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VexRoth's avatar


Rank: Veteran
Rep: Memorable (78)
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VexRoth's Mobafire Blog

12 Aug
Saw Virkayu's, who is a jungler and content creator that I respect, jungle tier list.

I looked it over and thought - Good to know, but...

What strikes me about tier lists is that while they tell you what is currently strong they don't tell you why the champion is strong or what it is strong against.

Say Warwick is God Tier (Tier 1+) (Virkayu has him at Tier 2 in his list)

And you see that you are against something like Azir, Jax, Jinx, Pyke, and Ornn.

And OMFSM Warwick is open!!!


Except you play the match out and have a good early...
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10 Aug
Veteran's different take on the roles of the individual positions.

I main jungle, so that is what I really care about, but it is also good to know which roles are easiest to carry from because as the jungler that helps know which lanes to prioritize.

And really once you watch the video above you should also watch his analysis of the fairly recent Summer Season 9 game of G2 vs Fanatic as it might help you put things in context (though that may depend on where you are at with your understanding of league)....
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12 Jun

Blah, blah, blah peaked at Gold 2 in Season 7. Ended up in Gold 5 in Season 8. Flirting with like a 48% win rate in Season 9 even though I've got a pretty good win rate on a handful of champions, though some of those are ADCs as I got so frustrated with my Bot lanes getting stomped that I switched to that role for a while. Climbed a bit and then realized that it was such a **** shoot as to they quality of your support that it wasn't worth maining the role in Silver.

Season 7 I mostly played Shyvana...
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02 Jun

Views: 1911 Feeling Yuumi

I finally won a game on Yuumi and it wasn't like my team was ridiculously far ahead.

I haven't been able to make the Sorcery rune page work. What finally worked was the Inspiration page with Glacial Augment as my keystone.

Got the idea from bizzleberry's yuumi guide.

No idea if it is great into all lanes/comps, but if you play Yummy like lolphally suggests in this video it seems to work...
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09 Apr

I think Hecarim jungle might be a little busted right now and I didn't see anything any the upcoming patch notes that suggest Riot is going to do anything to change that.

Caveat. I've played a decent amount of Hecarim jungle in the past using him to go 9-1 in my placements one season when he was also under the radar busted.

Average game time has been around 28 minutes in Silver 3 and breaking into Silver 2.

I'm going the Enchantment: Warrior build into Trinity Force with Phage...
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