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Choose Champion Build:
- AD Nasus
- AP Nasus
- Testing Nasus
Recommended Items
Runes: Healing
+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Consistent Option
Ability Order
Soul Eater (PASSIVE)
Nasus Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Show All
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
I have no experience against this champ so I have to assume it is bad.
Have cat hit 6 then sit on you
Have cat hit 6 then sit on you
Champion Build Guide
- Fleet Footwork
- Triumph
- Legend: Tenacity
- Last Stand
- Second Wind
- Unflinching
- Ability Haste
- Armor
- Armor
- Sheen
- Plated Steelcaps
- Hullbreaker
- Divine Sunderer
- Frozen Heart
- Spirit Visage
- Gargoyle Stoneplate
- Fleet Footwork
- Triumph
- Legend: Tenacity
- Last Stand
- Second Wind
- Unflinching
- Ability Haste
- Armor
- Armor
- Sheen
- Plated Steelcaps
- Hullbreaker
- Divine Sunderer
- Frozen Heart
- Spirit Visage
- Gargoyle Stoneplate
Howdy Reader and welcome to A Bronze Player's Guide to! This one is on Nasus!
I am SirGRC, I am a bronze player. I started playing right before preseason 10 came out. I do not have a main or even a small pool of champions I like to play, probably why I am bronze. Currently I am back in the top-lane while playing a little bit of everything as I try to figure who to main! I have been enjoying Nasus as of recent as he scales much harder than I remember, and it is pretty funny running people down.
As I said earlier, I enjoy making builds for champions, even if I do not play them. If there is a champion, you would like to see me do next do not hesitate to message me!
If you have any questions, suggestions, or criticisms then leave a comment!
I am SirGRC, I am a bronze player. I started playing right before preseason 10 came out. I do not have a main or even a small pool of champions I like to play, probably why I am bronze. Currently I am back in the top-lane while playing a little bit of everything as I try to figure who to main! I have been enjoying Nasus as of recent as he scales much harder than I remember, and it is pretty funny running people down.
As I said earlier, I enjoy making builds for champions, even if I do not play them. If there is a champion, you would like to see me do next do not hesitate to message me!
If you have any questions, suggestions, or criticisms then leave a comment!
Pros and Cons
Ability Breakdown
Fury of the Sands 6 / 11 / 16 #2. Siphoning Strike 1 / 4 / 5 / 7 / 9 #3. Wither 2 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 13 #4. Spirit Fire 3 / 14 / 15 / 17 / 18 |
With Nasus, the first three levels are going to be put into his Q, Siphoning Strike, then his W, Wither, and finally his E, Spirit Fire. The reason Siphoning Strike is leveled first is because the main part of his kit is doing a bunch of damage with his Q so by leveling it first you can start stacking it sooner. You level W, Wither, second because it is a wonderful tool to help engage or disengage from a fight. Finally, you should level up E Spirit Fire because despite its high mana cost and low damage it will also reduce enemy armor which will allow for a stronger Q. For maxing Nasus's abilities you should be maxing the abilities in the same order, though keep in mind you should be leveling Fury of the Sands as often as possible. Siphoning Strike will be maxed first because it will reduce the cooldown of the ability as well as ramp up the damage with it too. Then, Wither because of how slow champions will be moving when it is applied to them as well as how slowly they will attack. Finally, Spirit Fire is leveled last because of how high the cost of the ability becomes. |
Summoner Spells
Rune Options
FLEET FOOTWORK Fleet Footwork is one of the better runes to take as it will allow you to heal up easily and not need to back as frequently when you at bullied out of minion waves. |
TRIUMPH A free heal and some bonus gold, there really is not anything too special to say. Triumph is a great rune choice and is arguably the best of the three. |
LEGEND: ALACRITY There isn't anything wrong with taking Legend: Alacrity because it will help get enemy champion or enemy minions into Q range faster. Though I would only take it when there is not a lot of crowd control on the enemy team. |
LEGEND: TENACITY I think that Legend: Tenacity is the best of the three legends. This is because if I can spend even half a second less inside of a root then that is half a second I can use to run or fight. |
LAST STAND Gain bonus damage the lower your health becomes. I prefer this over Coup de Grace because you get the bonus damage sooner, though it is a little less. |
DEMOLISH Demolish is nice but between Siphoning Strike and Divine Sunderer you would have more than enough damage to take multiple plates from tower and take towers swiftly. |
CONDITIONING Conditioning is an interesting and situational pick as it gives a fairly large boost to defense however unlike Bone Plating and Second Wind picking this will leave you very vulnerable if you cannot survive until the 12 minute mark. |
SECOND WIND Second Wind is an amazing pick as most will try to poke you out of lane and this will help keep you around to heal back up. |
BONE PLATING Bone Plating is okay, it helps preventing all-ins but it is super easy to proc and because of its long cooldown it can become rather worthless. |
OVERGROWTH Overgrowth is an amazing option as more health will mean you are harder to kill and all you really need is to be around things when they die. |
REVITALIZE Revitalize is probably the worst choice of the three options in the bottom tree of Resolve. Although Nasus heals from his passive and you will usually build a Spirit Visage there are better choices to make as getting some grievous wounds will ruin the rune. |
UNFLINCHING Unflinching is great for teams with a lot of crowd control because the more damage taken will grant higher tenacity. It is rather situational though because if they have very little forms of crowd control then it will be rather worthless. I would say it is the best of the three as the less time you are spent in a cc the more time you can be fighting or running. |
Items For Nasus
DORAN'S SHIELD Starting Doran's Shield will be the best of the starting options as it gives the most health and comes with a budget Second Wind. Buying this when stacking it with Fleet Footwork and Second Wind will drastically improve your ability to stay in lane. |
CULL Cull is an interesting but viable start. Because you will be playing things safe and farming anyways this item will reward you for it and allow you to hit item power spikes faster. It will also heal for the same amount as Doran's Blade when auto attacking champions, about 10 HP, and more when attacking minions, 3 HP. |
CORRUPITNG POTION If you are having trouble with mana then starting Corrupting Potion can work though I would try and work on your spending as it isn't as good as any of the other options. |
DIVINE SUNDERER Your options are very limited as there are only a few items that are built from Sheen and Divine Sunderer is going to be your best one. To begin with the mythic passive gives armor and magic penetration which is useful as Nasus does both physical damage and magical damage. Next, the sheen passive the item gives will do monstrous damage to towers. Finally, when hitting a champion with the sheen passive it will heal you for bonus damage. |
TRINITY FORCE Trinity Force is the other worthwhile mythic for Nasus. This is because it gives nothing but good stats. It gives damage, health, attack speed, and ability haste. There is also it's mythic passive which gives even damage and ability haste and it includes move speed too! |
IONIAN BOOTS OF LUCIDITY These boots are arguably the best out of the ones listed because they are the cheapest and will give ability haste which then allows for faster abilities to be used. |
SORCERER'S SHOES These shoes are eh at best. They don't really provide anything useful to Nasus even if you are going AP. |
PLATED STEELCAPS These are great boots especially into AD heavy teams or even if it an AD top laner and AD jungler. |
MERCURY'S TREADS These are also great boots which work well into AP teams, cc heavy teams, or an AP top laner and AP jungler. |
GARGOYLE STONEPLATE Although I would not recommend building as a fourth item, I do believe it is an amazing item nevertheless, especially with the shield it provides. It will also give a lot of bonus resistance when you are fighting multiple enemies at once. |
HULLBREAKER Hullbreaker is an amazing item to rush even before mythic but get sheen first. It will make both you and cannon very tanky and much harder to deal with. However, it does come with the problem of you locking in 'split pusher' as your role. Although you can still team fight, you will become significantly squishier because of it. |
FROZEN HEART This will be one of the better armor options. It will slow attack speed of anybody nearby as well as reduce any incoming damage. If there are a lot of crit champions then Randuin's Omen might be a better choice. |
DEAD MAN'S PLATE Although I have not built this item in a while, as the armor it provides isn't the greatest, it is very good as a movement item. |
THORNMAIL This will be your grievous option to cut down on healing, though you could try about build Chempunk Chainsword. |
SPIRIT VISIAGE /color] If the enemy team isn't building grievous wounds or if you need some magic resist I would highly recommend getting this item as it will boost the healing you do. |
fORCE OF NATURE This is an insane magic resist item that is too good to pass up on. It is better than Spirit Visage in terms of magic resist so if the enemy team is heavy on magic damage or if they have been building grievous wounds, I would recommend this. |
I think Nasus has very boring items to build, and I want to start testing items out just to spice things up. It probably won't be anything massive or game breaking but something to just make Nasus more interesting. I plan on listing runes or items and within their category I will explain why I think they could be a good item to build or take and hopefully I can answer if they are worthwhile or not!
Death's Dance
Thank You
I wanted to say thank you for getting this far in the guide, it means a lot that you have read it or have come here to see what I am thanking you for. It would mean a lot to leave comments especially if its ways I can improve both the guide and my Nasus gaming. So once again, thank you. It means a lot that you have read this bronze player's guide.
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