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Runes: Harass Tank Lane
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Map Influence / Safety
Ability Order Ability Order
Gathering Fire (PASSIVE)
Karma Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Champion Build Guide
Table of Contents
1. Introduction |
2. Pros and Cons |
3. Runes |
Hey! I'm SkinnyLegendz, I'm a mid/sup main who enjoys playing around the map. I loved playing Karma back in the Kleptomancy days, but since Kelepto has been removed,I had to adapt a little bit. Karma Top isn't a perfect pick or in most places the most meta pick. But I firmly believe she is one of, if not the MOST versatile options in the top lane. She has phenomenal sustain from her percent heals, the ability to enable and support your full team, and still dish out large amounts of damage. Expect some more updates to matchups and synergies as I continue to work on this guide.
Pros and Cons
Summoner Spells
Runes 2.0
Gathering Fire Gathering Fire is the crux of top Karma. Mantra empowers each of your abilities, providing a secondary effect with gathering fire making that more accessible.. Furthermore, it’s cool down gets reduced by (2/3/4) seconds every time she damages an enemy with an ability, or by (1/1.5/2) with her basic attacks on-hi (so make sure you're getting those autos in) t.
Inner Flame Inner flame is the core of your non-auto damage. Karma sends out a burst of spiritual energy detonating on hit and slowing by 35%. When used with Gathering Fire this does more damage and creates a slow field that slows for 50% and explodes after 1.5 seconds. Expect to be weaving this in and using this during teamfights and solo lane when you are at a distance and do not need the health from Focused Resolve or need to use Inspire to aid teammates.
Inspire This shield is one of your core kiting means, providing a quick getaway with its 1.5 bonus movement speed. One of it’s core uses is in teamfights you can use it’s empowered version to shield your entire team if they are close enough to each other, although the shields are 30% weaker so use it on who needs it most.
Mantra Mantra is the entire core of Karma’s kit, you need to have great awareness on Mantra’s cooldown and make sure you are consistently using it whenever its up to provide whatever you team needs (damage, shields, self-healing) like I had explained previously.
Core Items
Why does she have full health? We want this item to increase Karma’s healing even more than it already is as well and provide some more mr. |
You can’t play ranged top laners!! Iceborn goes BRRR This item makes Karma a pain in the *** to deal with. The 20% CDR, mana + armor, and sheen procs while still giving a slow, makes Karma more able to weave auto-attacks to easily refresh Mantra as well as makes kiting SO much easier. |
I’m an enchanter but cooler This provides additional MR as well as increases shield power and your overall duel + healing capabilities. Ardent Censer and Redemption work as substitutes but personally I think ardent’s healing is the best, but if more teamplay is going on the others may work. |
Ninja Tabi - These are extremely reliable into ad heavy comps or auto-focused enemy laners (irelia, quinn, garen, etc)
Mercury's Treads - These are a strong pick into AP heavy or CC heavy teams for the tenacity.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity - These work early for more CDR and can be sold for later, although if you aren't in need of tank items as much these can work well for extra CDR.
Situational Items
Tank Items
Thornmail - Auto-attack heavy teams, grievous wounds and dmg reduction.
Abyssal Mask - Mana restoration, health, CDR. Aura can work really well if you are an AP heavy team and is a good additional MR item.
Randuin's Omen - Good against fed crit adcs
Banshee's Veil - Less tanky, but good AP, also works against Mordekasier to prevent Realm of Death
Sunfire Aegis - Nice health-based dmg, can work into true dmg comps + synergizes with Warmog's Armor
Support Items
Ardent Censer - Good to buff a fed teamate with autos (Yi,Graves, any ADC)
Locket of the Iron Solari - Additional shield
Redemption - If teamfighting a lot, this is useful, additionally if you are behind this may help.
Twin Shadows - Lockdown + More CC + AP
Shurelya's Battlesong - AP + Movespeed
Zeke's Convergence - Can help buff a carry and allow you to thrive in teamfight chaos.
Damage Items
Liandry's Torment - BEST DMG source in my opinion. You get almost always have all stacks up as you force all duels to be extended with your kiting.
Zhonya's Hourglass - AP based armor item, use into burst matchups to ignore dmg.
Luden's Tempest - More AP but I don't suggest it, very situational tho
Morellonomicon - Grevious Wounds + AP, very good
Nashor's Tooth - This is a more of a troll item, but it's fun to play with and can help with more CDR, AP, and attack speed.
Lich Bane - This is also somewhat troll, you can take this instead of Frostborn Gauntlet when you don't need to kite as hard for more dmg.
Mejai's Soulstealer - If you get ahead with dark seal, this is a great buy if you can avoid death and play smart.
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