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Shyvana Build Guide by Der Bestimmer

Jungle [Season 12] Shyvana Lane + Jungle Guide by Der Bestimmer

Jungle [Season 12] Shyvana Lane + Jungle Guide by Der Bestimmer

Updated on October 23, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Der Bestimmer Build Guide By Der Bestimmer 4 2 30,416 Views 0 Comments
4 2 30,416 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Der Bestimmer Shyvana Build Guide By Der Bestimmer Updated on October 23, 2022
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Shyvana
    Shyvana Jungle Builds
  • LoL Champion: Shyvana
    Shyvana Lane Builds

Runes: PTA+Resolve [1]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Press the Attack
Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand


+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3 4
Smite + Flash
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite



Champion Build Guide

[Season 12] Shyvana Lane + Jungle Guide by Der Bestimmer

By Der Bestimmer
Intro and Guide

Hello there!

I just started out playing Shyvana Jungle and wanted to have a list of all the stuff I picked up. I hope this can also help some of you getting started on the champion!

Some Resources:

  • For insights into the current Shyvana Meta have a look at LoLAlytics: Shyvana

  • For a more compact Overview look at LoLTheory!
  • For basic Shyvana Facts go for her Wiki Page

  • For another great Overview, Tips and short Guides have a look at her LoLRift Page and Mobalytics Page!
  • You can also convert the current MOBAFire Builds above directly into the LoL Client Builds Format with buildcopier. Just give it a Name for your Item Set (e.g. "Phoenix Udyr Jungle") and the Link to my Guide and click on "Submit". Then follow the instructions to paste the Item Set into the LoL Client.
  • For even more great LoL Resources, have a look at my Resources Chapter from my Udyr Jungle Guide!

Helpful Videos:

Have a look at my Youtube Shyvana Playlist where I collect educational content for the champion!

First Steps Videos:

  1. First things first: For Shyvana's Clear have look at these Phylaris Tutorials:

  2. For a great guide on the whole Champion Concept have a look at Citric's Shyvana Guide:

  3. For his 2 hour long Q&A on Shyvana go here:

  4. For another 2 hour long Climb Video from Low to High Elo look here:

General Abbrevations:
- L = Lane
- J = Jungle
- GU = Grasp of the Undying
- FF = Fleet Footwork
- AD = Attack Damage
- AP = Ability Power
- HP = Health Points
- Res = Resources
- AdD = Adaptive Damage
Top Lane Shyvana

Top Lane Build

As a special treat, here the Toplane Build from HappyChimeNoises' Video:

How an AFK SHYVANA got to Master

Small Note: As a safer (and atm higher WR) Alternatve, you can go for my Frostfire Build 1 above and chose between Warmog's and Titanic Hydra! Take the same Primary Runes with Coniditoning + Overgrowth Secondary.

The Build:

Ability Order:


Summoner Spells:


Press the Attack
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace
vs. difficult Matchups:
Conditioning + Overgrowth
vs. Poke:
Second Wind + Revitalize
vs. Combos / CC
Bone Plating + Unflinching
vs. weaker Matchups / for Aggression
Taste of Blood / Treasure Hunter
AS, MR, Armor

Doran's Shield
Health Potion

Plated Steelcaps / Mercury's Treads

Main Build:
Blade of the Ruined King
Kraken Slayer
Gargoyle Stoneplate
Spirit Visage

Alt.: Serylda's Grudge, Force of Nature, Dead Man's Plate, Randuin's Omen

That's it for now folks!

Thank you for reading my guide and I hope you got something out of it.

If you want sth added to the guide, let me know too! I will see what I can do :).

Also, have a look at my other Content:

MOBAFire Guides:

Tutorials and Collections:

You can also follow me on Twitter, Reddit and Youtube!

Have a great Time in the rift!!!

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Der Bestimmer
Der Bestimmer Shyvana Guide
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[Season 12] Shyvana Lane + Jungle Guide by Der Bestimmer

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