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My Nasus Build

Creator: jhoijhoi October 23, 2011 1:25am
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<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 23, 2011 5:49am | Report
It all comes down to personal preference, Watson :)
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 23, 2011 6:03am | Report
Isn't this supposed to be your view on how people should play Nasus? Let's say everyone in this topic agrees that armor is better than dodge, would you change it? Isn't using dodge something that you've had success with?

It sucks getting downvotes but I'm not sure whether you should be changing your guide to suit the opinion of others more if this is what worked for you in many games :|

Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 23, 2011 7:00am | Report
jhoijhoi wrote:

It all comes down to personal preference, Watson :)

Exactly the reason why you can't say that dodge is a necessity.
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<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 23, 2011 7:20am | Report
Wayne: Oh no, I wouldn't swap from dodge. To my knowledge most people grab armour, mana regen or dodge on Nasus anyway, and I've listed all those runes. What I was trying to see was if some people had a specific reason for saying armour was better, and I haven't yet heard an argument that it is.

Searz: Dodge suits the playstyle I'm aiming for. Nimbleness dodge procs are the gifts of god.
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

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<King of the Hill>
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Jul 31st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 23, 2011 9:13am | Report
Items: Mercury's Treads + Trinity Force + Randuin's Omen + Shurelya's Battlesong + Force of Nature + Atma's Impaler
Why: First off, Nasus really needs tenacity in some form. If you grab Ninja Tabi you NEED an Eleisa's Miracle. This build gives a you nice balance of defensive stats including a very high health pool without having to build Warmog's Armor (which I personally really don't like on Nasus).

Runes: greater mark of desolation + Greater Seal of Evasion + Greater Glyph of Magic Resist + greater quintessence of vigor
Why: I feel when chosing quints on Nasus you should focus on his weak early game. HP regen gives you some much needed extra sustainability. I also like to grab flat HP quints here depending on who I'm up against.

Masteries: 0/9/21
Why: Nimbleness in defense and putting the rest in utility for the movespeed increase/cooldown reduction

Summoners: Teleport + Ghost
Why: Teleport for both getting back to lane faster (when you really need to - when you would otherwise miss a ton of creeps) or to be able to help my team out at all times while still being able to afk farm top. Ghost as my ability to chase people down. Superior to Flash for Nasus (imo) cause of its duration, scaling with other movement speed items and because a Flash is generally easily countered by another Flash or a stun/other CC.

Ability Sequence: R > Q > W > E
Why: I max Siphoning Strike for the reduced cooldown to farm it up faster, I usually max Wither second to help me get away from ganks or better secure kills when I'm getting a gank. Fury of the Sands whenever possible
<Altruistic Artist>
JEFFY40HANDS's Forum Avatar
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Aug 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 23, 2011 12:35pm | Report

Your item build is fine for the most part, but very rigid and heavy on armor. I'd swap Ninja Tabi out for mercs 9/10 times. Ninja Tabi is situational at best...The situation where they trump Mercury's Treads being against a team with 3 AD champions. Otherwise Tenacity is< Dodge, reason being you can dodge an enemies AA, you can't dodge the number of different CC spells available in this game. As well put Ninja Tabi in the "situational" section of your guide.

With Merc's and Force of Nature you'd have some solid MR, but Quicksilver Sash wouldn't hurt as another possibility for a well balanced core. Tri-Force is core. Warmogs+Atmas is begging for someone to build Madred's Bloodrazor, not the end of the world but if you see it being built on an opposing carry I'd scrap Warmog's Armor for something else like Banshee's Veil or even a Guardian Angel for the MR.

With your current set up you've got very little to combat an AP heavy team from items. Or an AP carry who's been fed up the ying-yang.
I'd suggest as "core" Trinity Force, Atma's Impailer, and Mercury's Treads all your other items I'd almost say were "situational"...Then again that could be said for most builds when it comes to most defensive items and 1 or 2 offensive items.

MS quints are fine ArP marks are fine...Dodge seals I can see them working if you're laning solo top against someone like Jarvan IV, Xin Zhou, or Warwick, but against other champs like Irelia, Cho'Gath or Jax you might get in trouble. Those dodge seals have synergy with Nimbleness but that won't help you when your opponents use target based/AoE spells to deal a chunk of their damage. I'd substitute them with something that's less RNG based and more versatile like HP per level or flat armor. Otherwise you go into a soloque or premade 5s and expect to be laning against the enemy team's X champ, which your runes can counter, but then end up against their Y champ and find yourself camping your well rather than destroying their turret.

CDR blues....Why? .65x9=~6% CDR. 8x.06=.48 seconds of rank 1 Siphoning Strike I don't think ~.5 of a second is going REALLY make your farming of Q that much more effective. And it only gets worse from there. At rank 5 it only takes off .24 seconds. By then you'll have at least your Glacial Shroud so the early game CDR really isn't all that beneficial. There are better options than that IMO.

With your masteries I'd just go the full 0/21/9. But 0/14/16 works well too, Nimbleness is good, but once again gearing for dodge is REALLY situational. It won't save you from an Annie or Brand or Gragas even.

I'd basically write 3 seperate builds to cover this. And with three seperate builds there are 3 seperate rune set ups.

1 Balanced build with items and runes that can make you more effective against a balanced opposing team.
1 Physical Counter build with items and runes that make your more effective against AD heavy comps.
1 AP Counter Build with items and runes that make you more effective against AP heavy comps.

The reason AD carries/AP Carries are different from Tanks/Offtanky DPS is because the number of "situational" items for AP/AD champs are limited compared to how you build a Tank or Off Tank. Or that's my thought... Most AP champs build a Zonya's Hourglass or Rabadon's Deatchap most AD champs build a The Blood Thirster situational items being Void Staff or Last Whisper Black Cleaver can even fit "situational". Most of the time I want to build my damage up as a Damage champ whereas Tanks and Offtanks are only effective at their jobs when they build according to the situation.

Hope I've made sense. I really do enjoy your guide, there are just a few things you say are "necissary" when in reality (to me) they're completely situational.
Max Carter
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Feb 7th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 23, 2011 12:36pm | Report
Just played with a nasus using this build, but he sucked '-'

This is a pretty standard build and runes/masteries, you would get negative only by the guide formation and the information on it, or revenge vote

I never used dodge, because they're too expansive ^^ and I don't play very much to get them, I prefer champs
I disagree with movement speed quints on him... I fell this would be useful on slow champs or Udyr for istance... Nasus can get ArmP...

I really never build frozen hearth on my tanky champions, but it's a good choice on nasus, he's a "carrier-melter", so it would give him CDR to shot more Wither and Siphoning Strike, gives a lot of armor to face and dive the carriers and make then a piece of **** with his slow combos...

but getting Frozen Heart and Force of Nature you will need a lot of health to your Atma's Impaler so I agree with atmogs... but i fell tenacity is a must on every tanky role champion

about Flash or Ghost I don't know, Flash is good, but as said above by Khazem, can be countered by CC or another flash... but Ghost, if you don't have the time to get distance isn't good, and cannot chase through walls
Thx for Nyoike for this sig! Tanks FTW s2
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PsiGuard's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 23, 2011 12:52pm | Report
I'm starting to think two builds are in order.

1 looking like jhoi's (or mine ^^) with a lot of armor and dodge chance for a 3 AD, 2 AP team.
1 without dodge that has a healthier amount of MR for a 3 AP, 2 AD team. Also taking merc's.

That might solve a lot of the "situational" issues Jeffy brought up. Would also make all the non-dodge merc users happy, while keeping the awesome dodge build for those of us who appreciate it.

I know you don't like having multiple builds jhoi, but I think Nasus might be worthy of 2 cheatsheets.

@Jeffy: I know I probably shouldn't be picking apart other people's builds in this thread, but in what universe is dodge NOT a counter for Irelia and Jax? I laned against a Jax yesterday and rushed Ninja Tabi, which allowed me to solo him easily. Dodge chance is also the only way to 'block' true damage from Hiten Style.

And Quicksilver Sash is not a core item on a tank at all. Most super-hard CC and heavy DoTs won't be wasted on the 'tank'. The only time I would use QSS as a core item would be on Kog'Maw, and perhaps not even on him. It's just a complete waste of a slot if you don't need it for some specific reason.
Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the sig!
Beeswarm17's Forum Avatar
Jun 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 23, 2011 1:00pm | Report
Nasus's kit absolutely hammers AD champs. If you're choosing Nasus, there's almost no reason to not spec him out to deal with the AD. My thoughts regarding tenacity is any CC sent your way is a CC not directed at your carry, therefore I don't mind tanking and taking the CC.

But when you think about some of the top picks for junglers and top laners, more often than not, AD characters come to mind. Jax, Udyr, Lee Sin, Nocturne, Garen, Irelia, Jarvan, etc. Tabi work very well against most of these champs, if not for the dodge, then for the armor.

How hard is it to look at the opponent in your lane and think, "Hmm... magic or physical?" and pick between the two? More often than not, I run across AD champs top. Tabi aren't a bad choice.

I really like Fortitude quints (maybe that's why I don't like veteran's scars), but I can see the reasoning why you chose MS quints. I like when Nasus can haul *** across the map. He can chase almost anyone down. The rest are fine. I tend to get flat MR glyphs, but that's because I don't like my glyphs to be too "focused". (Bad pun, sorry)

I have no problems with the masteries, really. There's no real need for offense tree, and I'm not really a fan of Ardor or Tenacity (in the masteries). I'm not a huge fan of Veteran's Scars either, though, so my suggestion is to go for 0/9/21 masteries, with the dodge spec and 2 points in Resistance and Hardiness. I do think I'll miss the mastery point in Exhaust, though. I wish there was a spot for it.

Summoner Spells:
No problems here. Teleport, Flash, and Exhaust are all good choices for him. I like having both Flash and Exhaust, but sometimes you really want that teleport ability. It just depends on what you prefer, I guess.

Skill Sequence:
There's a question here? Yeah, that order is the way to go. Maxing E first is only if you're desperate to get them away from your tower.
<Altruistic Artist>
JEFFY40HANDS's Forum Avatar
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Aug 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 23, 2011 1:19pm | Report
Dodge is too RNG and I mentioned that those champs have single target skills built in. Yes they do use AAs but they also have skills that aren't dodgeable which deal magic damage. As well as CC which can be the determining factor in making it to safety or winding up dead just shy of your turret. I'm not saying Ninja Tabi or Dodge ISN'T useful. Saying that IMO there are better options. If Udyr was solo top I'd still get Mercs considering he mostly deals magic damage with Wilding Claw and Wingborne Storm even though he's considered a physical off tank.

As well I'd hope getting ninja tabi was to deal with the fact that the opposing team had 3 AD champs, not simply to counter Jax.

As for QSS....With Nasus' ultimate being able to cleanse off an Ignite or an Exhaust for general purposes is reason enough to grab it. He's an OFF TANKY DPS. Who can deal substantial damage with a well farmed Q+Sheen proc. It behooves an enemy team to make sure he's taken out of the fight relatively quickly. In team fights when I play an AD champ (ranged or melee) I'll often exhaust a secondary target to keep them out of play for the time it takes us to focus whoever we're focusing. QSS is warranted in a multitude of situations, but then again I simply suggested it as an alternative item. Not "situational" but an alternative. It's stronger than most people give it credit for imo.
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