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Neeko Build Guide by [deleted]

Jungle {11.9} Neeko Jungle Is Actually Broken

Jungle {11.9} Neeko Jungle Is Actually Broken

Updated on April 29, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Do1HaveTh3Sauce Build Guide By [deleted] 16 4 81,798 Views 12 Comments
16 4 81,798 Views 12 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Do1HaveTh3Sauce Neeko Build Guide By [deleted] Updated on April 29, 2021
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Runes: Standard Cheese

1 2
Press the Attack
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Chilling Smite

Chilling Smite

LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

{11.9} Neeko Jungle Is Actually Broken

By [deleted]
Neeko Jungle

Table Of Contents
  1. About Me
  2. Pros & Cons
  3. Necessary Jungle Information
  4. Summoner Spells
  5. Neeko's Abilities
  6. Items
  7. Runes
  8. Early Game Explained
  9. Mid Game Explained
  10. Late Game Explained
  11. Highlights
  12. Clearing Videos

What's up, Names Do1HaveTh3Sauce. The League community that knows me refers to me as Sauce.

I am a Jungle/Mid main that plays Nidalee, Neeko, and Xin Zhao in the jungle, and Yasuo, Pantheon, and Akali in the Mid Lane, however I have been playing a tone of Neeko jungle recently and decided that I should make a guide on it because of how strong it is.

I have been asked so many freakin times, how do I make Neeko Jungle work? In a shortened, understandable version, the runes that I've tested on different accounts in different elo's are made to combine On-Hit and burst damage effectively. Neeko naturally does burst damage, which is what Mid Lane and Support players build off of, whereas Top Lane and even ADCarry Neeko players focus on the AD Crit damage using her W passive to deal massive damage. So
I finally figured out a way to combine AP burst damage with On-Hit AD damage and throw them into the jungle lmao.

Make sure to check out my Nidalee MobaFire Guide, which I'm continuing to update weekly (most of the time), if you are interested in learning how to play Nidalee.

Anyways, enjoy this Off-Meta Neeko Jungle Guide, and be sure to check out my YouTube Channel and subscribe if you enjoy the videos.
  • Strong Burst Assassin
  • Game Changing Ultimate
  • Counters A Lot Of The Meta
  • Unpredictable Pick
  • Can CARRY Games
  • Season 11 Items Make Her Viable
  • Flashy Kills
  • Neeko is a good jungler, if played correctly.
  • When mastered, you can counter almost any jungler in the game.
  • If You Mess Your Clear Up, You Lose The Jungle
  • Squishy
  • Takes Practice To Learn Key Fundamentals
  • Loses To Early Game Assassins
  • Take Practice To Learn Her Clear
  • Reliant On Items
  • Difficult To Play If Behind
If you can memorize the following information and use it effectively every game you jungle, you will have an easy time climbing to D4 at least and higher if you are able to adapt to changing your playstyle as you climb elo's.
  • Always prioritize scuttle ; They spawn at 3:20 the 1st time.
  • Try to get double scuttle if your teams laners have prio and can rotate to you and help if you get in a skirmish with the other jungler.
  • Bronze - Plat 2: Aim for 7 CS a minute. Neeko is reliant on items, meaning you should always be farming if there are camps available, and shouldn't be engaging in unnecessary fights.
  • Hitting 7 CS a minute isn't hard if you path correctly, and counter-jungle when you are able to safely.
  • Prioritize objectives, but only start them if you know where the other teams jungler is, if your laners have prio and are able to rotate to help you with the objective, and if you have vision around the objective you want to start.
  • Grab Oracle Lens and Control Ward during your first back, and continue to grab Control Ward. One major difference between lower and higher elo's is amount of vision in the jungle. Vision in the jungle is key because having vision over the other teams red and blue buffs allow your team to rotate up to their jungler and get a free kill when they're trying to clear their buffs.
  • Camps respawn at 3:45 - 4:30 the 1st time (depending on when each jungler clears them). Knowing this will help you invade the other junglers camps and help you alter your pathing for each game state.
  • Learn how to count the other junglers CS, and use that information to predict the camps they've clear, what side of the map they're currently on, and if you can counter-jungle based on their location. This is a KEY-FUNDAMENTAL you will need to of mastered when jungling in D2+, but if you can learn how to do this before you are in D2, you will climb so fast.


This summoner spell is a MUST. It allows you to escape or secure a kill.


Never take this on Neeko Jungle because Flash is literally a must and you need Smite to jungle.

Chilling Smite

This is the main Smite that you will take when jungling with Neeko. It helps kill champions with the small amount of True Damage it deals, slow champions making it easier for you land your Tangle-Barbs and hit them with your Blooming Burst or your Pop Blossom.

Challenging Smite

Challenging Smite should be used situationally. An example would be if their jungler is someone like Kayn, Rammus, Nunu & Willump, Olaf, or Xin Zhao because you will be dueling with them a lot, and those champions tend to be close and personal when fighting.

Inherent Glamour

Neeko is offered a selection of allied champions to take their appearance for several seconds. Once selected, there's a 2.5 seconds delay before another champion can be selected.

While disguised, Neeko can use basic attacks while keeping her form. Taking damage from enemy champions or casting either Blooming Burst or Tangle-Barbs breaks the illusion and puts Inherent Glamour on cooldown for 25-10 seconds (based on level).

When disguised, Neeko can select herself to deactivate her disguise, putting Inherent Glamour on a 2-second cooldown.

Blooming Burst

Neeko propels a seed into a target area, which blooms after a short delay, dealing 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+50% of ability power) magic damage to enemies within.

If the burst kills an enemy unit or damages a champion or large monster, it will bloom again after a short delay, dealing magic damage 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 (+20% of ability power). This cannot happen more than twice per Blooming Burst.


Passive: Neeko resonates with spiritual energy every third basic attack, dealing 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 (+60% of ability power) bonus magic damage and granting her 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30% bonus movement speed for 1 second.

Active: Neeko becomes invisible for 0.5 seconds, sending a temporary clone of her current form sprinting in a target direction for 3 seconds.

Both Neeko and the clone gain 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% bonus movement speed for 2 seconds.


Neeko slings a magical spiral in a target direction, dealing 80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220 (+60% of ability power) magic damage and rooting the first enemy hit for 0.7 / 0.9 / 1.1 / 1.3 / 1.5 seconds, increasing to 1.8 / 2.1 / 2.4 / 2.7 / 3 seconds on all other enemies hit.

If Tangle-Barbs hits at least two enemies, it grows in size and speed.

Pop Blossom

Neeko begins charging herself with spiritual essence over 1.25 seconds. If Neeko is disguised, enemies won't see her channel.

Neeko shields herself for 75 / 100 / 125 (+75% of ability power) for a few seconds, increased by 40 / 60 / 80 for each enemy champion nearby, as she leaps into the air for 0.6 seconds.

Upon landing, Neeko bursts with spiritual energy, dealing 250 / 425 / 650 (+130% of ability power) magic damage and stunning nearby enemies for 1.25 seconds.

- Skill Order -
On-Hit Neeko
AP Neeko

Nashor's Tooth

The number one CORE item for On-Hit Neeko. If you choose to build On-Hit, this is the most important item you need to rush because it gives you 100 AP which all of your abilities scale off of, and gives you a 50% attack speed buff.

Kraken Slayer

Your second CORE item in the On-Hit Neeko build. Build this after you finish Nashor's Tooth, and Berserker's Greaves. It gives you an additional passive when you auto attack 3 times, which works perfectly with Shapesplitter, and Press the Attack.

Night Harvester

This is your go-to item when playing AP Neeko. It works well in teamfights when you land a 5 man ULT by deal extra damage to all of the targets if the item isn't on cooldown. Also great for picking off their champions, and in 1v1 duels.

Liandry's Anguish

A great AP Neeko item for constant burn damage. It helps you clear camps faster, work great in fights with Demonic Embrace, and gives you AP, Mana, and Ability Haste which are all helpful.


Riftmaker is an alternative, situational mythic item for AP Neeko jungle. It gives you healing, and damage, which then converts to true damage if you stay in combat long enough. You actually use it really well, but its less bursty and more about sustain, which some people don't like.

Hextech Rocketbelt

Most Neeko mid lane mains think of this as a CORE item. It gives you a way to close in on enemies, extra movement speed temporarily, and a way to escape. It also helps you land your ULT easier if used effectively. Personally I don't think this is a necessary item when jungling with her, but feel free to use it if you enjoy the item.

Luden's Tempest

If you enjoy AoE burst damage from landing any of your abilities, this is the item for you. Every 10 seconds, your next ability (besides Shapesplitter) gets a empowered burst of AP damage. It's good if you go into a squishy comp, and don't want Night Harvester, and gives you extra Mana and Ability Haste.

General Items

Press the Attack is the most viable option for On-Hit Neeko Jungle. Lethal Tempo is an absolute no go because once you build your core items, you have enough attack speed to melt the enemy team, plus Press the Attack works with Kraken Slayer and Shapesplitter. Fleet Footwork is a rune that I haven't tested out, but despite it helping with a slightly healthier clear, and movement speed when you attack an enemy that works well with your Shapesplitter, Press the Attack is better. Conqueror is the only rune that I would take situationally. It is more to cheese the opponent early game, like once you have Nashor's Tooth and Berserker's Greaves.
Triumph is the best rune out of these three simply because you don't have any items that would overheal you, and mana isn't a concern with Neeko jungle. If you have concerns with Neeko's mana, but a Tear of the Goddess during your first back and build Manamune.
Legend: Alacrity is the best rune out of these three runes because it scales your Attack Speed which is what you rely on mid to late game to hyper carry. Legend: Tenacity and Legend: Bloodline are both good and all, but they aren't as much of a use in the jungle.
Coup de Grace should be taken in almost every game. It scales with everything late game and you become a champ that can melt their entire team off of aut attacks. Cut Down and Last Stand can be take depending on the matchup you are going against.
Dark Harvest is a great rune for AP Neeko because Neeko will naturally do massive burst damage as she scales into the mid and late game. You can stack if up early game by giving ganks or in skirmishes when necessary. Don't go out of your way to get stacks. Electrocute, Hail of Blades, and Predator are all good runes. Electrocute should be taken into matches where you need assistance early game against their jungler. Hail of Blades seems like a good idea because it can give you three quick auto attacks, but that would only be helpful with On-Hit Neeko. And lastly, there are just better runes than Predator for AP Neeko Jungle.
Neeko in general shouldn't take Sudden Impact because it doesn't do anything effective for her. Cheap Shot is an alternative to Taste of Blood because your E and Q immobilize the champion(s) they hit, but Taste of Blood is a better run for Neeko in general.
Ghost Poro and Zombie Ward are good runes if you want vision in the jungle. They tend to be taken on champions like Nidalee if taken at all in higher elo play. Eyeball Collection is a much more straight forward rune that is applicable in any game because it just gives you extra AP.
Let's go ahead and get Ingenious Hunter and Relentless Hunter out of the way because you will never take those runes. The only two viable options currently are, Ultimate Hunter and Ravenous Hunter. Ultimate Hunter is if you want to "pop" off (get it pop blossom ^_^) with your ULT, whereas Ravenous Hunter is the better rune in general because it gives you Omnivamp with is free healing.
  • Secondary Rune
  • Slightly helps speed up your early clear when you have more then 70% HP, and scales into late game as you become stronger.
  • Secondary Rune
  • Extremely important for Neeko because she relies on hitting a massive power spike mid to late game, and all this does is scale mid to late game, making it perfect for her.

Early Game: As you should know already (if you've read the guide up till now), Neeko's biggest weakness is the Early Game. There are things you can do to make her stronger, but this will always be when she is vulnerable. So, in the Early Game, you want to focus on farming, which includes prioritizing scuttle and getting objectives. Do NOT force unnecessary fights, unless you know what you are doing, based on the match up which comes with experience. You will need to recall earlier then most junglers so try to time your recall so you will make it to dragon about 40 seconds before it spawns to get vision with the Control Ward you should of bought, and sweep the are with you Oracle Lens. If you see that someone is weak, sure go ahead and gank to get the kill or whatever you must do, but always farm if there is not objectives or you see an ideal opportunity to get a kill.

Mid Game: I would consider mid game in Neeko's perspective as when you get Nashor's Tooth, Berserker's Greaves, and Kraken Slayer. This is when you start engaging in fights. Don't go out of your way to seek someone, like you want to continue prioritizing objectives and farming, but no you can confidentially counter jungle and get more farm that way because you should be able to 1v1 most junglers at this point, if you can reset your auto attacks properly.

Late Game: By this point, you should have the three items mentioned above, Rabadon's Deathcap, Zhonya's Hourglass, and a 6th item. Once you have these items, literally get objectives and engage in every fight (that's reasonable *don't go into a 1v5*) like being at every teamfight because you have a game
changing ULT, and can melt and 1v9 at this point. If the game hits this late, you literally should win the game because you can kill baron and elder drake with 1 other person, while the rest of your team pushes into the opponents base. It's literally a GGWP if Neeko hits all 6 items. AP Neeko will just smack down her ULT and get a Penta Kill if she lands it right and by now she should be able to kill anyone because her stacks should be so high on Dark Harvest that her burst damage should kill anyone(except tanks in which you should of played On-Hit Neeko).

More Clearing Scenarios Coming Soon!

Afternote: I hope you enjoyed this guide. Please please please leave a thumbs up vote if you enjoyed and found this guide helpful, and ask as many questions as you have for me.

Follow my instagram for more videos and content: Do1HaveTh3Sauce.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Do1HaveTh3Sauce
Do1HaveTh3Sauce Neeko Guide
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