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Hello, my name is Tehqo and this is my magnificent guide to the AP Godyr Jungle. I hope you can learn things from this guide and gain that nice freelo. I was ranked gold in Season 5 (wowsonoob), which means that I wasn't really high up there on the ladder but that won't stop me from teaching you the wayyys...
For now, the guide is still fresh, so there isn't much to it. But if somehow, this guide manages to get popular, I'll even add some videos in for better explanations.
This guide is based on papa Trick's build.
For now, the guide is still fresh, so there isn't much to it. But if somehow, this guide manages to get popular, I'll even add some videos in for better explanations.
This guide is based on papa Trick's build.
- Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed: This is a very important part of your runes because these quints will make it possible for you to run at the speed of sound. You'll be able to run from one point of the map to another extremely fast and you can't run straight for the carry during teamfights. These are also great for split pushing and picking off enemy champions. These runes + bear stance + zz'rot + swiftness boots + alacrity = sonic
- Greater Mark of Attack Speed: The attack speed runes will help proc the Phoenix Stance passive faster. This will be good because that passive is great for wave clear and is your main damage dealing ability.
- Greater Glyph of Scaling Cooldown Reduction: With your cooldown reduction scaling into the mid-game late-game, you'll be able to spam your bear stance a lot to gain speed. This will help you travel around the map faster with your Movement Speed Quints.
Not only that but you can also spam your other abilities to proc sheen on turrets or to keep yourself alive with Turtle Stance
- Greater Seal of Armor: I don't think I need to explain this. ;)
Mastery Explanations
*Why not go Thunderlord's Decree? It's OP.*Well, to be completely honest... Thunderlord's Decree is complete trash on . The only good keystone for jungle right now is . Just bare with me for a second alright?
To make things simple, I won't make the explanations complicated and I'll get straight the the point with each ability. I will also be explaining when and how to use them.
Monkey's Agility
Basically, by using your abilities, you'll be granted extra movement speed and attack speed.
With this passive, you can siege towers easily by spamming abilities (to gain attack speed) and procing your sheen by spamming your abilities. This can also help you escape from sticky situations by spamming and .
Tiger Stance
This skill basically makes you gain attack speed and do extra AD damage.
You can use this to get objectives (towers) faster. You will usually be maxing this skill last because it really has no other use for this type of build other than that.
Turtle Stance
This skill basically gives you a nice shield and some life steal to go along with it.
Use this to soak in damage and/or get health back. You'll be maxing this second because it is extremely useful. You usually manage to live from intense fights because of this ability
Bear Stance
This skill basically makes you run faster and lets you stun people with auto-attacks.
You will be using this skill a lot to get around the map quickly since it gives you a ton of movement speed. You'll also want to run straight to the carry during the teamfight with to instantly stun them. Make sure you use first before going in since it will help you soak in some damage. You'll be maxing this 3rd.
Phoenix Stance
You shoot hot fire. but I'm not a rapper
You will be maxing this ability first because it is your main damage dealer. It has great wave clear and does a pretty decent amount of damage when building AP. You'll want to take advantage of the Double Fire combo. More on that later on...
Monkey's Agility
Basically, by using your abilities, you'll be granted extra movement speed and attack speed.
With this passive, you can siege towers easily by spamming abilities (to gain attack speed) and procing your sheen by spamming your abilities. This can also help you escape from sticky situations by spamming and .
Tiger Stance
This skill basically makes you gain attack speed and do extra AD damage.
You can use this to get objectives (towers) faster. You will usually be maxing this skill last because it really has no other use for this type of build other than that.
Turtle Stance
This skill basically gives you a nice shield and some life steal to go along with it.
Use this to soak in damage and/or get health back. You'll be maxing this second because it is extremely useful. You usually manage to live from intense fights because of this ability
Bear Stance
This skill basically makes you run faster and lets you stun people with auto-attacks.
You will be using this skill a lot to get around the map quickly since it gives you a ton of movement speed. You'll also want to run straight to the carry during the teamfight with to instantly stun them. Make sure you use first before going in since it will help you soak in some damage. You'll be maxing this 3rd.
Phoenix Stance
You shoot hot fire. but I'm not a rapper
You will be maxing this ability first because it is your main damage dealer. It has great wave clear and does a pretty decent amount of damage when building AP. You'll want to take advantage of the Double Fire combo. More on that later on...
There are only 2 jungle clears that I would recommend you to use.
Smite Gromp and Smite Red
Video Soon!
Smite Gromp and Smite Red
Video Soon!
Option 1
Smite Gromp and Smite Red
Video Soon!
Option 2
Smite Gromp and Smite Red
Video Soon!
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