New Season Ornn Guide! (Top/Support/(Jungle in the works) (Passive upgrade priorities coming soon)

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Choose Champion Build:
Toplane Ornn
Support Ornn
Jungle Ornn
Other Off-meta builds
Recommended Items
Runes: S15 runes (non-ranged) (read)
+10% Attack Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health
Threats & Synergies
Samira is very compatible with Ornn. ornn has a lot of cc and knockups (w included) so samira can make work of her passive all the time. especially with w.
Samira is very compatible with Ornn. ornn has a lot of cc and knockups (w included) so samira can make work of her passive all the time. especially with w.
Champion Build Guide

Why? Because both of these champions can proc the passive ability of the item very quickly especially with burn items. (free

Why? Kind of a no-brainer here. The Grevious wounds and the

Why? You should ideally build Randuin's second (or when the enemy player reaches 50% Critical strike chance). The crit decreasing passive helps a lot.
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