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LeBlanc Build Guide by Ruin Sage

LeBlanc: Instakill FTW

LeBlanc: Instakill FTW

Updated on November 16, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ruin Sage Build Guide By Ruin Sage 12 5 36,967 Views 39 Comments
12 5 36,967 Views 39 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Ruin Sage LeBlanc Build Guide By Ruin Sage Updated on November 16, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LeBlanc, why you so crazy??

Welcome to my guide to LeBlanc, the Deciever. In this guide, I will be describing how to dominate the enemy team with lightning fast damage. This guide is intended to give you all the information and skill you need to kill everything that moves. This guide is fairly long, and I am adding more info all the time- so be prepared to read!
LeBlanc is, hands down, the most powerful burst character in the game. Her full combo deals thousands of damage in less than a single second. She has high survivability due to having two flashes, or two cages, or two silences and at least one of each. Her abilities can all be used on a single target to extremely rapidly reduce their health from full to zero. LeBlanc is built 100% for destroying a single enemy target before the teamfight can even begin. Despite all this, I cringe any time someone picks LeBlanc. Why? Because so few people actually know how to win with this fantastic champion! I wrote this guide to correct all the mistakes I have seen people commit over and over again.
Please don't downvote without reading ALL I have to say, as some situations call for different tactics, even from a burst assassin.


  • Heavy Harass
  • Great Escaper/Ganker
  • EXTREMELY heavy nuke- Most OP single target in the game
  • Super short CD's
  • FREE Ultimate Ability


  • Apparently hard to use
  • Squishy
  • Not good for team fights
  • Not good at pushing lanes
Here is the Champion Spotlight:

With this build, I have been called a hacker by an MR and Health stacking Jarvan who 1v1'd me in a custom game, just to prove that I could do it. YOU CAN DO IT TOO!

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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

I grab Magic Penetration Marks , because I want to end up with about 50 Magic Penetration with Sorcerer's Shoes and Abyssal Mask.
I take Greater Seal of Scaling Mana Regeneration because I don't get much in the way of Mana Regen items till very late in the game. I take these over the flat Seals because they are better after only level 7, which is still early game.
I take AP/level Glyphs and Flat AP Quints for the early game edge it provides and the increased power late game. I take the /level Glyphs because they overtake the flat at level 6, which is right when your best burst comes.
With these, I usually dominate mid lane and end game, but the choice is up to you.

Another choice, providing more initial damage and less other things could be like this-


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

This will give you less Mana Regen, which should be ok because of Clarity, but if you don't win your lane, you may have a harder time keeping up with the harass later. I like this set up when I know I am going to face someone really easy mid, like Karthus or Ezreal.
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Big change here! I think, for the better!

The external masteries link seems to be broken for now, but the second option is Offence- Mental Force , Sorcery, Arcane Knowledge . Utility- Summoner's Insight , Expanded Mind , Meditation , Scout , Transmutation , Runic Affinity , Awareness , Sage , Intelligence , Mastermind .

An alternate solution, based more on utility, rather than damage, and getting ahead via levels instead of AP.
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Summoner Spells

Because of the new masteries, I take Teleport and Ignite for early game lane dominance.

  • Teleport lets me get back to lane really fast after a fight (so as to not lose any xp time), or get to another lane if they need me to kill people.
  • Ignite guarantees kills that may slip away early game.

Others you can take:

  • Cleanse if you find yourself being CC'd a bunch and can't deal with it.
  • Flash if you need to have one extra jump for escaping or initiating. I don't ever need this, because you already have two, but it wouldn't be a bad choice. Having three is always fun to Trolololo with though!
  • Ghost if you need to get around through the jungle a bunch. I find that being able to jump through walls works better for me.
  • Clarity is for if you find yourself running out of mana, which you shouldn't with Doran's Ring, Greater Seal of Scaling Mana Regeneration and Expanded Mind / Meditation .

Others not to take:

  • Clairvoyance- Your support should take this. You are not support, you are an AP burst assassin.
  • Exhaust- If you are getting to where you need to be Exhausting people, you are playing LB wrong.
  • Fortify-GONE
  • Heal- Still a pathetic spell. Doesn't even heal for an entire spell later on.
  • Rally- GONE
  • Revive- You shouldn't be dying with two jumps, a chains and a silence. NO.
  • Smite- Are you in the jungle? NO.
  • Promote- You are not a pusher, don't worry about pushing.

    LB isn't very good in Dominion, so discussing Garrison is moot.
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Mirror Image

-When LeBlanc is brought below 40% health, she instantly becomes stealthed for half a second. When the stealth fades, she creates a Mirror Image that deals no damage and lasts for up to 8 seconds. This can only occur once per minute.

This ability is nice for early game when you are getting return harassed and it is also decent when you are getting chased. Remember to control it with the ALT key to throw off the opponents. Once you get good at LB, it becomes a pretty useless passive.

Sigil of Silence

Sigil of Silence

- LeBlanc projects an orb towards her target, dealing magic damage and marking the target for 3.5 seconds. If the target takes damage from one of LeBlanc's abilities, the sigil will trigger, dealing damage and silencing the target.

This ability is LeBlanc's Bread and Butter. This is your main harass, as well as the start of your full combo to completely destroy the enemy. Get this at level one and be willing to throw it any time the enemy is in range. Try to always follow up with another spell to gain the extra damage and silence from activating the Sigil. We max this spell first because this will provide the greatest damage when replicated with LB's ult.


- LeBlanc rapidly moves to a target location, dealing magic damage to nearby units. In the following 3 seconds, she can activate Distortion again to return to her starting location.

Rapidly is the wrong word. This, combined with her ult, is what provides you with two flashes. It deals pretty good damage on its own, but its versatility is wonderful. I max this second for farming minion waves and the reduction on its cooldown. You should not use this as part of your combo unless you know that you can get away clean without the flash. It is good for early game activation of the Sigil if you know you aren't going to get ganked in the next 20 seconds.

Ethereal Chains

- LeBlanc flings illusionary chains towards a target location. If it hits an enemy unit, it will deal initial magic damage and slow their movement speed by 25%. If the target remains shackled for 2 seconds, the target takes additional magic damage and is unable to move.

This ability is your only real skill shot. I don't like this ability very much because you have to stick around after using it to get the full damage it can deal. I use it mostly for popping Banshee's Veils and getting the activation of my Mimic'd Sigil. I'll explain later in the combo section.


- LeBlanc can cast a more potent version of the previous spell she cast.

Not much description, but this is one of the best spells in the game. At rank 3, it provides you with a FREE replica of the last spell you just cast, at 40% increased damage and only 24s Cooldown (with no CDR)! The best use of this is as utility, until you are going to guarantee yourself a kill.
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Ability Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
  • Maxing out Sigil of Silence first is always the priority, because it deals the greatest damage and has the lowest CD of all LB's spells. It also, combined with Mimic, will shut enemy casters down for up to 4 entire seconds.
  • I max out Distortion second for the CDR it provides on your greatest escape mechanism. It also deals fairly heavy AOE damage and can be used for farming after a few levels.
  • I chose Ethereal Chains last because it is the ability I use the least, due to it being a hard skill shot and something you have to stick around for. Without the second proc, it is the weakest of LB's spells.
  • ALWAYS grab Mimic when available. You want it doing as much as possible, for as little as possible, as fast as possible.

The other choices are maxing Ethereal Chains over Distortion, providing greater damage when you go to proc the Mimic'd Sigil of Silence or getting them evenly, for a combination of CDR and damage.

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

This provides more damage, if you stick around for the Ethereal Chains to have their second proc. You lose out on the CDR of Distortion, but this is the stronger way to go if you are good with skillshots and you feel your opponent will let you stick around to get the second proc.

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

This set provides you with and even distribution of damage via Ethereal Chains and Distortion plus giving the much needed CDR on Distortion. This set up is if you are still confident in your ability to stay near your opponent, but not as confident as with the option above.
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The combos- How LeBlanc actually deals such massive damage

Here is the section everyone MUST read. Following this will change you from a poor or mediocre LB to a fantastic LB who is a terror to the enemy. No one will ever want to be alone when you are MIA, for you might be coming for them!

The biggest problem most Leblancs face is not pushing their buttons fast enough.

When I say you can do thousands of damage in less than one second I MEAN IT. Smart Casting is really benefitial, so I have been told, but I just recommend practicing enough till you can cast all 4 spells in under a second.

Early comboing:

Sigil of Silence

This mainly relies on applying Sigil of Silence on the target, then procing it for the additional damage via Ethereal Chains or Distortion. The preference is the Chains, so you still have the jump for preventing ganks and return harass, but we do have decent damage on the jump too, so be ready to use it when going for a kill.
Sigil of Silence

Another great way to provide harass without return is to Distortion to where Sigil of Silence is just in range, throw it and jump back. This can be done in 1/2 a second and will net you some free damage on them!

Once you have your ult:

Sigil of Silence

You should be Mimicing Sigil of Silence almost exclusively. You still don't want to use it until you are ready to go for the kill though, as you want it for escaping ganks and don't want them to know the full capacity of your burst. Once you are ready: Distortion to position, but only if you have to as you don't want to waste the valuable burst damage, Sigil of Silence, Mimic, Ethereal Chains AS FAST AS POSSIBLE. You want to activate the first Sigil with the Mimic, and MAKE SURE YOU LAND THE CHAINS. This is what procs the Mimic and will end up dealing the most damage. If you didn't have to use Distortion to position, use it now to make sure they stay within range of your Chains, so you get the second proc there (Which, honestly, you shouldn't need because everything else deals so much damage, including the Distortion damage).

If you pick up Deathfire Grasp:

Sigil of Silence
You should use it after you position with Distortion (but only if you have to) and before Sigil of Silence because it deals % of current health, so you want to use it when they are still at fullish.

If you have a Banshee's Veil to pop:

WAIT!Sigil of Silence
Use your Ethereal Chains or Sigil of Silence if you can wait a full 6 seconds before killing them. Ethereal Chains It is the weakest of all your spells and so isn't as needed. You will have to change your order if you are going to go for a kill right as you pop it though. Sigil of Silence, Mimic, and Distortion to proc the Mimic'd Sigil. This should still kill someone, but wait till your Chains comes back if you can.

Fleeing a gank:


You need to ***es your situation with lightning reflexes. Who do you want Chained? Can you use a single Distortion to escape completely? People like Tryndamere, Master Yi or Akali need to be kept as far away as possible, so Ethereal Chains on them. Typically, you should use Ethereal Chains on anyone with a jump who can get to you in a hurry. Mimic will most often be used on Distortion, because everyone loves 2 flashes on 30s or less CD's, but if they have lots of jumps, using two Ethereal Chains is smart. You do want to be careful about your Distortion timing though, you don't want to break the chain early in this case.

I wish I could give you videos of LeBlanc's combos, but I have no recording software and all the people on Youtube are meh at best. :/
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This build doesn't give the most AP possible, but it does provide large functionality in addition to the damage it provides.
A note on : Mejai's Soulstealer- I never advocate a stack item in the main build, with one exception. With LeBlanc, it is so easy to gain AND KEEP stacks that gaining the extra damage is pretty easy, as well as super beneficial.

I always start the game with a Doran's Ring now. This gives you strong harass and the ability to survive the enemy's. With this set up, plus Ignite, I don't have to recall till after level 6 and I have killed the enemy twice.


Then I grab Mejai's Soulstealer and Sorcerer's Shoes in the same trip back. If you don't farm that much, it's ok even though LB is fairly easy to last hit with, but soon all your gold will come from champion kills. I have yet to play a game where I don't want to get the Mejai's Soulstealer, but in your first few games I would seriously suggest refraining so you aren't focused as hard. You only want to get it if you are able to kill the other mid with ease and your team is giving you gank chances in the other lanes. LeBlanc is so powerful, I usually end up with 20 stacks within the first 15 minutes of the game when I have a good team.

Because of all those stacks, I get Banshee's Veil next to protect them. Once this happens, all my time is spent ganking the enemies for gold. If you are not getting stacks, or refrained from getting Mejai's Soulstealer at all, don't get Banshee's Veil yet. Move on to the next section or two first!


I usually am able to continue ganking until Rabadon's Deathcap can be purchased straight up, but I don't actually recommend doing so. You will probably want to grab the Abyssal Mask first, so as to increase your damage enough to farm up the Rabadon's Deathcap.


The last item I get is either Deathfire Grasp or Zhonya's Hourglass. I pick the DFG almost always, mainly if the enemy has a person or two who are high in health and the Hourglass for more AP and Survivability if they don't have anyone begging for a Graspin'. BTW- MAKE SURE YOU REMEMBER TO USE THE ACTIVE! I don't get Deathfire Grasp early in this build because it gets more useful as enemies get more HP and I get more AP, both of which take time.

Throughout the game, make sure you are buying plenty of Wards and place them in good places for you to Teleport to so you can assassinate people who wander too far on their own. Later, there is a section on Warding for Assassination.

Situational Items:

Archangel's Staff- If you find that you are having Mana problems, I would recommend this as the solution. I have never needed it with Greater Seal of Scaling Mana Regeneration, but you may find differently.
Haunting Guise- Great early game item if you need more AP, Pen and Health. I usually grab this from my starting Amplifying Tome when I chose not to get Mejai's Soulstealer.
Morello's Evil Tome- This item is good if you always forget to use the DFG active, because all the stats are better. The DFG is still best though, because of that beast active.
Rabadon's Deathcap- If I decide that I want to forgo the other things for more raw damage, I will buy a second Deathcap at the end. It isn't often that it happens, but it does occasionally.
Rod of Ages- Good item if you need survivability beyond Banshee's Veil, but I have never once needed this item.
Void Staff- Replacing Abyssal Mask in the build, this is if they have a ton of people stacking heavy Magic Resistance. You don't want it and Abyssal, because they don't mesh very well.

Items not to get:

Lich Bane- You should not be near any enemy long enough to Auto Attack. If do get that close, either you or them is a corpse in about a half of a second.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter- If you are pushing your buttons right, they should be too dead for the slow to matter.
Will of the Ancients- See Rylai's Crystal Scepter. Your full combo should net you a kill and you should be free before they have time to respond. Gaining life off your spells shouldn't matter, because they shouldn't be dealing you much damage at all.
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The Different Beginnings

I do explain this a bit, but it was brought to my attention that I need to elaborate on the way to start.
This section is greatly dependent on who your mid opponent is.

When facing an easy opponent, like Karthus or Ezreal, I take Teleport & Clarity, Amplifying Tome & Health Potion with Runes


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

so that I can farm them many times early game. This provides very easy early damage and the ability to stack my Mejai's Soulstealer many times before I even need to begin ganking the other lanes. This will help me crush the other team as fast as possible by getting quite fed and totally shutting down their mid.

Any medium opponent, like Cassiopeia or Malzahar, my start is on the sheet. I will take Teleport & Ignite with Doran's Ring and Runes


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

This way, I have all the damage I need, plus plenty of Mana Regen to still be able to spam my spells. This gives you more life, to deal with their harass, and still decent AP for harass of your own. You should still be able to shut down the enemy mid and cripple the enemy team pretty quick. This is the most common start, which is why it is on the cheat sheet up top.

The hardest opponents, Anivia & Vladimir, I will always take Teleport & Ignite with Doran's Ring and Runes


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

This sets me up to be able to harass and take the harass back. I use these to deal more sustained damage to help me beat them out. These guys you will probably need an early gank on, but once you get ahead you will stay ahead.
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Game Phases

Laning Phase

You should take mid, since you want to be shutting down their mid. I have yet to find an enemy mid that I couldn't handle as LeBlanc. The hardest people you will face are Anivia because of her stupid egg, and Vladimir because of his bountiful healing. You should get these two ganked early so you get ahead. You should make sure you are last hitting creeps for the first six levels, insuring that you will have the gold to get things later. Her attack animation is pretty easy to master, just practice up! All this time, you should be harassing the enemy champion with your Sigil of Silence. You don't want to proc the second damage much until they are a bit lower and won't expect the sudden increase in damage. You should quite easily be able to get first blood at level 4. Look for more detail in strategic comboing in the Combo Section. Don't forget to keep last hitting minions as you won't be able to guarantee kills until you have practiced with LB.

Gank Phase

This begins as soon as I have Mejai's Soulstealer and my Sorcerer's Shoes. Keep jumping from lane to lane getting as many kills as possible. Fill up that Soulstealer by the time this phase ends. You also don't need to stick around to push the tower, as you are pretty poor at that. Just remove the enemy and move on. In this phase, you should be able to pick up Banshee's Veil (which I recommend doing so ASAP to protect your stacks) and Abyssal Mask, if not straight to Rabadon's Deathcap.
In this phase, you need to either return to lane plenty to prevent the enemy taking your tower, or have another player switch mid. Really it can be almost anyone, they just need to prevent minions from taking the tower. You will deal with the enemy champion every time you come back.
Do not be afraid of killing someone on tower. Your combo is so fast, you risk only a single shot. You do need to be aware of the enemy CC'ing you under their tower, because this will get you owned REALLY fast. Get them to blow CC on an enemy while they retreat under tower, then take your shot. You should still be quick enough that your teammate will still get assist gold.

Pushing Phase

In this phase, you should be getting your last items with ease, seeing as you can take just about anyone on their team from full health to zero in one half a second. Honestly, you are not that good at helping in team fights. What you should do is be to the side and assassinate their AD carry as soon as you get the chance, then run like hell till your abilities are all back. If you can then come back and help some more- Good news everyone! Really, you are just there to deal as much damage to a single target as can possibly be done before the fight actually starts. You want to be very careful with yourself though, as losing stacks sucks. It's not like you won't get them back in just a few minutes, but we would rather not even have too. =)
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Target Acquired

So now that you know how to combo, the question is- who should your wrath be directed at?

That question breaks down into a few other questions.
  • Who is fed?
  • Who might survive my burst?
  • Who will deal my team the most damage?
  • Is anyone alone?
  • Is there anyone who I KNOW I can FOR SURE kill RIGHT NOW?
  • Might that person be an ambush?
  • Will a better victim come along in the time it takes to kill this guy?
The biggest focus is if anyone is by themselves and you know that you can kill. Like I said earlier, Teleport to Wards and assassinate anyone who is alone. This will insure that the enemy team will always be one or two people down when the team fights happen. After that, you should pick anyone you can 100% sure blow up with your full combo. Then finding who is going to do the most damage, even if you can't kill them, is the next target.

Best targets -

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

Everyone else are still good targets, but they are typically more tanky and should be left till last or until you catch them alone. Your burst should be able to totally negate the need for Ignite canceling heals of people like Swain- they can't heal if they die in 1/2 a second!

A special note goes out to Nocturne and Sivir- make sure they have used their spell shields before you move in for the kill! If you are fast enough, and have caught them by surprise, you can kill them before they cast it, but always be aware that they can block you out!

Your best use in a team fight is shutting down their Mage, so make sure you can throw a Sigil of Silence and something else for canceling things like Crowstorm or preventing Petrifying Gaze.
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Great Wards=Easy Kills (Warding for Assassination)

  • Your jungler should have taken care of the Purple Wards. If not- YOU need to protect yourself from ganks.
  • Both you and the jungler should share getting Green Wards. They provide total map awareness and provide many perfect places for you to Teleport to for Assassinations.
  • You should cover the Red Wards, but they are only needed when you are winning, but the enemy is defending really well. These will get you behind their front lines so you can kill people really easy, then escape using Distortion 'n stuff.

Jungle creeps:

You should never let jungle monsters sit idly by, so long as your jungler doesn't need them anymore.
  • #1-Blue is the new black! Getting blue buff on LeBlanc is really good, because you can turn most of your CD's into less than 10s. The Mana Regen is great too!
  • #2-The wolves should take you about 1/2 second, even from level 5. The jungler still probably needs them at that early, but they are free for you if he doesn't!
  • #3-The Wraiths are even easier than the wolves, provided you just Sigil of Silence the big one to kill it instantly.
  • #4-The Golems are a bit out of your way, but you can get them if you are running through your jungle after killing someone.
  • #5-Red buff should never be seen on LeBlanc, unless you picked it up from assassinating their AD carry who had it.
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LeBlanc: The Deceiver- A Conclusion

As you can see, LeBlanc has the power to completely destroy the enemy mid, and continue to farm enemy champions like they were caster minions. As a champion, LeBlanc is quite rare, and it is a shame no one seems to be able to use her quite right. I do hope I have helped to alleviate this problem!


As you can see, I didn't have much time to build up, as they surrendered really quickly.

This game, everything went exactly as planned, except my team couldn't handle fighting 5v4 I guess... I could Insta-Kill anyone but their tank, and my full combo took 3/4 of his life. I was considering getting Void Staff to hit him harder, but I realized I was doing just fine with the other 4.

And thanks to Jhoijhoi for the very in-depth guide to making a guide, which I referenced often.
It can be found here- Making A Guide, by Jhoijhoi
I'll be updating my other guides soon.

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