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Choose Champion Build:
- Jarvan IV - Find Me Greater Fo
- Jarvan IV - Find Me Greater Fo
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Martial Cadence (PASSIVE)
Jarvan IV Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Alistar is very strong vs Jarvan. Alistar is a common pick right now top because of his damage & cc & sustain. this support will be pushing & knocking you up all lane. I highly recommend farming & getting jungle ganks. mid/late game Alistar will be useless & you should be farmed enough to murder the back line this turns into a 4v5 late game just farm & pick up the easy win. Alistar is depend t on his team to win every other lane.
This is my first guide & I really hope someone gets some help out of this.
About my self.
I'm a 27 year old member of the PC Master race. (:
I started my gaming in FPS & MMos then I moved to games like smite that lead me to League of legends.
When I was 17 I was in a car crash that disabled all use in my left arm.
This made gaming something I thought would be out of my range.
I took this as a challenge to my self to see if I could re-master how to play games at a acceptable competitive level & since then I have won many tournaments in FPS games / World First in mmo's & now I hit gold IV in League of Legends & I'm shooting for diamond.
I got my start in Season three & landed in bronze & like many other felt I was better then that so in stead of complaing about it I started doing rank games on a daily bases to climb my way into high silver before stopping & moving.
In Season four I hit Gold IV & I couldn't be happier.
-Lots of early damage from your Dragon Strike & Martial Cadence combo + .
-Disruptive in team fights Jarvan IV has three ways to Disrupt enemy's in team fights try to Dragon Strike + Demacian Standard combo as many people as you can then hit Golden Aegis to proc your shield + slow & follow it up with your Cataclysm
-Good at trading in lane with Dragon Strike.
-Gap closer /or Escape with Dragon Strike + Demacian Standard combo you can even use it when rooted. example Dark Binding
-Is very Manly.
-Passive Procs Percent Health Damage
-Champions who are able to easily escape your EQ combo will be able to outplay you easily.
-Hard to solo carry with.
-Bad against champs like Riven, Zed, etc in lane because they can dodge his EQ combo easily.
-Easy to be to manly in engages.
I like to take 3x Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage . - This will help you last hit & with trading
I like to take 9x Greater Mark of Attack Damage or 9x Greater Mark of Armor Penetration . - depending on witch you pick I find attack damage helps early game to harass & armor pen help your late game & if they rush armor.
I like to take 9x Greater Seal of Armor . - This is the the best option top as your lane opponent will mostly be doing physical damage to you.
I like to take 9x Greater Glyph of Magic Resist - To help in team fights so your a little tanky.
If you know your facing a lane bully "Example" Renekton you will want to have higher lane sustain to help you win trades & turn that advantage into kills.
I recommend rushing a Tiamat or Last Whisper when facing a lane bully to stop them from shoving you in or rushing armor to shut you down.
Offense 21.
I put one point into Double-Edged Sword this gos very nice with Jarven IV passive Martial Cadence .
I put two points into Fury as a filler I find it helps more when early trading vs Sorcery .
I put one point into Butcher & Feast (not cho'gaths ult) helps with last hitting & Lane sustain.
I put three points into Brute Force & Martial Mastery early ad makes for a easy pick.
I put three point into Executioner helps in all stages of the game.
I put one point into Spell Weaving & Blade Weaving this works great with your Dragon Strike & Martial Cadence combo.
I put three points into Warlord for the damage but keep in mind you could take one point out of Warlord & put it into Dangerous Game .
I put 3 points into Devastating Strikes the armor & magic pen will help your late game.
I take my final point in Havoc 3% damage is hard to pass up.Defense 7.
I pick up two points in Block one point in Unyielding two points into Recovery
& 2 points into veteran scaresUtility 2.
I take two points into Meditation for mana sustain in lane.
Last Whisper I will commonly pick up a LW vs a top laner that is going to rush a Sunfire.
Tiamat Is normally my second damage item helps push wave fast so you can roam mid if your lane is hugging turret.
Ravenous Hydra Is typically my first full item the AoE damage for team fights & the LS its provides along with the burst damage from its active is very good on Jarvan IV.
Pickaxe If I'm facing a lane that I already know will be rushing a Sunfire Aegis I will pick this up to turn into a first item Last Whisper .
Boots I will pick my boots biased on the enemy team comp If they are heavly AD with little to no cc I will pick up Ninja Tabi boots if they have allot /or strong cc pick up Mercury's Treads also keep in mind if you get feed really hard early Mobility Boots are very strong to help roam & gank.
Giant's Belt I will this item early after my first full damage item to help with my tankynss to make sure I'm not easily focused.
I find my self picking up a early Spectre's Cowl if the mid lane opponent is doing well & is AP.
Youmuu's Ghostblade & Black Cleaver are both good choices I will pick ghost blade mid game if I don't think the game will last to 40min mark & i need a speed boost to deal with kiting adc.
Cleaver is the better option late game.
When to buy Warmog's Armor Spirit Visage & Randuin's Omen
I pick up warmogs after I pick up a warden's mail /or Spectre's Cowl & feel I am lacking HP more then resistances.
Pick up Spirit Visage if the ap is fed then pick up warden's mail for the adc.
Pick up Randuin's Omen if the adc is more fed & then Spectre's Cowl .
Max Dragon Strike First. This is your best damaging spell & its ranged. it also has Armor Pen with a low cooldown. It deals damage in a straight line and shreds the armor of targets you it hits along its path.
Max Demacian Standard Second. Combos with your Dragon Strike . Also gives you a armor & AS buff and any nearby allies ONLY AS (the armor for allies was removed).
This skill Demacian Standard places a standard down at the targeted location. If you use Dragon Strike and your Dragon Strike makes contact with the standard, you will be pulled toward it and you will knock up anyway in your path. (this cases Airborne for champion Yesuo)
Max Golden Aegis last. This is good for a little trading power, a little bonus tankiness, it also has a bit of a slow. It gives a shield varying in power depending on the amount of enemy champions close to you. However, your other skills are better in all other situations.
Only max second if you are feel like you are being completely wrecked or need a slow.
Max your ultimate, Cataclysm at level 6, 11 and 16 like just about every other champion.
In some match up's you will find you might end up on your back foot because you made a early game error or the enemy laner was just stronger then you.
This is when you want to start maxing Golden Aegis over your Demacian Standard
The added Slow % & shield will help vs trades & help you disengage the enemy laners attempt to engage onto you.
You will be building tanky early & the shield will provide you with more utility over the flag.
Picking up W early vs someone like Tryndamere can help counter slow his Mocking Shout when you don't want to trade damage.
Example: being when tryndamere has full rage & 35% crit boost if he trys to Mocking Shout you can back away & Golden Aegis to slow him just enough to get away.
It's Jarvan IV job to cc any targets he can around the enemy ADC with his Cataclysm
In team fights as your not the common Tanky Jarvan IV you dont want to be starting the team fight unless you can jump right on the adc & kill them fast.
I tend to wait for the enemy to engage & then counter engage them as Jarvan IV you can kill the enemy adc in one combo so you can be very effective in turning fights around.If the enemy engages onto your team & the enemy adc is with in flash EQ range you should try to flash & hit them with your EQ & ult + ignite & hydra proc this should kill them or turn the fight into a 4v5 as the adc will be forced to flee.
If you have a tanky jungler or support let them engage & follow up & dive into the back line onto the adc/APC
Jarvan IV can easily clear a full wave with this Dragon Strike & Demacian Standard combo. ( once you get some AD 25ish from items)
If you are losing lane you can farm by dropping your Demacian Standard from a safe range.
Jarvan IV can also farm the jungle & jump over wall with his Dragon Strike & Demacian Standard combo.
Link for bigger viewing
This part is more highly detailed but also takes a little bit more patience.
All credit go's to both | AwwGasm | WeenerLikeWoah |
Flash is a must have spell on Jarvan IV once you hit level 12.
Flash allows you to engage /or escape on top of your EQ combo.
Ignite Allows you that little extra burst to your already bursty kit.
Ignite also gives vision of your target so you can easily case people that run into bushes.
Please remember that ignite dose not give true sight & will not un-stealth targets like akali in her shroud
Don't forget about Teleport its very strong vs any lane you do not feel safe in.
Jungle Skill Sequence
I like to Max Golden Aegis second for the added slow % when ganking when your ult is on cooldown.
I start Dragon Strike for the clear speed time.
I pick up Demacian Standard second for the added (10 armor & Attack speed + AoE damage) to help with level two ganks & clear speed.
Picking up Golden Aegis at level three will help your early purser when ganking.
I max my Dragon Strike first for the damage armor shred & clear times.
Jungle Mastery's
Jungle Runes
Jarvan IV is a champion that you will have to play yourself to properly assess his early game damage output and how much damage you can take later on in team fights. Jarven IV is very good for carrying yourself out of low elo in the top lane as he brings a lot to the team and disrupts the other team a lot at the same time.
Thank you for reading my first guide, please vote and give constructive criticism.
I'll be watching the comments updating and improving this guide.
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