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Runes: Standard Lane (Top)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Standard (Read notes)
Threats & Synergies
D-Shield Start. I HATE this lane. She has more health, more damage, more zoning, and an actual ultimate. Freeze the lane and poke her while you are under your tower. Dodge her tentacles, and hold out. She is one of the few champions where if she does not pound lane, she does not scale. DO NOT GIVE UP KILLS, BACK WHENEVER YOU ARE LOW, and DO NOT back near her tentacles.
This synergy is great. Her burst and also sustained DPS via Threaded Volley makes her a great ganker which Jayce can capitalize on.
This synergy is great. Her burst and also sustained DPS via Threaded Volley makes her a great ganker which Jayce can capitalize on.
Champion Build Guide
Hello Summoners! My name is EvilOranges, and this is my Jayce Guide fully updated to patch 9.11! I love playing Jayce because I like tilting my laner off the face of the earth! Do you want to be like me? Of course! Stick around and read to the end. I hope you enjoy my guide, and would greatly appreciate any feedback you have. Feel free to leave any comments with questions regarding anything as well! Thank you all for taking the time to read my Jayce guide! |
Jayce is THE lane bully in the top lane. If you ask any top laner who they hate playing against, they probably will say Jayce. (Or more likely Akali or Renekton but thats a story for another time. Jayce has insane poke and burst damage, which a bad laner underestimates, and a good laner fears. He has an insane early game and a late game which provides damage and utility. |
+ Incredible lane bully + Snowballs hard + Denies CS + Most matchups are easy + Insane damage early game + Has good balance of damage, utility, and mobility Jayce is played so that he is a monster early game. All the early CS and gold are under his control. He uses his poke and burst threat to zone people away from CS, all while obtaining gold for himself. He may not be as flashy and snowbally as a Yasuo, but through CS and early kills he makes the enemy laner a walking stick (completely useless) late game while he melts anyone he sees. |
- Takes skill (Won't be too successful when starting) - Doesn't scale that well - Has 1 or 2 horrible matchups - Weak to CC Jayce has an incredible skillfloor, but it takes a while to get there. I am nowhere near the top, but I am at a floor, which takes a while to get to. He has a few almost unwinnable matchups, such as Aatrox and Illaoi. His damage late game is also reliant on hitting his Q-E or E-Q combo in cannon form, and everything in hammer form, making him easy to shut down with CC. |
Hextech Capacitor (Passive): Hextech Capacitor is a meh passive. It's OK for getting back to lane faster and escaping ganks/engaging, but something like Gangplanks passive Trial By Fire is much much better. |
To the Skies!/Shock Blast (Q):Hammer Form: To the Skies!This is a good waveclear ability that leaps to an enemy. You can use this when towerdiving to escape tower range, and is also a good engage ability. Cannon Form: Shock BlastYour main poke ability besides your auto. Good for waveclear also, but has a high mana cost. When shooting through E Acceleration Gate it increases in size, speed, and damage. (More on that below.) |
Lightning Field/Hyper Charge (W): Hammer Form: Lightning Field:Lightning Field isn't a great ability because it scales off of AP rather than AD, but it serves as a good waveclear tool. The main part of your hammer form W is the mana regen with autos. This allows Jayce to regain some of the mana he uses in lane.Cannon Form: Hyper Charge:Your cannon form W, Hyper Charge is useful because you can string together 4 autos in a row. This is the real reason why you level up W before E, because of how powerful you get with the 110% damage. To execute, auto once then W-Auto-Auto-Auto for a quick 4 shot combo. |
Thundering Blow/Acceleration Gate (E):Hammer Form: Thundering Blow:Thundering Blow is an AMAZING ability. Good disengage, good engage, good for escaping ganks, etc. I will use this on my laner when they engage on me to knock them away and switch to cannon form and combo them. Also great for ganks by say a Lee Sin by knocking him away when he jumps on you.Cannon Form: Acceleration Gate:Acceleration Gate is really used for 3 purposes. 1.Combo-ing with Q Shock Blast. 2. Engaging in lane where you need the speed boost. And 3.Running the **** away from fights. That is all. |
Mercury Hammer/Mercury Cannon (R): Not sure why a HEXTECH weapon is called a MERCURY weapon, literally unplayable, rito pls. In all seriousness though, you can't put any points into this. You start with one point in this ability, and can level up all your abilities to rank 6.Hammer Form: Mercury Hammer:When switching to hammer form, Jayce gives him magic resist and armor by 5/15/25/35 (based on level). More importantly, the first hit in this form deals damage that scales with his AD, which is really good for damage. Keep in mind that this first attack is decently powerful, which means you can deal a surprising amount of damage when CS'ing or trading.Cannon Form: Mercury Cannon:When swapping to cannon form, the first attack shreds armor and MR. I usually will always use this attack on the enemy champion before going in, as you will find that you do more damage due to reduced armor. Other than that, not much else. |
Starting Items
Core Items
After-core Items
Situational Items
Preference Items
Boot Options
The early game is THE most important part of the game for Jayce. You have insane early damage along with the poke of Summon Aery. Use your cannon form and range advantage to zone other players off of CS and poke them when they do go in. Hold off on your abilities until you are certain they cannot dodge them. The most important part is to not let them close the distance. If they close the distance you will have to play reactive. As Jayce you always want to be proactive, zoning, poking, and all-inning is all up to you.Easy matchups:Garen, Darius, and other immobile champions without range are easy to play as against Jayce. Beat them by zoning them off CS and not letting them scale. Use your range to consistently poke and trade under your own terms, and ask for repeated ganks from your jungler. ALWAYS make sure your Summon Aery is off cooldown, as it should be used on every CS attempt by the enemy. Medium matchups:Jax, Fiora, Irelia I usually classify "medium" as bruisers with dashes. The same goes with harassing and trading with a large minion wave, but now you have to play around their engage, such as Jax's Leap Strike and Irelia's Bladesurge. Use your hammer form E Thundering Blow to knock them back when they engage. Specifically against Irelia, you want to save your E until they start to all-in, not just for short trades. Stay out of your minion wave for Irelia, stay in it for other champs. If they are looking to trade they will take a ton of minion damage. Hard matchups:Illaoi, Pantheon, Aatrox Generally, these 3 matchups are the hardest. Illaoi has insane zoning power, and does way more damage while having more health, Pantheon has an extremely strong early game and can all in you easily with his passive and Aegis of Zionia, and Aatrox has way stronger levels 1 and 2, and has arguably more range than you with his Q The Darkin Blade and E Umbral Dash. I usually freeze against these 3, as your primary objective is to not let them get ahead. Even though Jayce's late game isn't extremely strong, he still is a source of reliable, good damage with his Q E combo, whereas if an Illaoi falls behind she will be squishy without good engage. Ranged matchups:Teemo, Quinn, Viktor, Kennen These matchups depend on the enemy. Teemo is good early but also scales very well. Viktor is a good all-around champion, and Quinn really wants to snowball and roam. Kennen is also a lane bully. For matchups against early game oriented champions: Kennen, Quinn, and Heimerdinger, you may not be able to poke as much without retaliation. Look for good engages with Q To The Skies! and deal as much damage as possible. These laners are squishy with high damage, but as long as you can use both Hammer form and Cannon form you should be able to beat them. For matchups against good scalers: Teemo, Viktor Look to harass and take little in return. Keep in mind that Teemo actually has longer range than you with his Q Blinding Dart, so play around bushes and look to all-in. Take Ignite against Viktor, because he is less likely to force you out of lane. Take Teleport against Teemo, as he is also strong early game. |
Slow push the wave by attacking the enemies caster minions, rather than their melees. Their caster minions deal more damage, and have less health. This comes more from experience, but here is a more in-depth video. All credit goes to Blitz Esports for this great video!
+ You can take objectives quickly + You have good mobility + You can 1v1 or 1v2 (whether or not you are ahead) + You can clear waves + The enemy team is strong at 5v5 teamfights + Your team can 4v5 + You built Black Cleaver or Triforce rather than full lethality Make sure that your team can 4v5 when you split. Generally only splitpush for tier 1 or tier 2 towers, rather than inhibitor towers. Jayce can easily 1v1 or 1v2, but he starts to fall off, and doesn't have as much mobility as a Tryndamere. |
- You are behind - You built full lethality - Your team is behind - You are getting killed while splitpushing - Your team is better at 5v5's Don't splitpush when you are behind, as you will get caught out and killed, setting you even further behind. I choose to ward and farm up rather than risk becoming completely useless. Group up with your team and pick off squishies if you built both Youmuu's Ghostblade and Duskblade. |
If you are looking for a new one-trick or just another champion to have fun on, Jayce is THE champion to play. I hope you learned something from my guide, and if you have any comments, questions or queries about my guide, feel free to post them in guide comments, and I will answer them as soon as I can get to them. Remember to Never Look back as you Fight for a Better Tommorow and Pave the Way to Face the Future and Make a Stand Without Fear For Piltover! And yes, that is a pointless sentence using Jayce's quotes and lore. Check his and his rival Viktor here! All sources by Riot Games. Jayce's Pretty Cool Bio GLHF bullying on the toplane, EvilOranges |
My In-Depth Kha'Zix Guide Here!
Thank you again for reading, and I hope to see you on future guides I write!
June 1st: Added splitpushing section
May 8th: Added some more runepages, changed the name of "Standard Mid" to "Credenda", Conqueror and Kleptomancy rune pages, and added Teemo, Tahm Kench, and Fiora matchup details. Changed skill order slightly.
April 4th: Ackkkkk. Can't believe the icon for summoner spells was smite! Changed that plus a few formatting.
January 20nd: Finally back at it! Added Early game playstyle with basic matchups, and wave management chapter!
January 3rd: Still workin' hard on adding info, adding Runes, Summoner Spells, Abilities, and Itemization to the guide.
January 2nd: Happy Belated New Year, and Hello World! Guide created with builds and Intro, Why Play?, and Pros/Cons
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