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Warwick Build Guide by PsiGuard

Jungle Paws, Claws & Jaws

Jungle Paws, Claws & Jaws

Updated on September 3, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PsiGuard Build Guide By PsiGuard 4045 123 10,857,128 Views 301 Comments
4045 123 10,857,128 Views 301 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author PsiGuard Warwick Build Guide By PsiGuard Updated on September 3, 2020
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Runes: Standard

1 2
Press the Attack
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand


+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Hi, I'm PsiGuard and welcome to my Warwick guide. I've been playing League of Legends since November 2010 in Season 1 and have been maining jungle since the start of Season 3. My top rank is Diamond III in solo queue. I have experience against Diamond, Master and Challenger players through solo queue, ranked teams and tournament games.

Warwick fills a lot of the criteria I look for in a jungler. He has great dueling, good jungle sustain and can chase down his own kills. Like Rek'Sai, Warwick is also a well-rounded jungler that can fit in many team compositions, making him a worthwhile pick to add to your jungle champion pool.

Before we begin, I'd like to give a big thank-you to Jovy for her awesome graphics and help with coding this guide (as well as my other guides). Be sure to check out some of her other work at her signature shop and her own guides!

About Warwick /// Runes /// Spells /// Abilities

Ability Sequence /// Item Build /// Jungle Monsters

Plants /// Warding /// Jungle Routes /// Ganking

Wave Management /// Late Game /// Conclusion

Warwick is a bit of a jack-of-all-trades compared to most other options in the jungle role. He has a solid early game, respectable jungle clear, good dueling and reliable ganking tools. He's not the best at any of these things, but he's good enough to get the job done. Warwick's high jungle sustain also makes him a pretty great choice for new junglers, since his clear is simple and safe and he has tools to handle just about any situation.

Apart from his versatility, I'd consider Warwick's biggest strength to be his powerful early game. His sustain means he'll be at full health throughout the early game, regardless of what jungle route he takes or how strong a leash he receives from his teammates. His healing from Jaws of the Beast and attack speed from Blood Hunt are both effective early, when enemies don't have enough burst damage to finish Warwick off quickly. Early duels usually leave both combatants at low health, and in Warwick's case, that usually means he'll come out on top. Primal Howl also doubles as a decent escape mechanism, allowing him to disengage unfavorable fights and avoid giving the enemy jungler any advantages.

Warwick's biggest weaknesses are his lack of AoE damage and fairly low burst. For a champion with entirely single-target abilities, Warwick can't actually deal a lot of damage quickly unless he's insanely ahead. Instead, he needs time to wear down his targets until they're low enough to activate Blood Hunt's attack speed bonus. His lack of AoE also leaves him with fairly poor waveclear. This is mitigated a bit by buying Tiamat and Titanic Hydra, but is worth mentioning since other jungle picks like Nocturne and Graves do a much better job of defending towers.

Press the Attack: The best damage keystone for Warwick. Any fight with Warwick is going to be a fairly sustained fight. You're tanky enough to survive for a while and you don't have the burst to one-shot someone, making PTA ideal for damage. You can stack it up with your autoattacks as well as Jaws of the Beast and Infinite Duress. Your teammates will benefit a lot from the damage amplification as well, so it still scales into late game when you become more of a tanky disruptor.

This is the only viable rune for this row. Despite Warwick's self-healing, Overheal is not a valuable pickup here.

Legend: Alacrity offers really efficient and generalized stats while Legend: Tenacity offers a more situational bonus. They're both good options, but I'll recommend Alacrity since it's more generally useful. If you're against a team with a lot of crowd control, feel free to switch to Tenacity.

This rune has some synergy with Warwick's self-healing, as it'll make you more dangerous as you get low on health. It's good for 1v1s, tower dives and it can significantly increase your healing in team fights if you get a Q or R off while you're around 30% HP. Coup de Grace isn't really necessary since you can usually run down targets that are low on health anyway.

Sorcery is a strong path for early power and mobility. You can use the runes below to get a mobility advantage and catch enemies out more easily.

Celerity boosts the effectiveness of Blood Hunt and Waterwalking, as well as any other movement speed boosts from allies or items like Dead Man's Plate. Since the vast majority of fights will involve Blood Hunt at some point, you'll get pretty consistent value out of this rune.

One of the strongest early game runes for jungle if you fight in the river. Warwick can already win most 1v1s in the river against enemy junglers, but the extra stats and mobility can help you finish kills more quickly or chase a little more effectively. Also helps when fighting Dragon or Baron since you'll get the adaptive bonus the whole time you're fighting.

Resolve offers better healing and survivability at the opportunity cost of mobility. This is more of a scaling page for front lining in team fights.

Warwick is a fantastic duelist, so Bone Plating isn't really necessary to have a strong early game. Conditioning is one of the highest value runes in the Resolve path so it's a no-brainer here.

Warwick has a lot of self-healing, especially when he's low on health. This rune has some nice synergy with Eternal Hunger, Jaws of the Beast, Infinite Duress and even Conqueror if you're running that rune.

This spell is essential for jungling, as it unlocks the jungle-only items which you need to keep up in experience. The spell is also essential for securing monster objectives like buff camps, dragon and baron. Building Stalker's Blade or Skirmisher's Sabre will also allow you to cast this spell on enemy champions.
This is a core spell on most champions in the game and Warwick is no exception. In addition to the flexibility it adds by allowing you to dodge skillshots, hop walls and escape death, Warwick can use it to get in range for Jaws of the Beast, Primal Howl or Infinite Duress and catch targets that may otherwise have escaped. I've tried Ghost since his ultimate scales with movement speed, but felt that ultimately it didn't have a big enough impact, especially since Blood Hunt fulfills a very similar purpose. I recommend you take both Flash and Smite every game.

Warwick's basic attacks deal 10-44 (based on level) bonus magic damage on-hit. While below 50% maximum health, he is also healed by the amount of post-mitigation damage Eternal Hunger deals. This healing is increased by 150% while below 25% maximum health.

This is a pretty simple passive that you don't have to think much about. You'll heal only when below half HP, and much more if you're below 25% HP. This, combined with the attack speed from Blood Hunt, gives you a huge edge in close duels. If you're unlikely to escape a close fight, commit to it and keep autoing. You might surprise yourself with what you can live through.

In the jungle this actually doesn't come into play much, other than if you're soloing dragon. You can usually keep your HP above 50% with Jaws of the Beast, so you'll just be making use of the passive magic damage on-hit most of the time.

One thing to note is that this is one of three damaging abilities available to Warwick, all of which deal magic damage. This splits his damage fairly evenly, allowing him to fit into more compositions and making him more difficult to itemize against.

Warwick dashes unstoppably to the target enemy and bites them, dealing 120% AD (+100% of ability power) (+ 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10% target's maximum health) magic damage, applying on-hit effects and healing himself for 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 / 90% of the damage dealt.

Jaws is your spammable source of damage and healing both in the jungle and when fighting champions. It deals a respectable amount of damage and has a total AD ratio, which allows Warwick to scale well in damage without having to build much AD. Ranking up this ability mainly increases the healing (though it'll deal a bit more %HP damage too) as there is no base damage to scale with rank and the cooldown doesn't go down.

If Jaws of the Beast is held, Warwick will clamp onto the target before swinging around them to the opposite side. This is great for chasing since it gives you some extra distance, but it'll also follow any movement abilities the target uses. This includes all sorts of movement abilities, from blinks ( ) to dashes ( ) and even teleports ( )! Mastering this function is crucial for securing kills against mobile targets, plus it looks pretty flashy.

Simply pressing (and immediately releasing) Q is a lot quicker than holding Q, so it's useful when clearing jungle camps or otherwise dealing damage without slowing down your DPS from basic attacks (like in close 1v1 fights). If you don't want to follow an enemy champion through their dashes or blinks (which can be dangerous if they're close to their tower or teammates), you can just tap Q for some quick damage. In most cases you'll be chasing down enemies, so you'll usually want to hold Q.

Press and hold Q on your target while chasing enemies and you'll cast it as soon as you get in range.

Thankfully, holding Q does not follow recalls. This means you won't accidentally get dragged to the enemy fountain if you hold Q on an enemy at the end of their recall.

Holding Q also renders Warwick immune to displacement while he's attached to his target, so you can use it to avoid being knocked up or back by enemy abilities if you time it right. This also allows you to Q straight through Poppy's Steadfast Presence. You cannot Q through Veigar's Event Horizon though, since that ability stops dashes without displacing you.

If you're using manual (normal) casting, you'll need to click-and-hold the target until Warwick reaches the target. If you're using quick-cast, you'll need to hold down the Q key until he latches on.

Some abilities like Jarvan IV's Demacian Standard and Dragon Strike combo are predictable and can be easily followed, while others like Flash require a little prediction to pull off.

Jarvan's telegraphed dash makes it easy to follow him by holding Q.

Passive: Warwick passively Blood Hunts enemy champions below 50% of their maximum health gaining 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 / 55% bonus movement speed towards them and sensing their direction through a visible scent trail. Warwick also gains 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110% bonus attack speed against any enemy that is Blood Hunted or below 50% of its maximum health. These bonuses are increased against enemies below 20% health.

Active: Warwick briefly senses all enemies and then Blood Hunts the nearest enemy champion within a large radius for 8 seconds, regardless of their current health.

Blood Hunt's power is largely contained in its passive effects. Out-of-combat movement speed allows Warwick to show up to fights and chase target that most junglers wouldn't be able to catch, while the bonus attack speed makes him much more effective at fighting targets who are already below half.

Since Blood Hunt's movement speed only works outside of champion combat, I have to avoid Kennen's barrage of Thundering Shurikens to get this kill.

In addition to the bonus stats it offers, tracking a Blood Hunted target also reveals a visible scent trail that leads from Warwick to the Blood Hunted champion, even if they're in fog-of-war. Warwick needs to see the enemy when they become low on health to start Blood Hunting them, but once they enter fog, the trail will still show their location until they're able to heal up above half HP again. This makes it easy to track enemies who've retreated after a fight. You'll know if they're continuing to run away or if they decide to recall. If they recall in an unsafe location, you can run them down for an easy tower dive or catch them in a bush unawares. The only way to see their exact location is to move your map to follow the trail and see where it ends.

After activating Blood Hunt, I can see that an enemy is recalling where the scent trail ends.

The active portion of this ability isn't terribly reliable since it only Blood Hunts the nearest enemy champion, which sometimes isn't the target you want or the direction you want. Nevertheless it can be useful for reaching enemies that aren't low enough to be passively Blood Hunted, as well as granting the attack speed bonus against the hunted target. Your enemies will hear an audio cue when you are Blood Hunting them, so keep in mind that activating this ability will signal to your enemy that you're nearby and probably chasing them.

Be sure to activate Blood Hunt (if you don't have a passive trail already) before casting Infinite Duress, since the extra movement speed will add to your ultimate's range.

Finally, keep in mind that the movement speed and active effects both require you to be out of combat, so you'll need to activate this before you start fighting. In cases where the nearest enemy is already below 50% HP, you can save the cooldown for later and just use the passive effect.

Blood Hunt has a limited range (4000) at which it can sense "nearby" targets, so be sure to mouse over the ability to check the range before attempting to sense an enemy that's fairly far away. If you do waste a cast of W, the plus side is that it cools down twice as fast if you're not Blood Hunting an enemy.

Warwick reduces all incoming damage by 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 / 55% for up to 2.5 seconds, or until Primal Howl is reactivated. Once the damage reduction ends, Warwick unleashes a howl that causes all nearby enemies to flee for 1 second. Landing Infinite Duress will automatically reactivate Primal Howl, but the target will not flee.

Damage reduction works on all sources of damage except true damage, which means it's effective not only against champion damage, but against monsters and tower damage as well. It's on a fairly lengthy cooldown, so make sure you use it at the right time to reduce the most damage possible.

You can reactivate Primal Howl to end the damage reduction and cause all nearby enemies to Flee in fear for 1 second. You need to wait a short delay before being able to re-cast the ability. If you don't re-cast, Warwick will automatically howl at the end of the full 2.5 second duration of the damage reduction.

Cast Primal Howl just before you land Q and you'll be able to fear the target by the time you detach yourself from them.

Since Flee (also known as Fear) effects not only disable enemies, but also force their movement away from the caster, it's important to put yourself on the opposite side of any enemy you're chasing before causing them to Flee, if possible. This can usually be achieved by holding down Jaws of the Beast, but you can also accomplish this by using Flash if necessary, or simply approaching from a flank. If you can't get on the correct side, you'll still gain ground since Fleeing enemies will be slowed significantly, so it's not too bad if you can't get an optimal howl off.

Warwick will immediately howl upon contacting an enemy champion with Infinite Duress, fearing nearby enemies. There's a special exception for this interaction that allows Warwick to keep the damage reduction for the full duration, even though he's already howled. This combo prevents you from easily chaining your R and E CC on a single target, but it makes it a lot safer to R into a group of enemies. If you're trying to lock down a target for the most amount of time, you'll need to howl before ulting. You can also use R first, then cast E and use Q or Flash to stay in range for the howl once they're no longer being suppressed. If you're not ulting into multiple champions, it's usually best to save your E to use after your ult expires.

By casting E during R, I can CC both Rakan and Ezreal long enough for my team to follow up.

Warwick leaps in a direction (range = 250% current movement speed), suppressing the first enemy champion he collides with for 1.5 seconds. Warwick channels over the duration, dealing 175 / 350 / 525 (+1.67 per bonus attack damage) magic damage to his target and applying on-hit effects 3 times, while healing himself for the damage dealt.

Infinite Duress' range depends a lot on Warwick's current movement speed. If you have Blood Hunt active alongside Dead Man's Plate, Turbo Chemtank or any other movement speed boosts, you can reach targets from outside normal sight range. If you simply walk at a normal speed (or are slowed by an enemy), your ult range becomes pretty pitiful. The range is displayed by a faint brownish circle whenever your ult is available to cast, so keep an eye on it to ensure you don't miss.

It is surprisingly easily to miss this ult, and if the enemy sees you coming, they could also dodge it with Flash or a similar ability. In some cases you may just need to be patient and save your ult until after your target blows their escape spells. Otherwise just take the risk and aim carefully.

By chaining Primal Howl into Infinite Duress, you can lock down targets with strong defensive spells and kill them before they have time to cast. This Ekko has Chronobreak available, but can't cast it because Galio and I are repeatedly CCing him.

If you have Jaws of the Beast off cooldown, you can hold Q during the R channel time to queue it up so it'll cast right after your ultimate ends. This is a good way to ensure you follow your target if they use Flash or another escape spell immediately after being freed from Infinite Duress.

The leap portion of Infinite Duress cannot be cancelled by crowd control, but the suppression can be interrupted. This makes it a pretty effective escape tool if absolutely necessary, but if you're jumping into several enemies with interrupts, you'll want to wait until those cooldowns are down, or at least prime Primal Howl before jumping in to give yourself some free time to channel the suppression.

Champions with skillshot CC are vulnerable to direct engages with Infinite Duress. Use your ult to tank the CC and gap-close at the same time.

Infinite Duress applies on-hit effects three times over the duration of the channel, including procs of Titanic Hydra and Press the Attack. It'll also apply the DoT of Skirmisher's Sabre, so feel free to cast Challenging Smite at the start of the channel for extra damage.


I'll preface this by saying that Warwick's abilities are all pretty useful to max out, so there isn't going to be a huge difference if you max a different ability first. The one exception would be Primal Howl, since it doesn't deal damage and shouldn't be maxed first. As long as you max Q or W by level 9, you'll probably be fine.

Personally, I max Blood Hunt first in my games. In my experience, the bonus attack speed tends to give a big enough edge in fights that it's worth the extra points. I max Jaws of the Beast second for the extra %HP damage and additional healing before finally maxing Primal Howl. I max E last because I feel that an additional 25% damage reduction and 4 seconds off the cooldown aren't worth as much as the extra healing from Q. Also in team fights you'll often activate E before R, which completely negates the damage reduction since you'll howl immediately.

Like most ultimates, Infinite Duress is worth maxing as soon as possible, with points at levels 6, 11 and 16.

If you want to do something different, maxing Q first will give you a bit more up-front damage and better in-fight sustain. Maxing E second can make you a stronger frontline in team fights, assuming you don't howl immediately. I've seen a number of successful Warwick players with varying ability sequences, so don't feel too restricted if you want to try something different. If you're not sure what to do, feel free to simply follow the above sequence though. I find it's pretty reliable.

I recommend starting with Hunter's Machete and Rejuvenation Bead. Warwick's high sustain makes health a non-issue for him in the jungle. Machete is taken for the increased clear speed while Rejuv Bead will build into Tiamat, ideally on your first recall.

Warding Totem is the standard starting trinket. You can use the early ward to defend your jungle entrances or gain vision of the enemy jungle to determine their starting location. I recommend keeping the totem during the early game as putting down wards is a more reliable way to contribute to vision than removing them.

Switch to Oracle Lens when laning phase is ending and you need to clear vision around objectives. It's worth sacrificing vision for vision denial in the mid and late game. You'll want the oracle to increase the likelihood of getting picks on enemies and to control vision around dragon and baron. You can also switch earlier if you want more vision control to camp a lane harder. Be sure to keep buying Control Wards so you still contribute to your team's vision!

Try to get Tiamat on your first recall if possible. This item makes a huge difference in clear speed, especially on the Raptor camp. It also gives you some early AD which helps in fights. You don't need to upgrade it to Titanic Hydra immediately but you should at least get Tiamat every game to help you clear.

I prioritize Tiamat first for the AoE, but Skirmisher's is also an important upgrade since it'll help you keep up your mana after your first blue buff runs out. While Stalker's Blade is arguably viable on any jungler, I always build Skirmisher's on Warwick because he has good gap-closing tools and you'll end up dealing a lot more overall damage with Skirmisher's.

Ninja Tabi tend to be the best option to reduce damage taken against a balanced team composition. Almost all teams have a Marksman which will eventually be a significant damage threat, so you'll be mitigating a lot of damage with both the armor and basic attack damage reduction from these boots. Armor also protects against monster, minion and tower damage, so it's a reliable stat if the enemy team doesn't have enough crowd control to warrant Mercury's Treads.

Mercury's Treads are your counter to reliable and/or long-lasting crowd control effects (other than knockups or suppression, which aren't reduced by tenacity). Look out for spells like Dark Binding, Concussive Blows and Pyromania. You can also consider these boots if the enemy team has an overwhelming amount of magic damage compared to physical.

Between Warrior and Cinderhulk, Cinder has the safer stats. You can do your job as a skirmisher and front liner well enough with just Titanic Hydra for damage. If you're behind or you're not sure if you can get away with Warrior, build this item. You can also default to Cinderhulk if you are against a team with a lot of burst damage and crowd control, to ensure you have enough health to survive the initial round of spells in fights.

The advantage of Warrior is that it gives a much stronger power spike early game, offering higher damage and CDR which can both be used to secure more kills before team fights. While the high damage and healing from Warwick's kit can keep him alive in smaller skirmishes, you'll be squishier for team fights, so make your power spike count if you build this.

This is your main source of damage if you're building Cinderhulk. Warwick procs a lot of on-hits with Jaws of the Beast, Blood Hunt's attack speed and Infinite Duress, and you'll be building other health items to fuel the passive damage.

Sterak's Gage is actually a great defensive item on top of the damage it provides, BUT it's pretty terrible while you're building it. If you're strapped for gold, it's much more effective to buy a Chain Vest or Spectre's Cowl than to get a Jaurim's Fist or Pickaxe. If you can finish Sterak's, the massive shield from the passive will protect you against all damage types. It also provides a solid amount of AD, making it effective for snowballing leads.

Since this item gives decent resistances, it can work as a mid-late game option after you've finished your main HP items. Works well with Spirit Visage, though keep in mind that enemies with Grievous Wounds will make your healing less effective. If you don't need a pure defensive item to survive fights late game, this is a good option.

A straightforward and reliable armor option, Dead Man's Plate gives you a solid mix of stats as well as a lot of movement speed to extend your Infinite Duress range. Its major drawback is the absence of CDR, but otherwise this is a very safe defensive option. If your team already has excellent engage, you could consider skipping or delaying this item in favor of something with CDR.

Good against high healing champions that will be attacking you. Thornmail will basically never kill an enemy, but it'll prevent them from easily healing off you. Doesn't work well against mages like Vladimir or Swain, but against lifesteal items or basic attackers, it's pretty good.

Randuin's is a strong counter to autoattackers that build critical strike items. Keep an eye out for champions like Tryndamere and Yasuo along with most Marksmen, and consider whether a significant amount of threat on the enemy team will be coming from a champion with crit. If the only crit on the enemy team is 50% on the enemy ADC, you probably can just go with another armor item.

Spirit Visage is a pretty obvious choice for magic resist on Warwick. Health fuels your Skirmisher's Sabre - Cinderhulk and Titanic Hydra passives, MR protects against magic damage, CDR lowers your ult cooldown and the extra healing is pretty valuable considering how much self-healing Warwick has in his kit. I build this item almost every game, though sometimes you'll need more than one MR item to defend against heavy magic composition.

Adaptive Helm has a worse build path than Spirit Visage and doesn't offer the extra healing. You also need to fully complete the item to get the CDR, which makes it less attractive if you can't get the item all at once. I build this item in addition to Visage when necessary. It's especially strong against Damage over Time effects like Malefic Visions and Blaze, as well as spammable spells like Twin Fang and Hate Spike (or Unleashed Power, since each sphere counts as a separate instance of damage). Note that the passive only mitigates magic damage spells, so this won't help you against any physical or true damage spells or DoTs. The passive is also pretty useless against burst/combo mages like Lux.

Familiarize yourself with these spawn times and respawn timers so you know what to expect in-game.

Wolves, Raptors
Spawn At: 1:30
Respawn Time: 2:00

Gromp, Krugs
Spawn At: 1:42
Respawn Time: 2:00

(Blue Sentinel, Red Brambleback)

Spawn At: 1:30
Respawn Time: 5:00

Rift Scuttlers (in river)
Spawn At: 3:15
Respawn Time: 2:30

Rift Herald (in Baron pit)
Spawns At: 8:00
Despawns At: 19:30 (19:50 if in combat)
Dragon (Elementals & Elder)
Spawns At: 5:00
Respawn Time: 5:00
Elder Dragon Spawns: 6:00 after a team gets 4 Drakes
Elder Dragon Respawn: 6:00
Baron Nashor
Spawns At: 20:00
Respawn Time: 6:00

Plants are stationary, neutral units with 1 health. They can be destroyed with a basic attack to trigger an effect. Three different types of plants will spawn in the jungle and river. Their spawn timers and locations vary slightly but for the most part they are fairly predictable. The first spawn locations for all plants are predetermined.

Red = Blast Cone | Blue = Scryer's Bloom | Green = Honeyfruit

First inner cone spawn: 1:15 - 1:25
First outer cone spawn: 5:00 - 5:30

Inner cone respawn time: 5 - 7 minutes
Outer cone respawn time: 5.5 - 6.5 minutes
  • Knocks away nearby units (including the attacker) when destroyed — even over walls.
  • Blast Cones spawn in two spots per jungle quadrant, an inner point toward the center of the quadrant, and an outer point near Baron/Dragon.
  • In an Infernal Rift game (3rd Dragon is Infernal), additional Blast Cones will spawn near each tri-bush by Gromp, by the Wolf Camp, in front of each base's gates and in the alcoves.

First spawn: 3:00 - 3:30, always at each quadrant’s spawn point nearest to the side lanes

Next spawn time: 5 - 6.5 minutes at either spawn point, starting once a given quadrant's Scryer's Bloom is destroyed
  • When destroyed, releases vision-granting pollen in a large cone that flies in the direction the attacker was facing, revealing units and wards for 12 seconds (3 seconds on champions).
  • Scryer's Bloom can spawn in two spots per jungle quadrant, close to river ramps.
  • Only one Scryer's Bloom can be present per quadrant.
  • In a Cloud Rift game (3rd Dragon is Cloud), additional Scryer's Blooms will spawn in front of each base's gates and in front of each tri-brush in the river.

First spawn: 6:00 - 6:30 minutes

Respawn time: 5.5 - 7 minutes
  • Drops 5 fruits on the ground when killed.
  • Each fruit heals for 3.5% of max health or 8 (+6 per level) flat health, whichever is higher.
  • Eating a fruit slows you for 35% for 0.25 seconds.
  • Honeyfruit spawn along river walls, starting near Dragon or Baron pits and slowly extending closer toward lanes over the course of the game.
  • If a Honeyfruit isn't taken before its respawn timer completes, a second Honeyfruit may spawn. No more than two Honeyfruits can exist per half of the river.

As a jungler, you have the most agency when it comes to traversing the map to place down vision, especially in the enemy jungle. When it's safe to do so, try to place deep wards to keep track of the enemy jungler.

Placing a Control Ward near lane-dominant allies will help them avoid ganks from the enemy jungler and free up a path for future ganks from you. You can also use a Control Ward to check a bush you're waiting in to make sure it's clear (if you don't have an Oracle Lens).

As the game progresses, you may have to start placing wards nearer to your base if you're losing, or deeper into the enemy jungle if you are winning. Always remember to place a Control Ward inside the dragon or baron pit if your team is planning on taking that objective.

Below are some of the more valuable ward spots. Of course, warding is always situational, so don't feel restricted to only using these placements if the situation calls for something else.

Blue side stealth ward locations
Blue side control ward locations

Red side stealth ward locations
Red side control ward locations

Standard Routes

Blue - Gromp - Wolves - Red - Gank - Scuttle: This is the most efficient route for Warwick at the moment. You'll hit 3 with an optional mid gank after Wolves, but if you don't see an opportunity, just pick up your red buff and look for a gank or fight before Scuttle spawns.

Blue - Gromp - Red - Gank This is the the fastest way to hit level 3 with double buffs for a quick gank timing. You can also do this route in reverse (Red - Blue - Gromp) to gank the opposite side lane.

Vertical Jungling

Vertical jungling is when both junglers are repeatedly clearing one half of the allied jungle and one half of the enemy jungle, favoring one side of the map. This splits the map into a "strong side" and "weak side" for each team. For example, if you're on blue team and are repeatedly clearing your red-side jungle (south) and the enemy blue-side jungle (east), your team's bottom side will be the strong side of the map. You'll be in a better position to gank bottom lane without fear of counterganks and you'll have better vision control and objective control. Likewise, the opposite side of the map will be dominated by the enemy jungler, making it your team's weak side.

Vertical jungling can be an active choice you make or a forced one due to a poor matchup. For example, you see Nunu & Willump invading to take your blue buff and other nearby camps, so you respond by stealing his blue buff and other nearby camps. This can force you to vertically jungle in the early game since you may not have the lane priority or vision control to ever contest your own blue buff. Likewise, you'll be able to place wards in the enemy blue-side jungle and you'll have more control on that side.

An example of an active choice would be if you and your team (this works better in arranged teams than it does in solo queue) decide to focus all of your team's pressure on one side lane at the expense of the other. Maybe you have a hypercarry bottom that your team will be camping and a Shen top who will just be playing safe. In this situation, vertical jungling may net your team an advantage, as long as you can set it up properly. Grouping with your teammates and pushing into the enemy jungle at level 1 can help you put down vision and possibly force the enemy jungler to start on the other side of the map. If your nearby laners have priority, it can be dangerous for the enemy jungler to enter their own jungle if you have vision of them and your laners can collapse on them to help you.

Vertical jungling is pretty complicated for new junglers and can be pretty messy outside of coordinated teams. Be open to the concepts and feel free to practice it, but for most players I recommend sticking to more standard routes or simple, quick invades while you're still learning to jungle.

Warwick doesn't have much in the way of special ganking prowess. Pre-6 you'll be relying on your Primal Howl and slows from red buff to keep your target from escaping. Be sure to use Blood Hunt if you aren't ganking a target who's already below 50% HP. Also keep an eye on the map and watch for blood trails. You can show up to clean up kills on low health targets very quickly, and as early as level 2, so be vigilant to take advantage of those opportunities. If enemy laners don't respect your Blood Hunt and take risks to stay in lane, show up and punish them.

Once you have Infinite Duress, lane-ganking becomes a lot stronger for you (though approaching from a flank is always an option too). If your allied laner pushes the enemy to tower, you can use that time to enter the side lane bush and then engage with your ultimate once the wave resets to the middle of the lane and the enemy goes for a last-hit.

Activate Primal Howl shortly before getting in range of your target, then hold down Q to latch onto them with Jaws of the Beast. If they use Flash or another movement ability, you'll be able to follow them and immediately fear them afterwards. If you can get into Q range, this guarantees you get some CC off.

Keep in mind your ultimate has a long cooldown early game and can often be dodged with Flash or other movement abilities. If possible, use Primal Howl to lock down targets and follow up with Infinite Duress if they try to Flash or dash away from you. If I tried to leap at this Lucian, he likely would have Flashed and dodged it.

Top lane tends to be the easiest lane to gank, as top laners have sparse ward control and often play very aggressive to win lane 1v1. Since top is a long lane, you can usually find opportunities to either gank pushing enemies from a flank or to dive the enemy tower. Ganking top is most rewarding when you can turn a losing lane into a winning one, but in some matchups this isn't really feasible.

Analyze the top lane matchup and see what strengths and weaknesses both champions have. Provide vision control for aggressive laners like Yasuo and Riven to help them avoid ganks. Help winning laners dive the enemy tower to shut the enemy top laner out of farming. For laners with good gank reception but poor dueling (like Nautilus or Maokai), show up to secure kills when possible and then use that gold advantage to influence the rest of the map.

In this gank I wait until Jax engages before activating Blood Hunt, then chain Jaws of the Beast and Primal Howl to ensure the fear lands even if Poppy flashes. If she waited out my Q, she would have been feared and taken even more damage before Flashing, which gives me more movement speed to catch up (or I could use my own Flash if necessary).

I approach this gank by cutting off Poppy's retreat and saving Infinite Duress until Poppy slows me with Hammer Shock. If I had held Q during my ult, I would have followed her subsequent Flash and secured this kill without dying.

Mid lane can be very difficult to gank, depending on matchup. Some champions like LeBlanc and Zed are almost impossible to pin down unless you catch them with their mobility on cooldown, while others like Xerath and Ziggs can farm from such a safe range that it's difficult to find windows to punish them. Remember that melee mid laners like Yasuo, Fizz and Kassadin (pre-6) are much more vulnerable when they're last-hitting or trading than ranged mid laners, so be sure to punish those when possible.

If you have strong setup like Twisted Fate or post-6 Malzahar, you can come mid when either of you has Flash available. If your mid laner doesn't have great setup, like Orianna, you're much more likely to need to use Flash to make the gank work.

If your mid laner is pushing constantly, don't worry if you can't gank his lane opponent. Put down wards to protect your pushing mid laner from enemy ganks (and be sure to countergank if you see one coming). Ask your mid laner to help you in invades and ganks if they're pushing, since it'll be almost impossible for the enemy mid laner to help while they're farming under tower.

If your mid laner is getting pushed under tower, but you can't effectively gank the enemy mid, be very wary about going past river and watch for the enemy mid to roam to other lanes or even your jungle. Place wards defensively to spot enemy roams.

Be really careful about diving mid, since the two mid towers are very close together, making it easy to retreat. You're also in the center of the map, so it's much more likely that the enemy jungler is nearby.

Bottom lane is the riskiest place to gank, but also the most rewarding. You have the opportunity for a double kill (or on a countergank, a triple kill) and you can use that numbers advantage to take a tower or kill dragon. If you gank very early (at level 3 or 4), your bot laners might need to use that time to just push in the wave and recall for their items, so don't force objectives too hastily if it'll cost your laners a good recall timing.

Bot lane is tough to gank because they have much better ward coverage and double the combat summoner spells to use against you. Be sure to keep track of which summoners the enemy bot laners have used before you gank. Ask your bot lane for help if you don't know which summoners are up. If you're going to wait for a few seconds in a bush, make sure it isn't warded!. River bush and tribush are often warded, so only camp there if you have a Control Ward or Oracle Lens confirming that it's clear. Don't let the enemy bot lane waste your time.

With Control Wards clearing the bushes, I can wait for the enemy bot lane to engage before running in for a gank. Note that I hold Q on Caitlyn after Primal Howl's fear ends in case she tries to E or Flash away.

If you manage to kill your target in a successful gank, you'll usually want to help your laner push the wave to the enemy tower so that your minions are killed by the tower, denying the enemy laner gold and experience. The minion waves will also reset to the center of the lane, giving your teammate time to go back to base and buy items and return to a safe position. One exception to the push-after-ganking rule is if you gank very early in the game against an enemy with Teleport (usually the top laner). If you kill someone very early, they'll respawn after only a few seconds and Teleport without missing much CS. If you push when that happens, your top laner will just lose a lot of XP since they're sharing with you and it can set them behind without denying the enemy top laner any farm.

After a successful gank, usually when pushing to the enemy tower, you may want to take a minion tax. This means you'll take some of the farm to help you keep up in gold since you had to spend time ganking rather than farming your jungle. You'll generally want to tax more heavily if your laner gets the kill off a gank and tax lightly if you took the kill. Many low-ranked players (and occasionally some high-ranked ones too) are selfish or ignorant and think that taxing their lane is going to ruin their farm and cause them to lose the lane. They're wrong, as taxing in moderation keeps a jungler's gold and experience relevant throughout the game, but if your laner freaks out because you took a few minions (or pushed their lane, some people think this is a bad thing all the time), you may want to just leave so they don't feed or AFK or something.

Holding lanes is an often necessary duty of a jungler and is something you should be happy to do (since it gives you a lot of gold and XP). If your laner dies or needs to go back to base, you may need to "hold" or "cover" their lane by clearing out enemy minions pushing to your tower. If the enemy laner goes back to base or is dead, you may wish to push the wave to the enemy tower. Only do this if you can finish pushing before the enemy laner gets back to lane or they can freeze it in front of their tower, making it difficult for your laner to farm safely. Usually holding a lane consists of either clearing the current wave that is at your tower or pushing completely to the enemy tower. Don't just sit in a lane and last-hit because it's a waste of your time.

Warwick's late game is fairly unremarkable -- neither notably weak nor exceptionally strong. You'll still deal respectable damage and you'll be pretty tanky once you start nearing your full 6 items. Infinite Duress is a great tool for picking off isolated enemies, so vision control should be a priority for you and your team. Make sure you're buying Control Wards unless you're full build. Blood Hunt can also be used to find the location of the nearest enemy, if you see a lot of enemies missing and are worried about a possible ambush or think they might be rushing baron.

Keep in mind that your durability from armor items and sustain from your abilities makes you pretty effective at tanking baron or elder dragon, so you can always start an objective even if you just use the pressure to bait someone in for a free kill. Warwick isn't terribly fast at clearing baron, but if you have a high DPS carry like Kog'Maw or Cassiopeia, rushing down objectives is also an option.

In team fights, you'll either want to use Infinite Duress (and probably Primal Howl beforehand, if they're grouped) on a priority target, OR you can allow another initiator on your team start the fight and save your ultimate to lock down an important threat on the enemy team. Diving the enemy backline or peeling off divers for your carries are both viable options, depending on both team compositions.

One final tip I'll give you is that Warwick can fully heal off nearby minions or jungle camps very quickly. Use Jaws of the Beast and Smite on a jungle camp to quickly refill your health bar if you had to retreat from a fight due to low health. Sometimes you can engage, tank damage, find a jungle camp to heal off of, and then rejoin the fight before it's decided. At the very least, you can refill your health to help your team take an objective after the fight. Don't recall unless you have to!

Thank you for reading my Warwick guide! I hope I was able to help you become a better jungler and a smarter player. Feel free to leave me a comment if you have any questions, comments or criticism. I read all comments on my guides even if I don't respond to all of them. If you appreciated my guide or approve of my build, feel free to hit the green upvote button up top.

A special thank you to those who have supported my guides with votes, Scout points and advice that have been instrumental in bringing my guides to the level of quality they are today.

A very special thank you to Jovy for her wonderful graphics used in this guide as well as her help with coding all my guides. All the fancy headers, table of contents and most of the other graphics you see in my guides are from her. Be sure to check out some of her other work at her signature shop and her own guides!

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