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Choose Champion Build:
- The Eye of Twilight - Toplane
- The Eye of Twilight - Jungle
- The Eye of Twilight - Midlane
Hello, this is my informational guide revolving around shen, created for NUTTYHACKER in the OCE region Shen is a great champion, although people view him as underpowered, useless and weak, this is because they are playing him wrong, Shen is such a strong champion, except the fact is, he is not a true tank, and as such, building him this way will result in a bad experience, leaving a sour taste for him in people's mouths. My thanks to jhoijhoi and her awesome guide (it helped a lot). |
Pros + Easy last hitting with Ki Strike and Vorpal Blade + Extremely low cooldowns on Ki Strike and Feint + Really good teamfight with Shadow Dash + Large Shield with Stand United + Good poke with q + A Ninja + Built in sustain + Short CD Shield + Non Mana reliant |
Cons - Not very strong without items - One of the highest spell cooldowns on Stand United - Hasn't got as much potential as champions such as Riven or Yasuo - Vorpal Blade got nerfed - Squishy without proper itemization - Taunting wrong target can be costly - Built in sustain is weak early - |
Ninja's Always Know
Tier 1: Fury is simple, you deal more damage because of a higher attackspeed, you are going to want the bonus attackspeed because you are going to be doing more damage through your auto attacks
Tier 2: The bonus 3% damage far outweighs the 1.5% extra you will be taking, hell you will out sustain that tiny bit of damage you take anyway, so Double Edged Sword is a very good choice, although the 20 heal on Feast looks good, you heal more from one aa on a target with Vorpal Blade on them, so its unneeded
Tier 3: Natural Talent all ninja's are naturally talented, this is just to show that to the world, also, the buff to damage and your shields doesn't hurt
Tier 4: Oppressor this benefits your taunt greatly, going pretty good amounts of bonus damage when you taunt an enemy champ.
Tier 5:
Battering Blows the 7% armor pen is nice as you do around a 70% physical damage and 30% magic damage mix, but you can go 3 points into Battering Blows and 2 points into Piercing Thoughts if you really want to.
Tier 6: Fervor of Battle I find this to be the best of the keystones on Shen because every time he used e or q he gains 16 damage, which quickly ramps up once you engage, as all you will need is a auto attack combo and you have your full 80 bonus damage, and with such high attackspeed, you get more out of this mastery than any other. This mastery is also going to be buffed to stack faster and do more damage, so its a win win situation.
Tier 1: Unyielding is always nice to have, because it gives a slight boost to your tankiness
Tier 2: Tough Skin is good to have because it makes you slightly tankier when fighting enemy champions
Tier 3: I like to Veteran Scars over Runic Armor because the 45 hp is much stronger in the early game, and still slightly better in the late game, Feint must be used 3 times to match the health that Veteran Scars gives you, I know that Runic Armor might seem like the better choice, but in the long run veteran scars is better
Tier 4: I like to take Insight over Perseverance as it dramatically reduces the cool down on your summoner spells, Perseverance doesn't do that much for shen, as all it does is affect the base 1.674hp/sec regen on Shen to 2.511 and changes that to 3.348 when below 25% health
Tier 1: Unyielding is always nice to have, because it gives a slight boost to your tankiness
Tier 2: Tough Skin is good to have because it makes you slightly tankier when fighting enemy champions
Tier 3: I like to Veteran Scars over Runic Armor because the 45 hp is much stronger in the early game, and still slightly better in the late game, Feint must be used 3 times to match the health that Veteran Scars gives you, I know that Runic Armor might seem like the better choice, but in the long run veteran scars is better
Tier 4: I like to take Insight over Perseverance as it dramatically reduces the cool down on your summoner spells, Perseverance doesn't do that much for shen, as all it does is affect the base 1.674hp/sec regen on Shen to 2.511 and changes that to 3.348 when below 25% health
Magical Ninja's Always Know Too
Tier 1: Sorcery is simple, you deal more damage because of the higher spell damage, you are going to want the bonus spell damage because you are going to be doing more damage through your q, passive and e.
Tier 2: The bonus 3% damage far outweighs the 1.5% extra you will be taking, hell you will out sustain that tiny bit of damage you take anyway, so Double Edged Sword is a very good choice, although the 20 heal on Feast looks good, you heal more from one aa on a target with Vorpal Blade on them, so its unneeded
Tier 3: Natural Talent all ninja's are naturally talented, this is just to show that to the world, also, the buff to damage and your shields doesn't hurt
Tier 4: Oppressor this benefits your taunt greatly, going pretty good amounts of bonus damage when you taunt an enemy champ.
Tier 1: Savagery because it makes last hitting easier, which is good early game
Tier 2: Assassin is good to have because it makes you do quite alot more damage when poking with your q
Tier 3: I like to Merciless is good to have as it makes it easier to kill targets with less than 40% health
Tier 4: I like to take Dangerous Game because being healed for 5% of your health is always nice
Tier 5: Precision is always good to have, because it makes you do more damage with all your attacks
Tier 6: Thunderlord's Decree this keystone mastery adds a whole lot more power to your trades, its a must on the magical ninja
Tier 1: Savagery because it makes last hitting easier, which is good early game
Tier 2: Assassin is good to have because it makes you do quite alot more damage when poking with your q
Tier 3: I like to Merciless is good to have as it makes it easier to kill targets with less than 40% health
Tier 4: I like to take Dangerous Game because being healed for 5% of your health is always nice
Tier 5: Precision is always good to have, because it makes you do more damage with all your attacks
Tier 6: Thunderlord's Decree this keystone mastery adds a whole lot more power to your trades, its a must on the magical ninja
• Greater Mark of Attack Speed: There's nothing really special about this one, it just synergizes so well with Shen, that's obvious right?. Yes. Shen scales extremely well with attackspeed, so its logical to take more with runes right?
• Greater Seal of Armor is really good against AD enemies and AP's are going to AA from time to time anyway.
• Greater Seal of Scaling Health are great to have, bumping your hp per level up to 91.5 per lever, letting you become all the more tanky as you lane
• Go with 3x Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist and 6x [[Greater Glyph of Magic Resist. This gives shen decent early game magic resist, but it also amps it up when ever he levels, this rune is also one of the most effecient scaling runes in the game, being x3 its flat counter part, with most other runes only being x2 their counterpart
• Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed are great to use because as stated above, attackspeed scales extremely well on Shen compared to the other quintessence options
• Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration are great marks to use when playing ap shen, as they make his poke and all in fights much stronger, though Greater Mark of Magic Penetration can also be taking to make his Ki Strike, Vorpal Blade and Shadow Dash do more damage in fights.
• Greater Seal of Armor is the standard pick, making you tankier to survive the early game easier
• Greater Glyph of Magic Resist is to just give you that little bit of early magic resistance to stand against the magic damage you may find
• Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power are there to make you hit harder with every level, ramping your damage and poke up ever more with every level, it also adds quite a bit to your shield
• Greater Quintessence of Ability Power this is just standard early game damage to make your abilities hit harder.
Item Sequence
Hunter's Machete
Health Potion
Great tool that slows enemies by a massive amount for a noticeable length, also granting great health and armor, increasing the durability of Shen against physical champions. |
Sustain, attackspeed, movement speed and on hit damage that does more damage the tankier they are, with your attackspeed, I cannot see a reason not to buy Blade of the Ruined King. |
Large amounts of on hit damage, an auto attack reset and an aoe attack? Titanic Hydra is extremely useful on shen |
Wit's End is a very useful item to have on Shen as it makes you tankier with every hit on an enemy champion, as well as making them take more damage from your spells and auto attacks. |
What else is there to say? This item is a must, this supplies Shen with a massive amount of bonus move speed and makes him very tanky, and as a cherry on top it slows and does bonus damage as well. |
I like to choose this item on Shen because of its extremely good synergy with his kit, allowing him to proc Ki Strike more often and giving him the ability to stick to a champ no matter what because of the constant move speed steroid. |
I like to choose this item on Shen because of it gives him large amounts of healing when he casts Vorpal Blade it also gives him more durability in close combat when his abilities are on cooldown |
I like to choose this item on ap Shen because of its extremely good synergy with his q, allowing him to proc it when he attacks with Vorpal Blade doing massive amounts of damage |
Standard item when playing high damage burst mages |
Makes you do more damage and take less when against mages, win win situation |
CDR so he can cast Vorpal Blade and Feint more often, as well as on hit damage and attackspeed for close combat dueling |
CDR and lots of move speed, what else do you need? |
This Summoner spell is extremely good early being able to secure your stacks if they try to flee low health and you cant quite get close enough to kill them physically, this item is also good to use in the midst of a battle on opponents such as Warwick or Swain whom has massive sustain and are sometimes quite hard to kill without grievous wounds. Heal and Exhaust are also other acceptations as you can get the upper hand in battle with a decent health boost and speed boost or with a slow, attack speed reduction, armor and magic resist reduction and 40% damage mitigation |
This is a extremely versatile tool, able to jump walls or useful as a gap closer, this is great on Shen as it allows you to cover that distance between your target and your Shadow Dash |
This is an invaluable summoner spell on Shen as it allows him to use his ultimate Stand United to protect an ally, then quickly teleport back to lane once he is done, allowing him to save an ally and return to protect his lane, it is also good for teleporting bot lane to surprise the enemy team and hopefully get a double kill |
This spell synergises extremely well with shen, as when the Skirmisher's Sabre is built he is practically unkillable in a 1v1 scenario, and if the Enchantment: Devourer is built, it allows him to really pour on the damage because of all the onhit effects he holds within.[ |
This passive is amazing on Shen, because it synergises so well with attackspeed, granting Shen] large amounts of bonus damage when it is active, this passive synergses well with attackspeed because it's cooldown is reduced every time Shen autoattacks an enemy champion and because this ability scales on Shen's health, this ability gets stronger the more health you have, allowing Shen to do more damage the tankier he is. |
This spells works wonders for Shen in lane, being his main source of poke damage and a great source of self sustain. Healing Shen for a base amount + a % of his health, making it invaluable for surviving through laning phase, this spell can also be the case of life or death, as its sustain will save you more often then you would think. |
This spell is invaluable for Shen, making his passive charge up twice as fast, letting him do his bonus damage even more often. This spell also gives Shen a shield, letting him absorb damage, this spell can quite literally be the difference between winning or losing a fight. |
This spell plays a large factor in your survival, it can be either used to force an enemy to attack you, doing 50% reduced damage, which allows you to attack them relatively unharmed, or it can be used to escape by dashing over walls and running away from enemies in a similar fashion to Flash, the animation also looks pretty cool. |
This spell is Shen's identity, Shen channels for 3 seconds, before he joins an allies side, granting them a shield. This spell can be used to save lives, escape or even secure kills, Stand United is extremely versatile. This spell can turn a 2v1 fight from certain death to a possible double kill. The shield lasts 5 seconds and is extremely large, giving a lot of leeway when used. Stand United gives Shen's team the upper hand in fights as it gives such a large shield, in most cases, the shield is 25%-50% of the targets health pool. |
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