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Ryze Build Guide by v0ltage38



Updated on November 16, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author v0ltage38 Build Guide By v0ltage38 9 1 24,496 Views 3 Comments
9 1 24,496 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author v0ltage38 Ryze Build Guide By v0ltage38 Updated on November 16, 2024
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Runes: Default

1 2
Phase Rush
Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

Bone Plating

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport



Starters (pref tear this patch)
First back! Always buy left to right. (Aim for around 1k by 5 mins)

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide


By v0ltage38
Hi I play Ryze. I have gone through a few Ryze guides that are up to date but I feel they weren't a complete overhaul of Ryze and everything about him. So, I decided to put it all together in combination of:
  • personal experience
  • pro gameplay
  • youtube videos (credits+links included)
  • bits of other Ryze guides (credits+links included)
Please check the Guides, Credits, and Channels section for some must-watch content from some great midlaners.


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Warming Up and CSing Optimally


To warm up, go into a practice tool with your runes and buy your Tear of the Goddess. Skip 30 seconds twice and teleport mid. Farm the first three waves with ONLY last hits and no spells unless necessary. You can use spells on cannon. If you don't get 19 cs after the first three waves, click the reset game button and go again. Only leave practice once you get 19 cs off the first three waves.


Here's a really good run-through on csing by papa Shok. I recommend watching through this and keeping some notes. In most cases, its near impossible to get 10 cs/min in games. The strategy I've been using is from this VOD review of DoinB by MidBeast. A quick TLDR: The way DoinB goes at getting maximum cs is just taking his jungles farm from time to time. Some junglers may get a bit pissy but as long as they're pathing away from the camp you're stealing, you should be fine. It's even better if you're yoinking from the enemy jungle!
Early Game
Ryze is famously known for his insane late game scaling. A consequence of this is that his early game is lacking quite a bit of power compared to other champs. Your main focus in almost all lanes is to farm up to your Rod of Ages + Seraph's Embrace two item spike. NOTE: The Rod of Ages and Seraph's Embrace is ONLY a spike once they finish stacking. So, in the perfect situation, you should have it all stacked up by the 20 minute mark. The most reliable way to do this is to cs perfectly which is pretty impossible unless you're Chovy. Use the above practice to warm up before your first game of the day. Yes, this may take a while, but you'll quickly understand it's worth when you start getting 80+ cs at ten minutes in your ranked games. Back to the early game, all you have to do is survive. You will outscale most champs in the game so use that to your advantage. Make them have to aggress to try and stop your scaling. Please, PLEASE don't try to contest most lanesBeing a pretty immobile mage, Phase Rush and Stealth Ward will be your best friend when starting out as a Ryze player. NOTE: DON'T EVER BUY Control Ward. Once you get better at spacing and jungle tracking, you can try swapping the Phase Rush to Conqueror for some more damage and sustain in certain matchups.
Mid Game
According to common knowledge, the 'mid game' begins when the first turret falls. Now in solo q, most of the time you probably won't have hit your Rod of Ages + Seraph's Embrace spike as mentioned in the above chapter. So at this stage, you'll most likely spend your time farming as usual. If your tower is still up, stay mid as it's safest and you get faster waves. Being mid also keeps you close to all four quadrants of the jungle for optimal farm yoinking. Of course, once your adc is backing with their second item, give up your lane and swap out. If your adc is pinging that they're going mid, just give it up, it isn't worth fighting for and adc is much better there anyways. In side lanes, the big difference is every time you shove a wave, go into the jungle to steal a camp. That way, you're close to mid just in case they do a solo q classic and start a random teamfight. You'll want to check the map every 15-20 seconds to keep track of camp respawns, upcoming objectives, and where your stupid teammates are pathing to. As mentioned, you should prioritize your farm most times during the game but, if your team really wants to fight for an objective, shove your wave and go help. If you have Teleport when an objective is coming up in about 2 to 1.5 minutes, try to split in the opposite lane of said objective. That'll force the other team to make a decision whether to match you or contest objective. Scenario one: if someone comes to match you, back away and Teleport to the fight. Scenario 2: if someone doesn't match you, take a sidelane turret. If there isn't a T2 turret, do NOT push for T3 it's a bait. Just go take enemy jungle camps. Once you hit you two item spike, you have my permission to look for some duels. It would definitely be safer if you wait for your 2rd item though..
Teamfights are the
Guides, Credits, and Channels
Shoks is a really good channel for mid lane in general. Same with Shoks, Nemesis is great for mid lane. Another channel I really like is Coach Curtis. He's mainly focuses on the macro side of League including mental health and how to be in a good mindset. He has great and short talks on specific subjects you may not have even thought of as a point of improvement. Highly recommend you check these out for more general and specific knowledge.
Shoks Channel
Ryze In-Depth
Ryze Gameplay
Guide Playlist
Nemesis Channel
Ryze vs Vlad
Ryze vs Lissandra
Coach Curtis Channel
Learning A New Champ
Improvement Tier List
On Consistency

Listed below are the guides I read through:
By DabiDabi
By Trisend3
By trueargyriac
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League of Legends Build Guide Author v0ltage38
v0ltage38 Ryze Guide
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