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Galio Build Guide by WhiteTar

Support Galio Support: The Unconventional Carry

Support Galio Support: The Unconventional Carry

Updated on February 6, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author WhiteTar Build Guide By WhiteTar 82,832 Views 7 Comments
82,832 Views 7 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author WhiteTar Galio Build Guide By WhiteTar Updated on February 6, 2014
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Why to play Galio support?

- Strong Laning Phase - Galio enters lane at lvl 1 with incredible stats
- His Ability Power should be comparable to the APCs at 39
- While both his Armor and Magic Resist are at a high 48
- Galio can both poke and take poke extremely well.
- Galio's early lvl 1 and 2 Ws are great for protecting your ADC from high damage and/or initiate support champions
- Galio's AOE ultimate is great for both peeling for your ADC or trapping the enemy in a fight and focusing on Galio

- Great Teamfight - See chapter labeled Team Fighting which focuses on how and when to use Galio's ultimate.
- Galio offers a slow with his Q
- Galio offers a speed up with his E
- Galio offers an overpowered Armor and Magic Resist shield with his W to protect the APC and ADC

- Decent Sieging - Galio's Q and E are quite long range and do decent damage against the enemy's squishes
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When to play Galio support?

Galio is obviously used to his fullest when he is against mostly AP champions and champions without escapes

Strong Against In Lane


Slight Advantage In Lane


Even Matchup In Lane


Slight Disadvantage In Lane


Unknown In Lane


In lane, Galio dominates many of the usual support champions and has plenty of opportunities to out play the tanky support champions. During mid to late game, Galio can have trouble with the supports if he fails to catch them in his ultimate as many of the supports have the tools to disrupt his ultimate.

Champions Who Work Well With Galio

- Ultimates Overlap
- Ultimates Overlap
- Ultimates Overlap
- Ultimates Overlap
- Ultimates Overlap
- High Poke Lane
- High Poke + Extra CC Lane
- High Poke + Tower Dive Potenial with Ultimates
- Galio Ultimate makes Vlad Ultimate Easy to Aim
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

The yellow seals of armor and the red marks of armor we get are for lane survivability. The primary damage being received from the enemy during laning phase is most likely going to be from the enemy adc. This extra armor allows us to take more poke and survive in lane longer.

The blue glyphs of magic resist we get for both early damage and survivability against a support that can normally output a large amount of damage.

The quints of ability power we get to add to our already early damage from our passive benefitting from our blue glyphs of magic resist and natural magic resist.
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The Masteries we choose for Galio are chosen primarily from the Defensive Tree, and a few coming from the Utility Tree.

We take 27 defensive masteries because we are going to play Galio as an off tank who uses his abilities primarily for utility rather than damage.Tough Skin- We aren't dealing with neutral monsters often enough

Bladed Armor- We aren't dealing with neutral monsters often enough

Swiftness- While benefitting from reducing slows by 10% is nice it isn't too important. Firstly, as Galio we can simply cast our E and our speed is increased along the path we so choose. Secondly, as Galio we can cast our Q, an AOE slow, to "kite" anyone trying to chase us using their slows. Thirdly, we are support, the enemy team is most likely not going to be focusing us and therefore we should not being dealing with too many slows.

Reinforced Armor- Having 10% reduced damage against critical chances is unnecessary. I would only suggest getting this against a team with 2 or 3 champions that thrive on Critical Chances.

Evasive- 4% reduced damage taken from AOE magic damage again is unnecessary. I would only suggest getting this against a team with 3 champions that use primarily AOE magic damage.

Runic Blessing- In my opinion, this is the worst defensive mastery unless you plan on dying a lot. It is simply 50 health that you can't ever regenerate unless you die. I would suggest always staying away from this mastery.
Meditation- The only reason we put three points into meditation is so we can spam our Q in lane as often as possible without running out of mana from lvl 1-5.
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- A must buy for Galio
- Any ole boots will really do but since I'm getting my 40% Cooldown Reduction from other items, don't need magic penetration as I'm not planning on being the primary damage dealer, I prefer the MR which works well with my passive and the extra tenacity is always a bonus
-One could also buy ninja tabis but I would only do this against an all AD comp
Talisman of Ascension - Active is great for initiation when used with ultimate
- Gold income helps us stay in the game money wise
- Since we are going to be hopefully trapping their entire team near us with our ultimate we can get off a good amount of extra damage from the passive
- I prefer this to the usual thornmail others may suggest because our sunfire is still a defensive item that does damage,but also gives us health
- This is a standard item on support to help maintain vision with replenishable wards
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Ability Explanation

- For every 1 Magic Resist Galio gains .5 Ability Power
- an AOE skill shot that deals damage and slows for 2.5 seconds; increasing both damage and slow percentage per lvl
- a shield that increases the targets Armor and Magic Resist for 4 seconds; increasing in Armor and Magic Resist per lvl; Galio is healed for each hit against a champion equipped with his shield; healing is increased per lvl
- a straight line skill shot that deals damage and leaves a trail for 5 seconds that increases allies Movement Speed when on the trail; increasing both damage and speed up percentage per lvl
- an AOE ultimate that taunts all enemy champions in the radius of the spell and when finished deals AOE damage within the same radius; damage is increased by 5% for every attack suffered during taunt up to 40% damage increase; Idol of Durand can be ended early and still deal the full damage(should be ended early against champions that have lots of tenacity
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Ability Leveling

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
The Skill Sequence of Galio for me is Q>W>Q>W>Q>R>E>Q>Q>W>R>W>W>E>E>R>E>E.

The Order of Leveling Galio should be R>Q>W>E

I rarely get Galio's E before 6 because the speed boost it offers is not drastic enough to save your adc and the damage it causes is not worth the mana. It is my opinion that leveling W to lvl 2 is better because it gives your adc 45 armor and MR for 4 seconds which is more than long enough to survive the burst of one and maybe even two enemies bursts.
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Laning Phase

With this guide's rune page and masteries Galio should enter Summoner's Rift with 39 Ability Power, fairly high Armor, fairly high Magic Resist, and with the purchase of an Ancient Coin Mana Regen that allows Galio to spam Q at lvl 1 without running out of manna too quickly.

Level 1

- MOST IMPORTANT LEVEL! As Galio, we need to land as many Qs on to the enemy ADC as possible. Each Q you land should chunk the ADC for a large portion of life and make him regret coming to bottom lane. The ADC should hesitate every time they think about going after the last hit on a minion

Level 2-5

- As Galio, we need to continue spamming and landing your Qs on to the enemy ADC. During these levels, we want to make sure we are saving a bit more mana.

- The enemy jungle should be appearing to gank and if the enemy jungler does decide to show up we need to be able to W our ADC and keep him alive.

- The enemy support should have enough abilities to initiate on our ADC and if the enemy support does decide to initiate on our ADC we need to be able to W our ADC to keep him alive, and immediately send a Q onto the enemy ADC. After using Q on the enemy ADC, close the gap to the enemy ADC use your AutoAttacks on him. If you can force the ADC out of the fight or kill him with your ignite do so. The fact that you can offer your ADC the extra Armor and Magic Resist should mean you will simply out damage the enemy ADC and support in most fights

Level 6 and Beyond

- Assuming we are still in laning phase, as Galio, we want to engage with our ultimate as often as possible. To engage we need to make sure of a few things.

Q: Where is our jungler and where is their jungler?
- If your jungler is top lane and their jungler's location is unknown it is a bad time to engage
-If your jungler is near bot lane and their jungler is in top lane it is a good time to engage
-If your jungler is near bot lane and their jungler's location is unknown it is a risky call to engage but if you think you can win the 2v2, 2v3, 3v2, or 3v3 go for it

Q: Does their team have any teleports or global ultimates?
- If no then engage at will
- If yes then engage when you are 100% sure you can get a double kill and your team is in position to pressure another objective
- If yes then engage when they are on cooldown

Q: Is the enemy ADC fed and a 2v2 going to lead to a double kill for the enemy team?
- If no then engage at will
- If yes then engage when with help of global ultimate, teleport, or jungler
- If yes then engage when the enemy ADC is overconfident and stays in lane with low health and low mana

Diving Turret

- When in laning phase, it is always tempting to dive under turret to get a kill on the adc, support, or both. As Galio, your ultimate and W are great tools to tower dive. When tower diving I always make sure of a few things.

- enemy jungler and enemy mid whereabouts
- health of enemy adc and support
- health and mana of Galio
- flash for Galio must be up

If I know the enemy jungler and enemy mid are not a threat to my adc and I if we dive I will look at the health of the enemy adc and support. If their health is a bit below half health and their mana is fairly exhausted I will check my health and mana. If my health is at 3/4 and I have enough mana to use both my ultimate and W I will FIRST PING MULTIPLE TIMES SO YOUR ADC KNOWS YOU ARE DIVING, then I will flash ultimate under turret, cast W on to myself, cast ignite on the enemy adc, and simply watch my ultimate them chunk them while my adc picks up hopefully two kills.
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Team Fighting

Galio's team fighting skills are exceptional. What makes him so great at team fighting is his outstanding and unique ultimate.

His ultimate can be used in many different ways.
INITIATING- Galio's ultimate in combination with flash and his W can be used to initiate a fight. This should be used to catch out assassins and carries! Catching out their tanks and support is a waste. Ideally you want to catch all 5 of the enemy team, but if you manage to catch all of their damage dealers it is worth it.

PEELING- Galio's ultimate can be used to peel for your ADC and APC. Galio's ultimate allows 2 seconds for the ADC and APC to kite the enemy without any pressure. This strategy works especially well when a team consists of many assassins or enemy champions looking to dive on your carries. At this point it may be better to save your W for your carry getting focussed the most rather than using it with your ultimate. Your W at lvl 13 adds 90 Armor and 90 Magic Resist for 4 seconds making it possible for your ADC to survive the burst of 1 if not 2 enemy champion's burst.

DIVING- Galio's ultimate in combination with his flash and W can be used to dive a turret. IT IS IMPORTANT TO DRAW AGRO FROM TURRET. It is important to draw agro from the turret because your ultimate allows you to take 50% less damage in combination with your W which not only adds Armor and Magic Resist but heals you every time you take damage. This means you are hardly taking any damage from the turret allowing your carries to deal the damage while taking minimal damage.
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Fighting Combos

These are some common combos that you can use as Galio

When peeling- Q-E(Make sure the path you create with E can be fully used by ADC, not just part)

When sieging
-no longer have mana problems. USE Q-E
-have mana problems. Q

When engaging into a team fight
- with flash. Flash-R-While Ulting(W(self)-Ignite squishy-Activate Talisman)-Q-E-W(ADC)
- without flash E-Q-Activate Talisman-W(self)-R-Q-E-W(ADC) NOTE: This is extremely difficult to pull off well

The reasoning for using W on yourself after you flash and while you are in Ultimate is so the enemy doesn't have a chance to predict when you will Flash-Ult them.
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