New ahri is really painful to face.
Start corrupting or long sword if you feel confident, dodge her e with yours by all cost.
Afk farm safely and kill people later, if she's good, you won't solo kill her
Depends on the player, skill matchup.
Trade her early with E, disengage when she uses smoke, you win trade if you dodge her E. Buy mercs or hexdrinker second and be careful of level 6 and protobelt powerspike.
Annoying champion. really hard to gapclose and trade, he has more damage than you early. Take 3 potions and second wind and farm. Try to wards around mid and buy pinks to prevent his roams.
Buy mercs as fast as possible, trade pre 6 by dodging her Q with E. After 6, keep your E for safety and avoid getting stunned in her R. Your ult knockback can also dash her wall, if you are in a bad situation.
Not easy to trade, she will just run. Wait for 6 and mercs to burst her. Keep distances when she has passive stun, you can run cleanse instead of ignite. Buy mercs instant.
Aurelion Sol
Really linear and easy matchup. Dodge his Q with E and gapclose inside of his W. He will just leave lane most of the time. Try to keep the mid area warded and ping everytime he is absent.
He will keep distances perma. chill farm, avoid his hard poke (E Q) with E and help your jungle/gank other lanes. His ult blocks your Q.
Play far from waves and trade him when he has no W. dodge his Q with E. you can easily solo kill him early, but be careful when he has mythic, he can OS you with full combo melee range.
Kinda hard matchup. You can't kill her in lane if she respects you. Try to bait her W by walking straight and E out. Chill farm like other mages and wait for item powerspike. buy mercs
Hard to kill early, try to avoid his Q E combo and wait until eclipse. You can still kill him with ignite if he misspose.
Keep distances and avoid his Q or everfrost if he is AP, you need 3 items to kill him after mid game.
He afk farm safely and W out if you try to trade him. Proc his first strike with Q or W. Dodge his big rocket with E. Chill farm and be dominant mid game.
Go fleet defensive and trade her pre 6. Buy mercs as soon as possible, even hexdrinker if enemy jungle is ap.
try to dodge her Q with E. Can trade pre 6, but respect her level 6 and protobelt powerspike.
Really weak in lane, you can abuse him with ignite. Just care about his protobelt burst and dodge his W. Smoke him when he E and keep an eye on his ult position.
Go fleet defensive and trade him pre 6. buy mercs as soon as possible, even hexdrinker if enemy jungle is ap.
You can kill him if he use E on wave.
Dodge his R by all cost (pay attention to his Q R combo on wave). Keep your E for defensive purpose (dodge E or R)
If he goes ap, E out and take distances, don't let him taunt you. you can burst him with eclipse ignite.
If he goes tank, you won't kill him and he will just roam, afk farm and destroy late game. Keep bushes around mid warded and ping when he is gone.
Try to hit barrels, you don't really win trades because he has oranges and corrupt, try to farm well and wait for ganks. If he miss his first barrel combo, hard trade him to take advantage. Once he has essence reaver, it becomes more difficult.
Played by OTP's most of the time, they do fancy combos so keep E to dodge theirs, you can kill with mercs and serrated dirk. Trade back if he miss E.
Hit turrets and wave at the same time if possible. Avoid his E and try to kill him level 2 with ignite. If you don't, wait until midgame teamfights. Be very careful if your jungle ganks him.
Skill matchup. Go fleet defensive (boneplate is really good), play far from wave when she has passive or about to get it, dodge her E with yours and smoke yourself when she R you. You can kill her pre 6 with ignite if you space and presure well.
Most kai'sa mid player don't know how to play her. Trade her when she goes for cs, she is really weak early game so you can easily kill her pre 6.
After lane try to cheese her in jungle bush.
Kinda annoying to face, she run fast and poke you, try to dodge her mantra Q and shove waves, then play on the map. You can maybe kill her with eclipse and R. If you go lethality assassin, serpents second or third can be nice.
You have kill pressure the whole lane, just try to dodge as many Q's as possible. You can shove waves and play the map too. Don't run at him when he has liandry's. Maw counter him hard, go for it if they have another AP champion.
Like many AD matchup, Kassadin struggle vs Graves. He will either go safe lane and full armor, or thunderlord full ap to flip. pressure him early, don't let him touch the wave, but keep distances for his W (really strong early ability). Build hexdrinker or even negatron cloak to tilt him (if heavy ap comp).
Hard win early, she will probably afk farm with Q. Care about her first back powerspike (sheen long sword / hextech alternator and level 6). Try to run sideways when she Q you so the dagger don' t go behind you. Smoke her when she ult and E out.
Safe champ in lane, kinda hard to kill her, she will W out and afk farm forever (maybe even take boneplating). Just shove waves and take vision/ play with your jungle. Win fast if possible. If she ult someone else in fight, focus her with your burst or smokes creen, avoid giving her shutdowns.
Kinda hard to kill in lane, but you can trade him if he waste E. Go mercs as soon as possible and chill farm. Look for picks in the jungle or roam. Early drake fight can be dangerous, keep distances and play slowly.
Artillery mage, so he will play safely and poke you, farm and try to OS him outside of lane or if he waste flash. Easily gankable if he misspose.
Corrupt start is good vs her. E in when she W you and trade her, dodge her chain with E or by playing in your wave. Buy mercs instant. If you all in her, ignite early so you can differentiate her from her clone.
Safe control mage, you can dodge her E W combo with E, if she miss it just run at her and kill. After 6, you can still kill her with 2 or 3 trades, ignite her before her R. Mercs are mandatory. (except vs 4 ad team kek)
Lucian mid isn't as strong as before, trade him hard if he dash in, Smoke him after he uses his E, you can kill him early with ignite and latter with letha and 6.
Similar to karma, bit annoying to lane against, shove waves and play map. Kill potential if she waste polymorph pre 6, focus her in fights.
You just have to dodge her Q. Smoke her and E next to her while she is blinded, just pay attention to her burst level 6 and if she has barrier.
If he goes full ap, he one shot you. If he go full tank, he one shot you. You likely won't kill him in lane unless he missplay, afk farm for items and wards to avoid ganks.
Boring matchup but not that hard. He will perma shove you under tower but you can easily farm. Proc his passive with smoke and ask for 1 or 2 ganks if possible, else just chill and kill him later whith mercs and eclipse. You can run TP too, and buy QSS very early.
Like some other mages, she is really predictable, avoid her E Q combo with E and go for trades if she misses or use it on wave. Care about her R flash and proto/luden powerspike.
Really good 1v1 champ. Take your distances and try to avoid getting feared. Keep your E for his E. You can still do little trades if he Q the wave, but don't commit too much. Buy pinks for his roam.
Nunu & Willump
He will perma roam all game. Care about the level 1 big snowball in the wave, E in and trade if he goes for cs. shove perma and hit turret so he loses a lot when he's gone.
Skill matchup. Dodge her Q W combo and farm as much as possible, she is vulnerable pre 6 with serrated dirk and ignite, a good Orianna will space you well tho, try to burst her or else she will poke you to death with aery or phase rush.
Really strong early game, you can't really counter his W. play as far as possible and chill farm. If you see him walk towards you to stun, smoke him and run. You outscale him most of the times and will be relevant in teamfights.
Roam champion. Just care about his level 1 cheese with E start and Hail of blade, if he miss it you can hard trade him (boneplating op too). Don't be too cocky and risk getting grabbed under tower. Shove waves perma, he struggle to farm under tower. Take vision in jungle and around mid and pings everytime he is missing.
Similar to katarina, she will afk early game, so try to pressure her pre 6 with ignite. After 6, it's a skill matchup, she can kill you with serrated dirk, try to stay far from walls. You can run fleet defensive or thunderlord if you are confident and for more pressure early. Buy tabis.
Wait for his Q to run out to take little trades, he don't have a lot of sustain. Keep distances when he has passive stacked and dodge his E with yours.
Serrated dirk and ignite can burst him if he don't have boneplating.
Even if he don't have a lot of range, he's kinda safe in lane with phase rush or corrupt. Don't stay in waves and trade him when he combo the creeps. Go mercs fast and keep in mind his position on the map at all time.
Linear spells, easy to dodge and chill all laning phase. She is squishy and low mobility so killable with ignite and double long sword. Hard trade her when she clear the wave. Buy mercs.
Similar to Pyke, he will perma roam and look for picks. Shove waves perma, he struggle to farm under tower. Be very careful for his flash E (under tower or for his jungle) Take vision in jungle and around mid and pings everytime he is missing.
Avoid his E with yours at all cost. Trade him when use spells on wave. He is really hard to kill after level 6, try to farm and pressure him before to get mythic fast and play with your jungle.
Dodge his second E with yours, try to smoke him when he W you. Auto him when he go for cs and try to make him in kill range. Ignite him early in fights, before he W you.
Tough matchup in lane, dodge her stun with E and try to farm as much as possible. if she waste spells on wave, you can fast trade her, but don't commit too hard, her Q couldown is low. Mercs fast.
Dodge her W with your E and try to gapclose her. Easily playable and you have kill potential before she got mythic and spam Q's. Wards around mid and ping for her roam at level 6.
Kinda skill matchup. Don't play too agressive and auto him everytime he goes for minion. Dodge his W's and keep distances with max range autos at every moment. Care for his level 2 burst (with flash Q ignite).
Tristana wants to dash in and E people to burst them, but it's not a problem for Graves. Buy tabis fast and wait until level 6 and ignite to kill her. Disengage early fight with smoke, and trade her after she use her jumps, your spells have less cooldown than her.
Unkillable champ in lane with his Q, doran shield and second wind. He will farm until 6 and run you down. Best options are to buys tabis as fast as possible, Warden's mail are good too, if he's not the only ad. You can also run ghost for more survivability.
Twisted Fate
Bit of a boring matchup. You can trade him by dashing and smoke his gold card to auto Q auto him. If he goes minion dematerializer, stopwatch and corrupt, he will afk farm and roam at level 6. Just do the same, shove waves and hit tower when he's gone.
Push waves and ward around mid to stop his roam with predator. Always keep your E for his cage. You can pressure him early and have solokill potential with dirk and ignite. Go nullifying orb and mercs.
He can't pressure you before mythic.
Trade him when he use spells on wave, dodge his E with yours. Care about his Q R level 6, he can burst you from 70% hp. Buy mercs and it should be fine.
Similar to Annie, trade her when she has no passive. dodge her E Q combo. Look for all in with R and ignite before she get mythic and zhonya's.
Viego really struggle mid nowadays, you can hard pressure him, you just have to dodge his W with your dash.
Play aggresive and try to kill him early, but don't take too much damage from wave.
Really hard to trade him all game. He will disengage everytime with his W and trade you back with Q auto E. Endure lane and afk farm until items. Buy mercs and play around your jungle and carrys.
Start E and hard trade him early. NEVER let him Q you when he is max stacks, this can make you lose lane. pressure him when he don't have it and try to make him use his pool for potential ganks.
No trade possible in lane. You always want to look for burst with letha and ignite. Farm safely and dodge his stun with your E. Wait for mid game, where you can play more in the jungle and kills other enemy with your jungle (or supp).
I personally found Yasuo matchup really tough. He can dodge and wall all your spells, even your autos, while trading you in wave. Avoid his tornado or E Q combo with your dash. You can farm safely all lane with dash and smoke screen.
Not as hard as Yasuo. He is kinda predictable, Dodge his Q tornado and go for trades when he come back on his E postion. His R is faster than your E, so stay focus on those 2 spells (R and Q2) and you can trade him back.
Dodge his shadow Q combo with E and trade him back. Try to play in wave to avoid his isolated Q's. Pay close attention to level 6 timer, he can easily kill you if you missplay. Boneplate is good. Smoke screen on yourself when he ult you, and disengage.
Kinda chill lane. power farm until first back and level 6, then you can kill pressure him with both summs and R. Corrupt is fine and early trade are good, if you don't lose too much hp.
Annoying to face, he can disengage you everytime you just walk up to him. He can't ever kill you tho. Just farm in peace, dodge his double Q stun with E and play with your jungle all game, even pre 6.
Can be frustrating to lane against, dodge her E with your dash and hard trade her early. You have kill pressure pre 6 with ignite and serrated dirk. After 6, be careful of her long range Q and E from fog.
Linear spells, predictable E, dodge it with your dash. Avoid her plant and focus on farming until first back and level 6, where you can kill her.
Can easily roam mid and give kills.
Tank and heavy cc jungle, really good to setup graves combos.
Roam and heavy cc, nice setup for Graves.
Roam and heavy cc, nice setup for Graves.
Always nice to have.
Easily punish enemy midlaner.
Heavy cc, tank and ap, can gank mid from everywhere, really nice to have.
Heavy cc, game changing R coupled with your burst, dps in fight, always there for you in fights + cute champ.
Top or supp are good. Great frontline, engage and can peel you in team fights, satisfaying R to setup your damage.
Taliyah Jungle is really good with Graves mid in 12.11. She provide heavy ap damage, so enemy don't stack only armor, run fast on the map with you, can easily hit her W on someone in smoke. Even her ult is nice, because your Q bounce on it and you can pass it with E.
Can easily roam mid and give kills.
Tank and heavy cc jungle, really good to setup graves combos.
Roam and heavy cc, nice setup for Graves.
Roam and heavy cc, nice setup for Graves.
Always nice to have.
Easily punish enemy midlaner.
Heavy cc, tank and ap, can gank mid from everywhere, really nice to have.
Heavy cc, game changing R coupled with your burst, dps in fight, always there for you in fights + cute champ.
Top or supp are good. Great frontline, engage and can peel you in team fights, satisfaying R to setup your damage.
Taliyah Jungle is really good with Graves mid in 12.11. She provide heavy ap damage, so enemy don't stack only armor, run fast on the map with you, can easily hit her W on someone in smoke. Even her ult is nice, because your Q bounce on it and you can pass it with E.
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