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Choose Champion Build:
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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Spear/vault/starfall/aegis
Mortal Will (PASSIVE)
Pantheon Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Chogath is really difficult to deal with, They have a ton of built in sustain and a really great knock up poke skill that can ruin your farming experience. They will either build full tank or go Damage, either way really sucks because it will be really hard to kill him if they are tank and really annoying getting poked by damage cho. The way i deal with chogath is i take ELECTROCUTE and burst him everytime electrocute is up, you will have to beat him early game or he will out scale you and you'll lose lane. (DONT LET HIM EAT YOU also bring IGNITE xD)
Leona is wifey <3 <3 <3 She is also a prime example of the type of champion pantheon synergizes well with , champions that have alot of CC to combo with your own will always synergize well, for example , leona has great stuns but lacks a proper engage since she will normally be within sight of the enemy before the fight, this means they can dodge or position themselves to avoid her , this is where pantheon comes in , ulting into the enemy cluster and drawing aggro (hopefully stunning the enemy carry with your W ) so that CC heavy champions like leona can go ham with ease by layering their CC ontop of yours so that your carries can evicerate the enemy team :)
Leona is wifey <3 <3 <3 She is also a prime example of the type of champion pantheon synergizes well with , champions that have alot of CC to combo with your own will always synergize well, for example , leona has great stuns but lacks a proper engage since she will normally be within sight of the enemy before the fight, this means they can dodge or position themselves to avoid her , this is where pantheon comes in , ulting into the enemy cluster and drawing aggro (hopefully stunning the enemy carry with your W ) so that CC heavy champions like leona can go ham with ease by layering their CC ontop of yours so that your carries can evicerate the enemy team :)
The chapters sections of this guide will go over my builds that are crafted around the Meta. Those builds will primarily be designed for use in Top lane but are easily flex'd into Mid and Jungle. My off Meta build i will explain in the notes sections above that are attached with the items/runes choices, since i feel like its more favorable to have the chapters dedicated to the Meta, especially for players wanting to try Pantheon out.
That aside, the build I recommend the most is the Electrocute one, as I feel that it out-performs Conqueror most of the time and its so nice to delete champs the moment you pounce XD. Anyways, enough of this intro, I hope you all can find something helpful in my guide. :) (also side note i did add some off meta chapters if youre interested at the bottom section of the guide)
+INSANE EARLY GAME + STRONG 1V1 + GREAT ROAMING POTENTIAL ON ULT + EXECUTE ON Q + FULL DAMAGE NEGATION ON SHIELD + POINT CLICK STUN + JACK OF ALL TRADES Pantheon is one of League's Strongest early game champions, he can easily shut down and out trade his enemies if played right. Pantheon has few champions that actually counter him during the early laning phase so you will have the upper hand in most situations. Another advantage of this champion is that he's "playable" in every lane, ideally he would be greatest in Top/Mid/JG but can be very good as Sup and if you really wanted to you could do ADC, that being said he is a good pick if you like to One Trick. |
- IMMOBILE - WEAK LATE GAME SCALING - NO BUILT IN SUSTAIN - MUST WIN EARLY GAME - WEAK TEAM FIGHTING - NO 1V1 COMBAT ULT - MANA DEPENDANT Despite his early game strengths, Pantheon does have some issues that could ruin your game if you dont work around them. He is very gankable since he has no escapes aside from flash, you literally have walk out of bad situations when flash is down. Pantheon has no direct target ult that can be used in a 1v1 fight, so when you all in a ![]() ![]() |
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![]() ![]() Time warp tonic and biscuit delivery are Pantheons strongest secondary runes. He needs the speed boost from time warp most of all. Since he is immobile any speed boosting he can get is extremely helpful for escaping, gap closing, and roaming. Time warp also synergizes well since Pantheon starts the game with ![]() ![]() Lastly the biscuits are great for helping you survive ganks or go hard if you end up fighting to the death in early fights. Also a minor tip that could help, if you dont need your biscuits early and just hold onto them till late game, you can pop them during team fights for more healing benefit since at that time the percent health healed will be far greater. (These runes are good for both Assassin and Conqueror Pantheon). ![]() ![]() So here we are, Manaflow band and Transcendence. Lately ive been liking the two of these runes alot, though these runes do not have the early game strength of the inspiration runes ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() (these runes are good for both Assassin and Conqueror Pantheon). ![]() ![]() These two runes you can use with the ![]() The way that ![]() ![]() (can be used with the Conqueror runes) |
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![]() Paying homage to old Pantheon |
![]() ![]() ![]() IS EVERYTHINGBefore i get into the actual combo's, i want to point out that aside from just clicking buttons in order or trying to force yourself to perfect stacks, it is helpful to get used to improvising your combos based around your stacks. There will be situations where you have to fight and you wont have perfect stacks of ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() LVL2 COMBO |

These are your 3 skills you'll be using to carry out the rest of the game, there are many variations of how to execute this combo and its mostly based around your

If you are at 3 stacks you can

This is an example of FULL BURST, the most damage you can do in an instant. This combo is mainly used to gank squishy enemies such as the enemy ADC or MAGE. You start with your

(also just to note, dont forget your

ALSO for anyone interested in all the flashy stuff to make your guide pretty, here is the link to jhoijhoi's guide to making a guide
Tons of codes you can play with, its just extremely helpful and im really thankful they put it up xD i do recommend checking it out.

+SAFE EARLY GAME + STRONG 1V1 + GREAT FRONTLINE POTENTIAL + GOOD SUSTAIN + LATE GAME SCALING + PERFECT FOR TEAM FIGHTS + ADDED UTILITY WITH FROSTFIRE Tank Pantheon is really stronger than most would expect. Personally i really enjoy the build, it feels nice to have the size scaling from ![]() ![]() |
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- LESS SNOWBALL POTENTIAL - RELIANT ON YOUR TEAM - NEEDS IGNITE TO ENSURE KILLS The issues with this build are few when you look at Pantheon with the perspective that he is setup as a TANK with a great engage and utility yet there are some issues to be expected by making him a tank. He wont be able to perform the feats of assassin Pantheon for a first. Also as you do need to rely on your teams "carries" to do their job and provide the damage, that being said you wont be able to 1v9 solo carry the game. The final issue is that to ensure you get solo kills during the early game you have to bring ignite, its a absolute must have which leave your team with a top laner who doesnt have teleport, though its not always necessary. |
==================GODZILLA RUNES==================

For the Godzilla build you'll want to choose Grasp or Aftershock as you main rune, this will mostly be based on matchup. Grasp will make you stronger overall because it adds the hp every time you proc it, it also gives you that heal/damage which actually is significant once your max hp starts getting higher. Grasp is the better choice for damage, sustain, and hp scaling and is the better choice in alot of fights especially since your shield provides so much defense already. Now for Aftershock there are reasons you will want this over grasp and it usually comes down to this. If you are against an opponent that you know you cant fight or if you want to play safe. For example if your opponent picks riven, irelia, or akali, Aftershock will practically shut down their combo's giving you enough time to do your damage and back off while minimizing damage taken. Aftershock works great for anti burst or protecting you during short trades. Another reason aftershock works so well is because Pantheons kit is capable of burst, you can do your burst during the time period that your aftershock boost is still up and then back away or stay in the fight, a good way to view this is as if the aftershock gives you a pseudo invincibility. Now in the mid to late game Aftershock will be incredibly helpful in teamfights especially if you ult into the enemy teams cluster, odds are they will all focus fire on you but as long as you land your stun quick enough, your aftershock should block most of the incoming damage. Its also really helpful in tower dives since the increased resists will help reduce tower damage. All that being said Grasp does provide the similar types of benefits as aftershock but they are felt later in the game since instead of the defense boosts you'll have more flat hp and healing for inting team fights and tower diving. So when it comes to Grasp vs Aftershock, either is great, it mostly comes down to if you want maximum safety from bursts (Aftershock) or more sustain (Grasp).

Since we will have a ton of hp from items and runes, Demolish is the best choice in this section since it will help you push the towers with ease.

Now this section is abit tricky, any of these choices could work well. I personally like conditioning for the extra stats in the mid and late game, to help Pantheons scaling. Typically you would take

Overgrowth is the best choice here imo since it indirectly strengthens your Grasp/Aftershock since they benefit from your max hp.

So for secondary runes Triumph and Tenacity work really well, but really theres alot of choices for secondary runes. I take Triumph because if i do end up taking the Godzilla rune page its usually if im against a hard matchup so in that scenario its better to have a source for extra gold but also in team fights you get alot of hp back since with the Godzilla build you are intended to be very tanky so 12% of your health back each takedown really adds up. Next i choose Tenacity, i like having some source of tenacity but also i dont like building

==================GODZILLA GEAR==================

Frostfire Gauntlet is the best choice imo among the mythics that use

These are your armor options. Depending on your match up you can buy

For magic resist options you should choose based on certain aspects of the game. If you are going for a balanced defense that includes steraks, then build spirit visage since to boosts steraks effects. If you are against a heavy AP comp then the force of nature is the best because of stacking magic resist. Abyssal mask is good if you want to prioritize utility for your team since it will boost all the damage the target you stun receives.

These items here are best to build once you have a strong base for your defense. Black cleaver is a solid choice for your first item if you dont feel like you need to go strait into defense, but it can also work well as a fourth or final item once you have a solid tankiness. Steraks should be built after black cleaver and frostfire. The shield and healing it provides is really helpful in surviving team fights. It does also stack with Spirit visages effects for stronger shields and heals. Lastly Warmogs is a solid choice to wrap up the build since it will put you around 5k hp and help you get a bigger shield from steraks.
So in conclusion this is my GODZILLA tank Pantheon build. This build is actually really strong in the top lane, my favorite thing about this build is that the tankiness keeps you in the fights, especially when you are ahead it feels good to walk through everything the enemy throws at you. With this build you will be able to ult or walk under the enemy tower and tank it all, while your team chops the enemy down. If you havnt tried Pantheon as a tank i really recommend trying it out a few games to see if its for you. Lastly thank you for checking out my guide, i appreciate it glhf :).

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