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Recommended Items
Runes: Sorcery Secondary
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order W>E>Q (Recommended)
Colossal Smash (PASSIVE)
Galio Passive Ability
Galio Support is a fairly niche pick that ends up being incredibly effective into certain matchups. He's got fairly good engage, outplay potential, and forces the enemy into playing a certain way to avoid your ult and disruptive nature.
Overview: Pros/Cons
+ Strong engage potential, able to taunt a whole team + Naturally tanky + Surprising damage potential + Very powerful ult with lots of range + Extra strong against teams with high magic damage Galio Support is able to act as a very powerful guardian for his team, helping his ADC obtain kills on one end of the map before ulting to save his jungler brawling on the other. His mere existence makes the enemy play differently as he may show up to assist a teammate and turn a fight at any time. |
- Slow - Reactable - Team-Reliant Because of this, Galio therefore relies on his team. He can't Hero's Entrance onto himself meaning, if he wants to get any mileage out of it, he needs a teammate to target. He also isn't super effective at doing damage alone especially because all of his abilities have a noticeable start up to them. |
Overview: Summoners
Flash: Nearly all champions need Flash as it is the most flexible summoner spell in the game. Galio used to be able to Flash during his Shield of Durand but sadly he no longer has this combo. He can still flash first before casting the ability though it gives the enemy more time to react. | |
Exhaust: A safer pick that scales well into the game. Ideal against burst or a particularly fed opponent, alongside having a slow to help setup kills. | |
Ignite: A summoner spell best used for lanes you believe you are going to win as it allows you to finish off opponents after an all-in. |
There are two main rune choices for Galio Support, one for a massive speed-boost, and one for general tankiness.
Runes: Resolve
Aftershock effectively allows Galio to taunt multiple targets, or attempt to charge directly into the enemy team and still survive, making it easily the best keystone for Galio. Guardian isn't a terrible choice, especially because Hero's Entrance actually readies Guardian on the target on-cast meaning you can potentially save a teammate's life somewhat like a Shen. |
Biscuit Delivery is ideal for sustain in lane with additional mana as Galio has the tendency of being poked down and running out of mana. He can optionally sell the biscuits for additional gold. |
Runes: Inspiration
Prototype: Omnistone is an incredibly unpopular Keystone which revolves around randomness. Now for a Support Galio, your major keystone is not all that important. The focus of the Inspiration tree is bringing Hextech Flashtraption anyway, but Prototype: Omnistone is not even a bad keystone and, instead, requires you to play around what you get. It's also not entirely random as you are more likely to get certain keystones depending on the situation. Unsealed Spellbook, on the other hand, is objectively less random than Prototype: Omnistone but also a lot less fun.... That being said, the ability to choose what summoner spell to use is strong throughout the game. |
Celerity applies to nearly everything you have, including your Q, Nimbus Cloak, your items. The speed boost it provides is fairly substantial. |
Galio Support is very fun and effective. Consider trying him on occasion.
Thanks to @JHOIJHOI's exceptional guide on making guides which can be found here: Making A Guide
This guide is heavily based off of my Volibear guide. You can check that out too.
Thanks to @JHOIJHOI's exceptional guide on making guides which can be found here: Making A Guide
This guide is heavily based off of my Volibear guide. You can check that out too.
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