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Jayce Build Guide by pepsiM4A1

Out Of Elo Hell Series: Top lane Jayce

Out Of Elo Hell Series: Top lane Jayce

Updated on August 22, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author pepsiM4A1 Build Guide By pepsiM4A1 5 1 31,316 Views 16 Comments
5 1 31,316 Views 16 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author pepsiM4A1 Jayce Build Guide By pepsiM4A1 Updated on August 22, 2013
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Hello, my name is Turbooo0, I play on the EUW servers and I am currently standing at Gold V. I am playing League Of Legends for nearly a year and a half. In one year, I didn't learn anything aside from lasthitting, itemization and other basic stuff. After one year, I realised I didn't know much about the game and decided to firstly learn, apply and then perfectionize. After a couple months I made a difference, I started playing a little bit more but still not a lot and I got myself to Gold V.
I have an accout un EUNE named sUkUrIbEy, currently Silver II. Little people know about it and the thing is, one or two weeks ago, this account was Bronze I. I managed to rise using all the techniques I used on EUW. Since this account didn't have the champions I have on EUW, I started searching for Solo Queue carries.
After a couple hours of thinking and sleeping, I managed to figure out some champions I can use to get out of ELO hell. I did use them and in nearly every game, I was carrying my team to an easy victory. Someties I couldn't carry but however I was winning experience with each game. I am going to make a guide for each of these champions as I want you folks to get out of elo hell too.
With Jayce I lost my first 4 games. After the experience gained in these matches, I was nearly an unstoppable force top lane. Nothing could stop me, from Yorick to Kennen all the way to Elise. Now I am going to teach you how to play Jayce in the lower elos and how to win every single game.
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In which way is this guide special?

First of all, this guide is special because I am teaching you how to play in the lower elos. You may say that you can play in the lower elos as you play in the higher elos. This statement is true however there are some tactics that you can use in the lower elos which are more effective than playing as if the game were a high elo one.
One great exemple is splitpushing. Teams in silver and bronze are really unorganized and they lack communication more than everything in this world. Instead of the enemy punishing you for your mistakes, your teammates punish you which is actually worse morally. That's why you can stay and continuosly push a lane. Your enemies won't focus on stopping you until you reach their second tower/inhibitor tower. Continuing to do so will make you destroy their inhibitor giving you a huge advantage over them.
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+Long range poke
+Melee and ranged
+Strong late game
+Has little counter

-Can get focused in teamfights
-Enemy junglers have the bad habit to camp me
-Can be shut down early
-A Jayce without farm isn't Jayce
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greater quintessence of armor penetration
  • Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage - I prefer these runes since they give me an easier time lasthitting and with these, my masteries and marks I can do a lot of damage early game which helps me either kill my opponent or force him out of the lane. If I force him out of the lane so early, the lane is won.
  • greater quintessence of armor penetration - Some people prefer armor penetration over attack damage but I am not one of them however these remain viable.
  • Greater Quintessence of Life Steal - Some people use these for the early sustain however I don't quite find a difference wheter I do have these quints or not, it's your choice.



























greater mark of armor penetration
  • Greater Mark of Attack Damage - Same as quints, these marks make me deal a whole lot of damage early game making me able to force my enemies out of the lane and giving me a much easier time last hitting.
  • greater mark of armor penetration - These marks are good but I don't like them in general. I prefer flat AD over armor penetration but if you like these more, you can use them.




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Summoner's Wrath - I take this for the improved Ignite.
Fury - I mainly take this in order to unlock Deadliness but however attack speed won't be wasted on any AD champion.
Sorcery - I find cooldown reduction really useful for Jayce since when you are splitpushing you will use your Acceleration Gate + Shock Blast and To The Skies! in order to clear waves and Hyper Charge to destroy the tower as fast as possible.
Deadliness - A good boost of attack damage giving as much AD as a Long Sword at level 18 meaning this mastery is worth 400 gold. This is like you have an extra kill at level 18.
Havoc - Increased damage, what could be better in teamfights?
Brute Force - You get 3 extra AD in the beggining of the game. Sure it is not a lot but combined with the runes, the amount of extra AD you get is really helpful.
Sunder - Some armor penetration, not a lot but it denies a little bit of the enemy's armor seals.
Executioner - This helps a lot for creep scoring but however it helps you against your enemies more than you think.
Durability - I mainly take this in order to unlock Veteran's Scars but however this is somewhat useful.
Hardiness - Since I usually lane against AD champions, armor is always welcome.
Resistance - I take these just so I can unlock Veteran's Scars but however magic resist is not going to waste.
Veteran's Scars - 30 extra health from the beggining of the game, there is litteraly nothing better than this.
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Jayce gains 40 bonus movement speed for 1.25 seconds and ignores unit collision each time Transform is cast.
I find this passive very useful. Abuse it going back to your lane, when getting chased, usually when you have to sprint as fast as possible.
Jayce leaps to an enemy and smashes them, dealing physical damage to his target and to enemies around it, and then slowing them for 2 seconds.
Really strong ability for clearing caster minions, really strong in combo with Thundering Blow too and great spell for initiating a gank. And it has a 1.0 AD ratio which is quite a lot.

Jayce is surrounded by an electric field, dealing magic damage over 4 seconds to nearby enemies.
I don't find this ability nor Hyper Charge useful early game but at lvl 13 you can use this to destroy caster minions comboing it with To The Skies!. I find the passive somewhat useful but since I have that early Tear of the Goddess I don't run out of mana too fast so that's why I take it so late.

Jayce swings his hammer at target enemy, knocking them back and dealing magic damage equal to a percentage of the target's maximum health plus Jayce's bonus attack damage. This damage is capped against monsters.
This ability is just great. It has a 1.0 AD ratio and on top of that it deals 20% of target's max health as magic damage. Thinking you will jump the enemy AD carry and you have like 400 AD. Usually AD carries have around 2000 health so you will deal 400 AD(Ad ratio) + 400 Damage(2000*20/100=400) = A total of 800 damage, if that isn't a lot I don't know what is.

Transforms the Mercury Cannon into the Mercury Hammer, gaining new abilities, melee attacks, and bonus armor and magic resist. The next attack in Hammer Stance deals additional magic damage.
You have this at level 1, and I don't find putting points in it worth it because it gives you a small amount of armor and imagine that you get an extra 10 armor every five levels for one skill points. For me, not worth it but if it is for you put points in it. I like the next attack thing since it helps me in my To The Skies! + Thundering Blow combo.

Jayce fires an orb of electricity that detonates upon hitting an enemy or reaching the end of its path, dealing physical damage to all enemies in the area of the explosion. If Shock Blast is fired through an Acceleration Gate the area of effect, missile speed, range and damage will increase by 40%.
An incredible ability with a massive 1.2 AD ratio and overally great for clearing minions even without Acceleration Gate. Let's say once again you have 400 AD and you have both Acceleration Gate and Shock Blast maxed. Then the missle will deal a total of 392(base damage)+(291[extra damage]*1.68)=882 damage. A lot. This can make your enemies recall after only one hit giving you and your team an advantage.

Jayce gains the max amount of attack speed (2.5 attacks per second) for his next 3 attacks. These attacks deal varied damage depending on rank.
Great spell but for later on in the game. After putting 3 points in it, it will demolish turrets with it's 100%+ damage multipier. This spell isn't effective early since you don't have that much damage but at level 13 or something you will already have Manamune, The Brutalizer and Last Whisper or Pickaxe and Long Sword.

Deploys an Acceleration Gate for 4 seconds, increasing the movement speed of all allies who pass through it for 3 seconds. This bonus fades over the duration.
Great spell for returning faster to your lane, for escapes and even to support your teammates but what I like it for the most is it's combo with Shock Blast. In order not to fail your combo because you are beetwen minions or because there is an enemy champion next to you, cast Acceleration Gate on yourself. This way, your Shock Blast will get past your Acceleration Gate once it is launched.
Transforms the Mercury Hammer into the Mercury Cannon, gaining new abilities and ranged attacks. Jayce gains 375 range, for a total of 500 range. The next attack in Cannon Stance reduces the enemy's armor and magic resist for 5 seconds.
Pretty usefull ability. I usually stay in the Mercury Cannon stance since you won't need to be in melee form unless fighting seriously. Still, the first autoattack thing is nice but other than that, it doesn't bring anything fantastic.
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Summoner Spells

I usually pick this summoner spell because of the killing potential it offers me. I am so used to this summoner spell I know wheter an Ignite will kill someone even if he will use his health potions but that's me. You can take this against champions with high health regen such as Sion or dr.mundo.
A viable spell however I don't really use it that much, I prefer Ignite over it but if you think that one day you will need it, feel free to take it.
You may say that you take this whenever you must often recall meaning you are in a hard lane but I find this spell somehow offensive because of the ganking potential it gives you, one good gank and you take down the bottom tower.
I usually take this whenever I lane against a Zed so I completely deny his ultimate early on but you can use this on many other match-ups which I'm going to explain later on.
A good summoner spell, mostly when you lane against a Malzahar. The thing about this spell is that if you realise your ADC is trash in the champion select(he may just have a bat attitudine but he can be a great player) and the enemy has a lot of CC you can take this and fill the role of ADC instead.
One of the best summoner spells. With this spell you can kill, escape, juke, basically everything aside from farming. I mainly take this spell because I am used to it and because it is such a useful ability. The only bad thing about it is the long cooldown.
This spell has some uses but I prefer Flash because when you get ganked you can use your Ghost but any kind of CC will make it useless. With Flash you can put some range between yourself and them so they can't CC you and even tough Ghost is a better gap-maker it takes longer for you to create that gap.
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  • Faerie Charm, 5X Health Potion, Mana Potion, sight ward.
    I usually take these items as my starting items since I can take that Tear of the Goddess really early and it offers me plenty of potions and a ward to keep me safe from the enemy jungler. What else would I need?
  • Cloth Armor, 5X Health Potion.
    The one champion I have difficulties against is Renekton. In order to beat him, I start with early armor and still, plenty of potions. If you have difficulties laning against an AD champion, this shall be your start.
  • Doran's Blade
    If you want to have a really high early damage, this is the item you must buy in order to do so and actually it gives you a nice amount of health and somehow decent sustain.




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In which comps does Jayce fit?

Jayce is strong in early, mid and late game but the thing that makes him strong is mostly his poke. Therefore Jayce works really well in poke team compositions such as:
- Ezreal + Sona BOT, Lux mid, Maokai jungle and you as Jayce top.
What is a poke comp?
Poke comps are the compositions that can't win a straight teamfight against their enemies so before they engage they put as much poke on the enemy as possible. Poke team compositions are really strong at the moment because the only way you can counter them is initiating as fast as possible which sometimes can backfire really badly.
Other team comps Jayce is viable in are defensive team comps since your allies mustn't die while you splitpush. Such team comps can be like Tristana ad carry, Leona support(because of her infinite CC), Lissandra mid and something like Hecarim in the jungle. This team comp is really safe because they all can outrun the enemy and if the enemy engages, they can make them fall back with their huge amount of CC.
If your team has no real kind of tank, then Jayce isn't a viable pick. Some may argue but in my opinion Jayce isn't viable in all-in team comps because he gets his defensive item really late and due to that fact, he can easily die in teamfights thus giving the enemy team the upper hand. Champions that can assemble an all-in team comp are Aatrox or Nautilus but in my opinion, not Jayce.
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Note that I didn't play against all the champions so I will use mostly theorycrafting.

Difficulty pre-6: Medium
Difficulty post-6: Medium

Cho'Gath is an annoying champion to lane against because of his infinite sustain. His skills are easy to dodge but if he lands them on you, you will lose a lot of health. You can for sure duel him but be sure his Rupture is on cooldown. Because he usually has a lot of health your Thundering Blow will really hurt him.
After level 6, he will have more tankyness because of Feast. Still, your Thundering Blow will be a very good damage source. You can poke at him, attack him but be careful since once Cho'Gath at level 6 catches a Rupture on you, you will be devoured.Gangplank

Difficutly pre-6: Easy
Difficulty post-6: Easy

Gangplank, I don't really know why people would pick this champion anymore, most top laners that are played at the moment crush him. Jayce can easily crush Gangplank at the moment.
Gangplank wil try to get you low by constantly using his Parrrley. Against this you can do two things: either build an early Vampiric Scepter or just whenever he comes use your To The Skies!+ Thundering Blow on him, this resulting in you outtrading him. He will usually heal back his health with his Remove Scurvy. You wouldn't like to walk around low health when he is nearby as his grog-soaked blade, Raise Morale and Cannon Barrage give him great chasing potential.
Nothing much changes at level 6, only that he will have his ultimate which doesn't deal much damage but try not to stay in it too long as every 1 HP can make the difference beetwen life and death. You can try to harras him with your Shock Blast + Acceleration Gate and in order to heal back the damage done he will use his Remove Scurvy. Remove Scurvy has a 22 second cooldown meaning that for 22 seconds you have time to kill him. Try to hit him once again with Shock Blast + Acceleration Gate and then run through the gate and attack him with To The Skies! + Thundering Blow. If he is low enough, attack him with basic attacks and Ignite him to secure the kill.Garen

Difficulty pre-6: Easy
Difficulty post-6: Easy - Medium

This is a really easy match-up. Garen can't do much against Jayce and his harras so you can harras him whenever your heart wants to. Always punish him when he comes to lasthit a minion by autoattacking him once or twice but be sure not to lose farm in the process. Use your Shock Blast + Acceleration Gate combo on him when he will stay at his turret to gain his annoying passive. When he will come and try to use Decisive Strike on you, just use your Mercury Hammer and Thundering Blow him away. If in the process you got silenced, he will try to come at you. You can handle him once his Decisive Strike is on cooldown. Use To The Skies! on him and then switch to Mercury Cannon.
After level 6, he may have built Sunfire Aegis. You can still deal damage to him but less. Don't engage on him, just short harrases. Once he is low enough from your constant harras, switch to Mercury Hammer and go for the kill. Don't try to tower dive him unless he is REALLY low, like 300 health because else you will be able to kill him but he will most likely use his Demacian Justice on you before death killing you too.Irelia

Difficulty pre 6: Medium
Difficulty post 6: Medium - Hard

Irelia is a strong champion. She can fastly close the gap between you and her with her Bladesurge and if you harrased her before she closed the gap she will use it to her advantage stunning you with her Equilibrium Strike and then on dealing huge amounts of damage with her Hiten Style. You must NOT try to fight her, you need to fall back whenever you see her near enough to jump on you with Bladesurge. Don't forget that if she jumps minions the cooldown is refreshed. Try to stay in the back, kill the melee minions with your autoattacks since you will be far enough from her and kill the caster minions with a Shock Blast+ Acceleration Gate combo.
Nothing much changes about your playstyle at level 6. She will have a higher killing potential. If she already has Blade of the Ruined King you need to be afraid of her. She will try to kill you at any moment you do a mistake. Play this lane passive, don't get aggressive because you will die.Jax

Difficulty pre 6: Medium
Difficulty post 6: Medium

Jax isn't a hard champion to lane against however he has a godlike 1 v 1 thanks to his Counter Strike, Empower, Relentless Assault and after level 6, Master-At-Arms. You should try and dodge any kind of skirmishes with this champion because he can kill in a 1 v 1 pretty easily no matter how skilled he is. Try and harras him with your Shock Blast + Acceleration Gate and if his Counter Strike is down you can use your To The Skies! + Thundering Blow on him. In order to be a better player you must keep track of your enemy's cooldown. Considering he doesn't max it which he wouldn't if he was a decent player, Jax's Counter Strike has a cooldown of 18 seconds meaning that for 18 seconds you can use your combo on him.
After level 6, he will be a beast in 1 v 1 so ONCE again, avoid fighting him. He is much stronger than you and just one Leap Strike and Empower on you will make your health bar get smaller and smaller until it is gone. Sure you can use Thundering Blow on him when he jumps you with your Leap Strike but if he has his Counter Strike activated then he can stun you before you could do anything so if he has his Counter Strike activated run away!Lee Sin

Difficulty pre-6: Easy - Medium
Difficulty post-6: Medium

Lee Sin is a strong champion early. If he catches you with his Sonic Wave then fear him. He can jump you with his Resonating Strike and then follow up with Tempest. This will chunk up your health bar but however Sonic Wave is easy to dodge. Once you don't get caught by it you are fine. You should not try to kill him as he can outtrade you early. Play this lane passive.
Once he reaches level 6, he will try to get in your melee range and kill you with his Sonic Wave + Tempest + Cripple + Dragon's Rage + Resonating Strike. Be careful and always stay next to your minions so they will block his Sonic Wave and stay away from his minions because he can Safeguard to them.Kennen

Difficulty pre-6: Medium
Difficulty post-6: Medium

Kennen is a really strong top laner at the moment because of his unmatched harrasing ability. Jayce however has a strong harrasing ability too so I'd call this a skill match-up. The one that gets the first kill or a decent CS advantage(10 or more) wins the lane unless the jungler decides to appear which is not the case at lower elos(never but never think your jungler will gank your lane, he is busy farming and taxing your lane for nothing). You should be passive but get afraid of him, you can kill him. If you put enough harras on him you can kill him before he can kill you.
At level 6, Kennens try to dive you even if you are full health which is a questionable move but you can get a kill out of that so I am ok with it. They will be really greedy thinking they can kill you no matter what, but after they taste your hammer they won't be so greedy, they will rather be behind in gold, giving you control over the lane.Renekton

Difficulty pre-6: Medium
Difficulty post-6: Hard

I don't know if I play this champion wrong but I usually get dominated by reneketon. His Slice and Dice allows him to easily come at me and he can follow up with his Ruthless Predator which hurts really bad when he has 50 fury and Cull the Meek. I usually try to farm from a safe distance and whenever he gets near I run for my life.
After level 6, he will be harder to kill and you will be easier to get killed. Be really careful as he can stick on you and his Dominus gives him a lot of fury. One Ruthless Predator on you and you are dead. Never dive Renekton, and if you know he has his ultimate, never Ignite him, it will be a waste. Try to do your best farming...Zed

Difficulty pre 6: Medium
Difficulty post 6: Medium - Hard

Zed is a really strong pick(I don't know how he is now, after be Blade of the Ruined King nerf) that is usually banned at my rating so I can hardly lane against him. Fortunately I am a Zed player myself so I know how to beat Jayce as Zed. Knowing this I can think of how to beat Jayce with Zed.
Zed will keep harrasing you with a really fast Living Shadow, Shadow Slash and Razor Shuriken. If he will keep doing this and if he knows how to block your poke(which is not the case in lower elos mostly), then you will die. The best defensive is offensive so if he comes near you so he will use his Living Shadow, be the first one to attack with your To The Skies! and then Thundering Blow and then change into cannon form as soon as possible.
Never go for a kill unless his Living Shadow is down because if it is up, you won't be able to catch up to him so easily. As I said previously, keep track of cooldowns: Living Shadow is the last skill maxed on Zed so it will have a 18 second cooldown but once he will have a The Brutalizer it will have a 16.2 second cooldown(keep it 16).
After level 6, Zed can easily kill you if he knows your Thundering Blow is on cooldown. He will all-in you and you won't basically be able to respond since his burst is much bigger than yours. If you have a CS advantage or more items, don't run, face him like a man. After level 6, it doesn't matter what you do, the thing that matters is waiting for your enemy to make a mistake and capitalize on that.
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Early game

Early game is either really aggressive or it is passive. No matter the situation I focus on farming. Farming is one of the most efficient ways to get gold 100% and in order to build strong items, you need to focus on it and hey, farming is easy with Jayce. As I said, depending on the match-up I go either really aggressive or passive. If it is an aggressive lane I will look to force my enemy out of the lane whenever possible or kill him. If the lane is passive I will be careful at the river and go on farming for the whole laning phase. Always, but always keep your lane warded. As for farming, my goal is to pass laning phase with a decent CS(more than 120).
The normal standard is of 100 creeps per 10 minutes but I have never seen a human do that so I lowered it to 85. If you can get 85 minions each 10 minutes that means you will have a strong farm throughout the game.
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Mid game

Guess what, I mostly farm mid game too. Actually let's not call that farming but actually splitpushing as splitpushing is a great way to win soloqueue because their team will be unorganized, if they will try to stop you they will send a strong champion meaning your team can engage on them since they have a strong player missing.
Why do I say that they will send a strong player? In a lot of games when I was splitpushing, they sent the tank to pushback and guess what? I killed him and continued. They will send one of their most fed players and I personally don't pick up many kills until late game meaning I am not fed but being able to keep one of the MVP's on the lane with me is just an advantage for my team as they can easily pick up the others.
Sometimes they don't send anyone to stop you... then shred their base. Really, Hyper Charge is enough for you to take down turrets in like 15 seconds so it will be pretty fast.
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Late game

Late game, after I am really farmed, I decide joining my team and usually.. I have the most complete build. I position myself like an AD carry usually but sometimes I go in the frontlines and take the assassin role, I kill the carries but sometimes I may die too. A Jayce with a full build is frightfull as no one can resist his poke, his To The Skies!+ Thundering Blow combo thus making you a great influence.
This is one of the main reasons I pick Jayce in the lower elos, all you need is to get to late game, get some meatshields(in this case my teammates) and shred the enemy team. It will take you some practice to get really good late game as some people are really bad with him late game but the thing is, consider yourself an AD carry, after most of the enemies are dead, you can switch to Mercury Hammer to clean up the remaining enemies but until then, stay in Mercury Cannon.
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The End

This definetly isn't the latest update, I will add some new chapters and I will improve my old information and I wish I will keep my guide up to date. The next champion on the list is jungle Lee Sin. I will have the guide done in a couple weeks but I will constantly update this one too.
Hope you enjoyed my guide which is for now unfinished, and if you do tell me what I should add other than ward placement, comboing and match-ups. Special thanks to jhoijhoi for her line dividers.
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