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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.


Through three years of playing League of Legends I often used Mobafire build guides to improve my gameplay. I am grateful to people with perfect guides, otherwise noowbies like me would never become better players. :D

So, this is my first blog and as a beginner I would like to say few words about my experience on Mobafire. Recently I joined Mobafire and in two days I have published two build guides. Considering I didn't know url coding, those guides were arid and completely opposite of beautiful. Than I got linked "Making a Guide" thanks to Foxy Riven. Now, no matter how good looking they are, I always want to primp them up. I'll leave links of my build guides below this text, I would love if you could check them:

Diana, Chosen of the moon ☽ , ♔ Unstoppable Jungling Ⅵ ♔

New to MobaFire

I'm writing this to myself, I'm rather new to MOBAfire.

I thank mobafire for the help and guides they have written to me. I started way back when they just made Thresh (not too long ago), and my friends told me to search up MOBAfire guides. The guides here have really helped me out and brought me up to Silver 2. Thanks for the guides, community!

Thoughts on Lustboy replacing Gleeb

Before I share my thoughts on this roster change, I would like to say that I have been a TSM fan since season 1. I've watched and followed the team from the old baylife era to the current new TSM era.

Now, this roster change brings a lot of questions. Will TSM have enough time to adapt to this change and create good team synergy with Lustboy? Will the Turtle/Lustboy duo perform better than the Turtle/Gleeb duo? Will TSM have communication problems with the addition of Lustboy? How good will they be as a team if their communication and synergy is good? I will give my personal opinion on all of these questions and some additional questions as well!

Will TSM have enough time to adapt to this change and create good team synergy with Lustboy?

A tricky question. I think it's definitely possible. Remember when Bjergsen first came and Dyrus said that the transition was really easy because he meshed really well with the team? This could happen with Lustboy as well. However, the language bar…

Champion select in Ranked

Before we begin, this is not a whine post where I complain about my losses and blame teammates. This is just me voicing my opinion on the trending picks in Ranked.

Now, is it just me or has champion select in ranked been extra annoying lately? Every single game I either have a Renekton who loses his lane in the early game and goes 1/5 (and builds only damage) or a Jungle Rengar/Eve/Lee Sin that manages to get a few kills early game and is useless for the rest of the game. Why are these picks a problem you ask? Because people don't seem to understand the scaling/power levels of these champs.

Lee Sin and Renekton are obviously early game champions. If players can't win their lanes and/or make plays with these champions early in the game, why bother picking them? It just makes no sense.

And the Rengar pick..oh boy..the Rengar pick. One of the reasons why I think it's acceptable to hate the LCS is because of the things they bring into it. Just in-case some of you aren't aware, in LCS th…

I was noticed!

During today's LCS matches, my tweet was read on air! ^_^ Wohoo~!

I always tweet when they ask the question of the day but my tweets have never been read on air until now. Pretty cool to see my twitter on the LCS stream xD

Well that's it about this post. Sorry haha. Just felt like bragging about it xD

Thanks for reading! <3 (LOL I just realized I put the wrong pic...I changed it now though! xD)

4.12 Lucian thoughts


Wanted to talk a little bit about the "new" Lucian as it seems to be the biggest change in the patch or at least the change that is getting the most attention. My first opinion was RIP Lucian 7/2014 but I've changed that opinion. The changes were the following:

-Base attack range lowered from 550 to 500

-Piercing Light (Q) range lowered from 550 to 500

-Piercing Light (Q) mana cost now 50/55/60/65/70 from 60/65/70/75/80

-Relentless Pursuit (E) now reads Whenever Lightslinger (his passive) hits an enemy, relentless Pursuit’s cooldown is reduced by 1 second (doubles to 2 seconds Vs enemy champions)

-Relentless Pursuit (E) mana cost has been reduced to 0 from 60/45/30/15/0

Nerf wise:

Discussing the Doom Bots (of DOOM)

Warning, reading ahead:

So, I did indeed play the game mode, but before I discuss what actually occurred I will talk about what I heard before playing against the bots.

Some people had talked about how easy it was, while others found difficulty. I suppose this would be expected with player skill levels and all, even some ranked players struggled. Also I had heard that it wasn't very fun either. I'm not so sure myself whether I enjoyed it or not, but feel free to let me know if you did or not.

Anywho, I did my first game as Braum, and decided to just go tanky. My lane partner, Lucian and I went up against a

Do we need coaches?

I felt like I wanted to do some writing and I usually do writing for myself on my own website but for now I think it's not a bad idea to use Mobafire to at least express myself to some people.

So coaching, it's really quite popular in tradional sports and even in professional League of Legends. We hear about professional teams needing a coach to help them get better in League of Legends and so the question is quite simple. For a normal player like myself and probably yourself, do we need coaches to make ourselves better and in relaity the answer is quite simple.

Do we wish to get better faster?

Everyone can learn how to play League of Legends without a coach but the knowledge a coach can give to you, that's what is interesting. I'm not saying we need a coach to get better in League of legends because everyone can get better but it's the amount of time it takes to get better, that's the question. I like to play League of Legends because it's fun platform is fun and there …

Game Making & Development - Review of TESV: Skyrim

Now with the recent Skyrim activity here on MOBAFire, where most people seem to be quite pleased with the game itself, or at least pleased once it has been modded, I felt that it was a great time to do an official review on the game in a brand new series that I'll happily call GMD! Which stands for, Game Making & Development. Yes very clever, I am well aware.

Before I start off, I must stress that I will look at every aspect of the game, and most of you will probably argue that I am nitpicky or simply expect too much. So if you're one of those people, I suggest that you quit reading right now, and go back to playing Call of Duty 78: Futuristic Warriors Evolved or whatever. Also, I will give this game an honest review; if I find anything good then I'll point it out, although, don't worry, that won't take long.

Generally this is all a matter of opinion, except when it's my opinion, then it's right. Oh, also, MissMaw got Platinum.
Table of Contents
  1. The Set-Up
  2. The Ma

New MOBA (Gigantic): Your guys' thoughts?

So, I saw this new trailer for the MOBA Gigantic, and was wondering what you guys thought of it. The visuals look good, and from the brief in-game clip it looks like it's a third-person view. A brief summary of it:

A team action game developed by Seattle-area studio Motiga, where heroes battle alongside a massive guardian in a fight for supremacy.

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide