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Choose Champion Build:
- Attack Speed Lulu Bot Wrecker
- True Support Bottom
- Standard AP Lulu
- Top Lane Tankulu
- Top Lane Partner
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Pix, Faerie Companion (PASSIVE)
Lulu Passive Ability
Okay, I'm just letting you guys know:
1) I don't play ranked.
2) I don't play League a lot (uhhh let's just say I'm a girl from a strict asian family). Ey- but when I'm in college, this will CHANGE. Mwahahahah
3) Nevertheless, I think I'm pretty good at making builds and daydreaming about future games
4) I was introduced to League right before Jinx was released...season 3? So I am not a TOTAL noob.
5) Lulu is my most played champion. I got my first penta (in ARAM) with the first build.
But since I don't play a lot... it's not that many games
Okay so onto the build. TRY IT AND TELL ME HOW IT GOES!!!
Please comment, I'm open to improvements ^^
This guide is meant to be used for one for all. can still play it in a normal game.
Okay, so here's how you start.
Play it safe by getting E first.
This can be used as a shield or early game poke.
You're supp Lulu (one for all) should get W first to whimsy enemy champs. Self explanatory there.
However, it is also in you're supp's interest to whimsy YOU in all ins. While you use whimsy on the enemy champion.
Whimsy on an allied champ not only gives you movement speed, but also ATTACK SPEED; increasing your DPS. I KNOW- Great strategy. I'm prob not the first to think of it.
E/ Help Pix is a way to get both enemies slowed with Glitterlance (Q). Use skills wisely!
You are the "ADC" so you won't have a large mana pool or CDR to constantly CC or save your butt in danger.
Play it safe by getting E first.
This can be used as a shield or early game poke.
You're supp Lulu (one for all) should get W first to whimsy enemy champs. Self explanatory there.
However, it is also in you're supp's interest to whimsy YOU in all ins. While you use whimsy on the enemy champion.
Whimsy on an allied champ not only gives you movement speed, but also ATTACK SPEED; increasing your DPS. I KNOW- Great strategy. I'm prob not the first to think of it.
E/ Help Pix is a way to get both enemies slowed with Glitterlance (Q). Use skills wisely!
You are the "ADC" so you won't have a large mana pool or CDR to constantly CC or save your butt in danger.
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