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Skarner Build Guide by Pepsibottle

Jungle Jungle Skarner Guide Patch 13.20

Jungle Jungle Skarner Guide Patch 13.20

Updated on October 23, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Pepsibottle Build Guide By Pepsibottle 5 1 7,125 Views 2 Comments
5 1 7,125 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Pepsibottle Skarner Build Guide By Pepsibottle Updated on October 23, 2023
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Runes: Runes

Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand

Magical Footwear
Cosmic Insight

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Mosstomper Smite

Mosstomper Smite

Threats & Synergies

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Champion Build Guide

Jungle Skarner Guide Patch 13.20

By Pepsibottle
Skarner Abilities

Crystal Spires

Skarner's presence causes crystals to spawn in set locations around the map. Crystals can be captured by either team by standing on top of them. Capturing a crystal prevents them from being captured by the opposing team for 15 seconds.

While within range of a Threads of Vibration, Skarner gains 70-120 Movement Speed and 43-160% Attack Speed, while restoring 2% of his maximum Mana every second. Spire radius is 1600.

Crystal Slash

Passive: Attacks against champions reduce this ability's cooldown by 1 second. Attacks against minions reduce it by 0.25 seconds.

Active: Skarner slashes wildly, dealing (+0.2 of attack damage) plus 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3% max health as physical damage to nearby enemies. If at least one enemy was hit, Skarner becomes charged for 5 seconds. While charged, this ability deals an additional (+0.2 of attack damage) (+30% of ability power) plus 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3% max health as magic damage.
Crystalline Exoskeleton

Skarner gains (+80% of ability power) 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14% max health shield for 6 seconds. While active, Skarner gains 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16% movement speed, increasing with 100% effectiveness over 3 seconds.


Passive: Consuming this ability's mark or using Impale reduces this abilty's cooldown by the duration of the crowd control.

Active: Skarner blasts crystalline energy, dealing 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 (+20% of ability power) magic damage, slowing by 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% for 2.5 seconds and marking for 5 seconds. Skarner's next attack against a marked enemy consumes it to deal an additional 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 physical damage and stuns for 1.25 seconds.

Passive: Consuming this ability's mark or using Impale reduces this abilty's cooldown by the duration of the crowd control.

Active: Skarner blasts crystalline energy, dealing 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 (+20% of ability power) magic damage, slowing by 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% for 2.5 seconds and marking for 5 seconds. Skarner's next attack against a marked enemy consumes it to deal an additional 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 physical damage and stuns for 1.25 seconds.

Skarner impales an enemy champion, suppressing them for 1.75 seconds, dealing 60% attack damage as physical damage and 20 / 60 / 100 (+50% of ability power) magic damage at the beginning and end of the duration. While suppressing, Skarner can move and will drag his helpless victim around with him.

Pros and Cons


+ Multiple build choice with different playstyle.
+ Fun and Unique gameplay.
+ Clear win condition.
+ Quicksilver Sash tax.
+ Can peel for your carries.

- Weak Duelist.
- Depends on teammates if playing tank build.
- Everyone have Quicksilver Sash in late game, so Impale is less impactful.
- Stuggles to take first/second drake alone.

Summoner Spells

FLASH: Skarner needs Flash because it makes him to additionally scarry when Impale is up, which is your win condition in late game, to catch someone of position with Flash+ Impale.
SMITE: You are the jungler, so obviously you should take Smite. As for upgrade, I prefer Mosstomper Seedling, it gives you additional tenacity and shield is always nice. But after changes that are currently on PBE, I will probably move towards Gustwalker Hatchling

Conqueror is keystone I prefer, I have seen some Skarners run Phase Rush, but I think that it's more cheesy, but still definitely available option if you are more comfortable playing that playstyle. Conqueror is considered a good rune on Skarner due to it's synergy with his sustained fighting style and ability to stack it quickly, providing bonus true damage and healing in prolonged engagements. This rune allows Skarner to excel in extended fights and deal with tankier opponents effectively, making it a versatile choice for the champion in many situations.

Triumph provides Skarner with valuable survivability and gold income through takedowns, helping him sustain in fights and scale better into the mid and late game.

Legend: Tenacity enhances Skarners crowd control resistance, allowing him to stay in the frontlines longer, disrupt enemy teams effectively, and maintain map control in the jungle.

Last Stand boosts Skarners damage output when he's at lower health, synergizing with his tendency to engage in extended fights, making him more threatening as he becomes more vulnerable.

Magical Footwear provides cost savings on boots and allows Skarner to allocate resources into more essential early-game items, improving his overall scaling and effectiveness as a jungler.

Cosmic Insight grants Skarner reduced summoner spell cooldowns and item active cooldowns, enhancing his utility and ability to initiate and control teamfights more frequently. Especially it's good for your Flash cooldown, that will allow you to be deadly more often in late game.

Jungle Pathing

When starting on the blue side as Skarner, begin by securing your Red Brambleback with a bot lane leash, then move on to clear Krugs and Raptors using your Shattered Earth and Ixtal's Impact abilities efficiently, smiting the Krugs. Continue your path by clearing Blue Sentinel and Murk Wolf, using Smite on the Blue Sentinel and finish with Gromp.
Optionally, contest the Scuttle Crab if it's safe to do so, taking advantage of Skarner's dueling strength. This pathing maximizes your jungle farm while maintaining decent health for potential ganks or skirmishes, setting you up to control objectives and contribute to your team's success.

After doing a full clear, you should look for an optional gank on TOP/MID (You can look for a TOP/MID gank after clearing your part of the jungle, and skip Rift Scuttler if you have a free gank and do it afterwards, but if none is possible you should Recall and buy Bami's Cinder if you have enough gold, or just Sheen.

When starting on the red side as Skarner, begin by securing your Blue Sentinel with a bot lane leash, then move on to clear Gromp and Murk Wolf using your Shattered Earth and Ixtal's Impact abilities efficiently, smiting the large Gromp or save it for Red Brambleback. Continue your path by clearing Raptors , Red brambleback and then Krugs, using Smite on the Krugs.
Optionally, contest the Rift Scuttler if it's safe to do so, taking advantage of Skarner's dueling strength.

After doing a full clear, you should look for an optional gank on TOP/MID (You can look for a TOP/MID gank after clearing your part of the jungle, and skip Rift Scuttler if you have a free gank and do it afterwards, but if none is possible you should Recall and buy Bami's Cinder if you have enough gold, or just Sheen.
Mythic Item Choice

Iceborn Gauntlet is a strong mythic item choice for Skarner due to its bonus armor which is especially good for playing vs heavy physical damage enemies, Sheen proc synergy with his ability rotation, especially Shattered Earth being on really low cooldown, and the slowing field it creates, enhancing his durability, damage output, and crowd control potential, respectively.

This item is really good on Skarner too, it's better if you are facing mixed damage enemies and if you feel like you will be only frontline for your team.

If you want to play carry Skarner this is mythic you defenetly should go for.
Trinity Force is an excellent mythic item choice for Skarner because it offers a well-rounded mix of attack damage, attack speed, health, and bonus movement speed, synergizing perfectly with his kit and enhancing his dueling, damage output, and overall effectiveness in fights. You get your Sheen which you will proc off cooldown with your Shattered Earth.

Legendary Item Choice TANK
Sunfire Aegis provides bonus health, armor, and AoE damage in fights, bolstering his tankiness and adding consistent damage to his close-quarters combat style. It's especially good if you are playing against mostly meele enemy champions that will allow you to stick on them and deal it's passive damage during whole fight.

Mercury's Treads provide magic resist and crowd control reduction, helping him resist crowd control effects and stay more mobile during engages, which is crucial for his role as a frontline disruptor and initiator. Especially good vs heavy cc enemies, if you play vs no crowd control enemy comps you should go for Plated Steelcaps.

Dead Man's Plate mobility and a burst of movement speed when fully charged, enhancing his tankiness with it's hp and armor, engage potential, and survivability in skirmishes and teamfights. Everyone is scared when they see blue scorpion runing towards them with red trail behind it.

Force of Nature can be an excellent choice for Skarner due to its bonus movement speed, significant magic resist, and health regeneration, making him more resilient against magic damage and increasing his mobility, allowing him to engage, disrupt, and sustain in teamfights more effectively.

Really good last item for almost every tank in the game. Sometimes you can build it even earlier if enemy team doesn't have bruisers and you only need to soak one big source of damage like Veigars Primordial Burst Evelynns Last Caress. Also is really good vs mixed damage team compositions as it provides both magic resist and armor.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Pepsibottle
Pepsibottle Skarner Guide
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Jungle Skarner Guide Patch 13.20

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