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Karma Build Guide by Tauricus2017

ADC Attack Speed Karma

ADC Attack Speed Karma

Updated on November 5, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Tauricus2017 Build Guide By Tauricus2017 15,629 Views 0 Comments
15,629 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Tauricus2017 Karma Build Guide By Tauricus2017 Updated on November 5, 2020
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Lethal Tempo
Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity
Cut Down

Nimbus Cloak
Gathering Storm

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Champion Build Guide

Attack Speed Karma

By Tauricus2017
Karma is a great champion at all lanes with great peel, disengage and mainly poke thanks to her trading abilties. However only very little people know that her passive, Gathering Fire, reduces the cooldown of Mantra by 1 second (later 2 seconds on higher levels) when you auto attack an enemy champion. This is technically considered an on-hit effect by the game itself, meaning that Runaan's Hurricane allows you to increase this number by up to 3x, while Guinsoo's Rageblade allows you to double this number on every third auto attack. This way, with enough attack speed, we can basically fully reload Mantra in a single teamfight around 5 or 6 times, which is what I will be focusing on in this guide. Enjoy <3
When to build AP on Karma?

Attack speed Karma is super fun to play. The way you just spam your empowered abilties ultra fast, randomly in the fight is just crazy, the idea is unique and really interesting. Never forget that learning new things and having fun should be your main priorities in LoL!You saw nothing. You saw nothing. You saw nothing. You saw nothing.

This build can shred through tanky Armor stacking opponents, like a knife through butter. Thanks to items like Guinsoo's Rageblade, Blade of the Ruined King or Runaan's Hurricane, you might become a monster your enemies won't be able to deal with at any cost. You saw nothing. You saw nothing. You saw nothing. You saw nothing.

Attack speed Karma is super versatile in terms of literraly everything. You can play her on any lane you want, you deal a mixed damage from your spells and autoattacks, you have root in your kit as well movement speed boost, shield and sustain. Your Inner Flame allows you to control minion waves and you will stay relevant teammate even when behind!
Pros & Cons


→ Good Early Poke
→ Great Late Game DPS
→ Good Disengage
→ Tank-Shredder
→ Mantra Resets
→ Solid Wave Managment


→ Basically A Trollbuild
→ Can't Be Played On Support Role
→ Report Magnet
→ Glass Cannon
→ Expensive Items
→ Requires Kiting Skill
Runes Detailed


As our build will be focused on reducing cooldown of Mantra by our basic attacks, it is a sure thing that we will need as much attack speed as humanly possible. For this reason we have Lethal Tempo. This rune allows us to get the most out of our powerful on-hit effects and increases our late game DPS sygnificantly. Great keystone rune in all situations. I heared that Hail of Blades might also be good but the problem is that we don't care about the first few seconds of the teamfights, we build Guinsoo's Rageblade because we want to be blastin' in longer teamfights and for the same reason we go Lethal Tempo over Hail of Blades.
Our build features only very little ways of mana regeneration because most of the attack speed items don't provide this kind of stat or aren't good enough in general. For this reason we have Presence of Mind to cover up this weakness for us.
legend alacrity gives us even more attack speed for our Gathering Fire and on-hit effects. It works well with Lethal Tempo and gives us more DPS. Against heavy CC enemies like Lissandra or Morgana, you can definitely go for Legend: Tenacity for better survivability.
As our build is supposed to be aimed at destroying tanks, you will usually want to go for Cut Down. If you are against too many squishy targets, attack speed Karma won't be a good choice anyway, however in case that that would happen, you can go for Coup de Grace for higher burst damage.
Attack Speed is a super great rune that helps our early game and supports some on-hit items in our build as well. Adaptive Force is great simply for more raw damage. Then go for rather Tenacity and Slow Resist or Shield depending on your enemies' teamcomp.
Summoner Spells
Karma has no real way to escape quickly from sticky situations. She has no dash or blink in her kit making her a sweet and affordable prey for pretty much everyone with some form of damage. That's why Flash is here for us. It is probably the most universal summoner spell in the game - allowing us to escape death, chase kills, cancel ability animations, getting unexpectable Inner Flame or dodging important abilities.

Heal is a great choice on average lanes when playing on bot lane. It allows you to keep both you and your lane partner nice and safe, while chasing kills or turning fights around. It pairs really well with Ardent Censer, allowing you to proc it on yourself and a person you healed without any cast time whatsoever. This rune is also especially good with Nimbus Cloak.

Barrier is a great choice on mid lane. It allows you to survive strong burst damage combos or frequent ganks and is just a very powerful summoner spell in general. You can also use it to bait enemies under your turret for free kills or to win very close duels as well as to block some really predictable abilities like Requiem.

Teleport is a phenomenal summoner spell when playing on top lane as it allows you to get faster to your lane and not miss any important CS. It also works very well as a way to quickly appear on ongoing mapo bjective like elemental dragon or to save your allies from getting killed when ganked. It has a high cooldown so always think twice before really using it as this summoner spell can change games all by itself.
Items Detailed
Attack Speed King
Nashor's Tooth provides absolutely insane stats for its cost. The attack speed is super important in our Gathering Fire oriented build and the AP is good to make all our basic abilities scale in effectiveness. The 20% CDR is also super useful as we can spam abilities more often. The on-hit damage combines super well with our other on-hit related items like Runaan's Hurricane or Guinsoo's Rageblade

Mantra Overload
Great item that allows you to spread your on-hit effects as well as basic attacks themselves on up to 3 additional targets. Meaning that by 1 auto attack you can reduce the cooldown of Mantra by up to 6 seconds for every auto attack thanks to Gathering Fire. That's not everything though. This item also allows you to superquickly manage waves and deal with mutiple enemies at once during a teamfight. Super great and essential item for our strategy.

Machine Gun
Guinsoo's Rageblade is a very strong late game oriented item that is able to double up the effectiveness of your on-hit effects on every 3rd auto attack. Meaning that it can double the on-hit effect of itself while also doubling the effect of items like Nashor's Tooth, Blade of the Ruined King or Ardent Censer or Karma's passive - Gathering Fire. It may be hard to stack this item up, but when you do, you will become a monster of the teamfights.

Support In Disguise
Super underrated item for attack speed champions. By shielding your teammate you both get a bonus attack speed and on-hit damage (that can be doubled by Guinsoo's Rageblade). Thanks to Inspire enhanced by Mantra you can apply this buff on a whole team If you want and all that shielding gets increased by this item as well. Great stats for small cost is another great note about this item.

Burst Damage
With our very frequent ability uses, thnx to max CDR and Gathering Fire, we can definitely afford to buy Lich Bane as our additional damage source. It scales well with our AP items, prvides cool stats and is just a well overall adition to your build If you plan on being more burst damage-ish

When facing a lot of tanky enemies, it is definitely worth to consider buying Blade of the Ruined King. Stats this item provides are solid, the active can get you out of sticky situation or make Focused Resolve easier to proc while the on-hit damage allows you to shred through tanky opponents or opponents that plan on buying HP items like Vladimir. The on-hit effect gets even stronger If you bought Guinsoo's Rageblade!

Magic Defence
If you found yourself getting bursted down very often by annoying AP mages like Syndra or AP assassins like Fizz, then it might be the right time to buy Wit's End, this item provides you really niche stats for even more damage + lil sustain as well as the very needed magic resist. Wit's End is a great situational item in tought times.

Early Game

During the early game, you always want to play very passively or very aggressively. If you see that your lane opponent is an early game focused champion, make sure you are as passive as possible. Do not die at any cost so your opponent won't be able to snowball and crush the game in the very beginning. Try to deny as much gold as you possibly can from him. You can buy Corrupting Potion to stay alive and sustain yourself in lane.

If on the other hand, your opponent is a late game carry, that wants to peacefully farm to reach the inevitable victory later on, you have to play aggressive. Poke constantly with your Inner Flame, try to push him If possible so that his last hitting will get harder. Make sure you are keeping a constant vision around yourself so you don't get into too much danger this way. Buy aggressive items like Dark Seal, so you can keep the pressure up and snowball hard.

If the enemy is neither an ultra late game hyper carry nor an early game focused lane bully, you can choose your playstyle instead of countering your opponent's one. You can go for Doran's Ring to pressure your opponent in the early game while still being strong in late game or you can go for Cull to get a bit worse early game but a bit better late game. The choice is yours.

By all means never stop last hitting minions. Those little guys are just worth so much gold, that it would be an absolute crime to not last hit them. Seriously don't underestimate proper last hitting as it is extremely effective method to remain relevant across all stages of the game. This is triple times as important If you bought yourself Cull!! Proper last hitting > Kills!!

When you plan on recalling make sure that you recall at the right situations. If there is a big minion wave approaching your tower, recalling would be super bad idea as the enemy laner would get a giant gold advantage over you and you would fall down in power really quick. The best timings for recalls are either after you killed your opponent or after you pushed minions under the enemy turret. If you find it impossible to recall at those times, it still can be good. Every second wave consists of siege minion - the most valuable minion of them all. If you recall so that you won't lose it - you can still be alright.

Don't get pushed to your turret way too often. Keep in mind that farming under a turret is a lot harder and you will miss a lot more CS then If you'd farm normally. Also your enemies can obtain a really powerful gold advantage via turret plates. For those reasons it is important to rather push the wave and risk getting ganked or just stop the wave before it hits your turret.

Mid Game

Now that you got some reasonable purchases like Nashor's Tooth and Runaan's Hurricane, it is the right time for you to start spreading your Stealth Wards, deeper into the jungle. It is important to keep the vision around important objectives like rift herald or elemental drakes as those objectives will have really high impact on the game.

Don't waste time! Always keep doing something! Whether it is last hitting minions, poking your lane opponent, warding, roaming or just anything else - do not waste your precious time and be meaningful to your team. If somehow you would get into a situation where it really isn't safe for you to do much - at least take a look at the minimap and notify your allies about random stuff to keep them informed.

Buy yourself some Control Wards. You can use them next to your own lane for some additional safety or you can use them around an important jungle objective to keep it safe. When the enemy won't be able to see what you are doing atm, it will make it a lot harder for your enemies to steal it as they won't be able to know how much health does the objective have.
Late Game & Teamfighting

As you're approaching to the very end of the game and your build is slowly completing, it is important to take down the super objectives AKA Dragon soul, Elder dragon and baron nashor. Controlling vision and winning teamfights is key in order to take those objectives down safely.

During teamfights, consider yourself an ADC. You are super squishy and easy to kill but you are also capable of doing massive damage. For this reason it is recommended to play safe during teamfights. Sit back in the backline and wait for the right situation to follow up on. Dodge skillshots and be prepared to be focused down. Calculate possible threats like Unstoppable Force, Cataclysm or Lunar Rush and make sure you play around them as much as you can.

During teamfights make sure you are focusing the right champions. Yes your pnetration ant-tank items ( Blade of the Ruined King & Guinsoo's Rageblade) allow you to deal massive damage to tanks but focusing their main carry of the team, is much better as you will annihilate a much bigger threat and get a lot more gold. Keep an eye out on Thornmail users or champions that punish you for bad target focusing like Rammus. Ignore those as much as you can. Try to aim your autoattack to hit as many Runaan's Hurricane bolts as possible.

It is important to know that unlike with regular Karma builds, this build is focused on damage from your auto attacks and empowered Mantra abilities. This means that you should always be watching a Mantra cooldown by the very corner of your eye. Activate it as soon as it goes on and quickly cast the best ability for the current situation. Make sure you are always keeping an Ardent Censer attack speed steroid up so you deal more DPS as well as getting the most out of Lich Bane by making gaps between your attacks and abilities based on it's cooldown.

If you would get into a teamfight around important jungle objective, make sure you follow all things I said before. That is: Using Control Ward to deny nearby Stealth Wardsand keeping vision of your own in nearby area as well Destroying Blast Cone that enemy jungler could use to get to you (especially If you are red side). Don't put too high priority on the objective, If possible it is usually better to focus on the teamfight first rather then killing baron nashor while enemies are killing you.

Make sure you are putting the highest possible priority to Dragon souls (especially for an Ocean one) - both denying or establishing your own dragon soul is super game changing. Then the second highest priority goes for elder drake and baron nashor - both are super similar in effectiveness as it can vary from game to game. Lowest priority goes to Inhibitors and destroying turrets. Those really shouldn't be focused most of the times.
Thank you for reading. If you would have any ideas on how to make this guide better, feel free to state them in the comments down below. If you would have any questions, feel free to ask, I am reading all comments so don't worry about being unheared. In case you liked my guide, feel free to upvote or +rep me, it helps me a lot and I really appreciate that kind of support. Good luck and have a ravishing day <3
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