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Aurelion Sol Build Guide by AverageLilliaPlayer

The ALP Guide to Aurelion Sol Jungle

The ALP Guide to Aurelion Sol Jungle

Updated on December 12, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AverageLilliaPlayer Build Guide By AverageLilliaPlayer 5 1 14,126 Views 1 Comments
5 1 14,126 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author AverageLilliaPlayer Aurelion Sol Build Guide By AverageLilliaPlayer Updated on December 12, 2024
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Runes: Stacking Damage

1 2
Dark Harvest
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Treasure Hunter

Magical Footwear
Cosmic Insight

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Champion Build Guide

The ALP Guide to Aurelion Sol Jungle

By AverageLilliaPlayer
About Me
Hello, my name is Average Lillia Player (or ALP for short) though ingame I go by Yoon. As the name suggests, I main Lillia and prefer to avoiding laning as a whole, often queuing for Jungle or Support (but mostly Jungle). Almost all of my time in the game is spent making extremely strange picks in the Jungle work out, anything from meta to borderline throwing, I'm determined to make it work.
Champion Introduction

Aurelion Sol, the Star Forger
Battlemage, Midlaner, Mage, Mana, Ranged, Magic
Clearing: Slow [3:57]
Ganking: Great
Speciality: Late Game
Why Jungle Aurelion Sol? ASol revolves around being able to get stacks to get stronger, which the jungle grants him without the bother of having to deal with lane bullies. Although he can be invaded, a majority of the time he can peacefully farm with his E. Epic monsters grant 2 stacks, but the real benefit of ASol Jungle is red side with a large heap of stacks from Krugs and Raptors. Strangely, Void Grubs do not grant any stacks on either the grubs or the mites, but he still has a large oppourtunity to stack in the jungle and his ganks with W, E, and R are excellent.
Pros and Cons


Global Map Pressure
Wave Clear
Decent Clear
Good Ganks
Decent Objective Clear


Weak Early
Hard Counters
Needs Good Positioning
Weak vs CC
Struggles to Catch Up
Steep Learning Curve

The slow from Rylai's on top of the soft cc from ASol's E can be quite a hassle to deal with for the enemy team. That, on top of the mana from the items presented in this build on top of Archangel makes it very potent.

Burn is especially fun on ASol because of how easy it is to proc. Just a tap of Q or slapping E down in the middle of a team fight or minion wave does plenty of burn damage, plus it helps with his clear tremendously and in turn, helps gather stacks.

At the moment, ASol feels quite weak and just one instance of CC is enough to kill him. He can't survive anything after several nerfs, so his usage needs to lie elsewhere - as a mage tank, ideally, in the midlane. This build plays nicely into jungle as well.
Skill Order
Breath of Light

2 / 4 / 5 / 7 / 9
Astral Flight

3 / 14 / 15 / 17 / 18

1 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 13
Falling Star

6 / 11 / 16
> > >
Aurelion Sol always maxes out his Q first as upon reaching level 5 on it, he can infinitely use it until he runs out of mana, similarly to how he can hold Q down while he is in his W flight. However we take E for level 1 to get the two stacks off of our buff. W is maxed out last as a lower cooldown for E, which gets Aurelion Sol his stacks faster, is more important than the flight CD and distance.
Ability Order in Jungle
Cosmic Creator
Aurelion Sol's damaging abilities against enemies generate him permanent stacks of Stardust, which gradually augments his abilities.
The augments include;
Breath of Light: Bursts deal bonus magic damage based on the target's maximum health.
Astral Flight: Range is increased.
Singularity: Outer and inner radius increased, execution threshold is increased.
Falling Star: Impact radius increased.

In the Jungle, collecting Stardust is everything, similarly to how Aurelion Sol focuses on farming the stacks in lane. Although he must be wary of invades and prioritize camps that he can gain multiple stacks from. Objectives do not give them, as far as I'm aware, so prioritize farming unless an objective is absolutely guaranteed.
Breath of Light
Aurelion Sol exhales a beam of starfire, making him stationary but allowing him to steer the beam in 360 degrees and dealing magic damage. It does more damage to enemies hit first, but also does 50% less AOE damage.

The beam will deal a burst of bonus magic damage for each full second that it damages the same enemy, and generates 2 Stardust if the target is a champion. At rank 5, Breath of Light's channel duration is increased to 160 seconds, so it is effectively infinite.

In the Jungle, this serves as Aurelion Sol's primary damaging ability both to monsters and to champions. It is his "everything" tool and deals a great deal of damage in the late game. It deals quite a bit of damage early, too, but the inability to hold it down until rank 5 makes it a risky gambit to commit to fights with.

This scales off of Ability Power and does max health damage.
Astral Flight
Aurelion Sol flies in a direction and resets Breath of Light's cooldown, allowing him to hold it down infitely, but reducing his flight speed while it is active. He can also cast his other abilities, but they are not given any changes.

Scoring a champion takedown refreshes the cooldown for Astral Flight.

In the Jungle, this can be used to make the distance travelled from camp to camp shorter, allowing Aurelion Sol to fly over jungle walls as he pleases. This is also used to sneakily gank and avoid vision in bushes, as well as chase enemies who flash or dash away.
Aurelion Sol conjures a black hole at the target location that remains there for a short while, pulling in enemies and executing them at the center if they are incredibly low HP. Movement Speed is reduced while in Singularity.

After Singularity ends, it generates 1 Stardust for each full second that enemy champions were inside it, as well as varying amounts for enemy units that were killed while being within the area:
Champions and epic monsters grant 2 Stardust.
Large minions and monsters grant 2 Stardust.
Small minions and monsters grant 1 Stardust.

In the Jungle, for the early game and a large portion of the mid game, Singularity is where all of your stacks will come from. By placing the E down on your camps moments before they die, they will be executed in the center and grant you stacks. For camps like Raptors or Krugs, make sure to time your Singularity properly to kill all of the enemies at once.

This scales off of Ability Power.
Falling Star
Aurelion Sol calls down a star that strikes the target location after a short pause, stunning all enemies inside of it and generating 5 Stardust for each champion hit. Once Falling Star has been learned, gathering 75 Stardust causes the next cast of Falling Star to transform into The Skies Descend empowering the impact with new effects.

The Skies Descend deals increased damage in a larger area and knocks up enemies rather than stunning them. Additionally, the impact sends a massive shockwave that rapidly expands from the area and across the map, slowing and dealing magic damage to all enemies hit.

In the Jungle, both Falling Star and it's upgraded version is used exclusively as a stunning or teamfighting tool. Aiming it can be a bit difficult at times, especially in the early game or when enemies can flash out of it, but The Skies Descend will always be useful and is best saved for fights involving two or more enemies.

This scales off of Ability Power.

Aurelion Sol can solo most dragons due to his high damage output with Q, but should be done carefully. Ideally, he should bring the mid laner or support down/up to help him rather than do it alone.

Aurelion Sol benefits the most from Ocean Soul, allowing him to stay on the field longer from the passive healing to get more kills, stacks, and other map-driven "things" and stay fed for longer.
Aurelion Sol can solo grubs without too much effort due to his E pulling the Voidmite's away from him. However, it should be noted that he does not get any stacks from this objective despite there being a multitude of enemies he "should" be getting stacks from.
Aurelion Sol is better off farming at this point in the game rather than wandering off into baron pit and taking rift herald. He can, however, steal it very effectively with his W flyover.
Aurelion Sol cannot solo Baron, but he has one of the fastest and most beneficial wave clears in the game. Getting this objective is very important for him, as he can branch off from his team and sidelane on his own to get towers and push for another objective, like dragon.
Absolutely prioritize Elder Drake if it is up. The damage from Aurelion Sol at this point in the game is wildly high and will QUICKLY end the game if given proper positioning and stacks.


Ideally, Aurelion Sol starts blue side to deal with single target camps first. Though he can start either side as long as he is careful with his positioning and properly uses his E right before all the camps die to the jungle pet. After blue side, go to Raptors, Red Brambleback and Krugs. Do not go for Scuttle as he is too weak early to fight for it. Aurelion Sol should start blue side for the single target camps and the mana buff from Blue Sentinel, which he starts at with a leash from either top lane or bot. After blue buff, he moves to Gromp, then Wolves, then does NOT gank and continues into red side.
Core Items

Sorcerer's Shoes > MAGIC PENETRATION
Aurelion Sol has no other need for non-mage or cooldown related boots. His build is very simple - he goes AP, so magic penetration helps him do more against tanks.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity > COOLDOWN
These can work in some circumstances - for example, if you are losing very badly and need a cheap boots solution that still benefits you.

EARLY GAME: The early game for ASol is bad no matter where he is, but don't be fooled! He serves as excellent bait for enemy junglers. Provided your team has eyes that work even a little bit, they can jump in and get free kills while you bait for them, also granting you stacks in the process. The clears are slow but they aren't terrible due to his damage being relatively high without worrying about mana costs.
MID GAME: Around the midgame, ASol actually starts to be a playable champion. With his stacks, lower cooldowns, ultimate, and ability to hold down Q relatively infinitely, he is quite a scary powerhouse. If he is fed by this point, there is absolutely no coming back.. unless he is CC chained.
LATE GAME: ASol is the best stacker in the game, hands down. A fed ASol who knows to keep farming to keep those stacks up simply cannot be beaten, especially if they position well and don't throw their W directly down the middle of a lane.
Patch Notes
11/18/2024: Guide Created.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AverageLilliaPlayer
AverageLilliaPlayer Aurelion Sol Guide
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The ALP Guide to Aurelion Sol Jungle

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