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Recommended Items
Runes: Mage Matchups
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Looking to get level 2 Advantage and First Blood
Reign of Anger (PASSIVE)
Renekton Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Is great, will dive and tank for/with you while locking them up and keeping them in place for about 3 seconds and acting as a second Triumph.
Is great, will dive and tank for/with you while locking them up and keeping them in place for about 3 seconds and acting as a second Triumph.
Champion Build Guide
Who am I?
I'm Alex the idiot with too much free time. I have been playing since Season 6 and have seen the rise and fall of the toplane meta as well as Spear of 200 Years.High Elo?
I am currently gatekeeping gold 2 - I'm keeping all the
Experience with the champion?
As of writing this guide I am in the Top 60 Renekton Players EUW and Top 200 Global, with 1.2 million mastery points.Credentials?
You may have seen me stream terribly on twitch here or commenting on Proguides Videos under the great title hereWhy do I like this champion?
To tell a dark secret of mine I used to play

Anyway, I like playing the Butcherer of the Sands because of his oppressive style, the risk:reward playstyle that gives him a high skill cap and his fury means you have to combine fury and wave management into a game of balancing resources and cooldowns.
What are the benefits of playing this champion?
- Versatile - Hundreds of Combos, Runes, Items and even Summoner Spells
- Lane Bully - Has high base damage and strong combos that allow him to snowball the lead
- Uses Rage instead of Mana - Means he can stay in lane longer
- Strong Early-Mid Game - That high base damage and good item options (
Tiamat <3)
- Single Target CC that BREAKS Shields - screw you
Mordekaiser and
- Splitpush Potential - Strong duellist
- Loves diving the backline but can fight front to back
What are the drawbacks of playing this champion?
- None - I'm joking unfortunately
Exhaust Will make you cry when you do -3 damage
- Mobile Marksmen will also make you cry -
Jayce please get rid of these champions riot <3
- Late game he becomes a pool of hit points and that's about it
- Needs
Flash to do stuff in teamfights or kill Marksmen Laners
- Caster so is a bit weaker without his abilities
Reign of Anger - The Passive
When Renekton is below 50% health he generates 50% more fury from all sources.
This is his resource, he builds fury when he auto attacks or uses a non-empowered ability
Cull the Meek - The Q
In addition, he generates 2.5 Fury for each non-champion hit and 10 Fury for each champion hit, up to a maximum of 30 Fury.
When Renekton has more than 50 Fury he deals 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 (+1.2 per bonus attack damage) and heals for 9 / 13.5 / 18 / 22.5 / 27 (+0.08 per bonus attack damage) for each non-champion hit and 36 / 54 / 72 / 90 / 108 (+0.24 per bonus attack damage) for every champion hit, up to a hard cap of 200 / 300 / 400 / 500 / 600 HP. Consumes 50 Fury.
This is his healing and wave clear, this doesn't give minion aggro so you can sustain for free - only downside is the healing cap which is one of his late game drawbacks
Ruthless Predator - The W
When Renekton has more than 50 Fury, his next attack will swing three times, removing damage-absorbing shields on his target before dealing 5 / 15 / 25 / 35 / 45 (+0.75 per attack damage) physical damage per hit (applies on hit effects) and stunning them for 1.5 seconds. Consumes 50 Fury.
This is his big damage spell and his stun. You can cancel your

You are also able to use

Also, whenever you use this unempowered against a low hp minion, it will kill the minion for you even if it should have survived - good way to secure cannon minions.
Slice and Dice - The E
Dice: Renekton dashes, dealing 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 (+0.9 per bonus attack damage) damage along the way. For each champion hit, Renekton gains 10 Fury while all other targets hit grant 2 Fury instead. When Renekton has more than 50 Fury during Dice, he deals 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 (+1.35 per bonus attack damage) additional damage and shreds the armor of targets he hits by 25 / 27.5 / 30 / 32.5 / 35% for 4 seconds. Consumes 50 Fury.
This is your mobility and tank counter. You can use the Empowered Dash to reduce armor. Another fun thing you can do that allows you to remove another animation, when you proc

Dominus - The R (Also known as the 'worse' Nasus R)
This is where all of his tankiness comes from and helps to fuel some of his combos, the extra health can help you in diving, the instant fury boost can surprise enemies when you suddenly empower your Q. The fury gen gives him a total of 75 Fury + the 20 instant fury. If you (base combo here) started with 70 fury you could Empowered

The Combos
Fast Poke -

Poke/Level 2 Engage -

Poke/Level 3 Engage -

Run n Stun -

Flash Dash -

Level 6 upgrade on your level 3 engage -

Level 2

Level 3
Level 6

Level 9

Blade of the Ruined King
Empowering Spells
What does each empower do?

When should you empower each ability

The Base Build

In the other 50% of my games I would go


Standard Build would probably look like this:

Ability Order

Early Game
This is your second strongest point, you're very strong with high base damage and good combosLaning Phase
Here you're looking to secure a kill or two and get ahead. You can look to do a Cheat Recall, you can shove and invade on cannon wave (if the jungler started botside there is a good chance you'll catch them on their buff topside) or you can try and get a freeze near your turret to be ganked or run them down over the length of the lane.If you want to be shoving and roaming often rush your

First Tower Down
If your botlane got first tower odds are they'll ask you to go botlane so they can dump on your toplane. Because Renekton likes dominating I would only take this trade if Botlane is MILES ahead (and I mean 1-2 full item advantage) or if you are MILES ahead, otherwise stick to your lane to try and keep pressing your lead toplane.If you got first tower you could swap when you're MILES ahead otherwise you want to be shoving, invading, shoving, roaming, shoving, invading (you can do this in laning phase too but it's a bit harder) -

Mid Game
You can be a monster here if you got ahead and you will probably be the strongest person in the gameBaron's Spawned
So your team wants baron and you want to split? Split botlane and look to
Dragon Soul is coming up/has happened
Now for drake you want to be shoving topside and
Late Game
- The End TimesOpen Inhibitors/Nexus Turrets/Nexus
Unfortunately you're now the sack of hit points with some CC. You are now there to peel for your carry, frontline and splitpush. Ideally you never see this part of the game but your lane opponent will now be able to kill you most likely and the midlane and adc will curb stomp you. Your best bet here is to split and be at teamfights as often as possible or just stick to your adc and int yourself as engage for the rest of the team.Elder is (near) spawning
- I hope you like teamfighting because while it is a bit contradictory to what I said I don't really know. You can look to split and trade Elder but your team will probably get aced and game ended by Elder buff. You could group and try to get the Elder or you could trade Baron. There are a lot of options here and it's all conditional and subjective - use your head!I hope you've learnt something from this, feel free to comment questions, tell me to cover something I haven't, maybe you disagree (I love a good Renekton Debate ;3) and I hope we can work on the best champion in the game together <3.
Also I stream there sometimes.
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