champions since it's twice faster to stack it up and it scales well into the late game.

This rune is perfect in team fights since you can get a lot of extra healing and also to earn some additional amount of money that can help your champion to take a slight gold lead and to enable you to be one step ahead in items. This rune saves champions quite often in situations when they would be rather be dead after the last hit by enemy tower.

The rune can help you against teams with lots of crowd control abilities like stuns, slows, roots etc. Thats why its going to be harder for them to disable your champion for long period of time.

The rune increases your damage when the amount of HP of your champion is low. The rune is better than alternatives Coup de Grace and Cut Down if you buy some items for HP and your champion is able to survive long enough with low HP rather than reducing HP of enemies.

This rune can be a good choice against teams or champions with lots of burst damage like Renekton, Riven or Rengar. However, it doesn't scale as good into the late game as Conditioning or Second Wind. This rune is better option for squishy champions so they would be better protected from a threat to be one shot by some enemy combo.

The shields and healing by your or to your champion are 5% to 10% stronger due-to this rune.
Flash is the most frequent choice of all players in League of Legends. Such popularity of the spell is caused by the fact that Flash is able to instantly teleport you on a short distance. This distance is enough to dodge some hostile abilities or to jump back and avoid an unexpected gank. With the help of Flash, you can overcome various obstacles like walls, pillars and other different obstacles. Flash is equally good to use for both attack and defense. This gives the spell some versatility. The summoner spell cannot be used if you have been silenced (you cannot use skills for some time). Also, Flash cannot be used under the effect of hard control abilities such as stun or fear.

Teleport is mainly used to minimize laning downtime after Recall or respawning, to prevent enemy laners from gaining an advantage. Teleport is also used to quickly switch lanes to defend an unguarded turret. Unleashed Teleport is great for ganking if the enemy commits to a fight and is around friendly minions, turrets, or wards. Another use for Unleashed Teleport is a backdoor maneuver where a high damage per second champion places a ward inside or near the enemy base and teleports himself to that ward. From there that champion will attempt to bring down as many turrets and inhibitors as possible. Unleashed Teleport can be used to prolong or save the life of an allied Zac by making one of Zac's Passive's drops ( Cell Division) invulnerable for the Teleport duration.

Ignite provides players an offensive utility and damage spell that scales with level. A well-placed healing reduction debuff from Ignite can severely limit the effectiveness of enemy healing items, as well as healing abilities from champions like Soraka, Aatrox, Vladimir, Volibear, and Warwick. It is considered a direct counter to Dr. Mundo, Soraka, Aatrox and Swain because they are reliant on their healing-based abilities. The healing reduction debuff also applies to life steal, omnivamp, etc.
Aatrox is not very strong early on so its better to not go into extended fights. It's better to wait until your champion will get at least level 6 before looking to fight. The Darkin Blade is you major ability so you should play around this ability. Don't use this ability just to farm minions unless you want to kill minions as fast as possible to push the wave. When The Darkin Blade is on cooldown, your champion is quite vulnerable and cannot win a fight, so be careful and keep your distance. Don't forget to use empowered auto attacks by using Deathbringer Stance for short trades.

This is probably the best period of the game for Aatrox since he can fight 1v1 many champions and do split push to make pressure on side lanes and attack overextended enemies who stay far away from their towers. You can make pressure at side lanes, but don't forget to group with your team to fight for valuable objectives like dragons or Nashor if you think your team can win the fight. If the enemy team has number advantage so maybe it's better to give up the objective and to do something useful on the opposite side of the map.

Stay with your team in the late game. Avoid splitting if you have no Teleport and don't know where enemy champions are. Respawn time is high at this stage, so it's better to not be caught and killed. Tell your team to hold back if possible when your World Ender is on cooldown. Without Ult you will have much less healing and extra damage in team fights. In team fights you should try to target the enemy back line where their carry champions usually stay.
Whether mistaken for a demon or god, many tales have been told of the Darkin Blade... but few know his real name, or the story of his fall.

In ancient times, long before desert sands swallowed the empire, a mighty champion of Shurima was brought before the Sun Disc to become the avatar for a now forgotten celestial ideal. Remade as one of the Ascended, his wings were the golden light of dawn, and his armor sparkled like a constellation of hope from beyond the great veil.

Aatrox was his name. He was at the vanguard of every noble conflict. So true and just was his conduct that other god-warriors would always gather at his side, and ten thousand mortals of Shurima marched behind him. When Setaka, the Ascended warrior-queen, called for his help against the rebellion of Icathia, Aatrox answered without hesitation.

But no one predicted the extent of the horrors that the rebels would unleash—the Void quickly overwhelmed its Icathian masters, and began the grinding annihilation of all life it encountered.

After many years of desperate battle, Aatrox and his brethren finally halted the Void’s perverse advance, and seared the largest rifts shut. But the surviving Ascended, the self-described Sunborn, had been forever changed by what they had encountered. Though Shurima had triumphed, they all had lost something in their victory... even noble Aatrox.

And in time, Shurima fell, as all empires must.

Without any monarch to defend, or the existential threat of the Void to test them, Aatrox and the Sunborn began to clash with one another, and eventually this became a war for the ruins of their world. Mortals fleeing the conflict came to know them instead by a new and scornful name: the darkin.

Fearing that these fallen Ascended were as dangerous to Runeterra’s survival as the Void incursions had been, the Targonians intervened. It is said that the Aspect of Twilight gave mortals the knowledge to trap the darkin, and the newly reborn Aspect of War united many in fighting back against them. Never fearing any foe, Aatrox and his armies were ready, and he realized only too late that they had been deceived. A force greater than a thousand dead suns pulled him inside the sword he had carried into battle countless times, and forever bound his immortal essence to it.

The weapon was a prison, sealing his consciousness in suffocating, eternal darkness, robbing him even of the ability to die. For centuries, he strained against this hellish confinement... until some nameless mortal was foolish enough to try and wield the blade once more. Aatrox seized upon this opportunity, forcing his will and an imitation of his original form onto his bearer, though the process quickly drained all life from the new body.

In the years that followed, Aatrox groomed many more hosts—men and women of exceptional vitality or fortitude. Though his grasp of such magics had been limited in life, he learned to take control of a mortal in the span of single breath, and in battle he discovered he could feast on his victims to build himself ever larger and stronger.

Aatrox traveled the land, searching desperately, endlessly, for a way return to his previous Ascended form… but the riddle of the blade proved unsolvable, and in time he realized he would never be free of it. The flesh he stole and crudely shaped began to feel like a mockery of his former glory—a cage only slightly larger than the sword. Despair and loathing grew in his heart. The heavenly powers that Aatrox had once embodied had been wiped from the world, and all memory.

Raging against this injustice, he arrived at a solution that could only be born of a prisoner’s desperation. If he could not destroy the blade or free himself, then he would embrace oblivion instead.

Now, Aatrox marches toward this merciless goal, bringing war and death wherever he goes. He clings to a blind hope: if he can drive all of creation into a final, apocalyptic battle—where everything, everything else is destroyed—then maybe he and the blade will also cease to exist.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DixonTheGuideMaker
DixonTheGuideMaker Aatrox Guide
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💡Complete Aatrox Guide by Dixon ☑️

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