Go from Flash Ghost, Conqueror and Bone Plating. You win until 6, after lvl 6 you need to be cautious and avoid Aatrox's Q and W as much as possible. Rush Bramble Vest and do Trinity Force.
Go Flash Ghost, Conqueror, bone plating or second wind. Skill Matchup xd. Avoid Akali's Q and passive-buffed AA. you win before lvl 6, after lvl 6 be more cautious since Akali will have an Ultimate of 2 Dash that deal a lot of damage. Do not trade with her low hp with her R ready or she will kill you because of the 2 cast of R that deals damage according to the lost life. His E cancels the Dash of Akali's E and 1st cast of R. Build Mercury Treads, Hexdrinker (if having trouble with it), Malmortius (if Akali is fed) and Stridebreaker or Trinity Force (I recommend Trinity Force).
Go from Flash Ghost, Conqueror Or Grasp (If you want to tank), Second Wind or Bone Plating. You win before lvl 6 and dps from lvl 6. When Camille uses W from her Q to return damage and recover HP, when Camille uses E from her E to cancel the dash. After the 6, you will have to be careful with Camille's R, as she will be untargetable and can cancel your Q damage. Be VERY careful with Camille's 2 Q in the mid - late game as it will deal a lot of true damage. Buy Tabi. Build life because of true damage. Mythical Trinity Force, Stridebreaker build. (You can also build Jak Sho for a Tank build).
Go from Flash Ghost, Conqueror, Conditioning and Overgrowth (or Demolish). Press him into lane as much as possible and avoid Cho Gath's Q. Build Steps of Mercury and Divine Surrender because Cho Gath scales very well with health.
Go from Flash Ghost Conqueror Or Grasp and Bone Plating. The lane consists of whoever stacks first wins. Use your E when the enemy Darius uses Q. Build Trinity Force or Jak Sho for a Tank build. (I recommend Trinity Force).
Dr. Mundo
Go from Flash Ghost, Conqueror and Second Wind. Farm, just farm and stay behind your minions to avoid getting hit by Dr Mundo's Q. Just farm because we couldn't engage him. Build Divine Surrender.
Go for Flash Ghost (or ignite) Conqueror, Bone Plating or Second wind (I recommend Bone Plating). You beat Fiora until the 40 minutes of the game. Watch out for Fiora's Qs that can be used to get into your Q and avoid damage. Stay glued to the wall so she can't break the passive mark. After Fiora has already used Q, use your Q on her, and when it's ult use the following combo: E R. So that she doesn't cancel your R with her W. Build Plated Steelcaps, Trinity Force or Stridebreaker (I recommend Trinity Force).
Go from Flash Ghost, Conqueror and Second Wind. Rush Plated Steelcaps. Avoid being poked by Gangplank's Q and getting hit by the Barrel. Try to pull him and deal as much damage as possible (if you can, kill him). you win before and after lvl 6. Be careful when he closes his first item, because he will do a lot of damage. Build health because of Gangplank's passive which does a lot of true damage, and Stridebreaker or Trinity Force. (I recommend Stridebreaker).
Go from Flash Ghost, Conqueror and Bone Plating. You beat Garen at all times in the game BUT don't trade with him for nothing because his passive will heal him, if you're going to trade with Garen trade as much as possible, and try to kill him. After lvl 6 poke Garen with your Q, when he has 80% health, switch with him. Don't stay in lane if you are low hp and Garen has R as he will execute you. Build Plated Steelcaps and Trinity Force.
Go with Conqueror or Fleetwork, Second Wind and Unflinching. Rush Plated Steelcaps and focus on your CS, save HP and play on Gnar's mistakes, force his E so you can engage him and kill him. Let the wave pull you at lvl 4 and wait for Gnar to get close to the tower, after that if he gets close or in range of the tower call ghost and turn on him. Build StrideBreaker, Trinity Force or Divine Surrender. (I recommend Stridebreaker)
Go with Conqueror, Second Wind (or Bone Plating to reduce combo damage). Avoid being poked by Gragas' Q and smash him. Mercury Treads,Trinity force or stridebreaker. (I Recommend Trinity)
Go with Lethal Tempo, Bone Plating and Unflinching. Rush Mercury Treads and Hexdrinker if you have a problem with her in lane. Avoid being hit by the center of her Q. Build Mercury Treads, Maw of Malmortius (if having trouble with it in game) Trinity Force or StrideBreaker (I recommend Trinity)
Go with Conqueror, Bone Plating and Unflinching. Just destroy it xd. Build Trinity Force.
Go with Conqueror or Fleetwork, Second Wind Unflinching. Rush Mercury Treads and Hexdrinker if you are having trouble with it. Avoid being pokeed by him and focus on your CS and save HP, play on his mistakes and ganks from your jg. Bait your E and turn on Ghost and all in on him or when he gets close to your tower. Build Mercury Treads, StrideBreaker and Maw of Malmortius (if having problems with it in game).
Go with Conqueror or Fleetwork or Grasp (for a tank build), Second Wind or Bone Plating (to reduce her combo damage) Unflinching. Rush Phage or Bramble Vest and avoid Illaoi's Q and E. Press her before level 6. after 6 play on her mistakes and AVOID AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE DODGING FROM AND HER and/or wait for your jg's ganks. Rush Plated Steelcaps and build Trinity Force, Divine Surrender or Jak Sho.
Go with Flash IG Lethal Tempo and Bone Coating. You win in the beginning and in the middle, but don't trade with it stacked. If you're after rush-plated Steelcaps. Use your AA W AA E Q AA combo to make it impossible for Irelia to use her Q to enter your Q and reduce damage. Build Plated Steelcaps, Trinity Force or Stridebreaker (I recommend Stridebreaker).
Go with Flash Ghost, Conqueror and bone plating. Destroy him xd. E + Q for him to dash to reduce his Q damage. Don't use your E or R while K'Sante is channeling his W. Build Plated Steelcaps and Divine Sunderer.
Go with Flash + Ghost and Conq (or Fleet Footwork). Well... This matchup, you only win if you're really good and Vayne is a brainless idiot. Play under the tower and wait for ganks from your jg. Rush Plated Steelcaps and Bramble vest. Stridebreaker and Trinity are good options here (I prefer stridebreaker)
Yuumi gives you great sustain and move speed to get to enemies more easily.
Elise does great early game damage and being able to give CC that helps you get to the enemy easier.
Good CC
Pyke's ult spoils his tf potential because of his R.
Makes you more tanky and gives you 1 great CC, Bonus Damage and CC
great CC, great ms, great damage buff
Great CC shield, healing and damage.
Darius in All For One is broken
Good CC
Good CC and Engage
Good combo because Darius' E from the knockup allows Yasuo to ult. 1 good Yasuo and 1 good Darius do 2v8 and smash TFs
Yuumi gives you great sustain and move speed to get to enemies more easily.
Elise does great early game damage and being able to give CC that helps you get to the enemy easier.
Good CC
Pyke's ult spoils his tf potential because of his R.
Makes you more tanky and gives you 1 great CC, Bonus Damage and CC
great CC, great ms, great damage buff
Great CC shield, healing and damage.
Darius in All For One is broken
Good CC
Good CC and Engage
Good combo because Darius' E from the knockup allows Yasuo to ult. 1 good Yasuo and 1 good Darius do 2v8 and smash TFs
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