Decent ban. True damage as well, and with a knock up, silence, slow, plus good damage, it's cc city while he eats you alive. This matchup is pretty much unplayable unless you go grasp AND dodge his q. If you get by one q you die vs AP chogath mid lane, as they take hob and one knockup is three e autos and youve taken the worst trade possible. It's likely he'll have ignite too. Dying to this champion is insanely easy.
Top lane is bareable and more of a major if hes a tank build. IF ITS A BAD CHOGATH EASY MATCHUP stomp him early. Dont be afraid to proc flash or ghost in reaction to his q. He also just outscales you lol,
This matchup can just be a curb stomp for either player but in general if Cho'gath can land any Q's then its not possible to play this out.
Just a natural counter, watchout for his E which can be used to cancel your ultimate while youre already suppressing him if timed perfectly or on accident. never take fights until about lvl 3 maybe, or just dont at all, hard to get ahead of a darius or even cs while he is around. Bramble is good here but not necessary. Ghost is necessary here to match his ghost.
Hahah, 2k true damage with her r alone. And fiora players still complain about bramble. You can build bramble here and hope it does something she usually outplays you, gets ganks, etc. She's just champ diff.
Though, this matchup can be outplayable for you.
It's impossible to play vs a good fiora. play near walls and deny her passive and r. Play smart, stay on your toes and think fast;; This matchup is mentally draining but winnable.
Good ban.
Dodge her E.
If you can't dodge E you die.
You die, you lose lane. GG.
This champion has been broken for the longest time and people still cope saying to just dodge her e. All this champ has to do is walk at you with W to hit E accurately. With her going iceborne gauntlet too this matchup is just impossible. Beg your jungle to never gank you, perma farm, roam when you have titanic and put the wave in a good spot for yourself. Best you can do here.
Good ban.
PtA is good vs this matchup.
Broken right now, no way to win lvl 4-5 at all, even at 6 and above he can still easily beat you in a 1v1 situation with elec as well as getting gw rush then going into rocketbelt/liandries and demolishing you with e q overheat. Have fun losing lane and being poked more than you can heal unfortunately. This is a nightmare matchup.
true damage, fuck true damage. Hard to get to her in team fights but you can roll her hard if shes top lane, go pta and just patiently wait for r, freeze under tower, take cloth armour and pots.
Easy to deal with if you play it right but if he gets one kill you've lost lane. Rush wardens mail (and plated steelcaps if enemy comp allows for it) then build normally if possible. Urgot is easy to gank as he can end up pushing on accident even in plat-diamond. Just play smart. Exhaust is really good in this match along with barrier.
Decent ban.
Too hard to reliably win this matchup.
Hard win early then becomes a skill mu on lvl 6 and beyond. Usually you'll win this matchup unless Camille is good at her champ and knows the matchup.
Easy matchup, just go conq and barrier and you never lose.
Be careful with how you trade with him. If you have one bad death to him you could lose lane from your mistake and this becomes an extremely hard matchup as soon as you give him a kill. Just play smart and time well.
Knock her out and end before she reaches lvl 16 or its perma unwinnable, she will hard carry fights, peel for herself, etc. She's a force to be reckoned with and do not underestimate her lvl 1 and 2, it's fairly strong actually and you can end up getting yourself killed if you dont play properly. Hard to build around kayle, but anathemas chains helps later on.
Really just depends. If you lane vs him, you can go exhaust barrier or flash barrier or flash exhaust, any of these three help.
You should usually be able to 1v1 him until late game. Late game your only option vs morde is anathemas chains and bork.
Master Yi
a niche pick in top and mid, just dont fight him lvl 1 and youre good, freeze wave close to tower. Build whatever the fuck you want lmao.
Rush Bramble then build normally. Play smart and bait his abilities then take advantage of him. All runes are good here.
Dr. Mundo
Decent ban.
Hard Counter via countering your R and E cc. You have to E cc and then r him to hold him for a gank but even so he will probably survive unfortunately unless your jungler has the dmg and cc of their own. He also has a bigger impact on the game in general.
Good ban, or Dodge. Just dodge. Save yourself the mental crisis. You might win, but just dodge man.
Don't know a whole lot about this matchup but you can usually win every all in.
Grasp and LT are good here.
Go ignite or exhaust depending on your build.
XD Good ban.
Dodge this freak champion.
Realistically playable but you have to never interact with him ever. You can get fed and stomp him if you get a kill from a gank or skirmish however. Plated steelcaps and mercs both good, depends on enemy comp. Go LT or conq. PtA if you know you're gonna get ganks.
You can win this matchup easily with good wave management, going grasp and poking her constantly, and buying a single null magic mantle early to mitigate her damage. All summ spells are good here. Be aware she can kill you and win the matchup if you get careless or make a mistake.
Dodge. Not playable. Godly ban.
Difficult matchup later he'll outscale you hardcore but you can win hard early even at 6 if you engage at the correct time and dont waste your q before he walls you. Play smart and you'll get fed.
Strategy: R him when he q's into you, q through him when he tries to recall e2. This should usually help you win this matchup ideally.
He presses r and wins a teamfight, not a lot you can do. He easy 1v9s games typically and if he gets camped by his jg, you cant play the game. This champion is really good at never interacting with you and denying your engages to just focus on cs, scaling, and teamfights. Which is really bad for you. Winnable if he feeds you.
You should win this matchup fairly often unless enemy jungle just wins lane for Yasuo which can happen easily and often. Track enemy jungle movement if possible.
As you get tiamat you can win this match pretty often as it helps vs his passive if hes near minions to q you. Exhaust is optimal here. Most difficult part about this matchup is hes super easy for his jungle to gank you so being camped by enemy jg is usually gg. Make sure to bully him and use wave management to your advantage. REMEMBER TO Q OR R WHEN HE Q3'S TO CANCEL THE KNOCKUP!!! VERY IMPORTANT YOU CAN Q THROUGH MINIONS TO HELP THIS TOO.
Time your abilities correctly and you win the matchup typically, but this is really easy for Volibear to dive you with his jungler or just follow up on a gank easily. Play for vision of enemy jungle.
This matchup in general is insanely easy as you just straight up out damage her completely, if you play stupid or cocky you'll die to her. You should never really have any issue with her. If she engages you, you kill her. You can engage on her as well relatively easily. Don't use R until after she's used her W as you won't end up healing much during her W due to damage reduction, same goes for Q.
Skill matchup, all about playing it enough and timing your e fear perfectly vs his counterstrike. Not much else to it, you can also insta R him right before the fear runs out to give him less reaction time to get away, just depends on how HP is and how the lane is currently set up.
He naturally counters you, pretty hard to play this matchup but it's winnable.
This matchup can be either really easy or really hard depending on both junglers. Malphite is giga broken too, perks of being meta, but you can deal with him solo as he's a really telegraphed champion. Base your build and runes on enemy comp.
Decent ban.
Not really anything you can do, unless he makes a mistake, then just make sure to remember dodging his knock up with timed Q.
Dodging this is reliable since most ornns are otps/mains, they'll know what theyre doing when played outside of Ornn meta.
Braindead easy, have fun. Abuse him correctly and you should never lose 2v1 or 1v1. Feel free to invade enemy jungle in this matchup.
Good ban.
Unplayable. You have to play perfectly to peel him off your team in teamfights. E fear him then R him while he is still feared or just r him after you know his puddle is off cooldown.
Outroams you, more impactful, but you can one shot her if you play it properly with PTA in lane. Mostly skill matchup.
Tahm Kench
I would go sunfire/sunderer/kraken slayer vs this, all dependent on the other enemies besides tahm, but all good choices into him. bork most likely as well.
''Wukong in the early game just wants short trades untill his enhanced auto kit let's him win an all in and Warwick denies that'' - Wukong Players
I never see this matchup in top or mid anymore since s10 so i'm not sure but for the most part you can pretty easily win this matchup with no issue, he's a bit more useful in teamfights though.
Scale. You can usually never kill him and youre easy to gank for enemy jungler. Just play smart and farm. Ganks are good to make him use R. Save your E for ganks so if he does die you fear him during his revive.
Good ban.
Champion is broken idk
Go exhaust or ghost or tp and just play smart, you can't do a whole lot here, just try answering his every move for your team unless someone can reliably deal with him (which is unlikely.)
Decent ban.
More impactful than you, faster than you, and harder to shutdown than you, and even scales harder than you.
This matchup is just insanely difficult even if its a bad nasus. Good luck and try your best to wave manage vs him to deny him pre 6.
take tp and hope you can be more impactful than he can. FOLLOW HIS R AND TP WITH YOUR Q, PRACTICE THIS TIMING SO YOU DONT MESS IT UP.
He unironically is capable of solo killing you so don't play stupid.
Play smart, time your r, get ganks, go ghost. Even without ganks you can kill him just engage when he has no E.
Skill matchup but his champion is usually just better. Winnable though.
He begs for ganks and crushes lane and then carries solo. Take ignite. His damage is insane and can 1v1 you. Don't be scared to dodge his E2 with flash if its gonna be a fight.
Difficult to do anything, it's a good play to invade with your enemy jg, go for objectives, and more. Top lane basically is there for you to go back to farming when there's nothing to do.
Good ban.
"Warwick just kinda hard loses it by default. The best you can do is pick Barrier and hope you can Q his E and bait him into death."
He outdamages you pretty hard and not much you can do to build around it, start cloth armour and pots.
Poppy is a poke lane with a decent burst all in, just take dshield and you should have zero issue. Play smart and time your abilities in response to her r.
He outscales you but you can kill him he can't kill you if he makes any mistake. He can just choose to never interact with you though which makes things hard as he is really good at kiting.
This really depends on the kennen players actions.
Rush plated steelcaps and pray. This matchup is hard but winnable if you q dodge her knockup on q3. Reacting to her R with your R and E is very important.
Should always be able to win, this mu should be you freezing wave, and e'ing everytime he e's in to take a trade. This is the one thing warwick is good at, beating a meta champ like Renekton with relatively no issue. You just have to react to his action.
Maokai has a weak laning phase vs warwick but a strong teamfight with lots of shutdown. Be wary and deny maokai as much cs as possible.
Used to be too hard to deal with cause of how overloaded her kit was, but soon with the upcoming nerfs she's much less of an issue in top lane.
Broken champion but I lack enough games vs this champion as warwick top, typically you can't do much though outside of building plated steelcaps and taking good trades. Still winnable.
Take grasp and poke or PtA and go duelist build and try winning if you get kills/get ahead of him.
If you go even just stick with a normal build, just predict how things will go is your best option. Weird champ to play vs as Warwick.
FF or dodge.
Good ban.
Really hard to play but you can poke him down overtime with grasp when he walks up, still gonna be fairly difficult though.
Get bramble rush asap. Exhaust is best here so you can go anti heal through bramble and have no issue.
Dodge if this is your enemy LANER. If he's in a different lane then it's only a major/4 on threat level as you can with him in teamfights but sometimes its not possible, just do what you can to peel your team. Anathemas chains is required vs a fed Akshan.
Warwick player needs to play smart in this matchup and understand how rengar top works to understand how to play against it. A good option is taking over his bushes, make them your bushes. they are YOURS now. Other option is let him engage on you and take trades with him with PtA or Grasp procs and you'll usually go even, you're stronger at lower health than he is so you end up winning even trades.
Haven't played this matchup besides one time, it went poorly due to the sheer power zac has by being so easy to tower dive you with his jungler and also setting up a gank for his jungler.
I never encountered this top as warwick but I would imagine that it can be difficult to lane against if he plays well due to empowered r and q.
Can go easy or can be difficult, but usually this is easy as long as his jungler isnt babysitting him.
You should have no issue vs this but DO keep in mind how much damage he has early, having an early cloth armor would be beneficial. He does a lot of damage, don't underestimate or lower your guard vs Zed, he's crazy strong. Play smart. Some zeds will just never interact with you out of fear and farm with Q all lane until ganks, so you can freely roam with tiamat after. (He will get tower plates off of this however so roam wisely)
Dodge or ban.
THis champion is only countered by artillery mages, its impossible to play vs this champion as a melee kiteable bruiser.
Unknown matchup at the moment but you can usually just E in response to her engage and all in her and win. Also you can auto dogs to one shot them.
Winnable until he gets rylais then you cant play. If he has exhaust you lose automatically and this becomes a dodge or ff game as he will just be too impactful.
Tahm Kench
From what I remember when this pick was popular in top lane you could just go grasp with second wind dshield or corrupting pot and go even the whole lane so you can focus on wave management and cs. He doesn't do anything to you and you can stack grasp freely off of each other. But you can kill if hes low, just save your r for when he tries to escape, timing your E to when he might try to escape with his teleport is good too but harder to do. DO NOT BE PUSHED INTO HIS TOWER AND CSING, HE WILL R YOU AND KILL YOU UNDER TOWER.
Good ban. Too hard for warwick to deal with in most cases, but otherwise get merc treads before or after tiamat depending on enemy jungler
She has too much damage and amazing teamfight potential.
Dodge or ban.
Otherwise, good luck.
This is a vex favoured matchup pretty heavily because she has reliable self peel and cc as an artillery mage unlike something like xerath or velkoz which you can kill easily. Vex is harder to kill but still squishy enough to deal with if you play it well, if she plays perfectly you're done for though, you can't deal with her in teamfights either until shes already done her full combo.
You can usually kill her relatively easily, just be aware of when and where you r and q as to not screw yourself over when she has her rocks on the floor. Her damage is fairly low unless she gets you with q1 q2 and her e, which is super reliable luckily, so just play well. The main issue is her roaming ability in which can be a problem sometimes, just get tiamat asap and punish her.
Likely the third easiest assassin matchup for warwick
He can still burst you and get you freaked or scared but barrier vs him is really strong so you should be fine, you're also able to chase him faster than he can get away if you put points into w before maxing q.
The easiest assassin matchup next to Katarina, Qiyana never has solo kill pressure on you, all she can do is hope to outplay you constantly. Oracle lens is good here. Barrier is good here.
This matchup is annoying due to him having similar high damage output to Zed so you have a reason to fear him, but the good thing is you can kill him just as easily if you play it well.
all summoners are good here
PtA and Grasp are likely best here.
Usually you just win this matchup outright no issue but the champion is a busted laner.
Killing with ignite + pta is usually pretty easy especially if you q dodge his stun or flash it. Even under tower you won't have a big issue with it. Just play smart and learn his playstyle then abuse that.
She can outshot you but you can kill her as well if she fails to hit her sleep bubble. Play smart, learn how she aims. Adapt to how she plays and you should win, but it still won't be easy at any point. Ignite and PtA.
She's usually gonna be unkillable because of her having barrier flash and her w. She pokes you out of lane heavily ontop of that. If she misjudges her damage and doesnt kill you when she q e r's you, you can likely kill her before she kills you with your own r. This is super skill dependent
You know how I said Qiyana was the easiest matchup out of the assassins? I lied. It's this one.
Extremely difficult BUT there is lots of room for outplay her you can follow her leap with your q or cancel her leap with your cc. Her poke is crazy good though for an adc. PtA ignite
She has potential to kill you but you're usually gonna just insta E and block it all then kill her, so if you mistime your E you are kinda fucked. Skill matchup but heavily Warwick favored.
You can't do anything, to be honest. Just tiamat rush focus on cs then roam, roam so much, but do it smart, get value. He's easy to gank as well so if you somehow freeze wave it can lead to a kill.
When late game reaches tho you've fucked up not ending earlier. This will usually mean GG.
Aurelion Sol
This could either be really easy or really hard depending on what happens. This can sometimes heavily depend on your jungler, as this matchup is really easy to towerdive and gank with your R and E cc chain, with how squishy he is early that cc chain will be enough for you and your jungler to do enough damage. But he can scale like a mad man if left unchecked, he is also a rylais abuser which makes it even harder for Warwick, and he builds liandries optimally, with the meta build being an hp build this causes some issues later on.
Twisted Fate
Really strong right now, haven't played the matchup but he has a 1-2 second stun on gold card and kites you out really easily.
This matchup is pretty easy throughout the whole game. Make sure to go QSS at some point, you're gonna sit on a null magic mantle early on in lane to upgrade to QSS later just dont tower dive her and you're good to go. You out roam, and win 1v1s, but she can turn a 2v1 into a bad situation for you. Ghost and barrier are both good here. Same with TP to match her.
Fuck this champion lol
Dodge or ban it, Ekko is broken and there's nothing you can do about it. You can cc chain him though in teamfights and go tank peel build for team if your team comp allows for it and you won't have an issue. Try your best not to feed him early or mid game. Play smart.
Good ban but winnable and don't need to dodge, playing peel build is good here, if your team has no reliable carry then just dodge.
Really easy for her to kite you and kill you
She does true damage ontop of her high mobility so it's very difficult to play vs a good Ahri especially when it's an ahri building correctly.
This is similar to the Irelia matchup. A good Kat can fuck you and your team up hardcore and stay even or ahead with you, but you will usually win every 1v1, ganks can be hard though in some situations.
Easy to kill in lane usually though hard to dive cause of his point click ability into stun is basically undodgeable when upclose. Dont fight him when he has zhonyas, This would be a minor threat matchup but his teamfight potential even when behind is disgusting sadly, so teamfights can go eitherway sometimes.
Not playable cause she scales way too hard just don't bother. Dodge or ban. PLAYABLE IF YOU CAN END MID GAME.
Amazing ban. Similar to the lissandra matchup but he has insane wave clear, and with ghost he can kite you out. Your auto or q can get rid of his passive or a junglers gank to hit him then r'ing him. His flash is more valuable than yours so it's fine if he flashes away defensively, with Malignance he has R up a lot more so this matchup gets so much harder with that and Rylais, borderline impossible.
Decent ban.
Really hard purely because of his W ability so hard to maneuver against, it's very hard to avoid it stunning you as a melee champion most of the time and his poke damage is very high with low mana cooldown, so you're usually gonna lose this unless you get ganked.
not enough info on this but this can go eitherway at times due to his strong skirmishing and roaming. Laning can be difficult too if you mistime anything. He is killable however and hard for him to run from you.
He can roam a lot more often and has more mid game power as of 13.20 so he's on Major threat now, it was enough to tip the scale. BUT this doesn't affect laning phase, if he never roams the lane should be relatively fine for you.
Easy to deal with and you're usually not gonna have an issue with him. A good veigar will force you in spots where you will just die because hes good at setting up ganks and plays with cage in lane and outside of lane. He will one shot you with R a lot, but later on you can outscale him IF he isn't more fed than you are.
Similar to the xerath matchup but easier due to how easy it is to dodge his abilities as he is very telegraphed. Teamfights can be difficult though because of his true damage.
A good ziggs isn't possible to kill but you usually can't die to him and can just answer his push anytime you want 1v1. You're more useful in teamfights if played correctly, and tank build is good here if your team has carries.
Dodge or go peel build.
Pretty difficult as he kites you hardcore, locks you down and damages you like crazy. He can easily go anti heal and stop your existence too. He is a strong playmaker ontop of that. All while being a hyperscaler.
Statikk leblanc - As long as this champs best build is statikk its unbareable.
AP leblanc - Playable but difficult (major threat)
disgusting unhealable poke and never runs out of mana, try your best to roam or take skirmishes when anything comes up, if it doesnt work out you'll likely lose unless you can go peel build and help someone carry.
Top lane Nilah is a strong counterpick that players use at times and it does work very well into Warwick but its not unwinnable either, just play smart vs her, dont take so much poke for free and fear her away as soon as she uses her W.
Zeri top isn't playable and you usually won't know its zeri top unless obvious. If you know it's zeri top then dodge. If you're laning into it.
Difficult to deal with when he has package, has strong poke, wave clear, and damage. Good thing is hes killable without package, and easily so, play smart in this matchup and you'll be rewarded.
Decent ban. Need jungle help badly in this matchup otherwise he's gonna heavy outscale you and win teamfights perma, rlly low cds and good wave clear to push into you, he perma has prio.
Amazing lock down cc when timed together.
Just a really good champion at the moment, if he's a good bard he'll be top a decent amount.
Weird to play with. But good in an ideal situation.
suppression into suppression
suppressions for days, nice cc, and dmg. with a long ranged gank tool on q and r. Best ever champ used for ganks or even camping.
Ever since her rework Warwick and Jax became Yuumis best best friends when it comes to bruiser champions.
Having a yuumi on you all game can win you a lot of games as it can help fix a few of warwicks issues.
Great and easy to follow up with.
Amazing follow up as varus is an adc who can primary engage for his team.
Def amazing to have with even more shielding, and her r. plus polymorph is broken as fuck.
Pretty great but not much more than that, if he plays around you theres a good chance you'll be able to carry.
Amazing lock down cc when timed together.
Just a really good champion at the moment, if he's a good bard he'll be top a decent amount.
Weird to play with. But good in an ideal situation.
suppression into suppression
suppressions for days, nice cc, and dmg. with a long ranged gank tool on q and r. Best ever champ used for ganks or even camping.
Ever since her rework Warwick and Jax became Yuumis best best friends when it comes to bruiser champions.
Having a yuumi on you all game can win you a lot of games as it can help fix a few of warwicks issues.
Great and easy to follow up with.
Amazing follow up as varus is an adc who can primary engage for his team.
Def amazing to have with even more shielding, and her r. plus polymorph is broken as fuck.
Pretty great but not much more than that, if he plays around you theres a good chance you'll be able to carry.
Who are you?
I'm a Warwick one-trick that has reached diamond my first season, season 10. And I am constantly experimenting and doing numbers on what has the best in-game impact over other things, and as well as what does best mathematically too. or and all that typically does not tell you a champions OPTIMAL build. It misleads people heavily, and makes people rely on unhelpful stats that usually don't mean jackshit.
By now in season 13 I mostly don't play for ranked in general, I reached diamond with ease and that was my goal and I have no need to strive for more unless I started streaming. I'm not happy with the state of league and what it's been like for the past 3 years season 11-13, with season 14 having mythics removed this may change. For now I'm washed up sitting at a plat 4 until there becomes a reason to climb.
Why do you like this champion?
Warwick fits my playstyle and ever since I saw him and used him, even playing his animations on the ctrl emotes. I knew I loved this champion and would play him well the best I could. Fun champion, easy skill floor, and decently difficult skill ceiling. Sadly, he's not the best but he does alright currently.
pros and cons
Pros – What are the benefits of playing this champion?
- Good cc chain
- Good consistent damage
- Good sustain and tankiness via q, e, and r
- Good champion design and in-game model so visually and verbally appealing
- Can 2v1 in lane
- Very flexible champion in build, runes, summoner spells, and even ability level up order, super Fun
- Easy to pick up and start learning, while having a decent learning curve
- Good peeler
Cons – What are the drawbacks of playing this champion?
- Not the greatest or easiest to carry with
- Overall not in a good state in the game most of the time as most bruisers do what he can do but better minus the healing
- Easily kiteable
- Bad teamfight champion
Legendary Items
Patch Preview 14.5
belveth is still broken shes just less tanky, all she'll do is opt to buying jaksho 3rd item or smth the changes are whatever in the end, 15% at max rank removed is good tho and a start in the right direction, we can likely deal with her a lot easier now
evelynn nerfs are likely gonna hit rlly hard, i can def imagine her WR tanking a bit she may end up getting a compensation buff because of it, a lot easier for us to survive her damage and kill her
maokai nerfs did nothing hes still meta
nidalee nerfs are sizeable but she'll likely stay pretty strong, she cant 1v1 you reliably if shes ahead tho now, maybe
TF nerfs are massive and he's likely to stop being pick or ban champ, but still unkillable for us in most situations
yorick nerfs arent huge enough to matter and he got a compensation buff despite the champ being disgusting right now (maiden takes aoe damage full value now tho, meaning titanic goes crazy maybe)
rhaast buffs are scary for us but its possible we can still be fine vs him with our q max hp damage
veigar is a lot scarier and scales harder, has ult more early
wukong buff is scary but not for us we perma stomp on that champ in lane
smolder solo lane could die with this patch but its possible he comes back with tiamat items being useable on his q now
reksai got some very needed buffs and she's likely to be a lot stronger now after being so weak for 2 patches
top lane vayne is gutted kinda hard thankfully, but not enough to kill the pick
frozen heart got a good nerf but they didnt nerf its broken passive so still normally build it
vex is gonna be scarier to deal with in mid, rlly good uptime on passive
jarvan having 2 seconds off his q is kind of insane, be weary of possible jarvan meta
brand is still gonna be an insane champ they didnt nerf his passive damage to champs sadly and they buffed his jungle clear
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